Regional Association Overview Reports and Tools Available in ZIMS at the Regional Association Level...


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Regional Association OverviewReports and Tools Available in ZIMS

at the Regional Association Level




Regional Association Role• Your access to ZIMS is determined by the ZIMS Role that

you are assigned.• One of the ISIS template Roles that ZIMS deploys with is

Regional Association.• This Role, in addition to other functionality, allows you to

add your association staff members to ZIMS.• However, the ISIS Global Administrator will assign the

ZIMS Role. Role assignment does not occur at the Regional Association level.

• Contact ISIS should you have an association staff member to whom you would like a ZIMS Role assigned.


Logging In

To use ZIMS go to Youwill need to log in. Your User Nameand Password will be created by theZIMS Global Administrator. You canchange your Password but youcannot change your User Name.


Opening your Association PageTo view your Association information you willNeed to open My Institution. To open MyInstitution you can go Start>Institution>My Institution (on left) or select theInstitution Search icon and then the MyInstitution tab (below).


Association Members

The members of your Associationare displayed in the AssociationMembers grid. You can manage your members (add a new oneor delete one who is no longerpart of your Association) by using the options under the Actionsbutton. There is a column toindicate if the institution is amember of ISIS and one to indicateif they are ZIMS users.


Studbook Keepers

Your Association Studbook Keepers aredisplayed in the Studbook Keeper Listgrid. Once a studbook keeper is listed their name will display as such in theTaxonomy module (shown above). It isimportant to note that a StudbookKeeper cannot be recorded unless theirinstitution has entered them as a staffmember. Studbook Keepers entered into ZIMS have the added access to Studbook News Feed where they can find newinformation that has been entered ontheir species in ZIMS.


Adding Staff Members To add a staff member go to the Staff grid and select Add New Staff under the Actions menu. The only mandatory fields (marked with a red asterisk) are first and last name. If you check the “Make User Visible Outside My Institution” checkbox then when others look at your institution informationthey will see that staff member’s information.Once the staff is added, ifyou want them to have aZIMS Role please contactISIS.


Adding Staff Members

You can also add additional communications details on your staff members.If they are visible outside your facility this will help others contact them. In addition, if you record the staff member’s email here it makes it easier for theISIS Global Administrator to assign them a ZIMS Role as their email is required.


Changing Passwords

If someone does not like the Passwordthat was assigned to them, or if theybelieve it may have become compromised,they can change it. Go to Start>MyPreferences>Account Settings. Complete the screen and Save. The new Passwordwill work the next time they log in.


What Else Can This Role Do?• Reports– Age Pyramid– Multi-Facility Inventory – Inventory Detail – Population Overview– TAG Export– Specimen – Taxon – Weight Comparison


• Tools– Species Holding– Pedigree Explorer– Group Explorer– Studbook News Feed– Taxonomic

Inconsistencies– Physiological References

• Institution Module– Animals Available– Species Wanted


Reports & Tools - Navigation

Reports and Tools are both found under the Start menu


Reports – Age PyramidThe Age Pyramid report is agraph of ages of living animalsby sex. It can be run at theGlobal, Continent, Country orAssociation level. A good AgePyramid has a lot of younganimals at the bottom andfewer on the top. The oldestliving animal can also be seen.The right side represents femalesand the left side males.


Reports – Multi-Facility InventoryThe Multi-Facility Inventoryreport allows you to run anInventory report up to thelevel of Animalia. The countswill be separated out byInstitutions or you can askfor a total count without theInstitutions being identified.There are columns for Beginningand End counts, Births,Acquisitions, Deaths andDispositions. The totals aredisplayed at the bottom ofeach Species or Sub-species.


Reports – Multi-Facility Inventory

The end of the report displays theinstitution names that the mnemonicsin the report represent. If the facilityis not an ISIS member a note is includedas shown above.


Reports – Population Overview

The Population Overview report is a one-screen per taxon overview of the state of the animal population, including key metrics on genetic and demographics, and indicators of the underlying data quality. This reportCan be run at the Global, Continent,Country and Association level.


Reports – TAG Export

This report offers current physical holdings of ISIS member institutions in a downloadable spreadsheet. It is intended to help supportstrategic collection planning, such as that done by various Association Taxon Advisory Groups. It can be run at the Global, Continent,Country and Association level. It is exported toRaw Excel so the data can be manipulated. Thefirst tab is the Raw Data, the second tab showsthe IUCN summary for the taxonomy.


Reports - Specimen

A Specimen Report showsthe information recorded ona single individual or a group.You have the option to filterby many topics such asmeasurements, notes,rearing and managementplan so the report displaysonly what you need to view.


Reports - Taxon

A Taxon Report displays theinformation on a specifiedtaxonomy. There are optionsto include identifiers andnotes as well as filtering byspecific institutions.


Reports – Weight Comparison

The Weight Comparison graph allows you to view a graph for a single animal, compare the weights of a single animal with the global weights for that species or look at all of the global weights recorded. The boxes indicate where two thirds of the weights recorded are. Thewhiskers are the outlier measurements. The animal infocus is the blue line.


Tools – Species Holding

Species Holdings allows you to look for institutionscurrently holding specific species. The listings aredivided up by regions. The institutions are hyperlinks so you can gather information on them. The animalnumbers are also hyperlinks that will allow you toview the global record of each animal.


Tools – Pedigree Explorer (Parents)

Pedigree Explorer allows you to find Parents, Descendants and Siblings for a specific animal. The graph above is for Parents andThis animal can be traced back to its grandparents on its mother’s side and its great-grandparents on its father’s side. Females are inpink, males are in blue and undetermined sexes are in grey.


Pedigree Explore (Descendants)

This animal has producedseven offspring. One of these offspring producedanother seven grandoffspring.


Pedigree Explorer (Siblings)

Siblings are displayed asoffspring under both parents.If they are found under bothparents (red arrow here) they are full siblings. If they are foundunder only one parent (greenarrow here) they are half siblings.


Tools – Group Explorer

Group Explorer is a graphicdisplay of the activity in agroup record. The greenboxes on the left are additions to the group. The red boxeson the right are deletionsfrom the group. The center grey boxes are the census ofthe group. All topics arehyperlinks that will take youdirectly into that activity.


Tools – Taxonomic Inconsistency

The Taxonomic Inconsistency Tool allows you to easily see if there are anyinconsistencies in the taxonomy of the individual’s ancestors. In this flamingorecord we see that a grand sire and a grand dam were of different speciesthan the animal in focus. If this is correct then the animal should not berecorded to the taxonomic level that it was. If this is incorrect then therecords of the grand parents should be corrected.


Tools – Physiological ReferencesThe Physiological Referencescontains millions of pieces ofdata collected over the yearsby MedARKS and now theZIMS medical module. Thisgives veterinarians a veryquick reference for normaltest results. Because animalphysiological referencescannot always be compared with other species, and because it can take years for one zoo or aquarium to collect enough samples to guarantee statistical relevance, this globally pooled data is an extremely valuable tool.


Institution – Animals Availableand Species Wanted

Institutions can list Animals Available (specific individuals or groups that they wish to placeelsewhere) or Species Wanted (species theywould like to add to their collections. You can search for these under the search box in theInstitution module. EAZA recently replacedtheir previous system of identifying theseanimals and species with this ZIMS tool. ISIS would like to thank EAZA for their guidance and assistance with increasing the AnimalsAvailable and Species Wanted functionality.


Institution – Animals Available

The default for the results grid is all institutions but you can further filter the results by selecting a specific Regional Association. The third column from theleft is the Global Accession Number of the animal and selecting that will takeyou right into the global record.


Institution – Species Wanted

In the Species Wanted search result grid you can see how many and thesexes for the species an institution is looking to add to their collection. Youcan also see the date they are wanted and the transfer level the institutionis willing to do. For both Animals Available and Species Wanted a yellowrow indicates the institution is within your region.


Thank you!

Regional Associations Rock!
