Regional Venues Improvement Fund - Guidelines Venues...Regional Venues Improvement Fund6 Guidelines...


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Department of Culture and the Arts

Department of Regional Development

Regional Venues Improvement FundGuidelines and Application Information2015

2Regional Venues Improvement FundGuidelines and Application Information

Department of Culture and the ArtsGordon Stephenson House140 William StreetPerth WA 6000

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About Department of Culture and the Arts

The Department of Culture and the Arts (DCA) guides the delivery of culture and arts for Western Australia through the provision of policy development, coordination and support services to the Culture and Arts portfolio. DCA also supports the culture and the arts sector.

This publication is current at August 2015© Department of Culture and the Arts. All rights reserved.

Cover image: When the Rain Stops Falling, Andrew BovellPhotograph by Gary Marsh

3Regional Venues Improvement FundGuidelines and Application Information


Section 1: Overview ................................................................ 4BackgroundAim and Purpose

Section 2: Funding .................................................................. 5Funding PrioritiesProjects FundedProject ExclusionsFunding Categories

Section 3: Eligibility ............................................................... 11Venue EligibilityOrganisational Eligibility

Section 4: Application Process ............................................. 12Submission Application Process Overview and Timeline

Section 5: Application Details ............................................... 15Making an ApplicationDocumentation and Information RequirementsFunding Contributions Estimating ExpensesGoods and Services TaxClosing Date

Section 6: Evaluation ............................................................. 18Guiding Criteria

Section 7: Post Approval Procedure ..................................... 20Commencement of ProjectsReportingClaims and PaymentsAcknowledgment Requirements

Section 8: More Information .................................................. 23Sources of InformationDefinitions

4Regional Venues Improvement FundGuidelines and Application Information

Section 1: OverviewBackgroundThe Regional Venues Improvement Fund (RVIF) is part of the State Government’s $24 million Royalties for Regions investment in culture and arts. The RVIF has a fixed term of three years that commences in 2015/16. The total value of the RVIF is $7.8 million.

The intent of the RVIF is to fund technical equipment and functional upgrades to regional WA performing arts and entertainment venues. Technical equipment upgrades are limited to infrastructure directly in support of the delivery of culture and the arts services. Local Government Authorities (LGA) will be a key partner as most venues are owned and operated by them.

Aim and PurposeThe purpose of establishing the RVIF is to improve cultural and arts infrastructure in regional areas of Western Australia.

Delivery of the RVIF aligns with the Department of Culture and the Arts’ (DCA) four-year Regional Arts and Cultural Action Plan (RACAP), and was developed in consultation with industry organisations CircuitWest and Country Arts WA. RACAP is grounded in the knowledge that access to arts and culture increases the amenity of regional towns and improves the quality of life for regional communities. It is the result of extensive consultation across Western Australia’s nine regions and provides a framework to guide government and community investment in the provision of regional arts and culture. The Regional Action Plan articulates the key arts and cultural issues and priorities identified by communities from each of the State’s nine regions.

The RVIF has been developed to also align with these policies; Creating Value – An Arts and Cultural Sector Policy Framework, and the Cultural Infrastructure Directions Policy.

The two major objectives of the RVIF are to: • Improve the quality of performing arts and cultural infrastructure in WA regional

performing arts and entertainment venues.• Strengthen the capacity and effectiveness of regional WA performing arts and

entertainment venues to deliver culture and the arts services to the Western Australian community.

5Regional Venues Improvement FundGuidelines and Application Information

Section 2: FundingFunding PrioritiesThe Department of Culture and the Arts fosters dynamic partnerships to create an environment in which quality arts and cultural activities can be achieved. The RVIF funding priorities have been identified through the consultation, research and policy development undertaken by the DCA over the period 2012-2015.

It is intended that the RVIF focuses on a range of key priorities associated with the enhancement of regional venues’ infrastructure to maintain venue ‘fit for purpose’ status. The priorities of each annual program may be adjusted from year-to-year to meet requirements as identified by DCA.

Priority in 2015/16 is given to applications that support:

• Technical equipment upgrades that better meet the current or future needs of regional performing arts and entertainment venues.

• Building Condition Assessment (2015/16 only) to assist venue owners with building maintenance strategic planning via a funding contribution to a building condition assessment report with the inclusion of a defects register.

For the purposes of the RVIF, the term ‘infrastructure’ directly relates to the definition of a regional performing arts and entertainment venue and to their stage and technical equipment and functional upgrades and requirements.

The 2015-16 funding allocation for the RVIF is $2,470,000.

The 2015/16 RVIF will fund up to half of total project costs. Refer to Section 7: Claims and Payments for more information.

Projects FundedThe RVIF will only be granted towards the components of a project that will support, or is integral to regional performing arts and entertainment venues. Applicants are required to demonstrate, particularly for multi-purpose or collocated facilities, that the contribution will be used to meet the major objectives of the RVIF.

The types of projects that will be considered for funding assistance in 2015/16 include, but are not limited to:• Wireless communication equipment• Lighting equipment including digital dimmer system• Audio equipment including microphones, speaker systems• Audio-visual equipment including digital projectors• Internal and external digital signage and LED displays• Hearing loops.

6Regional Venues Improvement FundGuidelines and Application Information

The DCA does not guarantee that your application will be successful, nor does it guarantee that your organisation will receive the full amount of funding requested, or the maximum level of funding.

Any funding received under the RVIF does not guarantee that any future stage of an infrastructure project will also be funded by the DCA.

The level of funding offered will be based on the merit of the proposal meeting the RVIF major objectives, funding priorities and clearly demonstrates value for money and benefits for the venue and its patrons.

Project ExclusionsThe RVIF does not support the following:• The total cost of any project; • Projects that start before the stated commencement date in the application form;• Projects seeking funding on a retrospective basis;• Development of facilities owned by private and public companies or individuals

(Note: buildings owned by, or gifted to eligible not-for-profit arts and cultural organisations are exempt);

• State or Commonwealth Government department/agency owned/managed buildings/spaces, unless exceptional circumstances can be demonstrated and negotiated with the DCA;

• The purchase of land and/or buildings;• Recurrent maintenance and operating costs; • Community facilities not defined for the purposes of this program as a regional

performing arts and entertainment venue;• Private and public education facilities, unless exceptional circumstances can be

demonstrated and negotiated with the DCA;• Projects that cannot demonstrate support from the owners of the venue/land;• Projects that have not received appropriate planning approvals from LGA and/or

do not meet disability access, Occupational Safety and Health (OS&H), Australian Standards, National Construction Code or other legislative or compliance requirements;

• Active RVIF grants that have identified that the costs of their project have greatly increased;

• Projects which are restricted to private or exclusive participation, which shall include restricting access on the basis of areas such as gender, race, religion, culture, ability, age, or marital status. (Note: Specific community requirements, particularly Aboriginal community cultural protocols that define access to objects, rituals and information are exempt);

• Landscaping or external works associated with an existing or new facility surrounds, such as car parks, access roads and other infrastructure on existing or proposed facilities;

• Costs associated with compliance requirements of an existing facility, disability access, OS&H, Australian Standards, National Construction Code or other legislative or compliance requirements;

• Non-land based facilities, such as floating venues and barges;

7Regional Venues Improvement FundGuidelines and Application Information

• Internally or externally sited public art projects;• Facilities or fixtures for the express purpose of serving alcohol/food; • Debt reductio

n;• Private entertainment, food, beverages, plaques, awards, or scholarships;• No part of the RVIF grant can be used to re-grant, devolve funds to another party,

or be used as funds in any other private or public grants program;• Planning dollars, including the development of architectural, engineering and other

technical services necessary to initiate the project;• Feasibility plans; and• Recipient operational support (examples, organisational salaries, travel, supplies,

and non-fixed furniture and equipment).

Funding CategoriesRVIF 2015/16 grants are not recurrent and must be expende

Non-fixed furniture and fittings such as musical instruments, artworks, artefacts, cultural and historical material, computers, software, motor vehicles, costumes and the costs associated with the restoration or conservation of cultural and/or secret/sacred material;

d and claimed, in full, prior to 17 June 2016.

For an overview of the application process, please see ‘Section 4: Application Process’ of this document.

Technical Equipment Upgrades: Minor A Minor Grant will be awarded to projects requiring a low to moderate level of planning and procurement.

A Minor Grant is designed to address procurement of technical equipment upgrades involving minimal installation costs e.g. plug-and-play systems. The total project cost for a Minor Grant must not exceed $50,000 (exclusive of GST).

Examples of a Minor Grant equipment upgrade can be public address and microphone systems; video projection systems; wireless communication systems; and LED display systems.

Total Project Value(excl. GST)

Minimum $5,000Maximum $50,000

Grant Value(excl. GST)

Minimum $2,500Maximum $25,000

Management • Generally a Minor Grant project will not require an assigned project manager.

• The procurement process can be managed by the venue tenant or the venue owner.

• Minor Grant projects may not require consultant/s to be assigned to the project.

8Regional Venues Improvement FundGuidelines and Application Information

Total Project Value(excl. GST)

Minimum $50,001Maximum $500,000

Grant Value(excl. GST)

Minimum $25,001Maximum $250,000

Management • Applicant to appoint suitably qualified project manager. • Major Grant projects may require consultant/s to be

assigned to the project.

Planning Process • The skills required for the venue tenant or owner to plan a project supported by a Minor Grant project are simple and accessible.

• Some fundamental research and planning is required. • How the project links to the services of the venue is

essential, as is the Applicant’s capacity to undertake the proposed project.

• Please ensure that there is adequate power supply for technical equipment. The responsibility for any power upgrade is with the venue owner.

Procurement Process

• Process to be in accordance with LGA procurement guidelines.

Grant Funds • Funds must be expended and claimed prior to 17 June 2016.

• Minor Grant funding will be transferred, in full, to the Recipient upon both parties signing the funding contract.

Requirements • All RVIF Applicants are required to address all the questions in the Application Form and provide the relevant support material.

Technical Equipment Upgrades: Major A Major Grant will be awarded to technical equipment upgrade projects involving an advanced level of planning and procurement and may require complex installation to existing venue infrastructure.

A Major Grant is designed to address the upgrade of either:• A high value single item, e.g. installation of digital dimmer system, external digital

signage, acoustic improvements (non-structural); and/or • Procurement of multiple low to moderate value equipment items e.g. lighting

equipment/accessories, audio equipment/accessories.

9Regional Venues Improvement FundGuidelines and Application Information

building maintenance strategic planning. The total project cost for a BCA Grant must not exceed $40,000 (excl. GST).

The Applicant contribution must be cash only (not in-kind) and will be a minimum of fifty per cent of the total assessment cost.

The DCA requests a copy of the final report is submitted to the DCA as part of the grant acquittal process.

Total Project Value(excl. GST)

Minimum $10,000Maximum $40,000

Grant Value(excl. GST)

Minimum $5,000Maximum $20,000

Planning Process • The skills required for a project supported by a Major Grant requires the engagement of a suitably experienced project manager.

• Some fundamental research and planning is required. • Demonstration of how the project links to the services

of the venue is essential, as is the Applicant’s capacity to undertake the proposed project.

Procurement Process

• Process to be in accordance with LGA procurement guidelines.

Context • Major technical equipment upgrades that may require the Venue Owner to be responsible for the modification/upgrade of current building infrastructure to accommodate the proposed equipment.

Grant Funds • Funds must be expended prior to 17 June 2016, and claimed up to project completion stage.

• Major Grants will operate on a payment milestone system.◊ 50 per cent payment of the RVIF contribution upon

signing of the funding contract.◊ 50 per cent payment of the RVIF contribution

upon submission and acceptance of a project completion report to the DCA.

• There is a requirement for the Recipient to submit the RVIF acquittal form upon completion of the project.

Requirements All RVIF Applicants are required to address all the questions in the RVIF Application Form and provide the relevant support material.

Venue Assessment: Building Condition Assessment (BCA) A BCA Grant will be awarded to Venue Owners only to assist in the improvement of

10Regional Venues Improvement FundGuidelines and Application Information

Management • Venue Owner to appoint a suitably experienced or qualified project manager/lead consultant.

• The BCA Grant will require consultant/s to be assigned to the project.

Planning Process • The skills required for the venue owner to plan a project supported by a BCA Grant are specific and are to be undertaken by an appropriately skilled person.

• Some fundamental research and planning is required.

Procurement Process

• Procurement of consultants to be in accordance with LGA guidelines.

Grant Funds • Funds must be expended and claimed prior to 17 June 2016.

• BCA Grants funding will be transferred, in full, to the Recipient upon both parties signing the funding contract.

Requirements • All RVIF Applicants are required to address all the questions in the Application Form and provide the relevant support material.

• A BCA Grant will be awarded on the basis the minimum scope of services assessed includes the following services; ◊ Electrical ◊ Mechanical ◊ Hydraulic ◊ Fire and Life Safety ◊ Structural (visual only); and ◊ Building Fabric

• Where current condition assessment data for a building service already exists and the data is no older than two years, the data can be included as part of the final BCA report.

• The BCA will need to identify the extent of works and/or improvements required for the venue as well as Order of Magnitude cost estimates.

• The appointed consultant/s will identify and prioritise Maintenance Works required over the next 10 year period, as costed by a Quantity Surveyor, and presented as a Cost Plan Matrix.

• The appointed consultant/s will be required to liaise with relevant stakeholders, confirm and understand the client’s objectives at a pre-inspection briefing and conduct a review of existing plans, data and other information, familiarisation with site characteristics and existing facilities.

11Regional Venues Improvement FundGuidelines and Application Information

Section 3: EligibilityThe RVIF is open to regional LGAs and eligible not for profit Western Australian arts and/or cultural organisations. Performing arts and entertainment venues must fit the definition used for the purposes of the program (see Section 8: Definitions).

For 2015/16, each venue may only submit one application to each funding category.

Applicants must be able to demonstrate they have adequate resources to manage, maintain and operate the proposed project, either within their own organisation or in partnership, and have support from the owners of the venue/land.

Specific RVIF exclusions and collocated projects may also affect an organisation’s eligibility.

Venue EligibilityAn eligible venue is;• located in regional Western Australia and primarily delivers arts and cultural services;• able to demonstrate support of an identified touring circuit;• owned by a LGA or leased by a LGA with a minimum lease period of 10 years from

the date of the RVIF funding application; and• a full or associate member of either CircuitWest or Country Arts WA.

A non-eligible venue is;• not located in regional Western Australia;• not able to demonstrate support of an identified touring circuit;• not a member of CircuitWest or Country Arts WA; and/or • not owned by a LGA or leased by a LGA with a minimum lease period of 10 years

from the date of the funding application.

Organisational EligibilityFunds will be available to Local Government Authorities and not for profit arts and/or culture based organisations incorporated under the WA Associations Incorporations Act 1987.

Funds will not be available to:• Organisations that have received a DCA grant that has not been satisfactorily

acquitted according to the conditions of the grant;• Organisations that have an unsatisfactory acquittal of grants from DCA devolved

funds;• Organisations with a statutory base;• Individuals;• State Government arts and cultural departments/agencies who are accommodated in

regional State Government owned and operated facilities; and• Arts and cultural organisations accommodated in State Government owned/managed

buildings, unless exceptional circumstances can be demonstrated and negotiated with the DCA.

12Regional Venues Improvement FundGuidelines and Application Information

Section 4: Application ProcessStep 1It is strongly recommended that applicants contact the RVIF Project Officer to discuss the proposed project and its eligibility for funding at the earliest stages of the application process.

Step 2If the project is eligible for consideration the RVIF Project Officer will advise the Applicant to contact their LGA to discuss the proposed project.

Applicants must discuss the RVIF closing date with the RVIF Project Officer and LGA to ensure the application is submitted in time. Please note some LGA closing dates may be adjusted to meet Council meeting schedules.

Step 3All project planning needs to take place before completing the RVIF application form.

All information requested in the application form must be completed including addressing each of the guiding criteria (See Section 6) and providing the required income and expense statements.

For best results, this process should be undertaken in consultation with the RVIF Project Officer and LGA to before submitting an application.

Applicants will have approximately three months between the advertising of the RVIF to the closing date to complete their application.

Step 4Completed applications are to be submitted and approved to LGA in the region in which the project is proposed. All support material for the application must be submitted at the same time. No late applications or supporting material will be accepted.

The LGA comments upon, prioritises and prepares recommendations to the next Ordinary Council Meeting for ratification. This process applies to all applications – LGA and arts and cultural organisations.

It is the Applicant’s responsibility to maintain contact with the LGA to ensure the application has been received and processed to meet DCA timelines.

Step 5All applications, along with the original LGA form and Ordinary Council Meeting minutes, are then forwarded to the DCA by, and no later than, the nominated closure date (all Applicants and LGA must check with DCA). Any RVIF applications ratified at an Ordinary Council Meeting after this closing date cannot be accepted.

Step 6The RVIF Evaluation Panel meets to assess RVIF Applications.

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Step 7All Applicants will be notified of the results by letter from the DCA approximately eight weeks after the RVIF Evaluation Panel meets.

Step 8Once Applicants have received the notification of results, the RVIF Project Officer will contact successful Applicants by letter to arrange the commencement of the project.

Step 9Successful Applicants will be required to complete and sign the grant agreement and comply with any conditions of that agreement. Once the grant agreement is signed the project is active.

Step 10 A signed acquittal statement of the project expenditure will be required each time a proportion of the grant is claimed. A Building Permit and/or Certificate of Occupancy will also be required where appropriate.

Submission The RVIF accepts both electronic (preferred) and hard copy submissions provided they are received before 4:00pm on 29 October 2015.

ElectronicOrganisations can submit up to 10 x A4 MS Word or PDF document files only and up to 5x JPEG images to a maximum size of 1MB. Other formats will not be accepted.

Emailed submissions must be submitted to the address before 4:00pm on 29 October 2015.

Hard copyApplicants must be postmarked on or before the 29 October 2015 and sent to:

Department of Culture and the Arts PO Box 8349Perth Business CentrePERTH WA 6849

14Regional Venues Improvement FundGuidelines and Application Information

Application Process Overview and Timeline

August – October 2015

• RVIF launch August, 2015.• RVIF Application forms available from the DCA website.• Applicants contact the RVIF Project Officer to discuss

projects and eligibility.• Applicants undertake a planning process for their

project.• Where relevant, Applicants seek approval from LGA for

the proposed the RVIF project.• Applicants contact the RVIF Project Officer during this

time to discuss final application.• Applications are commented on and prioritised by LGA. • Recommendations prepared and submitted to next

Ordinary Council meeting.• All applications, along with the original LGA comment

form and Ordinary Council minutes, are received by the DCA, by the nominated date.

• Application must be received by the DCA before 4:00pm on 29 October 2015.

November 2015 • Processing of applications for evaluation.• RVIF Evaluation Panel meets to assess applications.

January 2016 • Successful and unsuccessful Applicants notified.• Funding contracts signed. • Delivery of projects to commence.

June 2016 • Submission of final funds claim.• The funds must be expended and claimed prior to 17

June 2016.

15Regional Venues Improvement FundGuidelines and Application Information

Section 5: Application DetailsMaking an ApplicationApplicants must make contact with the RVIF Project Officer at the earliest stages to discuss their proposed project and eligibility.

Applications must be completed ensuring that all the questions are answered and supporting documents are provided as required. Application checklists are provided in the RVIF application forms to assist Applicants to complete their submissions.

Documentation and Information RequirementsThe minimum requirements for support material are listed below. Applicants who wish to supply additional information are encouraged to as long as it is directly relevant to the proposed project and discussed with a RVIF Project Officer.

All applications must include the following;• copy of ABN Certificate (LGA exempted);• certificate of Incorporation (LGA exempted);• copy of confirmation the Applicant is registered for GST (LGA exempted);• a full and completed project budget breakdown supported by documentation and

written quotes;• written confirmation of financial commitment from other funding sources (cash,

donations and in-kind); and• images specific to equipment to be upgraded. Up to 5x JPEG images to a

maximum size of 1MB.

Funding Contributions Funding Sources The maximum RVIF grant provided will be no more than a half of the total estimated cost of the Applicant’s project. The Applicant’s cash contribution must be a minimum of 25 per cent of the Applicant’s total contribution.

Any LGA cash/labour/machinery/materials contribution is part of the Applicant’s contribution. Applicants and LGAs must be aware that certain LGA services are considered to be part of the LGA’s normal function and will not be recognised; i.e. costs associated with services provided by Arts and Cultural Officers, Shire Engineers/Project Managers and Administration/Finance staff.

Voluntary LabourThe DCA recognises that a number of the proposed RVIF projects will be achieved through the contribution of volunteers. The value of work undertaken by volunteers can be included in the Applicant’s contribution. Voluntary labour is work undertaken by a person, without compensation or financial reward. Voluntary labour can be classified as follows:

16Regional Venues Improvement FundGuidelines and Application Information

Unskilled: General work is being undertaken where no recognised qualification is required. This includes work that is supervised by a skilled person.

Skilled: A person with a recognised qualification specific to the work being undertaken, e.g. a tradesperson or truck driver.

Professional: A person with a formal tertiary qualification specific to the work to be undertaken, e.g. theatre consultant, architect or project management professional.

Voluntary labour cost schedules excluding GST (subject to change):• Unskilled labour may be costed in at a maximum of $25 per hour.• Skilled labour may be costed in at a maximum of $40 dollars per hour.• Professional labour may be costed in at a maximum of $60 per hour.

Voluntary labour guidelines:• The total value of voluntary labour is allowable up to a maximum of 25 per cent of

the estimated project cost, but cannot exceed $50,000 in value. • Applicants must use the voluntary labour cost schedules to calculate the volunteer

contribution to the project.

Donated MaterialsDonated materials can be recognised as part of an Applicant’s contribution. A maximum of 25 per cent of the total value of the project can be recognised as donated materials. The Applicant is to provide supporting evidence to establish the value of the donated material, such as a letter from the supplier or from an independent valuation.

Any LGA cash/labour/machinery/materials are to be costed as part of the Applicant’s contribution. They cannot be submitted as voluntary labour or donated materials (LGA donations in cash or in-kind are treated as contributions by the Applicant).

Donated materials are not recognised by the RVIF when:• They are services considered part of the LGA’s normal operational and

management functions, e.g. services of technical personnel such as engineers, project managers, or other administration and associated costs.

• Items that are donated by an individual or organisation that is a supplier or contractor appointed to the project e.g. materials, cash, equipment etc.

• It is sponsorship or a cash donation (sponsorship and/or cash donations form part of the Applicant’s contribution).

It is advised that Applicants discuss donated materials with the RVIF Project Officer prior to submitting the application to avoid any confusion.

17Regional Venues Improvement FundGuidelines and Application Information

Estimating ExpensesApplicants must provide a detailed list of expenses for the project. Each expense should be itemised in order of priority. Only costs related to the project should be included. The project expenses should equal the Total Project Funding amount in the completed Project Budget – Funding in the application form.

Wherever possible, the proposed expenditure amounts should be supported by documentation such as two written quotes from suppliers or contractors or quantity surveyors estimates.

It is important for consideration be given to building cost increases and contingency levels. Applicants should include a contingency line in their expenses budget. The contingency amount is not to be calculated as part of the funds.

Goods and Services TaxTax is the responsibility of the grant recipient, who should seek advice from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) or a certified tax agent. Applicants are required to provide an Australian Business Number (ABN) to be eligible for the funding.

Where the Applicant organisation is an incorporated community group and is not registered for GST, RVIF grant payments will not be “grossed up” by 10 per cent of the grant amount. The Recipient will supply the DCA with an invoice when submitting a grant claim.

If Recipients require specific advice relating to their grant, this can be obtained from the ATO.

Please note that depending upon the value of the project and/or grant, the ATO may require that an organisation be registered for GST.

Closing DateApplicants need to contact their LGA to check the date as LGA’s may opt to close the RVIF round earlier in their area to accommodate Council meeting schedules.

It is the Applicant’s responsibility to maintain contact with the LGA to ensure the application has been received and processed to meet DCA timelines.

Late submissions will not be considered for funding and applications will be returned to the Applicant in full.

All applications are to be received by the DCA before 4:00pm on 29 October 2015.

18Regional Venues Improvement FundGuidelines and Application Information

Section 6: EvaluationGuiding CriteriaThe guiding criteria ensure that each application is considered in a balanced and fair manner by the RVIF Evaluation Panel. All applicants are required to separately address each of the guiding criteria in the application to the RVIF.

Project JustificationThe DCA supports the improvement of infrastructure in support of the delivery of regional culture and arts services. The context and location of culture and arts infrastructure is integral to its success and to the artistic and cultural life of a regional community.

Projects must demonstrate that the need for the project is justified. In addition, there must be evidence of adequate research and planning and that, where appropriate, the project has participants who have confirmed their active involvement.

ConsultationThe DCA considers consultation and active community involvement an essential part of the development of arts and cultural infrastructure. Coordinated consultation results in arts and cultural infrastructure that responds to broad community need and has been developed in a co-operative manner.

Organisations are encouraged to demonstrate the relevance of the project to the community of interest. In particular, the Applicant should provide evidence, where appropriate, of community and industry need and support in consultation with the LGA.

ManagementWhere relevant, a project management group should be established that has:• project management skills;• expertise in facility/venue management;• knowledge of the LGA processes, especially procurement; and• where possible, a familiarity with the arts and cultural sector and its systems.

Technical expertise is an important consideration in the proposed project to:• ensure optimum functionality of spaces;• appropriately address technical requirements;• anticipate equipment purchases; and• address the requirements of the Australian Standards, National Construction Code

(NCC) and disability access legislation.

All projects must comply with the Australian Standards relevant to their project. This information is available from Standards Australia

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Financial Strength and AccountabilityOrganisations need to demonstrate within their organisational structure and financial statements (LGA exempt) a clear ability to complete the project.

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Section 7: Post Approval ProcedureCommencement of ProjectsProjects may commence as soon as all conditions have been met, and the funding contract has been signed and returned to the DCA.

Minor and BCA Grant projects may commence upon finalisation of the DCA transfer of funds to the Recipient.

ReportingThe Recipient is required to ensure that DCA is informed of any major project issues or changes as they arise during execution of the project.

Claims and PaymentsThe Recipient must adhere to the general and specific grant claim and payment conditions.

Technical Equipment Upgrades: MinorFull payment of the RVIF contribution to the project, will be made to the Recipient upon all parties signing the funding contract.

There is a requirement for the Recipient to submit a project completion report and the RVIF acquittal form at the end of the project.

Technical Equipment Upgrades: MajorA Major Grant will operate on a payment milestone system.• 50 per cent payment of the RVIF contribution upon signing of the funding contract.• 50 per cent payment of the RVIF contribution upon project completion.

There is a requirement for the Recipient to submit a project completion report and the RVIF acquittal form at the end of the project.

Venue Assessment: BCA Full payment of the RVIF contribution to the project will be made to the Recipient upon all parties signing the funding contract.

There is a requirement for the Recipient to submit a copy of the final BCA report and the RVIF acquittal form upon completion of the project.

Conditions of Claims and Payments• Claims can only be made if the Recipient accepts the terms and conditions of the


21Regional Venues Improvement FundGuidelines and Application Information

• Grant payments will be made to the grant recipient only.• Only work which commenced after the grant approval will be recognised for

payment, and the funding contract has been signed and received by the DCA.• Claims for payment will need to be supported with detailed receipts that satisfy

audit or review requirements. • Payment of the RVIF grant will only be up to half of the total project costs. • A minimum of one quarter of total project funding will be a cash contribution from

the Applicant. The Applicant cash contribution can be Local Government Authority, Federal Government or other funding sources. This amount is exclusive of the RVIF contribution.

• Up to a quarter of the Applicant contribution may be a combination of volunteer labour and/or donated materials.

• A claim form, schedule of voluntary labour and schedule of donated materials will be provided to Recipients for completion. Voluntary labour is allowable up to a maximum of 25 per cent of the total project cost, but cannot exceed $50,000.

• Grant recipients are required to retain financial acquittal statements for at least two years following the date of final claim. These figures may be reviewed by DCA at any time during this period.

• Early claims for grants may be accepted subject to the RVIF cash flows and approval by the DCA Director General or delegated authority.

• Recognition of the Western Australian Government’s contribution to your project is mandatory and the RVIF program will supply appropriate display material.

• With regard to Recipient Created Tax Invoices (RCTI) the DCA and the Recipient agree that:◊ the Recipient can issue tax invoices in respect of the supplies;◊ the Supplier will not issue tax invoices in regards to the supplies;◊ the Supplier is registered for GST when an agreement is entered into, and will

advise the recipient if they cease their registered status; and ◊ the Recipient is registered for GST when an agreement is entered into, and

will advise the Recipient if they cease their registered status.

Goods and Services TaxWhere the Applicant organisation is an incorporated community group or LGA and is registered for GST, the RVIF grant payments will be ‘grossed up’ by 10 per cent of the grant amount. Where the Applicant organisation is an incorporated community group and is not registered for GST, the RVIF grant payments will not be “grossed up” by 10 per cent of the grant amount. The Recipient will supply the Department with a Recipient created tax invoice when submitting a grant claim.

Claim forms – Technical Equipment Upgrades: MajorMajor Grant claim forms will be provided by the RVIF Project Officer and consist of: 1. Recipient claim form is for the claim at that stage of the project. 2. Itemised Statement of Expenditure signed by the Treasurer of the Recipient or

authorised officer of the LGA. 3. Schedule of Voluntary Labour, where voluntary labour is included on the itemised

statement of expenditure, will be required.

22Regional Venues Improvement FundGuidelines and Application Information

4. Schedule of Donated Materials, where donated materials are included on the itemised statement of expenditure, will be required.

All technical aspects of the project will need to be checked and approved on the RVIF claim form by the LGA Officer to ensure that the project complies with standards outlined in the NCC, Australian Standards, government regulations and local by-laws. Where applicable, Recipients are required to forward a copy of their building permit and/or certificate of occupancy when submitting claims for payment.

The RVIF claim forms and all supporting documentation are forwarded to the DCA Office. Claims for payment will need to be supported with details that satisfy audit requirements.

Deferral of Approved RVIF GrantThe deferral of a RVIF grant is not possible under any circumstance. Projects must be expended and claimed by Thursday, 17 June 2016.

Acknowledgment Requirements It is a condition of the grant that the DCA’s contribution to the RVIF project be recognised by the Recipient. Acceptance of a RVIF grant means the Recipient agrees to the establishment of continuing partnerships with DCA. The Recipient will assist the DCA and other State government departments with any research, evaluation, promotion and usage of the RVIF project as requested.

On occasion, the Minister’s office will arrange a presentation of the cheque by the Minister or the local member. It is a condition of the grant that at the completion of the project the Minister for Culture and the Arts and the Minister for Regional Development, and/or the local member, be provided the opportunity to officially open, or launch, the project.

23Regional Venues Improvement FundGuidelines and Application Information

Section 8: More InformationSources of InformationCircuitWest (including TechWest)

Country Arts

WA Local Government


Applicant/Recipient For the purpose of the Venues Improvement Fund, Applicants and Recipients are the same entity. The Applicant becomes a Recipient once an offer of grant has been accepted.

Applicant’s contribution Applicant’s contribution can be made up of cash, donations, voluntary labour, Local Government Authority contribution (cash or in-kind), or other grants (up to a half).

Approval to commence Project

Signing of the funding contract by the Recipient and the Department of Culture and the Arts.

Deferral An extension to expend the Regional Venues Improvement Fund outside of the timeframe allocated by the Department of Culture and the Arts.

Donations Items that are donated by an individual or organisation that is not a supplier or contractor appointed to the project e.g. materials, cash, equipment etc.

Financial year 1 July 2015 through to 30 June 2016.Recipient’s cash All Regional Venues Improvement Fund grants must be

matched by Recipients cash. A minimum of 25 per cent of the proposed budget must be Recipient cash or Local Government Authority contribution.

Identified Touring Circuit In the context of the Regional Venues Improvement Fund, the definition of an “identified touring circuit” refers to Western Australian regionally based communities that can demonstrate experience and expertise in presenting/hosting performing arts shows as part of a network of towns. The network may be a mixture of CircuitWest venues, Country Arts regional presenters or Aboriginal communities.

24Regional Venues Improvement FundGuidelines and Application Information

In-kind contribution The documented fair market value of the non-cash contribution provided by the Applicant/Recipient or third parties which consists of real property or the value of goods and services directly benefiting and specifically identifiable to the proposed project.

Local Government Authority Contribution

The Local Government Authority contribution can be in-kind or cash. All Local Government Authority in-kind contributions are considered to be cash contributions.

Maintenance Non-capital items and equipment that is recurrent, for example: minor plumbing and electrical, minor roof repairs, addressing general every day wear and tear on a building, servicing of Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems, minor painting, lift servicing, door and window hardware etc. This also includes items which need to be upgraded to meet legislative requirements.

Matching Dollars provided by the Applicant designated solely for the project. For every one dollar the Department of Culture and the Arts provides through the Venues Improvement Fund for the project, the Applicant will provide at least fifty cents.

Non-fixed furniture Items that are not affixed to the building despite being required for the operation of the building, for example: tables, chairs, musical instruments, cultural and historical material, computers, equipment that is leased, desks and other office equipment, refrigerators, rugs, planters, etc.

Not for Profit Organisation

Uses all monetary surpluses solely for the purposes of its objectives and not to financially benefit its members in any way, is incorporated under the WA Associations Incorporations Act 1987 and has an Australian Business Number (ABN).

Performing Arts and Entertainment Venue

A building which is used primarily for the programming, production, presentation, exhibition, creation of work, or any combination of the above functions of any of the performing arts and cultural disciplines, such as: music, music theatre, aboriginal theatre, dance and drama.

Project All activities undertaken as part of the Applicant’s technical equipment upgrade proposal to a performing arts and entertainment venue.

Regional For the purposes of the Regional Venues Improvement Fund, the term ‘regional’ relates to the Kimberley, Pilbara, Gascoyne, Mid-West, Wheatbelt, Goldfields-Esperance, Peel, South West and Great Southern regions.

25Regional Venues Improvement FundGuidelines and Application Information

The Venues Improvement Fund Evaluation Panel

The committee comprised of the Department of Culture and the Arts, Department of Regional Development, local government and arts and entertainment industry representatives appointed to assess applications and make final grant recommendations.

For more information or assistance with your application, contact a Regional Venues Improvement Fund Officer by phone on (08) 6552 7300 or email