Reflection Writing




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Reflection First and foremost, I would like to express my humble gratitude to the TSL 3073 subject lecturer, Madam Flory for her guidance throughout these micro teaching and coursework completion. Second is to my dearest micro teaching partner and friends who share their sincere support and knowledge both directly and indirectly. The experience of the micro teaching had taught me, personally, by using video in writing is an effective teaching approach. I was assign to carry out the practice, production and closure stage as my partner did the introduction and presentation stages. However, there are strength and weaknesses in my lesson. Having given a chance to be in the teachers desk has given me a wider realizations and perspectives on teaching writing. During practice stage, I realize that my major weakness is my instruction was not clear. This problem had caused my pupils to ask me to repeat the instruction several times and I need to explain the question to make them clear and this consumed much time. I need to practice giving instructions clearly to avoid this happens in the future.I should bear in mind to keep improving myself. I notice that it is a good idea to have the handout on the LCD but I do not need to depend too much on it because it takes time. I can just use the handout directly and this is more practical. Moreover, instead of having the handout on LCD, I should move around to assist the pupils who are having problem in completing the task. It is more effective to assist pupils directly rather than just explain to them at the front using LCD.For the production stage, I think that my instruction was quite clear because the pupils seemed to understand and know what they needed to do. The activity ran smoothly however, there is something can be improvised. I had assigned the pupils to do the task in pair work but I realize that there was not much discussion. Maybe I should ask them to do in group work because more pupils in group will encourage them to speak and discuss. Besides that, the task where they need to create four sentences based on the activity in the practice stage also ran smoothly. By the way, I realize that can the real year 4 pupils able to create the four sentences? It is quite difficult for the real year 4 in intermediate class. I should consider their competencies before planning the activity and lower the difficulty of the task. Two simple sentences with examples would be good. More examples are necessary to make them familiar with the structure of the sentences and for them to choose and substitute words correctly. Lastly during the closure, everything went well. I think the activity of the words search is suitable to end the lesson. It offers the pupils to recap what they have learn throughout the lesson. For me, this lesson plan is quite organised and workable. Perhaps the stages are linked and coherent to each other. Lesson stages are also smooth and moderate where the activities are suitable for year 4. Student participant are also good. What can be improved is teacher need to ask more wh-questions to enhance pupils thinking skill. Overall, I love to generalise that writing is an important element to help learning a second language where we can use songs, stories, poem and others as an approach in learning the language. Furthermore, they are also known to lower the affective filter or, in other words, to motivate learners to learn. Teacher should also play their role as an educator and be prepared to face the challenge in teaching writing in the classroom.
