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Page numbers in bold refer to figures and page numbers in italic refer to tables.

AAMR (American Association on Mental Retardation) 99, 102

Abilities of residents, see Competence, residents'

ABS (Adaptive Behavior Scale) 143-4 Accountability, in supported living 58,

114-15 Activities, residents'

available insbuction and 176 community-based, in UK 177-8 day activity centres, Sweden 84 motivational support 125, 127, 127 Norway 71,73-4 organizational model of support 127,

127-8 resident's competence and 124, 131,

176 residents' abilities 124, 131 staff support for 122, 123, 124-5, 130 in staffed housing 50-1,53,54,60,

123,124,126,131-2 supportive model 125-6, 127 United Kingdom 174-7 see also Employment for residents;

Work Adaptive Behavior Scale (ABS)

143-4 Adaptive behaviour, see Behaviour,


ALI (Alternative Living Inc.), Maryland 112-13

Alternative Living Inc. (ALI), Maryland 112-13

American Association on Mental Retardation (AAMR) 99, 102

Andover, support in staffed housing 122-8

Association of Retarded Citizens, USA 20-1,22,27

Behaviour, adaptive Connecticut study 154, 156, 159-60 Finnish study 144,145-6 in staffed housing 51,52,53,55

Behaviour, challenging assessment methods influence study

results 180-1 Connecticut study 154, 156, 156,

159-60 United Kingdom studies 179-81

Behavioural changes, after Laconia closure 25

Boarding houses, Sweden 86 Britain, see United Kingdom (UK)

Campaign for the Mentally Handicapped, UK 9

280 Index

Campaigning, by parent groups 230-1, 233-4,234-5,239

CARC (Connecticut Association for Retarded Citizens) 149

CARC v. Thome Class Members 149, 150

Care in the Community, UK 10 Challenging behaviour, see Behaviour,

challenging Change, as attention provoker 76-7 CIER (Connecticut Individual

Evaluation Report) 150, 151 CILA (Community Integrated Living

Arrangements), Illinois 104, 110 Citizen perspective in housing 89-92,

93-4 Closures,ofinstitutions

effect on staff employment 11 families' opinions about, Sweden

201-8 final stages 243 Nastola, Finland 143-4,145-6 reluctance to make, USA 34-5, 243 similar international timing 241, 245 Sweden 84, 201-8 uncertainty about alternatives,

Norway 213-16, 220, 221 United Kingdom 10 see also Community services;

Laconia, closure of State School and Developmental Services; New York State, closure of institutions; Transfers

Colorado, Personal Care Alternatives (PCA) 104,105,106

Committee for the Partially Able-bodied, Sweden 82--3

Committees of Inquiry, UK 9 Community Aide, Wisconsin 104 Community Integrated Living

Arrangements (CILA), Illinois 104, 110

Community Integration Program, Wisconsin 104,106-7

Community services better life for service users? 252 conditions of work in 248 decision-making in 249

development of, New Hampshire 21, 22,23-6

focus on the person 12 growthof1 implications for staff xii-xiv v. institutional care 2 institutional practices prevailing

247-8 integration with other services

251-2 levelling off in improvement rate

183-4 models as factor in reforms 245, 246 national funding, USA 243-4 priorities of the new paradigm xi-xii quality of 251 quality variations, UK 182 social and psychological

improvements? xi structural changes 100 waiting lists, USA xiv-xv see also Staffed housing, UK;

Supported living, USA Community Supported Living

Arrangements (CSLA), USA 104-5 Competence, residents'

and activities 124, 131, 176 effects of transfer on 178-9

Competence perspective in housing 88-9

Connecticut Connecticut Association for

Retarded Citizens (CARC) 149 deinstitutionalization, see

Connecticut study, into effects of deinstitutionalization

Mansfield Training School 149, 150 Connecticut Individual Evaluation

Report (CIER) 150, 151 Connecticut study, into effects of

deinstitutionalization behaviourl54,l56,159-60 conclusion 165-8 consumer outcomes 166, 167 employment and earnings 154, 157,

158 family contact 158, 168 family survey results 163-5, 166, 168

health indicators 156, 157, 161 living area size 158, 160 matched comparison results 159-63,

166 medications 156, 167 methods 150-3 Overall Plan of Services (OPS) 161-2 people transferring 153-4, 155 population 149-50 productivity 157 quality indicators 160-1 resident training 162-3 results 153-9 service content 161-3 site reviewer impressions 153, 159 staff attitudes 160, 166, 168

Continuum of care, USA 100-1 Costs, see Finance CSLA (Community Supported Living

Arrangements), USA 104-5

Day centres New York 33 Sweden 84

Dedifferentiation xvi, 15, 58, 249 Norway 193-5 threat to deinstitutionalization?

252 Denmark 5 Detached housing, Sweden 86--7 Differentiation, Norway 190-3

Early intervention, New Hampshire 24 Economic implications xiv-xv

see also Finance Education, see Training for residents;

Training for staff Employees' Services Office (ESO), New

York 38 Employment for residents

Connecticut study 154, 157, 158 supported employment, New

Hampshire 24 see also Activities, residents'; Work

Employment for staff effect of closures on 11 Employees' Services Office (ESO),

New York 38

Index 281

in transition to community service, New York 34-5

England closure schedule 169 decline in institutional places and

population 3-4, 169 moves towards deinstitutionaliza­

tion 10 see also United Kingdom, UK

Entitlements, risk of reduction in xvi-xvii

ESO (Employees' Services Office), New York 38

Families closure related stress 137--8 contact with residents 158, 168,

200-1,207--8 opinions about closures, Sweden

201--8 research on, need for 252 role change 200-1 satisfaction ratings, Connecticut

163-5,166,168 staff qualities for support of xiii-xiv support by, New Hampshire 26--7 support for, New Hampshire 25 see also Parents

Finance based on individual needs, New

Hampshire 26 cost control during Laconia closure

23 fiscal conservatism xiv institutional costs as factor in

reforms 245, 250 local authority responsibilities

213-14,250 Medicaid 32, 33, 104-5 New Hampshire policies 26 Norway 187--8, 191, 192,213-14 OMRDD's budget structure 43 resources not available xv restrictions on future use? 250-1 risk of reduced entitlements xvi-xvii staffed housing in UK 50 supported living programmes, USA


282 Index

Finance (contd.) USA federal funding 32-3, 33, 35,

243-4 worsening situation in New York 41 see also Resources

Finland parents' concerns about transfers 138 study of psychological effects of

transfer 143-4, 145-6 trends in 5

Five-state study on supported living, USA

agency team model 111-12 commitment to supported living

107-8 county operated model 112 individual's housing 109 individuals' characteristics 110-11 legislation 108 maintenance of supported living

principles 110 money management 109-10 multi-team model 112 organiza tional characteristics 111-13 person-centred planning 109 role of State Developmental

Disabilities Councils 108 staff characteristics 111-13 supported employment 108 see also Supported living, USA

Florida Supported Living (FSL) programme

104,106,107 see also Five-state study on

supported living, USA FSL (Florida Supported Living) 104,

106,107 Funding, see Finance Future

a better life? 252-3 finance 250-51 integration with other services 251-2 main questions 250 quality of community services 251 threats to deinstitutionalization? 252

GHMS (Group Home Management Scale) 153, 158

Great Britain, see United Kingdom (UK)

Group Home Management Scale (GHMS) 153, 158

Group homes Norway 68 Sweden 86

Groups, see Parent groups; Self-help groups

Housing anonymously or personally

planned? 87, 88, 94-5 boarding houses, Sweden 86 choice of location 91 citizen perspective 89-92, 93-4 competence perspective 88-9 detached housing, Sweden 86-7 group homes 68, 86 interpretation of 70 Norway 68, 70, 75, 188-9 open or selective availability? 87 , open-care', Sweden 85-6 owner occupied? 91 permanency of tenure? 87, 88 residential environment

classifications 118-19, 120 standards and conditions in Norway

70 Sweden 85-92, 94-5 training aspect of 88 unit sizes, Norway 68,75 variety of, need for 90 see also Staffed housing, UK;

Supported living, USA

Iceland 5, 6 ICFs/MR (Intermediate Care

Facilities/Mental Retardation), USA 32-3, 33, 35

Ideological influences 241, 245, 247, 249 Illinois

Community Integrated Living Arrangements (CILA) 104, 110

legislation 107 see also Five-state study on

supported living, USA Implementation of closure, New York

effect of different environments 39, 41-2

lessons from 44-7 management roles, changing context

45-6 and middle management 46 multiple policies 39-40 'normal turbulence' 37-9 overview 47--8 policy changes 40-2 policy lessons 42-4 'seams of government' 46-7 success of 47--8

Individualized Supported Living Arrangement, North Dakota 104, 106, 106-7

Institutions alternatives to, see Community

services v. community care 2 conditions in, USA 7--8 continuing importance of, USA 34-5 decline in number of places 3-4 institutional care unconstitutional in

USA? 243 institutional variables, Norway 74-6 Norway 70-4,186,218-19,220,221 origins of care 3 origins of deinstitutionalization 3 parents' satisfaction with, Norway

218-19,220,221 public image of 71 reform or closure? 1-2 replacement services, USA 244 stigma of social devaluation 77--8 years of change 1-2 see also Closures, of institutions

Integrative Activities Scale 152 Intermediate Care FacilitieslMental

Retardation (ICFs/MR), USA 32-3, 33,35

Ireland, see Northern Ireland

Laconia, closure of State School and Developmental Services

behavioural changes after 25 conditions leading to 20-1 control of costs 23

Index 283

development of community services 22,23--6

institutional management during 22-3

lessons learned 27--8 process of 20-2 satisfaction levels following 25-6 staff commitment 27 staff training 23 see also New Hampshire

Leadership, in acquiring and sustaining resources 183

Legislation Sweden 83-4, 85-6 United Kingdom 11 USA federal 32, 104-5 USA state 107, 108

Lobbying, by parent groups 230-1, 233-4,234-5,239

Local government responsibilities 243, 244,250

Norway 185-6, 187 Sweden 199-200

Management cultural differences in outlook 62-3 staff attitude to 62

Management of closures, New York management roles, changing context

45-6 middle management 46 'seams of government' 46-7

Mansfield Training School, Connecticut 149, 150

Maryland Alternative Living Inc. (ALI) 112-13 legislation 107 see also Five-state study on supported

living, USA Medicaid, USA

Community Supported Living Arrangements (CSLA) 104-5

USA federal funding 32, 33 Medications, Connecticut study 156, 167 Mental retardation, definition, USA 102 Minnesota, Supported Living

Arrangement 104, 105-6 Money management, USA 109-10

284 Index

MOnitoring, in supported living 58, 114-15

Motivational model, in staffed housing 127,127

Nastola, Finland, closure 143-4, 145-6 New Hampshire

avoidance of polarization of views 22 development of community services

21,22,23-6 early intervention system 24 families, support by 26-7 families, support for 25 the future 28-9 geographical background 19 growth of residential care 25 independence in the community 27 political background 19 residence sizes 24, 25 resource allocation 26 state role in closure of Laconia State

School 22 supported employment 24 see also Laconia, closure of State

School and Developmental Services

New York State, closures of institutions background to 31-2 closure proposals 31, 42-3 day treatment services 33 Employees' Services Office (ESO) 38 federal government pressure 35 funding 32-3, 33, 35 implementation, see Implementation

of closure, New York inefficiency of older centres 36 Office of Mental Retardation and

Developmental Disabilities (OMRDD) 31, 36, 38, 40, 43

policy development 31-7 rationale 35-7 after rebuilding and refurbishing

centres 33-4 voluntary agencies' services 36 Westchester closure 38-9 Willowbrook Developmental Centre

31,36,38 worsening fiscal situation 41

Normalization active support model and 183 adoption of ix influence on UK policy changes

170-1 levels of 84 move to, USA 8 Norway 188-90 origins 242 Scandinavia 247 service development 92-3 staff need for guidance 55-6 Sweden 83-5 theory of 32 United States of America 243, 247

North Dakota, Individualized Supported Living Arrangement 104,106,106-7

NorthemIreland 169 Norway

activities, residents' 71, 73-4 changes, postwar 5 closure policy 65 decentralization 193 decline in number of institutional

places 3-4 dedifferentiation 193-5 differentiation 190-3 finance 187-8, 191, 192,213-14 group homes 68 historical and political context 190-5 historical outline 67-8 housing standards and conditions 70 housing types 188-9 HVPU health care service 186-7, 188 improvement movement 77 institutional system, changes in 186 institutional variables 74-6 institutionalised population 67, 68, 69 institutions, residential 70-4 literature 6 medical rationale 68, 77 National Plan for Care for the

Mentally Retarded 191 normalization 188-90 parents' attitudes, see Parents,

Norwegian study on attitudes of pretence of work 76

reforms 186-8, 195--6 residents' territoriality violations

70-1,72,75 resource shortage 75--6 staff ratios 69 transfer of responsibilities to local

governrnent 185--6, 187 unit sizes 68, 75 welfare state development 68--70,


Office of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities (OMRDD), New York 31, 36, 38, 40,43

Ohio mental retardation/disability boards

112 supported living programme 104 see also Five-state study on supported

living, USA OMRDD (Office of Mental Retardation

and Developmental Disabilities), New York 31,36,38,40,43

Options in Community Living, Wisconsin lOS, 109, 112

Organizational model, in staffed housing 127, 127-8

Parent action campaigninw10bbying 230-1, 233-4,

234-5,239 by parent groups 230-1 professional support for 238--9 relationship with service provision

235-8 and type of group 238--9 a variety of strategies 235-8

Parent groups Association of Retarded Citizens,

USA 20-1, 22, 27 ethnic minority representation 232 exerting pressure on services 225 and external agencies 233-5 functions of 229-31 less important role in UK 244 problems and missions 228--9 professionalization of 234

Index 285

relationships with professionals 233-5 resource dependence perspective

233 and type of action 238--9 unrepresentative leadership? 232 unrepresentative membership?

231-2 see also Parent action; Self-help

groups Parents

afraid to jeopardize services received 226-7,238,240

attitudes, see Parents, Norwegian study on attitudes of

care by default 226-7 concerns about community-based

services 226 concerns about transfers 138 contact with residents, Norway 220 institutional attitude towards 226 opposition to deinstitutionalization

209,217 and other family needs 227 service viewed as 'help' not 'right'

227 see also Families; Parent action;

Parent groups Parents, Norwegian study on attitudes

of deinstitutionalization 210-13, 221

contact with residents 220 differing frames of reference

217-20 discussion 222-3 group classification of parents

214-15,216,221 involvement in planning? 214-16 method 209-10 more care by parents 211 opinions on changing conditions

210-11 opposition to deinstitutionalization

209,217 quality of care 217-18 satisfaction with institutions 218--19,

220,221 uncertainty about alternatives


286 Index

PCA (Personal Care Alternatives), Colorado 104, lOS, 106

Physical Quality Index (PQI) 152-3 Political implications xiv-xv PQI (Physical Quality Index) 152-3 Psychological effects 137-47

QOLQ (Quality of Life Questionnaire) 152

Quality of care, parents' attitudes to, Norway

217-18 compromised by fiscal and political

influences xv defining and creating 99 and organizational structure, UK

182-3 quality indicators, Connecticut study

160-1 and resources, UK 182-3 see also Quality of life

Quality assurance, USA on individuals' quality of life 106 methods 114-15

Quality of life general improvement in xvii improvement from deinstitutional­

ization 247-48, 252 risk of paradoxical effect on xvi in staffed housing, UK 52, 54

Quality of Life Questionnaire (QOLQ) 152

Relatives, see Families; Parents Relocation, see Transfers Relocation syndrome, see Transfer

trauma Reports of Committees of Inquiry, UK

9 Research

analysis of variance 66 approaches to 65-7 'first generation' ix-x French structuralism 66--7 future needs 115-16,252 outward bound studies 66 'second generation' x univariate scandal model 66

Residential services, see Housing Resources

leadership and 183 and quality of service, UK 182-3 shortage of, USA xv, 101-2 see also Finance

Results of deinstitutionalization 247-50

Scandinavia academic literature 6--7 decentralization 185, 190 normalization 247 see also Denmark; Finland; Iceland;

Norway; Sweden Scotland 9, 169

see also United Kingdom (UK) Segregation, rejection of ix Self-help groups

classifications 228 definitions 227-8 unrepresentative membership 231 see also Parent groups

Site Review Package ISO, 152 Social climate, influencing reform

246--7 Social Presence Scale 151-2, 157-8 Social role valorization 170, 183 South Wales, support in staffed

housing 128-32 Staff

Employees' Services Office (ESO), New York 38

implications of deinstitutionalization xii-xiv

providing impetus for reforms 246 qualities for family support xiii-xiv research on, need for 252 in supported living organization

111-13 see also Employment for staff;

Training for staff Staffed housing, UK

accountability, need for 58 active support model 58-61 activities 50-I, 53, 54, 60, 123, 124,

126,131-2 adaptive behaviour 51,52,53,55 alternatives to 50

care model in 50-4 costs so crisis management 60 design framework 120 future development 63 goals and direction, need for clarity

in 55-6 growth of number of houses 51, 52 'mainstream' 54-5 managerial support 59 mixed degrees of disability 51-2 mixed results from change to 55--8 monitoring, need for 58 motivational support 125, 127, 127 organizational model of support 127,

127--8 over-administration in 56 quality information 59-60 residents' abilities 124, 131 service orientation 11S-19, 120 service procedures 119,120 service structure 118, 120 sizes and organization of 49-50 Special Development Team 51-2 staff attention and resident

behaviour 124-5 staff support for activities 122, 123,

124-5,130 staff training 56-7, 59, 60-1, 129 staff:resident interaction 121-2,

123-5,126,130-1 staff:resident ratios 121, 123, 125, 131 supportive model 125-6, 127 training residents 122 whole-environment training 59,60-1 see also Community services;

Supported living, USA State Developmental Disabilities

Councils, USA 108 Stress

closure related stress in relatives 137--8

psychological stress, definition 139 see also Transfer trauma

Support, on transfer 142-3, 146-7 Support workers, USA 113-14 Supported Living, Ohio 104 Supported living, USA

Index 287

accountability 114-15 concept of 103 continuum of care 100-1 definition 102 excessive individualization 9S-9 finance 104-5,106-7,114 forces shaping policies 97-102 future research 115-16 government attitudes 99-100 mental retardation, definition 102 monitoring 114-15 principles of 102-3 quality assurance programmes 106,

114-15 reassessing community living 100 resource shortage 101-2 specific programmes 103-7 see also Five-state study on supported

living, USA; Staffed hOUSing, UK; individual states of the USA

Supported Living Arrangement, Minnesota 104, 105-6

Supportive model, in staffed housing 125-6,127

Sweden boarding houses 86 changes, postwar 5 closures 84 Committee for the Partially Able-

bodied 82-3 community service tradition 81-3 compulsory schooling 81 day activity centres 84 decline in number of institutional

places 3-4 detached housing 86-7 'educable' v. 'ineducable' 81,85,87,

8S-9 families' opinions about closures

201--8 group homes 86 housing 85-7, 94-5 housing alternatives 87--8 institutional types and tradition 81 legislation 83-4, 85-6 literature 6 normalization principle 83 normalization process 83-5

288 Index

Sweden (contd.) paradoxical effect on quality of life xvi parents' concerns about transfer 138 special hospitals 6 transfer of responsibilities to local

government 199-200

Tenant Support, Washington 104, 105-6

Training for residents Connecticut study 162-3 effect on residents' activities 176 housing as opportunity for 88 lack of, in institutions 122

Training for staff for community-based staff xiii-xiv Laconia staff 23 normalization instruction 23 practical v. classroom 59 in staffed housing 56-7, 59, 60-1, 129 supportive model in staffed housing

125-7 values training 23 whole-environment training 59, 60-1

Transfer trauma cognitive appraisal 139 controllability of environment 139,

142,146 coping 139 factors influencing 139-42 forms of 138 Nastola, Finland, study 143-4, 145-6,

147 predictability of environment 139,

142,144,146 research 138-9, 140-1 short duration 138-9 see also Stress

Transfers adaptive behaviour 144, 145-6 closure related stress in relatives

137-8 disintegrative process 142-3 integrative process 142 parents' concerns about 138 preparatory programmes 142, 143,

144 social support 142-3, 146-7

see also Connecticut study, into effects of deinstitutionalization; Transfer trauma

UK, see United Kingdom United Kingdom (UK)

alternative residential provision 169-70,171

availability of administrative mechanisms 246

Campaign for the Mentally Handicapped 9

Care in the Community 10 Committees of Inquiry 9 cost-neutral deinstitutionalization

245-6 decline in institutional population

169 effects of deinstitutionalization, see

United Kingdom studies influences on policy changes 170-1 institutional closures 10 legislation 11 loss of leadership and expertise?

171 origins of deinstitutionalization 244 overview of deinstitutionalization

8-11 social role valorization 170, 183 see also England; Northern Ireland;

Scotland; Staffed housing, UK; Wales

United Kingdom studies, into effects of deinstitutionalization

challenging behaviours 179-81 comparative and normative

judgements 184 conclusions 181-4 engagement in activities 174-7 leadership 183 longer-term effects 183-4 outcomes evaluated 173, 173-4 participants 172 participation in community-based

activities 177-8 personal competence 178-9 quality of service 182-3 research studies 171-2, 172

United States of America (USA) Association of Retarded Citizens

20-1,22,27 civil rights tradition 8, 243 closures, see Laconia, closure of State

School and Developmental Services; New Hampshire; New York State, closures of instittions

conditions in institutions 7-8 continuing importance of

institutions 34-5 cost-neutral community services 245 court decisions 32 decline in institutional places and

population x, 3-4 federal funding 32-3, 33, 35, 243-4 forces shaping supported living

policies 97-102 institutional care unconstitutional?

243 Intermediate Care Facilities/Mental

Retardation (ICFs/MR) 32-3, 33, 35

legislation, federal 32, 104-5 legislation, state 107, 108 move to normalization 8 national funding and community

services 243-4 normalization 243, 247 origins of deinstitutionalization 7-8,

243 overview of deinstitutionalization

7-8 reluctance to close institutions 34--5,

243 replacement services 244 resource shortage xv, 101-2 societal influences 8

Index 289

support workers 113--14 supported living, definition 102-3 waiting lists for community services

xiv-xv see also Supported living, USA;

Individual states of the USA USA, see United States of America

Wales decline in institutional places and

population 3-4, 169 policy in 9-10 support in staffed housing in South

Wales 128-32 see also United Kingdom (UK)

Washington, Tenant Support 104, 105-6

Welfare state aspects of 68-9 changes in xv-xvi Norway 68-70, 191-2 residual v. institutional extremes 69 Sweden 81-2

Westchester, New York, closure 38-9 Willowbrook Developmental Centre,

New York, closure 31, 36, 38 Wisconsin

Community Aide 104 Community Integration Program

104,106-7 Options in Community Living 105,

109,112 see also Five-state study on supported

living, USA Work 73-4

pretence of 76 see also Activities, residents';

Employment for residents
