Region 1 Savanne Mauritius SPEIAL IRTHDAY ISS UE Volume 3...


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WHO IS SAI BABA - Page 2-4













Region 1 Savanne - Mauritius SPECIAL BIRTHDAY ISSUE - Volume 3 - 2015


To drive Devotees to live according

to the teachings of BHAGAWAN SRI






with SAI


To consolidate the SAI FAMILY by developing a SAI



To create opportunities for




Echoes from Region 1 Savanne - Sai Newsletter

Special Birthday Issue - Volume 3 - 2015

T o a spiritual aspirant, He is the divine master

par excellence; to a rationalist, He is the greatest

humanitarian on earth; to thousands of modern

youth, He is the leader with a dynamic vision and a

colossus of inspiration;

to a devotee, He is

simply divinity in human

form; and to everyone

who has had the

opportunity to behold

Him, He is Pure Love

Walking on Two Feet.

Ask Bhagawan Baba,

“Are you God?” And He

says: “Yes, I am God and

so are you. The only

difference between you

and I is that while I am

aware of this fact, you

are not”.

And this is no casual

remark. Indeed,

inherent in this small,

but extremely

significant statement, is

the fundamental truth of humanity’s divine nature

- its true reality; and revivifying the heart of every

human being to this salient truth is the mission

and message

of Bhagawan

Sri Sathya Sai

Baba. Very

aptly, Baba

begins His

every discourse, addressing the gathering as,

“Embodiments of the Divine Atma”.

All who listen to Him, experience His unconditional

love, benefit from His caring counsel and witness

His supernormal

supremacy over mind

and matter, get a real

glimpse of the glory and

majesty of God, and

therefore, of

the infinity that each

human potentially and

inherently is.

His Birth and Childhood

Sri Sathya Sai Baba was

born as Sathyanarayana

Raju on November 23,

1926 in the village of

Puttaparthi, in the state

of Andhra Pradesh in

South India. Even as a

child, His spiritual

inclination and

contemplative nature

set Him apart from other

children of His age, and

He was known as ‘Guru’ and

“Brahmajnani’ (knower of Brahman or Godhead)

among His peers and others in the village.

However, it was not until October 20, 1940, the

day He made the historic declaration of His

Avatarhood, (‘Avatar’ means ‘Divinity Incarnate in

Human Form’) that the world at large learnt of this

divine phenomenon.

Help Ever Hurt Never






YOU ARE NOT” Continued on Page 3


Echoes from Region 1 Savanne - Sai Newsletter

Special Birthday Issue - Volume 3 - 2015

Love All Serve All

The Intent of His Advent

Today, millions from all over the world, professing various faiths and hailing from all walks of life,

worship Bhagavan Baba as an ‘Avatar’, and the reincarnation of Sai Baba of Shirdi. Thousands gather

every day at Prasanthi Nilayam, His spiritual headquarters established beside the village of Puttaparthi,

for His Darshan (the act of beholding His sacred form), when He moves among devotees, blessing them

and uplifting them by providing spiritual succour and solace.

Revealing the purpose of His advent, Sai Baba has said that He has come to re-establish the rhythm of

righteousness in the world and repair the ancient highway to God, which over the years has

systematically deteriorated. In His own words:

“This Sai has come in order to achieve the supreme task of uniting the entire mankind as one family

through the bond of brotherhood, of affirming and illuminating the Atmic Reality (Atma – The Divine Self)

of each being, to reveal the Divine which is the basis on which the entire cosmos rests, and of instructing

all to recognise the common Divine Heritage that binds man to man, so that man can rid himself of the

animal and rise up to the Divine, which is the goal”.

His Glorious Mission

Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is an integral

manifestation who combines two very

significant roles. Firstly, He is a great spiritual

Master, famed for His simple and sweet

exposition of the greatest and most intricate of

spiritual truths, which form the fundamental

teachings of all the religions of the world.

Elucidating on His mission, Bhagawan declares:

“I have come not to disturb or destroy any

faith, but to confirm each in his own faith, so

that the Christian becomes a better Christian;

the Muslim, a better Muslim; and the Hindu, a

better Hindu.”

Continued from Page 2

Continued on Page 4


Echoes from Region 1 Savanne - Sai Newsletter

Special Birthday Issue - Volume 3 - 2015

Service to Man is Service to GOD

His formula for humanity to lead a meaningful life is the five-fold path of:

Sathya (Truth),

Dharma (Righteousness),

Shanthi (Peace),

Prema (Love), and

Ahimsa (Non-Violence)

“Love for God, fear of sin and morality in society” – these are His prescriptions for our ailing world.

Secondly, He is an inexhaustible reservoir of pure love. His numerous service projects, be it free

hospitals, free schools and colleges, free drinking water supply projects, or free housing projects, all

stand testimony to His selfless love and

compassion for the needy and less

privileged. True to His declaration, “My Life

is My Message”, He has inspired and

continues to inspire millions of His devotees

worldwide by His personal example to live

the ideal that “Service to Man is Service to


The Sri Sathya Sai Organisation today has a

presence in hundreds of nations in the world,

and its members undertake any number of

service activities that benefit their immediate

community. And they do it selflessly and


Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba has thus emerged as a beacon of hope in a world that is desperately

seeking an end to the unrest and sorrow prevalent today. His message of “Love All Serve All – Help Ever

Hurt Never” is a spiritual salve that will lead mankind from the pain of darkness and ignorance and to the

light and bliss of immortality.

Indeed, once in a millennium does such a Divine Being walk the earth. For you and I, and all humanity, in

spite of the dark clouds hovering on the world’s horizon today, there is a silver lining - nay, a golden one.

If we seize this rarest of rare opportunities, world peace and harmony, along with our individual

emancipation, will no longer be a utopia. It will become as real and universal as the morning Sun.

(Ref: Radio Sai Global Harmony)

Continued from Page 3


Echoes from Region 1 Savanne - Sai Newsletter

Special Birthday Issue - Volume 3 - 2015

T his year we are celebrating our

Bhagawan’s 90th birthday and thus it is an

opportunity for us to renew our faith in the

Avatar of the Golden era. Wishing our Lord a

happy birthday would be a misnomer for He is

Anada Swarupa Himself. Swami Himself is the

very embodiments of love and happiness.

Thus, let us wish that there be Love and

Happiness in the hearts

of men torn asunder by

selfish motives. Many

Leaders who have ruled

upon the world have

created opportunities

for brothers to hate

brothers, brothers to kill

brothers. The practice of

prema is what humans

need nowadays.

Man, since childhood,

needs to be shaped to be Madhavas (Gods)

and not Dhanavas (Demons). Have we ever

asked ourselves why should the Avatars stop

wars for His consent was not sought when

Human started all this? Our Lord can only

advise; the willingness and decisions are ours.

The whole world can become a Prasanthi

Nilayam but man has fouled it by witlessness

and unreasonableness. Love is God; Love starts

by respecting ourselves and others. Swami’s

Grace can be won through Love only. We must

capture each and every opportunity we get to

do service and there is no limit for this

opportunity. We should not lose the

opportunity to serve by debating or arguing,

instead service is done in humbleness,

harmony and genuineness. Our actions should

be like little lamps in the darkness enveloping

the minds of man. The wish to serve others

will come to us only if we let our senses under

control, otherwise we will want to serve our

own desires. Spiritual

practice or sadhana will

only help us if we are

sincere to ourselves. Do

not show off your

achievements, for the

desire to prove you are

succeeding in your

spiritual endeavour is

nothing but pride of the

Ego within our mind. We

should go slowly and

progressively. Desires

are much understated. Surrender them to

God. Let Bhagawan direct and guard us. Our

happiness is only found in the happiness of


With one

heart, let us

all wish that

may all attain happiness.

“Samastha Loka Sukhino Bhavanthu”


God is Love, Peace & Strength






Echoes from Region 1 Savanne - Sai Newsletter

Special Birthday Issue - Volume 3 - 2015

Sai Ram Brothers and Sisters,

It brings me immense pleasure to write a few words for this special issue of “Echoes from Region 1” on

the occasion of the 90 years of Pure Love that marks this Golden Era, that is, the 90th Birth Anniversary of

our Beloved Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.

It is indeed a success story as we talk of the newsletter of our Region ,“Echoes from Region 1”, which I

still remember was launched at the Sathya Sai Centre of Curepipe on Sunday 28th July 2013 by Brother

Vishnu Ramdin, the National Chairperson.

I can happily say that we have progressed considerably in our concept and presentation, thereby reaching

a higher number of readers. We have received much appreciation from our readers from all corners of

our island and even internationally.

Undoubtedly and above all, the credits and appreciations go to our Beloved Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai

Baba for guiding us in the right path and making us an instrument to convey His messages. On 23rd

November 2015, we celebrated the 90th Birthday of our Beloved Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. During all

these years, Bhagawan has shown us the right path in our life, through spirituality, Vedas, music, science,

management, leadership, service, education, human values, sport, medicine and many more. Although

Swami left school at the age of 14, He knew all these subjects. He is the knower, the doer, the writer, the

producer, the director and the actor. In return, the only favour that He asks from us is “Love All, Serve

All”. Only God can do all these with such perfection.

I often say that we, as Sai devotees, are really blessed that we know God has been here, walked amongst

us and guided us in this blindfolded world. We are the chosen ones who

have been able to recognise and experience the avatar-hood of the

Lord. Therefore, let us enjoy these blissful moments of the Lord’s

Birthday celebration and let us prepare for the coming of Prema Sai.

In Sai Love and Service,

Brother Ajay Lochun

Why Fear When I Am Here


Echoes from Region 1 Savanne - Sai Newsletter

Special Birthday Issue - Volume 3 - 2015








Paraphrase Meaning

O mind! Worship the Lotus Feet of your God and Supreme Teacher, Sai Baba. That will take you safely

across the ocean of life and death. Victory to our Lord and supreme Teacher, Sai Nath. Mind also chant

and worship the Divine names of Lord Shiva who dwells on the Arunachala mountain and Sai Baba, whose

form is Om.

God is All Names & All Forms

Word to Word Meaning

Manasa - Mind

Bhajare - Sing

Guru - Teacher/Preceptor

Charanam - Feet

Dusthara - Difficult to endure

Bhava - Existence

Saagara - Ocean

Taranam - Crossing Over

Maharaj - Great Sovereign

Jai - Victory

Sai - Lord

Sathguru - True Preceptor

Om - Primordial Sound

Namaha - Salutations

Shivaya - Lord Shiva

Arunachala - Red Mountain

Omkaaram - Pronunciation of OM

Baba - Father/God


Echoes from Region 1 Savanne - Sai Newsletter

Special Birthday Issue - Volume 3 - 2015

Bliss is God; Be in Bliss

What will unfold ahead is

the sweet and delicious

grace of the Lord which

He bestowed upon His

innocent children years

back without our

knowing His grandeur as

the doer while we posed

as the worthy

instruments. No amount

of words will suffice to THANK the LORD for such a

blessing in this age of Kaliyuga.

As far as my memory helps, the history of the

Committee is directly linked with the unfolding of

the then Sri Sathya Sai Centre of Souillac in the

years 1983-84. A group of Brothers, namely, Adiraj

Pentiah, Anand Kumar Boodhun, Veeren Puddoo,

Atmada Kolly Appadoo, Ram Appadoo, Ajanand

Ramchureeter, Hayman Dass Ghoora, and Sisters

Kumari Thacoor, Roomita Chuneebans, Giantee

Chuneebans, Srimathi Lobine and Shyama Appadu

decided to have regular Sai Bhajans at the place of

Sis Thacoor under the guidance of respected elder

Brothers Bhunjun, Ramdoo and Canakiah. The two

former are resting in peace with the Lord. We

place on record the marvelous work they started

which has come to fruition now. We have a special

thought to their surviving families. Special mention

is made here to the zealousness of Brother Adiraj

Pentiah to tour the district to instil the Love and to

spread the message of the Lord when at a time

both the means of transport and communication

were rather difficult.

As the group grew in

momentum, a larger

space was felt. So we

moved to Krishna

Mandiram at Souillac. In

1985 a memorable

Akhanda Bhajan was held

whereby groups in Grand

Port also participated

(Mare d’Albert, Mare

Tabac, Beau Vallon). The 60th Birthday celebration

was an unforgettable moment inscribed in the

hearts of each and every devotee present thereat.

At that time, there was the Grand Port-Savanne

Regional Coordinating Committee whereby all

activities in the two districts were attended by

Centres/Devotional Groups that existed. With the

ever-growing expansion of the Organisation, both

districts got separated, having their own Regional

Coordinating Committee. Nevertheless, very often,

they are called to work hand in hand marvellously.

The synergy generated inspired the active

devotees to move to nearby villages to set up

Devotional Groups. At that time, the only groups

that existed were: Chemin Grenier, Souillac and

Baie du Cap/St Martin. At Tyack, we had the

Sivananda Spiritual and Cultural Circle which later

on became Tyack Sai Centre. The name of the Lord

was spreading like wild fire. Bhajan Groups

mushroomed: at Nouvelle France with Brother

Nirmal, at Riviere du Poste with Br Suresh Dootun,

at Britannia with Brother Subash Ramkisoona, at St

Aubin, at Souillac with Brother Adiraj Pentiah and

and lastly at Chamouny with Brother Shunjay

Dumur. Continued on Page 10


Echoes from Region 1 Savanne - Sai Newsletter

Special Birthday Issue - Volume 3 - 2015

Food is God; Do Not Waste

As the devotees attending bhajan at Souillac were

mainly from Surinam, they shifted back to their village,

thus the name was changed to Shri Sathya Sai Centre of

Surinam, while those staying at Souillac continued with

the Devotional Group of Souillac.

The Regional Committee has worked with all the

National Chairman starting with Late Brother Bala

Sanassee, Brother Ramchurn, Late Brother Ramful, Late

Brother Parapen, Brother Somanah, Brother Keenoo,

Brother Nathoo, Brother Dumur and still in office

Brother Vishnu Ramdin. Quoting from down memory

lane, the presence of Late Brother Sanassee, who

spared no effort to be present at each regional Akhanda

Bhajan for some time before touring the island alone.

He was a real spirit of sacrifice to

push the Organisation forward.

I could not swap the only journal

which was published at that time

on a monthly basis: Sai Sandesh.

Every month, we were collecting

200 copies to be distributed to all

groups, each costing Rs 10/=.

After some time, the National Coordinating Committee

changed its name to Central Council of the Shri Sathya

Sai Organisation. Every year a National calendar was

published, the latest named Sudarshan which was

distributed throughout the island.

With the passage of time, and as the devotees grew in

Organisation, the Regional Coordinating Committee

shaped itself as per the requirements of the Charter,

having the required wings, namely: Spiritual, Education

and Service. We also have various coordinators:

Spiritual, Study Circle, Education, SSE and SSEHV,

Service, and Bhajan. The following persons served as

Chairman: Brother Adiraj PENTIAH, Brother Hayman

Dass GHOORA, Brother Manickchand LOBINE, Brother

Anand DUMUR and Brother Ajay LOCHUN who is still in


The Committee has been organising Akhanda Bhajan

every year for the past 30 years. Birthday celebration

has been mainly a Centre/Group activity. Blood

donation occupies a priority service activity. We take a

major lead in the Blood Donation organised at National

Level at Ganga Talao on 1st of January each year as well

as for Maha Shivaratri Celebration thereat. It has been

instrumental to popularise the Sathya Sai Vrat Kalpam,

Shirdi Samadhi and Birthday, Grand Declaration Day, Sai

Katha and Ekadasi Rudram. The committee has

organised several retreats at regional level for the

Mahilas (Ladies), Young Adults and Balvikas (Sai

Spiritual Education). In addition, workshops were

planned for devotees on the following topics: Bhajan,

Administration, Meditation, Nine point code of conduct,

Service, Role of women in society/organisation. In

addition, several activities

touching the greater community

have been organised with a view

to take SSEHV to the mass like

Grama Seva, Flood Relief,

Medical Camps, EHV walks, Music

Day with EHV as a major


Now the Committee has grown to a point where it has a

Regional Operations Strategic Framework for the

forthcoming five years. The following activities are

being activated amidst a larger section of the devotees:

Propagation of Vedic Chanting, Meditation, U-Turn

Project, EHV Course. Brother Lochun is investing much

of his energy to sensitise a maximum number of

devotees to take up this sadhna programme.

Our sincerity to Swami has always won us His beneficial

Grace. In reverence to Him, we, His children of Savanne

Region say a BIG THANK YOU

Lord for so much Love and

Affection on our Spiritual


Jai Sai Ram

Brother Pravine GHOORA

Continued from Page 9


Echoes from Region 1 Savanne - Sai Newsletter

Special Birthday Issue - Volume 3 - 2015

Continued on Page 11


Baba visits Ooty, Hyderabad and Tirupati, drawing many

people to Him, through His magnetic personality and His

inspiring interactions with them.


Baba delivers His first-ever public speech in Karur, in

Tamil Nadu, starting the tradition of instructing

through His discourses. Baba delivered over a

thousand public discourses over the next 63 years.

Baba writes a landmark letter to His brother, Sri

Seshama Raju, outlining the purpose of His

incarnation and the tasks that He would achieve in

the years ahead.


On Baba’s 25th birthday, Prasanthi Nilayam Mandir is



Sri Sathya Sai General Hospital is inaugurated at

Prasanthi Nilayam, making it the very first medical care

facility in the entire region.


At the young age of 31, Baba presides over the 9th

All India Divine Life Convention at Venkatagiri,

Andhra Pradesh which is attended by spiritual

leaders from across the country.

Swami visits Mathura and Rishikesh with His

entourage. He stays at the Ashram of Swami

Sivananda for a week and cures him of his ailing


Discipline is the Mark of Intelligent Living

LEELA: 1926-1942


November 23 - Birth of Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Srimathi Easwaramma and Sri Pedda Venkappa Raju of

Puttaparthi welcome the birth of their fourth child

Sathya Narayana Raju


Twelve year old Sathya writes and directs the play

“Cheppinattu Chesthara?” (Do you act as you speak?)

that reminded the village folk to do as they say.


October 20 - Avatar Declaration Day

Fourteen year old Sathya

Narayana Raju reveals His

Avataric identity as the

reincarnation of Sai Baba of

Shirdi. He composes and

teaches His first Bhajan,

“Manasa Bhajare Guru

Charanam” (Oh mind, surrender

at the feet of the Guru).

MAHIMA: 1942-1958


On Vaikuntha Ekadasi day, the first Mandir (Paata

Mandiram )of

Sathya Sai Baba is

inaugurated in


Prasanthi Nilayam under construction - 1949

Paata Mandiram


Echoes from Region 1 Savanne - Sai Newsletter

Special Birthday Issue - Volume 3 - 2015


Baba inaugurates Dharmakshetra, the Sai

headquarters in Mumbai. The event coincides with

the first World Conference of the Sri Sathya Sai Seva


Baba goes on His first and only international tour to

the East African countries, Uganda and Kenya.

Sri Sathya Sai Arts and Science College for women

starts at Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh, making it the

first college of the Sai University network of



Baba cures Himself of a burst appendix at the residence

of Sri Nakul Sen, the Lieutenant Governor of Goa.


President of India, Sri V.V.Giri inaugurates the new

complex of Sri Sathya Sai Women’s College - Anantapur.


Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust established for charitable

social welfare projects.

Summer courses in Indian Culture and Spirituality are

conducted by Baba at the Whitefield Sai College for

over a 1000 college students from across India for a

month. These continue every year till 1979 and after

a gap of a

decade again

from 1990.

Learn to Adapt, Adjust & Accommodate

UPADESHA: 1958-1974


Baba commences the publication of the Ashram’s

monthly magazine Sanathana Sarathi on the auspicious

Shivaratri day to spread His message of universal love

and selfless service across the country and overseas.

Baba Himself writes for the magazine every month

uninterruptedly for a quarter of a century. These series

of articles are later published as the Vahini series.

Sanathana Sarathi continues to be published monthly in

English, Telugu and over 25 other Indian and foreign



The first volume of Baba’s biography “Sathyam Shivam

Sundaram” by noted historian Prof. N.Kasturi is

published, offering a well-researched and

comprehensive account of Baba’s life till then. Over the

next 50 years, 6 more volumes of His biography are

published, covering His life from 1960 to 2011.


Baba cures Himself of paralysis and cerebral thrombosis

during the Guru Purnima festival and declares that He is

the Shiva-Shakti Principle. He also declares for the first

time about the triune Avatars of Shirdi Sai, Sathya Sai

and Prema Sai.


The first All India Conference of Office bearers of all

organisation bearing Baba’s name is held at Madras in

Baba’s presence. The Sai movement acquires an

Continued from Page 10

Prayer Hall inside Prasanthi Nilayam Mandir

On the sands of River Chitravathi Continued on Page 12


Echoes from Region 1 Savanne - Sai Newsletter

Special Birthday Issue - Volume 3 - 2015


Sri Sathya Sai Space Theatre and Sri Sathya Sai Institute

Central Library inaugurated at Prasanthi Nilayam.


Baba inaugurates the Sai Shruti Ashram at Kondaikanal.

VAIDYA: 1990 - 2005


Sanathana Samskruti -

the Eternal Heritage

Museum inaugurated at

Prasanthi Nilayam. Baba

inaugurates the 65 feet

high statue of Hanuman

on the top of the

mountain in the Hill View Stadium at Prasanthi Nilayam.


The first Super Speciality Hospital, the Sri Sathya Sai

Institute of Higher Medical Sciences - inaugurated in


Sri Sathya Sai Airport inaugurated at Prasanthigram.

Truth is God, Speak The Truth

VIDYA: 1975-1990


Baba inaugurates the Sarva Dharma Stupa in

Prasanthi Nilayam, symbolising the unity of world

religions, on His 50th Birthday.

Smt. Easwaramma High School inaugurated in



Baba consecrates the Shiva Temple at His birthplace in

Puttaparthi on the occasion of His birthday.


Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning (Deemed

University) is inaugurated in Prasanthi Nilayam on

22nd November.

Sri Sathya Sai Primary and Higher Secondary School is

inaugurated at Prasanthi Nilayam.

Loraine Burrows starts Sri Sathya Sai Education in

Human Values (SSEHV) in Thailand.


First convocation of the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher

Learning is held at Prasanthi Nilayam. The

administrative Building of the Sai University is

inaugurated at Prasanthi Nilayam.


All India Balvikas rally held at the Hill View Stadium

at Prasanthi Nilayam. Nearly 10,000 students and

teachers from all parts of India participate.

Sri Sathya Sai Books and Publication Trust is

established. The Trust takes up the task of publishing

books on Baba’s life, mission and message.

Continued from Page 11

Continued on Page 13

Discourse by Swami - Prasanthi Nilayam

Sri Sathya Sai Space Theatre

Sanathana Samskruti

Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Medical Sciences


Echoes from Region 1 Savanne - Sai Newsletter

Special Birthday Issue - Volume 3 - 2015

Chaitanya Jyoti Museum

- a tribute to Baba’s life and

message is inaugurated on

the occasion of the 75th

Birthday Celebrations.

Sri Sathya Sai

Grama Seva Project

launched by Baba

for serving food

and clothing in 150

villages to over

300,000 villagers .

Sri Sathya Sai

Prasanthi Nilayam

Railway Station is

inaugurated at

Puttaparthi. Train

services from major metropolitan cities commence.


A second Super Speciality Hospital is inaugurated at

Whitefield, Bangalore.

Sri Sathya Sai Drinking Water Supply Project

launched in Medak and Mahbubnagar Districts of

Andhra Pradesh.

Radio Sai Global Harmony launched from Prasanthi

Nilayam to take Baba’s message of love and harmony

to the world 24/7 via internet, satellite radio and the

e-magazine Heart-to-Heart.

Baba inaugurates Shivalayam at Nandanvan, Chakur

in Maharashtra and visits Latur and Nanded in the

hinterland of Maharashtra after the devastating

earthquakes in these regions.

God First; The World Next; Myself Last


Prema Deep, Baba’s Mandir at Muddenahall in

Karnataka state is inaugurated.


On the auspicious

Guru Purnima day,

the Sai Kulwant

Hall is inaugurated

in Prasanthi

Nilayam to accommodate up to 20,000 devotees at a

time for Baba’s daily Darshan.

Sri Sathya Sai

Drinking Water

Supply Project,

Anantapur is

dedicated to the

people of India on

the occasion of

Baba’s 70th Birthday Celebrations.

Ladies Day Celebrations commence for the first time

as a part of the Annual Birthday celebrations of Baba.


First Sai World Youth Conference at Prasanthi

Nilayam is attended by thousands of youth from

nearly 100 countries.


In recognition of Baba’s

contribution in addressing the

drinking water problems of

Rayalaseema, the Department of

Posts, Govt. of India releases a

special postage stamp.

Baba visits New Delhi and inaugurates the Sri Sathya

Sai International Centre of Human Values.


Sathya Sai Mirpuri

College of Music

inaugurated in Prasanthi


Continued from Page 12

Continued on Page 14


Echoes from Region 1 Savanne - Sai Newsletter

Special Birthday Issue - Volume 3 - 2015


Ati Rudra Maha Yajna conducted in Chennai in the

presence of Baba; installation of Sai Sundareshwara

Lingam at Sundaram.


Sahasra Poornachandra Darshana Yajna is conducted

for three days at Prasanthi Nilayam.

A high profile conference on Ethics and the World of

Finance held at the Sai University where India’s

leading bankers and financial experts participate.

Baba addresses the valedictory function of the


Baba inaugurates Sri Sathya Sai Panduranga Kshetra

at Hadshi, Maharashtra.

Baba inaugurates Sai Ananda Villas at Shimla.

President of India, Smt. Pratibha Patil is the Chief

Guest for Ladies Day Function at Prasanthi Nilayam.

Baba gives His last public discourse on the occasion

of the 29th Convocation of Sri Sathya Sai Institute of

Higher Learning at Prasanthi Nilayam.

85th year of Baba’s Divine Advent celebrated across

India and 125 countries.

Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Vahini Project, aimed at bringing

quality education to the rural schools through

technology inaugurated on November 23rd.

Do Not Just Preach; Practice


Baba announces the

launching of the

Chennai Water

Project on the

occasion of the first

anniversary of the

Super Speciality Hospital at Bangalore. The project

becomes operational on 23.11.2004, in record time.


Baba announces the commencement of the water

projects in East and West Godavari Projects. These

become operational in over 150 villages by 2007.



“Festical of Joy”, All India Conference for Balvikas

students held at Prasanthi Nilayam.


On the auspicious Ugadi

day, Baba shifts to His

new residence - Yajur


Sri Sathya Sai

International Centre for

Sports, an Olympic-

standards Indoor Stadium,

and the Silver Jubilee

Commemorative Building

of the Sai University are inaugurated.

Sri Sathya Sai World Foundation started.

Ati Rudra Maha

Yajna conducted

at Prasanthi

Nilayam by Baba

for universal peace

and welfare;

Installation of the Sayeeshwara Lingam in the

Prasanthi Mandir.

Continued from Page 13

Continued on Page 13

Chennai Water Project

Sri Sathya Sai Panduranga Kshetra


Echoes from Region 1 Savanne - Sai Newsletter

Special Birthday Issue - Volume 3 - 2015


Phone: +230 5 771 2875



Facebook: Region 1 Savanne - Sathya Sai International Organisation


God is Love, Peace & Strength

T he Regional Committee of

Savanne thanks all devotees for

their help and support. Should

you have any queries, please

do not hesitate to contact the

team. You can also send your

articles to the Newsletter team

on the e-mail address provided.


T his year, the 90th Birth Anniversary of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba

will be held at Regional level on Sunday 05th November 2015 at the Sathya

Sai Centre of Tyack at 15:30hrs. The Regional Committee of Savanne

cordially invites you, your family and friends to participate in the

celebrations. The programme will include the life and message of Sri

Sathya Sai Baba.

April 24th

Sri Sathya Sai Baba makes the transition from the form

to the formless. Over the next 3 days, over half a million

people pay their last respects to Baba.

April 27th

Swami’s physical form laid to rest at the sanctum

sanctorium in the Sai Kulwant Hall with state honours

and a multi-faith ceremony at the very spot where He

used to sit daily and grant Darshan to thousands of


(Ref: India Today)


March 1st

Baba releases a special volume on the eve of the Maha

Shivaratri festival - a compilation on His life and journeys

over the past 8 decades titled “Sri Sathya Sai

Digvijayam” (1926-2005). This is the last book released

by Him.

March 20th

Swami gives His last

Darshan to His disciples. He

does Namaskarams to


March 28th

Sri Sathya Sai Baba hospitalised at His Super Speciality


Continued from Page 14
