References on Climate Adaptive Neighborhood



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Climate Adaptive NeighborhoodReferencesConstruction specialties Inc. (2010, August 10. Adaptive and Dynamic Buildings The Future of Environmental Design & Architecture. Retrieved from Archdail!"http"##$$$.archdail!.com#%1&'0#adaptive(and(d!namic(buildings()*2)+0),-(the(future(of(environmental(design(architecture#.oris /ooi Ch!ee 0oea, 0. 1. (201-. .evelopment of an adaptive thermal comfort e2uation for naturall! ventilated buildings in hot3humid climates using A4/RA* R5(++& database . Frontiers of Architectural Research, Volume , !ssue ", 2%+(2,1.*therington, R. (2012, August 12. #aint $%elds &limate Adapted 'eigh(orhood . Retrieved from .e6een" http"##$$$!(tred8e(natur#9rearson, A. (201-, :a! 0-. )ost*Tsunami +ousing (y #higeru Ban. Retrieved from .e6een" http"##$$$'#0-#post(tsunami(housing(b!(shigeru(ban#9uruto, A. (2012, August 2;. &limate Adapted 'eigh(orhood , Tred%e 'atur. Retrieved from Archdail!" http"##$$$.archdail!.com#2;;0%%#climate(adapted(neighborhood(tred8e(natur#1erst! /obsona, 4. N. (2011. 5ublic responses to climate change" 0he role of deliberation in building capacit! for adaptive action. -lo(al Environmental &hange Volume ., !ssue ", ,'%(,%1.R.C.
