References978-3-642-73966-8/1.pdf · Anguita F (1977) Las islas Canarias dentro del esquema de la...


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Geographical Index

Abontorok (Niger) 333, 340, 350, 361- 374 Abu Dom (Sudan) 436, 443, 449 Adamawa (Cameroon) 134, 274, 276, 321 Aden Gulf 17, 86, 91 Adeoudene (Niger) 334 Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) 15, 89 Adirondacks Mountains (USA) 373 Adrar (Mali) 3, 5, 417 Adrar Bous (Niger) 353, 369 Adrar N'Ajjer (Algeria) 250, 252f, 258-260 Afar (Djibouti) 3f, 10, 13f, 86, 89-97, 101,

105, 109, 111, 116, 118, 121-124, 128-132, 222, 271, 325

Afis (see Ofoud) Afu (Nigeria) 332, 334, 425, 442 Africa 2, 3, 8-11, 17, 71, 74, 87, 102, 124,

132-136,147,150,154,177-193, 209-224,243-257,377, 383, 407-425, 436,450-459,472,487,493-495,535, 541, 556

Agades (Nigeria) 450 Agadir (Morocco) 215, 228 Agalak (Nigeria) 443, 449 Aghatane (Niger) 334 Agoua Ouacherene (Niger) 360 Agueraguer (Niger) 333, 360, 370 Ahaggar (Algeria) 220 Air (Niger) 4, 9, 334- 375 Alaji (Ethiopia-Sudan) 91 Albert Lake (Uganda-Zaire) 14, 16 Algeria 148f, 153, 250 AlnO (Norway) 385 Almandies-Yoff (Senegal) 190, 207 Amadror (Algeria) 250, 260 Amaro (Ethiopia) 89 Ambotorok (Niger) 353, 358 America 5, 131, 147-154, 177, 181, 187f,

209, 213-221, 248, 455-458 Anaga (Cape Verde) 211, 228 Angola 4-7,385,412,450-457, 481f, 491,

545-557 Annobon (see Pagalu) Anse Bernard (Senegal) 197-202 Aouak (Niger) 334 Aouderas (Niger) 328

Aouzegueur (Niger) 332 Antarctica 147 Anti-Atlas (Morocco) 148f, 215, 218 Arabia 410-447 Araxa (Brazil) 471 Ardo Mine (South Africa) 516 Arizona (USA) 84 Arlit (Niger) 338, 348 Aroyan (Niger) 333, 340 Ascension 220 Assal (Djibouti) 102 Aswa (Sudan) 3, 9f, 131 Atakor (Algeria) 250, 252 Athaki (Niger) 334 Atlantic ocean 5-10,66,147-154, 175-248,

351, 454-457, 478, 481 Atlas (Morocco) 148-153, 210-228, 410 Australia 66, 106, 437 Azangkuerene (Niger) 332 Azlaf (Mauritania) 148-153 Azores 67,211-221

Babal Awja (Arabia) 441 Baguezans (Niger) 333, 443 Bagzane (Niger) 333, 340 Bahi-Kisingo (Thnzania) 488 Bakwanga (Zaire) 535-542 Balche (Cameroon) 3f Baltimore (USA) 196 Bambouto Mount (Cameroon) 274, 317, 323 Bamoun plateau (Cameroon) 317 Banc de la Resolue (Senegal) 198 Bandia (Senegal) 190, 198 Bangala (Malawi) 388 Bare Diam (Senegal) 198 Bargany (Senegal) 198 Barkly west (South Africa) 488, 497, 502,

516 Basso Ebor (Ethiopia) 89 Basso Narok (Ethiopia-Kenya) see Thrkana Batoke (Cameroon) 311 Bayuda (Sudan) 351 Beit Bridge (South Africa-Zimbabwe) 494 Bel Air (Senegal) 198, 205 Bellevue (Senegal) 198

622 Geographical Index

Bellsbank (South Africa) 491, 497, 506, 516, 519

Benfontein (South Africa) 502, 504 Benin 421 Benoue (Cameroon, Nigeria) 3-10,318,321,

351 Bermuda 212, 224 Biao (see San Joakim) Biega (Zaire) 99, 447, 479, 483 Bingo (Zaire) 474, 477 Bilet (Niger) 333-351, 370, 4423 Bioko (Cameroon) 310-323 Birao (Cameroon) 3, 8, 9 Birunga (Rwanda, Uganda, Zaire) 8, 53 -67,

87-103,111-131 Blaauwbosh (South Africa) 497 Ba1cM (Cameroon) 3, 5 Bobbejaan (South Africa) 497, 516-519 Boina (Ethiopia) 103 Bolivia 437 Border (South Africa) 489 Boshoff (South Africa) 497, 516 Botesi (Ethiopia) 97 Botswana 483-494, 500, 526 Bous (Niger) 332-375 Bouvet (Antarctic) 220 Brandberg (Namibia) 456f, 477, 480 Brazil 5 Britany (France) 148, 177 Bufumbira (Rwanda, Uganda, Zaire) 41-74 Buji (Nigeria) 442 Bukavu (Zaire) 87-109,118 Bukuru (Nigeria) 442 Bukusu (Uganda) 474 Bultfontein (South Africa) 494, 498, 509f,

513 Bunyaruguru (Uganda) 41-74 Burkina-Faso 147, 488, 491 Bushimaie (Zaire) 539, 540 Bushveld (South Africa) 373 Bushmanland (South Africa) 500

Cacuilo (Angola) 542, 544 Cacumbi (Angola) 544 California (USA) 544 Calonda (Angola) 542, 544, 547 Camberene (Senegal) 205 Cameroon 4, 117, 134, 220, 271- 274, 281,

320-325, 327, 349, 375,412-450 Camute (Angola) 542, 547 Canada 117, 182f, 396, 471 Canaries 66, 81, 191, 201, 207, 210-218,

226-249,467,488 Cap des Biches (Senegal) 198 Cap des Naze (Senegal) 198 Cap Manuel (Senegal) 190, 198, 200, 203 Cap St Andre (Madagascar) 375

Cap Vert (Senegal) 189-208 Cape (South Africa) 12, 410, 485 Cape Blanc (Senegal) 213 Cape Bojador (Morocco) 219 Cape Cross (Namibia) 456ff Cape Hatteras (USA) 213 Cape Verde 8, 10, 191-226, 242- 249,

467f Cassamance (Senegal) 192, 194 Cassinga (Angola) 542 Catoca (Angola) 544 Catumbela (Angola) 542 Cayar (Senegal) 182, 191-199, 208 Chad 6, 8, 321, 447f Chambe (Malawi) 380, 496ff Chaone (Malawi) 377-401 Chaumbwi (Malawi) 387 Chew Bahir Lake (Sudan) 12 Chikala (Malawi) 377 -401 Chikapa (Angola) 542-550 Chilwa (Malawi) 3-6, 377 -412, 450-475 Chiperone (Malawi) 381 Chinduzi (Malawi) 377, 379, 399, 401 Chiumbe (Angola) 543 Chiuta (Malawi) 381 Chuara (Malawi) 377 Colorado Plateau (USA) 84, 210, 243, 518 Colossus (South Africa) 498 Columbia river (USA) 147, 181 Comores 220 Conakry (Gwinea) 196 Conception (Cape Verde) 222-231, 243 Congo 6, 9, 488, 493, 512 Coola (Angola) 481 Cornwall (England) 437 Coruja (Cape Verde) 197 Creuiser (USA) 243 Crevier (Canada) 471 Crowsnest (Canada) 394, 396 Cuango (Angola) 542, 545 Cuanza (Angola) 542 Cuarizo (Angola) 547 Cubango (Angola) 542 Cucumbi (Angola) 542 Cunene (Angola) 542 Czechoslovakia) 437, 438

Dabaga (Niger) 332 Dacia (Canaries) 243 Dakar (Senegal) 4, 8, 189-205 Damagaram (Mali) 4, 349, 351, 422 Danakil (Ethiopia) 92, 104, 106 De Beers (South Africa) 493, 498, 524, 526 Deccan (India) 11, 147, 154, 165, 181 Diak (Senegal) 190, 198, 201 Dibi (Cameroon) 134 Dibaya (Zaire) 538

Diokoul (Senegal) 198, 200 Dodoma (Thnzania) 49 Dokolwayo (South Africa) 497 Doornkloof (South Africa) 497 Doros (Namibia) 456, 457 Dorowa (Zimbabwe) 457, 472-475 Dougar (Senegal) 198 Dreisser (West Germany) 61 Duluth (USA) 371, 493 Dutoitspan (South Africa) 493 Dutsen Wai (Nigeria) 442 Draa Valley (Morocco) 153

Eburru (Kenya) 97, 102 Edoukel (Niger) 332 Egalah (Niger) 333, 340 Eggere (Algeria) 250-260 Egypt 5, 412-435 Eifel (West Germany) 47, 61 Elandskloof (South Africa) 498 El Meki (Niger) 334-347,443,449 England 438 Erongo (Namibia) 456, 478, 480 Esauria-Aium (Mauritania) 216, 224 Esauria-Agadivi (Mauritania) 215 Etaneno (Namibia) 456 Etinde Mount (Cameroon) 310 Etome (Cameroon) 311 Ethiopia 7 - 17, 86 - 136 Europe 14, 165, 181, 219, 243 Excelsior Mine (South Africa) 518

Fann (Senegal) 100 Fen (Norway) 382, 466, 475 Finsch (South Africa) 498, 506f, 515,

523-534, 550-556 Fort Portal (Uganda) 23-37,48, 61, 70f, 87,

463 Fouloune (Senegal) 198 Foum-Zguid (Morocco) 148-153, 177ff France 148, 152, 183f, 437f Frank Smith (South Africa) 497, 510-520 Freetown (Liberia) 148-153, 412, 481 Fuerteventura (Canaries) 208-236,247

Gabon 488 Gadiaga (Senegal) 198 Gahinga (Rwanda, Zaire) 27, 119 Galla Lake (Ethiopia) 14 Gambia 191 Gandoul (Senegal) 198 Gao (Nigeria) 3 Garoua (Cameroon) 318 Ghana 488 Ghurayyah (Arabia) 441 Gibeon (Namibia) 49, 494, 500 Gibraltar 212, 215, 221

Geographical Index 623

Glenover (South Africa) 467, 474 Golda Zuelva (Cameroon) 425 Goma (Zaire) 25 Gomera-Hierro (Canaries) 229 - 238, 247 Gondwana 9f, 17, 47, 410, 412, 450, 454,

478f,482f Goree (Senegal) 198-202 Gorogonza (Malawi) 377 Gough 221, 235, 244, 246 Goundai (Niger) 333, 347 - 352, 370,

442 Gran Canaria (Canaries) 222-247 Granny Smith (South Africa) 517, 520 Greutstone Dom (USA) 196 Grenville (Canada) 371, 375 Griqualand (South Africa) 488, 511,

520 Gross Brukkaros (Namibia) 498, 500 Gross Spitskoppe (Namibia) 456 Guenfalabo (Cameroon) 291 Guessaf (Niger) 443 Guiers (Senegal) 194 Guinea 320 Guissat (Niger) 340, 347, 443 Gwena (Zaire) 546

Habd ad Dayahim 444 Habd ash Sharar (see Jabal Sa'id) Hamburg (Germany) 12 Hank (Mauritania) 148f, 153, 173 Hawaii (USA) 235, 244 Hidra (Norway) 367 Hodh (Mauritania) 148, 153 Hoggar (Algeria) 3f, 9, 250-267, 421 Homa Mount (Kenya) 463 Harar (Kenya) 97 Harwell (Nigeria) 441

Iberia 149, 152, 183f, 218, 221 Iceland 127 Idjwi (Zaire) 99 Idoukal n'Thghes (Niger) 334 lforas (Mali, Niger) 417,421,478 Iles des Madeleines (Senegal) 198, 203 Imaghlane (Niger) 333, 338 India 11, 147 Indian ocean 5-12,131 In Ezzane (Algeria) 250 Irambo (Thnzania) 492 Iskou (Niger) 329 Ivory Coast 147, 480-491

Jabal Eyob (Saudi Arabia) 437 Jabal Habd Ad Dayahim (Arabia) 444 Jabal Habd Ash Sharar (Arabia) 444 Jabal Hamra (Arabia) 435 Jabal Kuara (Arabia) 441

624 Geographical Index

Jabal Said (Arabia) 434-447 Jabal Thrban (Arabia) 441 Jabal Thwalah (Arabia) 441, 444 Jabal This (Sudan) 443 Jabal Umum al Sugian (Arabia) 441 Jabal Uweinat (Libya) 412 Jagersfontein (South Africa) 494-498,

508-525 Jandia (Cape Verde) 211 Jantar (Nigeria) 442 Jebel Mara (Sudan) 220 Jos (Nigeria) 349, 351, 442-449 Junguni (Malawi) 377, 403-407 Jwaneng (Botswana) 488, 498, 524-528

Kaapvallei (South Africa) 517 Kaapvaal (South Africa) 457, 494, 507 Kaarta (Mauritania) 148-153, 172-179 Kabirenge (Uganda) 58 Kabor (Senegal) 198 Kachuba (Uganda) 58 Kahuzi (Zai're) 99,477-483 Kakoulima (Guinea) 149 Kalahari (Botswana, Namibia, South

Africa) 412,487-497, 506-525 Kalkfeld (Namibia) 383, 456-475 Kalonji (Zaire) 537 Kalyango (Uganda) 58, 61 Kamituga (Zaire) 87,94-103,111-121,131 Kampfersdam (South Africa) 498 Kangankunde (Malawi) 377-393,467-477 Kaninka (Uganda) 27 Kankuyu (Uganda) 58 Kapiri (Malawi) 387 Kapsiki Plateau (Cameroon) 319 Karibib (see Erongo) Karisimbi (Zaire - Rwanda) 70, 119, 128 Karoo (South Africa) 131, 147, 154, 165, 181,

379, 381, 408, 478 Kasal (Zaire) 481-489,537-549,556 Kasekere (Uganda) 23-37,71 Kashioba (Zaire) 546 Kasila (Sierra Leone) 482 Katunga (Uganda) 25, 35, 41, 50, 53 Katwe-Kikorongo (Uganda) 23-27, 38-74 Kavirondo (Kenya) 94f, 131 Kayanza (Burundi) 477 Kazimiro (Uganda) 27, 58 Keatley (USA) Kenya 8-16, 86-112, 122-130, 322,

457 -492, 535, 556 Kerenyaga (Uganda) 12 Kerimasi (Thnzania) 59 Kerimba (Sudan) 3 Kharthoum (Sudan) 3-9, 351, 443, 449 Khazabe (Senegal) 198 Kheur Mamour (Senegal) 198

Kigoma (1anzania) 58 Kigom (Nigeria) 442, 450 Kilauea (USA) 92 Kila Warji (Sudan) 438 Kilimandjaro (Kenya) 12, 94 Kimberley (South Africa) 488 - 534 "Kirumba (Zaire) 467 Kisoro (Uganda) 25 Kissane (Senegal) 198 Kivu (Zaire) 453, 474 Kivu lake (Rwanda, Zaire) 9-25, 87-99,

131,477 Klein Spitkoppe (Namibia) 456 Klipfontein (South Africa) 498 Koffiefontein (South Africa) 530, 532 Kogo Hills (Nigeria) 447 Koidou (Sierra Leone) 492 Kolo (South Africa) 488 Kongwe (Malawi) 387 Konzi (Zaire) 546 Krakatoa (Indonesia) 92 Kransberg (Namibia) 480 Ksi-Ksou (Algeria) 148-153 Kumba (Cameroon) 315, 320 Kundelungu (Zaire) 490, 535-557 Kuruman (South Africa) 488, 498, 533 Kwango (Zaire) 546 Kyekora (Uganda) 27

Labrador (Canada) 371, 375 Lam Lam (Senegal) 190, 198 Langmuir (Cape Verde) 212 Lanzarote (Cape Verde) 211-237,246 La Palma (Cape Verde) 212,229-245 Lashaine (Thnzania) 103-108, 118 Lebombo (South Africa) 4f, 38 Lekkerfontein (South Africa) 520 Leona (Senegal) 189-197, 208 Lengai (Thnzania) 400 Lesotho 486, 494f, 507, 520-526, 535, 551 Lethlakane (Botswana) 488 Letseng la Thrae (Lesotho) 498, 515, 523, 525 Leucite Hills (USA) 78 Liberia 148-153, 481, 491 Liberte (Senegal) 201 Libya 412, 422, 424 Limpopo (South Africa, Zimbabwe) 457, 488 Limue (Angola) 547 Lipelaneng (South Africa) 515 Louwrencia (South Africa) 511 Loxtondal (South Africa) 497 Limpopo (Mocambique, South Africa,

Zimbabwe) 457,494 London (England) 12, 381f, 485 Los (Senegal) 4, 7, 1 % Luangwa (Malawi) 3,6 Lubumbashi (Zaire) 63, 485

Lucapa (Angola) 480 Luderitz (South Africa) 455f, 480f Luembe (Angola) 543 Lueshe (Zaire) 467, 474, 477, 485 Lufuli (Angola) 544 Luijongo (Uganda) 37 Lukuga (Angola, Zaire) 543 Lunda (Angola, Zaire) 535, 542-547 Lupata (Mocambique) 379-401 Lutale (Uganda) 37 Lutoe (Angola) 543 Luwenga (Thnzania) 131

Mabungo (Uganda) 37 Machembe (Malawi) 379, 389 Mac Kenzies Post (South Africa) 488 Madagascar 7, 375 Madeiras (Spain) 215, 223, 243, 249 Mafuru (Uganda) 36, 58, 74 Magdala (Ethiopia) 11 Mahenga (Uganda) 58 Main complex (Malawi) 396 - 398 Maio (Senegal) 197, 208, 218 Makganyene (South Africa) 499 Malawi 3-13,88,131,377-391, 408f,

452-476 Mali 1, 149-154, 164, 171-184, 418, 421,

487,491 Malombe lake (Malawi) 380, 387 Malosa (Malawi) 379, 403 Mamelles (Senegal) 190, 201, 207 Manengouba Mount (Cameroon) 274, 317 Mangbai (Cameroon) 3, 5 Manzaz (Algeria) 250, 258, 260 Marangudzi (Zimbabwe) 457 Masakin Hills (Sudan) 443 Mateke Hills (see Marangudzi) Matsoku (South Africa) 509, 514f Mauritania 148-153,164,173-181, 192f Mauze (Malawi) 377, 381 Mayo Darle (Cameroon) 290, 425, 435-443 Mbao (Senegal) 198, 200 Mbeya (Thnzania) 467 - 474 Mbirdiam (Senegal) 198 Mbizi (South Africa) 494 Mbo (Zaire) 546 Mboutou (Cameroon) 271, 291, 321, 322,

373, 375, 415, 425 Mbour (Senegal) 194, 211 Mbozi (Malawi) 458 Mbuga (Uganda) 37 Mbuji-Mayi (Zaire) 535, 537, 552-556 Mediteranean sea 208 Meru (Kenya) 94 Messejana (Portugal-Spain) 148f Messeta (Morocco) 146-153 Messum (Namibia) 456

Geographical Index 625

Megueur Megueur (Niger) 332, 333, 353-364, 371, 375

Mexico 12 Micheze (Malawi) 379 Middelt (Morocco) 481 Mikeno (Rwanda-Zaire) 119 Milange (Malawi) 377, 381 Miri Hills (Sudan) 443 Mitzic (Gabon) 535 Mocambique 9,377-381,391,394,457,482 Mombasa (Kenya) 3, 12 Monastery (Lesotho) 488,498, 504-514,

520ff, 530ff Mongolowe (Malawi) 377, 379, 381, 400, 401 Monoun lake (Cameroon) 317 Morocco 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154,

157, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 169, 170, 171,172,174,177,178,183,184,211,228, 480, 481, 482

Moro Limon Hill (Sudan) 444 Morrumbala (Malawi) 379, 381 Mothae (South Africa) 498 Mount Bana (Cameroon) 283 Mount Cameroon (Cameroon) 274, 313 Mount Rolland (Senegal) 198 Mpyupyu (Malawi) 389, 403 Mrima Hill (Kenya) 472, 477 Muambe (Malawi) 377, 382 Muhabura (Rwanda, Uganda) 58, 119 Malanje (Malawi) 379, 381, 389, 396, 399,

408 Mutwan Nzige (Uganda, Zaire) 86, 131 Mwadui (Thnzania) 492, 535, 549 Mwanza (Tanzania) 491f Mwembeshi (Zambia) 6 Mwenga (Zaire) 87, 94-121, 131 Mzongwana (South Africa) 498

Nabugando (Uganda) 26, 31, 37 Nachendezwanya Hill (Malawi) 457 Naivasha (Kenya) 47, 127f Namangali (Malawi) 387 Namaqualand (South Africa) 494, 515f Namibia 4-6, 412, 437, 450, 454, 485, 495,

536 Nanchindwe (Malawi) 380 Napak (Uganda) 393, 452-462, 474 Natal (South Africa) 515 Nathace Hill (see Tundulu) Navajo (USA) 84 Nda Ali (Cameroon) 283, 322 Ndali (Uganda) 26 Ndias (Senegal) 194-200 Neneis-Kohero (Namibia) 479 New Elands (South Africa) 497 New England (USA) 225, 243 New Jersey (USA) 159

626 Geographical Index

Newlands (South Africa) 497, 516 Ngaoundere (Cameroon) 3, 9, 425 Ngozi (Burundi) 95 Niakoul Rap (Senegal) 198, 200 Niger 9, 147,328, 349-353, 375, 412-425,

432-437, 448, 451, 478, 485 Nigeria 4, 345-352, 370, 375, 397f, 450, 478,

485 Nile river (Egypt, Sudan) 5, 351 Njopi lake (Cameroon) 318 Nioro (Sierra Leone) 482 Nkalonje (Malawi) 387, 407 Nkambe (Cameroon) 318 Nkombwa Hi1l (Zambia) 472f Norway 367, 373, 382, 391 Nsala (Malawi) 387 Nsengwa (Malawi) 387 Ntumbaw (Cameroon) 289 Nuanetsi (Zimbabwe) 272, 385, 412, 450f,

457,480f Nuba Mountains (Sudan) 443 Nubia (Egypt) 4, 421-425 Nyahwe (Tanzania) 493 Nyakimango (Uganda) 58 Nyamulagira (Zaire) 25, 94 -100, 119, 485 Nyamutarira (Uganda) 37 Nyanza (Kenya) 95, 492, 535 Nyassaland (see Malawi) Nyiragongo (Zaire) 25, 66, 67, 94-100,

115 -123, 485 Nyos lake (Cameroon) 318

Odegi (Nigeria) 442 Ofoud (Niger) 348-353, 360-375 Okonjenje (Namibia) 456 Okorusku (Namibia) 384, 456, 472-476 Oku Mount (Cameroon) 274, 318-325 Oldoinyo Dili (Tanzania) 468f Oldoinyo Lengai (Tanzania) 14, 59, 95, 122f,

395, 452-469 Olorgasaile (Kenya) 97 Omo Valley (Kenya) 12, 14 Ondurakurume (Namibia) 456 Oporto (Portugal) 211 Oslo (Norway) 397f Osongombe (Namibia) 456 Orange river (South Africa) 494 Orapa (Botswana) 408,498, 500, 515-532 Onakam (Senegal) 190, 203, 206 Oued Arnded (Mauritania) 3 Ouombine (Senegal) 198

Paka (Kenya) 102 Paki (Senegal) 198 Pangala (Cameroon) 274, 292 Palisades (USA) 159 Palmietgat (South Africa) 498

Palombe (Malawi) 379 Panda Hill (see Mbeya) Parana (Brazil, Paraguay) 5, 147, 165, 181 Paresis (Namibia) 456 Pernambuco (Brazil) 276 Peru 12 Phalaborwa (South Africa) 470, 474 Pikine (Senegal) 205 Pipe 200 (South Africa) 513 Poli (Cameroon) 292, 425 Ponta Delgade (Azores) 211 Popenguine (Senegal) 198 Portugal 147f, 211 Posbmasburg (South Africa) 488 Pout (Senegal) 198 Premier (South Africa) 488,494-513,

522-533 Pretoria (South Africa) 494 Prieska (South Africa) 488 Prince Edward (Antarctica) 220 Principe (Sao Tome i Principe) 274, 309, 325 Python island (Malawi) 387

Queve (Angola) 542

Ras ed Dom (Sudan) 426 Red sea 2, 4, 10, 12, 86, 92, 103 -116, 224 Reguibat (Liberia, Mauritania) 149 Renatt (Niger) 332 Retba (Senegal) 198 Rhein river (Germany) 11-15 Rhodesia (see Zimbabwe) Riet fontein (South Africa) 498 Rio Grande (Cape Verde) 212 Ririwai (Nigeria) 434-438, 444, 448 Rkiz (Senegal) 194 Roberts Victor (South Africa) 491- 530 Rogaland (Norway) 373 Ropp (Nigeria) 442 Ruaha (Malawi) 3, 88 Rudolf lake (Kenya) 12 and see Thrkana Rufisque (Senegal) 190-200 Rufunsa (Zambia) 6 Ruhengeri (Rwanda) 25 Ruhuhuma (Uganda) 58 Rukwa (Malawi-Tanzania) 88 Rumpi Hills (Cameroon) 274, 315, 324 Rungwe (Tanzania) 88, 95, 100, 108, 113,

130f Ruwenzori (Uganda, Zaire) 13-17,26,86,

131 Ruzizi river (Burundi, Rwanda, Zaire) 99 Rwanda 25

Sabinyo (Zaire, Rwanda) 58, 65 - 70, 119 Saboka (Sudan) 435 - 449 Saboloka (Sudan) 435-449

Sahara 250, 450 Saint Helene 108, 121, 124, 220, 244 Saint Louis (Senegal) 194, 196 Saiya Shoboko (Nigeria) 436 Sake (Zaire) 25 Salambidwe (Malawi) 377,390f Salem (Namibia) 467, 478f Salvages (Spain) 215 Sandack (Senegal) 198 Santiaba (Senegal) 198 Sao Francisco (Brazil) 9 Sao Tome (Sao Tome i Principe) 274, 307 Saranda (Thnzania) 491 Saudi Arabia (see Arabia) Sebissan (Senegal) 198 Senegal 8, 148, 149, 189-195, 215f Sene Serere (Senegal) 198, 201 Sept iles (Canada) 375 Shaba (Zaire) 537, 556 Shawa (Zimbabwe) 457,469 Shendi (Sudan) 449 Shere (Nigeria) 442 Shingolulu (Zaire) 546 Shire (Malawi) 3, 380f Shiyanga (Thnzania) 492 Siberia (USSR) 147, 154 Singinda (Thnzania) 492 Sierra Leone 143 -149, 212, 3889, 490-499 Sirret (Niger) 443 Skaergaard (Canada) 372 Solvages (Cape Verde) 243 Somalia 11, 17 Songwe (Malawi) 387 Soumbedioune (Senegal) 203 South Africa 409, 470, 480, 487 -494,

499-507, 519-535, 546-556 South West Africa (see Namibia) Sover (South Africa) 497 Spain 147, 148 Spitkopjes (Namibia) 480 Star Mine (South Africa) 499" 502, 516f Stillwater (Canada) 372 Stormberg (South Africa) 384 Strathmore-Uis (Namibia) 479 Sudan 3-10,91, 350f, 411-414, 421-449,

478 Sukulu (Uganda) 472-475 Surnr al Ishar (Arabia) 441 Sutherland (South Africa) 499 Syrte (Thnisia) 3 Syria 12 Swartruggens (South Africa) 488, 499-506,

524ff Swaziland 487

Thdhak (Mali) 4f, 412, 480ff Thfourfouzete (Niger) 332

Geographical Index 627

Thghmeurt (Niger) 338 Thghouaji (Niger) 329, 340-348, 370,

436-450 Thguei (Niger) 332 Thhalra (Algeria) 250-262 Thiba (Senegal) 198 Thinok (Niger) 449 Thjura (Somalia) 11, 103, 114, 116 Thlala (Zaire) 541 Thmazert (Morocco) 480f Thmgak (Niger) 333, 353, 359 Thmna (Senegal) 198 Thnganyika lake (Thnzania, Zaire, Zam­

bia) 3-16, 87, 94, 131 Thnzania 6,9,87-130,380,453-468,

487-492, 535, 549, 556 Thoudeni (Mali) 148-151, 171, 179, 482 Thrfaya-Aium (Mauritania) 217 Tcheemanassene (Niger) 333, 347 Tchinadene (Niger) 359 Tefidet (Niger) 3, 9, 338, 344 Teide (Canaries) 239, 246 Thneguia (Canaries) 241f Thnere (Niger) 3, 9 Thrmit (Mali) 3, 5 Thsofi (Mali) 3, 5 Thies (Senegal) 189, 197-200 Tibchi (Nigeria) 434, 435, 444, 448f Tibesti (Chad) 4, 8, 220 Tihama (Ethiopia) 90 Tilichenene (Niger) 334 Timia (Niger) 334 Tindouf (Algeria) 153 Tin Aouak (Niger) 334 Tin Thjet (Niger) 443 Tin Tilisdak (Niger) 450 Todgha (Niger) 334-338 Tombel plain (Cameroon) 316 Topsails (Nigeria) 397f Toro Ankole (Uganda) 8, 25, 79, 86-108,

117-124,132 lbroro (Uganda) 382 lbubab Diallao (Senegal) 198, 200 Touirist (Mauritania) 148f Transvaal (South Africa) 474, 506 Tristan da Cunha 220f, 244 Thhibua (Zaire) 537-547 Thndulu (Malawi) 377 - 386, 407, 463,

472-476 Thnisia 3 Turkana lake (Kenya) 12, 89, 96

Uganda 13,23-32,60,67-83,95, 100, 105f, 120-124, 387, 452-475, 550

Uintjiesburg (South Africa) 499 Umm al Birak (Arabia) 441ff Urema (Malawi) 3

628 Geographical Index

USA 78-84, 147 USSR 489 Uweinat (Egypt) 4

Vela (Senegal) 215 Venetia (South Africa) 494, 499 Victoria lake (Uganda, Kenya) 12, 60, 491 Virunga (see Birunga) Visoke (Rwanda, Zaire) 119 Voorspoed (South Africa) 499, 515 Vosges (France, Germany) 11

Wadi (Sudan) 449 Wakome (Senegal) 190 Walvis Bay (South Africa) 3, 109, 212,

244 Weiber (Germany) 61 Wesselton (South Africa) 498, 555 West Victoria (South Africa) 488 White Mountains (USA) 351

Wigu Hill (Thnzania) 472f Wonji (Kenya) 89 Wyoming (USA) 78, 80

Yakutia (USSR) 489, 549ff Yeba (Senegal) 198 Yemen 86, 88, 92 Yemen Plateau (Yemen) 271f

Zaigouche (Algeria) 149 Zaire 9-34, 104, 108, 323ff,467-491,

535-556 Zakkat (Niger) 359 Zalingei (Sudan) 5 Zambezi river (Zambia, Zimbabwe) 3,6,

382-386 Zambia 380, 472f, 500 Zimbabwe 4-6, 385, 457, 471-479, 494,

500 Zomba (Malawi) 384ff, 394ff, 403-408

Subject Index

Absarokite 58 Acmite in ultramafic rocks 56, 57 Acrnitic ferro-salite in ultramafic rocks 254,

257, 266, 268 Aegyrine in carbonatite 453f - in fenite 392f, 465, 467 - in granite 416, 425, 432f, 449, 453m 478,

480 - in hawaiite 207, 240 - in pegmatite 202 - in syenite 406 Aenigmatite in carbonatite 398 - in granite 419, 432f - in hawaiite 207 - in trachyte 317 Aeschynite in carbonatite 476 Age determination 15f, 190, 198, 200, 204f,

211, 220, 247f, 363, 368f, 379f, 457, 478, 481, 497, 498ff, 533f, 539, 543, 547, 555, 557

Agglomerate 385, 387, 457, 459, 501 Akermanite in ultramafic rocks 51 Albite in carbonatite 475 - in eclogite 77 - in granite 416, 418, 426, 429, 432f, 437,

440, 442, 462 - in quartz syenite 426 - in ultramafic xenoliths 56 Albitite 429, 466f, 479 Alkali feldspar in anorthosite 360, 362, 375 - in basalt 100 - in carbonatite 387, 467 - in diamond 529 - in dolerite 158 - in eclogite 516, 518 - in fenite 392, 465ff - in gabro 360f, 371 - in granite 418, 426, 431-440, 446, 478f - in syenite 426 - in pegmatite 360, 472, 484 - in trachyte 240f - in ultramafic rocks 33, 35, 68, 70 - in ultramafic xenoliths 42, 45, 49, 53, 57f,

62, 64, 67f, 70, 72 Alkremite 518

Almandine in diamond 529 - in eclogite 517 Alnoite 377, 386, 481 Alvikite 461, 463, 465, 474 Amazonite in greisen 435, 480 Ambligonite in granite 439, 449, 484 - in pegmatite 480 Amphibole in basalt 201, 242 - in anorthosite 360, 362, 375 - in basalt 201, 242 - in carbonatite 407f, 453, 465, 470, 474 - in eclogite 515, 518, 548 - in fenite 393, 465 - in syenite 196, 362, 4OOf, 474 - in granite 362, 420, 425f, 432f - in monzonite 359 - in syenite 196, 4OOf, 426, 478 - in ultramafic rocks 76, 81 - in ultramafic xenoliths 38, 57, 67f, 72,

118, 254, 256f, 267 Amphibolite 465, 516 Analcyme in blairmorite 395f - in carbonatite 381, 387, 395 Anatase in granite 443 Anatexis 125ff, 130 Andesite 58, 164, 481 Anydrite 191f Ankaramite 237 Ankaratrite 99, 385 Ankerite in carbonatite 383, 454, 472, 475 - in nepheline syenite 401 Annite in granite 432f, 478 - in trachyte 316 Anorthoclase in kenyte 380 - in rhyolite 317 Anorthosite 272, 332, 353, 355, 359, 360,

364, 367, 369-376, 415, 416, 421, 425, 481f, 519

Antigorite in megacrysts 547 Apatite in carbonatite 453f, 461, 469f, 472ff,

476, 482, 484 - in dolerite 155, 158 - in fenite 465, 475 - in granite 425f, 434, 442 - in kimberlite 503, 546

630 Subject Index

Apatite (cont.) - in phonolite 240 - in syenite 426 - in ultramafic rocks 36f, 59, 67, 82, 128 - in ultramafic xenoliths 38f, 43f, 46, 49f,

56f, 59, 61, 63f, 67, 70f Aplite 447 Aquamarine in pegmatite 480 Arfvedsonite in blairmorite 397f, 401 - in fenite 467 - in granite 416f,419, 425f, 429, 432f, 440,

449, 462, 478 - in greisen 434, 467 - in fenite 392, 467 - in hawaiite 207 - in pegmatite 202 - in trachyte 318 - in syenite 426, 478 Argentite in greisen 434f Arsenopyrite in greisen 434f, 443f, 446, 480 Assimilation 5, 101, 109f, 118-121, 125,

127f, 130, 133, 176, 180-186,266, 369f, 374, 506, 553, 555

Asthenosphere 66f, 69, 71, 94, 114, 122, 130-135, 185-187,212, 226f, 232, 243, 250, 253, 260, 482, 506, 522, 534f

Astrophyllite in blairmorite 398 - in granite 432, 442, 480 - in nepheline syenite 454 Attapulgite 203 Augite in dolerite 157-163 - in hawaiite 240 - in quartz-syenite 440 - in ultramafic xenoliths 39, 252, 254, 256,

257 Azurite in greisen 434, 454

Baddeleite in carbonatite 454, 472, 475f Banakite 53, 58 Baryte in basalt 201 - in carbonatite 454, 471-477, 482 - in greisen 443 Basalt 8-11, 60f, 74-136,147,164-174,

200-205, 234-268, 309, 313, 317, 370, 375,410,416,429,447-449,457,481,517, 523, 535, 546

Basanite 23,33-35,40-49,58,68,88-101, 115, 126, 130, 190, 201-207, 237, 253, 256, 258, 266, 268, 309

Bastnaesite in carbonatite 387, 397, 399, 454, 473,476

- in greisen 434f, 441f Beforsite 385, 454, 461, 472, 474, 481 Betafite in granite 441 Benmoreite 94, 99f, 239f, 283, 290, 443 Beryl in granite 441, 443, 478 - in greisen 444, 479

Biotite in basalt 201 - in carbonatite 380, 453, 474 - in fenite 392f, 465, 467 - in granite 370,415-420,4530-448,478,

481 - in nepheline syenite 401, 406 - in phonolite 240 - in quarz syenite 360, 362, 380 - in ultramafic rocks 74f, 78f - in ultramafic xenoliths 40-51, 68, 70 Bismuthinite in greisen 434f, 441, 444, 450 Bismuthite in greisen 434f, 441, 444 Blairmorite 379, 405f Bornite in greisen 434, 443 Bouguer anomalies 229, 250 Bytownite in basalt 240

Calcite in carbonatite 454, 473, 475 - in dolerite 158, 201 - in fenite 465 - in greisen 444 - in kimberlite 502 - 505 - in syenite 419 - in ultramafic xenoliths 34-71 Caldera 88-102,234,413-419 Cancrinite in syenite 406 - in ultramafic rocks 36, 71, 100 Carbonate in dolerite 13, 158 - in kimberlite 79 - in syenite 406 Carbonatite 5-10,45-48,58-71,94-104,

118-125,234,236,250,253,266-268, 377-395,402,406-409, 414, 425, 431, 450-485, 542, 547

Cassiterite in granite 10, 442, 379 - in greisen 434-450, 479f Catapleite in carbonatite 401 Celadonite in dolerite 158 Celestine in carbonatite 473, 482 Cerusite in greisen 434, 444 Chalcanthite in greisen 434, 444 Chalcopyrite in carbonatite 476 - in fluorite-rich veins 10, 434f - in greisen 443-446, 479f Chalcosite in greisen 444, 480 - in quartz veins 434 Charnockite 70 Chevalite in granite 443 Chevkinite in carbonatite 99, 399 - in granite 432, 434, 442 Chlorite in carbonatite 475 -in dolerite 158 - in granite 432, 434, 480 - in kimberlite 546, 548, 552 Chondrite 66, 110-121, 172-180, 245, 261,

266, 364-366, 401, 429f, 438-440, 464, 550, 553

Chromite in diamond 528 - in kimberlite 31, 533, 548 - in peridotite 512 - in ultramafic xenoliths 30f Clinopyroxene in basalt 101, 240, 242 - in diamond 528, 549 - in dolerite 155-164, 171f, 176, 179 - in eclogite 514-519, - in kimberlite 533, 547 - in ultramafic rocks 59f, 76-80, 102, 104 - in ultramafic xenoliths 40-72, 106, 108,

128, 240, 250, 252, 254, 257, 367, 496, 507, 511f

Clinopyroxenite 38,43-47, 58f, 63-83, 104f Coesite in diamond 528 - in eclogite 507 Columbite in carbonatite 473-476,484 - in granite 416, 433f, 441-449, 478f - in pegmatite 480 - in nepheline syenite 454 Comendite 8, 97, 127, 416 Cone-sheets 206, 383, 416, 453, 473 Conglomerate 195, 381, 500, 545 Continental margin 196, 225, 233, 242 Continental plate 167 Cordylite in carbonatite 473, 476 Corundum in diamond 528 - in eclogite 516, 548 Covellite in greisen 480 - in quartz veins 434 Crandalite in carbonatite 475 Crater 538, 539, 540, 541, 545 Craton 2-9, 126, 149, 164f, 172, 175, 184,

250, 363, 475, 480f, 494ff, 499, 505f, 515, 517, 520, 524, 528, 534f, 543, 549, 552, 555

Crushing boart see diamond Crust (continental) 5, 13, 15, 66-70, 87, 92,

109-133, 151, 174-192, 213-225, 243, 361, 374, 376, 463, 516, 519, 543, 547, 556f

- oceanic 174, 187, 191f, 209, 212, 216, 221-225,231-234,243,249

- transitional 222-225 Cryolite in granite 432, 434, 442, 444, 449 Crystal fractionation 101, 108, 118, 125-132,

159,177-184,239,258,272f Cubanite in greisen 434

Diamond in alluvion 524, 543 - 545 - in eclogite 516-532 - in kimberlite 123,494-496, 515, 517,

523-529, 533-537, 541, 549, 555f - in peridotite 507, 524-533 - in stream gravel 494 Diatreme 67, 500-504, 527, 537, 546, 550 Diopside in diamond 528, 549 - in dolerite 159 - in kimberlite 503f, 553

Subject Index 631

- in megacrysts 519-521, 548-556 - in peridotite 506, 514 - in ultramafic xenoliths 33-67 Diorite 363, 444 Dolerite 101, 147, 152-159, 164-179, 189,

200-207, 375, 378-381,412, 481f Dolomite in carbonatite 196,203,454, 457,

469, 473, 495, 502, 507, 538 - in kimberlite 355, 360, 457, 469, 482, 533 Dunite 37, 236, 252, 258, 355, 360, 457, 469,

482,533 DUPAL anomaly 122, 124 Dyke 84,127,147-153,158-162,169-179,

186,197-200,207,210,228,234,236, 360-370, 375-383, 406, 426, 440, 442, 457,465-473,481, 500, 502, 516, 528, 538, 548

Earthquakes 211 Eckermanite in fenite 465, 467 Eclogite 37,71,73,496, 515-523, 531-534,

541, 547f, 556 Edenite in granite 425 - in nepheline syenite 405f - in phonolite 240 - in syenite 400 Enstatite in diamond 528, 549 - in kimberlite 503, 556 - in peridotite 508 Epiclastics 500, 536, 538, 545, 547 Epidote in granite 432, 480 Eudialite in nepheline syenite 454 Evaporite 191-195 Experimental melting 76-84, 469

Fault 9, 15f, 87-92,131,191-196, 200-210,215,225-233,276, 360, 378, 389, 408, 410, 425, 481

Fayalite in granite 416f, 425, 429f - in syenite 360, 362, 418f, 478 - in trachyte 316, 318 Fenite 47,70, 377, 382f, 388-395, 407, 414,

416, 453, 457, 467 -475, 484 Ferberite in granite 480 Fergusonite in greisen 441f Fersmite in carbonatite 473, 476 - in granite 442 Fissural eruption 211 Flood basalt 11, 16, 86-101, 114-122,

131-136,147,166 Florencite in carbonatite 387, 473, 476 Fluocerite in carbonatite 398f, 442-444, 445 Fluorite in carbonatite 44, 471-476, 482 - in granite 442f - in greisen 432-435, 479f Forsterite in ultramafic xenoliths 52 Foyaite 385, 387, 406f, 455, 481

632 Subject Index

Fractional crystallization (see crystal fractionation)

Gabbro 169-179, 200f, 208, 236, 291, 332, 355-275,414-416, 425, 456f, 481f, 515, 541

Galena in granite 443f - in greisen 434f, 446-450 Gargarinite in granite 434, 441 Garnet in carbonatite 454 - in clinopyroxenite 76-81 - in eclogite 516, 530, 533, 547 - in diamond 549 - in granulite 37, 71, 467, 515 - in kimberlite 491f, 496, 533, 541, 551 - in ultramafic xenoliths 47, 69, 508, 510,

513 - in nephelinite 100 - in pegmatite 480 - in peridotite 105, 117 - in pyroxenite 507, 509, 512 Genthelvite in granite 434, 441, 444 Geothermometer 251f, 507-511, 516-522,

530-532 Glimmerite 38, 104 Gneiss 71, 149, 369, 383, 492 Gorceixite in carbonatite 473, 475 Goyacite in carbonatite 473, 476 Graben 11-14,85-95,100,131,194,222,

225, 276, 479, 481 Granite 89-92, 270, 283, 290f, 332, 353,

360-382, 389-485, 495, 538 Granodiorite 421, 444 Granophyre 378, 457 Granulite 37, 383, 457, 467, 490, 515, 516,

548 Graphite in eclogite 517 - in greisen 479 - in kimberlite 526 Greenockite in greisen 434, 444 Greenstone 491 Gregoryite in carbonatite 459 Greisen 434-446, 479-481 Grossular in eclogite 516 Guyot 215, 243

Hematite in carbonatite 472, 475 - in granite 432, 443f - in greisen 479f - in ultramafic xenoliths 56 Halite 191-194 Harzburgite 104f, 252, 258, 267, 507f,

528-534 Hastingsite in quartz syenite 462 Haiiyne in ultramafic rocks 312 Hawaiite 309, 313, 317, 416, 429 Hedenbergite in granite 416f, 425

- in syenite 362, 418f - in trachyte 318 Hornblende in hawaiite 240 - in quartz-syenite 362, 380 - in ultramafic xenoliths 38 Hornblendite 201 Horst 278 Hot-Spot 210, 220, 226, 242, 277, 496, 557 Hyaloclastite 208, 231 Hydrothermal alteration 65, 108, 397,

427 -446, 452, 470-472, 477, 479, 484 Hypersthene in xenocryst 316, 320

Icelandite 101, 127 Ignimbrite 8, 86-92, 101, 149,234, 317f,

332, 422, 447 Ijolite 236, 257, 377, 382, 387, 394, 408, 452,

453-481 Ilmenite in dolerite 155, 158 - in eclogite 82, 517, 547 - in gabbro 362 - in granite 434, 441-446, 448 - in kimberlite 491f - in megacrysts 519-556 - in peridotite 512-514 - in ultramafic xenoliths 50, 252, 258 Ilmenitite 252f, 258, 266, 268 Isokite in carbonatite 473 Isotopic data 65-71, 108, 121-130, 244,

258, 291, 368-374, 463, 495ff, 505f, 512, 521- 535, 552- 555

Ixiolite in granite 441

Jacupirangite 481 Jarosite in granite 434f, 444 Jadeite in eclogite 77 Jennite in ultramafic rocks 34, 37

Kaersurtite in benmoreite 240 - in hawaiite 240, 293 - in mugearite 240 - in phonolite 240 - in trachyte 240 - in tristanite 293 - in ultramafic rocks 35, 37 - in ultramafic xenoliths 38,68, 252-261 Kalsilite in ultramafic rocks 23, 34-36, 59,

74, 100 - in ultramafic xenoliths 38-60 Kaolinite in greisen 432, 435, 446 Kataphorite in blairmoreite 397, 400f - in granite Katungite 35, 40ff, 47, 50, 53, 60, 74-84 Kelyphite in ultramafic xenoliths 511 Kenyte 379-382,495 Kimberlite 9,37,51,61-74,104-108,258,

166-268,407,412, 415, 456, 480, 481, 487-506

Kyanite in diamond 528 - in eclogite 515f, 547f

Labradorite 556 - in gabbro 357, 362 - in hawaiite 240, 293 Lahar 200 Lamproite 61-66, 83, 106, 117, 514, 540, 551 Lamprophyre 377, 387 Lapilli 33-37, 51, 58f, 205 Larnite in ultramafic rocks 56, 59 Laterite 191, 200-207, 474, 477 Latite 33, 35, 60, 70 Lava 200-211,258,266, 379ff, 457f, 538,

545 Lava flow 200- 206, 458f Laverite in nepheline syenite 401 Layered intrusion 412, 455 Lengaite 459, 469 Lepidolite in granite 432 - in greisen 479 - in pegmatite 480 Leucite in leucitite 100 - in nephelinite 100 - in ultramafic rocks 34-36, 51, 74 - in ultramafic xenoliths 38, 44, 48, 50, 53,

57,60,74 Leucitite 33f, 44, 46, 53, 62, 99f Leucogabbro 283, 355 - 373 Lherzolite 61-83, 104f, 134,201,207,

252-267,499,507-518,528-534,547, 548, 556

Limestone 153, 195-205, 382, 463, 480f, 538f

Limonite in carbonatite 475f - in greisen 435, 436, 445 Lineament 131, 151, 186, 223, 412, 452-458,

478-483 Lithosphere 9f, 69-72, 83, 91, 94, 101, 113f,

122-125, 130-135, 174, 180-188, 207-218,226-234,243, 249f, 408-414, 482f, 494, 507, 512, 518f, 533-535

Maar 95, 198, 200, 206 Maar-cinder 253 Mackinawite in greisen 434, 444 Madupite 78, 80 Mafurite 36,40-51, 58-61, 74-84 Magma 60,72,76,80-86,92, 100, 106-110,

119,123-132,151,158,163,177-186, 192,205,209-213, 218, 224, 230, 235, 237, 242-245,249-257,367-374,383,395, 399-408, 427, 463-470, 488, 495f, 503, 505, 519-523, 533ff, 545-556

Magma chamber 95, 10tf, 119, 125, 132, 177, 185, 202, 21tf, 222, 225, 361, 376

Magma mixing 239, 241

Subject Index 633

Magmatic differentiation 63, 65, 117 Magmatism 131-136, 15tf, 189-197,

207 - 213, 234, 242f, 250, 253, 258, 260, 267f, 407, 410-414, 425, 430, 450, 452, 457, 480, 484f, 489, 492, 557

Magnetite in carbonatite 454, 472-484 - in granite 441-448, 484 - in ultramafic xenoliths 53, 56 Malachite in greisen 434f, 444 Mantle 42-45, 63, 67 -74, 78, 81-86, 91,

95, 101-110, 114-121, 125-127, 130-136, 151,180-191,208,211,222-225,236, 242-245,250-268, 361, 369, 374, 396, 408, 463, 489-492

Marble 456, 478, 479 Marcassite in granite 446 Marginal basin 212, 216, 224, 231, 234, 249 Marginal fault 192 M.A.R.I.D. 84,496,514,534 Marsarsukite in granite 432 Megacryst 252-258, 267f, 488, 490, 495f,

503, 505, 519-523, 533, 535, 545-556 Melagabbro 219 Melanite in nepheline syenite 312 Melilite in nephelinite 203, 208, 312 - in ultramafic rocks 42, 51-60, 100 Melilitite 23, 35-63, 99, 190, 201, 208, 237,

312 Melteigite 257, 481 Metasomatism 40-49, 58f, 66-76, 81- 86,

95, 101, 106-110, 118, 123ff,180, 185, 250, 253, 256, 260f, 266f, 407f, 413f, 432-446, 454f, 465, 471, 484, 494, 509f, 513-517, 533f

Mica in granite 419f, 425, 431, 433f - in greisen 437, 440 - in kimberlite 499 - in ultramafic rocks 34-37,58-72, 118 Microclinite 416, 418, 432 Microgabbro 169, 172ff, 179, 355, 357, 460,

369 Microgranite 355, 369, 443, 447, 478 Micromonzogranite 353, 355 Micromonzonite 359 Microsyenite 196, 447, 481 Mid ocean ridge 209 Mineralization 410-421, 430, 435, 437,

440-444, 447, 450, 470-473, 477 -485 Mobile belt 1, 494, 535 Moissanite in diamond 528 Molybdenite in granite 443 - in greisen 434f, 441, 444, 446, 449f, 472,

480 Monazite in carbonatite 387, 398f, 454, 463,

472-476, 480-484 Monticellite in kimberlite 546 - in ultramafic rocks 59, 100

634 Subject Index

Monzo-anorthosite 353-371, 415 Monzodiorite 283, 289, 417 Monzogabbro 375, 417 Monzogranite 355,359,417,421,455,480 Monzonite 283,289,291,355,375,417 M.O.R.B. 9, 106, 109f, 119, 124f, 165f,

172-176, 180-183, 187,225,243,245, 489,552

Mugearite 99, 101, 239, 266, 283, 313, 416, 429

Muscovite in granite 443 - in greisen 443f, 479f - in pegmatite 480 Mylonite 16

Narsarsukite in granite 442 Natrocarbonatite 95, 122f, 453f, 458-462,

469 Natrolite in carbonatite 397 Nepheline in basalt 100 - in carbonatite 454, 462 - in phonolite 224, 310, 382 - in ultramafic rocks 23, 34-38, 44-57, 62,

74 Nepheline syenite 196,236,241, 377-385,

389, 394ff, 399-409, 452f, 457f, 462, 469f Nephelinite 5, 53, 60, 88f, 95, 97, 100, 190,

200-203, 208, 266, 309-312, 377, 379, 385, 387, 402, 406-409, 452f, 457f, 462, 469f

Nodule 73f, 77, 81ff, 253, 258, 266, 312, 318, 49tf

Noseane in nephelinite 312 Nordmarkite 416, 421, 457 Nyerereite in carbonatite 459, 469

Obsidian 317 Ocean floor basalts 91, 108, 114, 119, 122,

147, 182, 219, 229f Ocean islands basalts 108, 119, 121, 175, 234,

243, 245, 499, 504f, 522, 552 Oligoclase in benmoreite 240 - in gabbro 359 - in mugearite 240 Olivine in anorthosite 360ff, 372 - in basalt 240, 463 - in carbonatite 454 - in diamond 528 - in dolerite 4, 155-172 - in gabbro 179, 201, 358-362, 371, 482 - in hawaiite 240 - in kimberlite 491f, 496, 502f, 546-549 - in megacrysts 73, 519-523 - in nephelinite 97, 20tf, 208, 379 - in ultramafic rocks 23, 33-37, 58-61,

64-69, 75-80, 100, 104, 128, 201, 463, 508f

- in ultramafic xenoliths 38-44,47-71, 251-260,511-514

Orthoclase (see alkali feldspar) Orthoclasite 466 Orthopyroxene in clinopyroxenite 35, 76, 79f,

104 - in diamond 528 - in dolerite 102, 157 - in eclogite 516, 520 - in fenite 392 - in gabbro 362, 371 - in kimberlite 49tf - in megacrysts 519f - in peridotite 513 f - in ultramafic xenoliths 47, 56, 69,


Palagonite 205 Palaeomagnetism 152 Pandaite 473, 476 Pantellerite 416 Pargasite in ultramafic xenoliths 161, 252f,

260 Parrisite in carbonatite 454 Partial melting 64-83, 101, 110, 132, 136,

175-187, 212f, 243, 249-267, 408, 507, 518

Pegmatite 155, 158, 164, 169, 172-176, 182, 20tf, 441-448, 472, 478, 480, 484

Periclase in diamond 528 Peridotite 42, 58, 61, 105, 117,250-261,490 Perovskite in carbonatite 454 - in kimberlite 396, 499, 503, 546 - in ultramafic rocks 34-37, 100 - in ultramafic xenoliths 38f-59, 68 Perrierite in carbonatite 399 Perthite (see alkali feldspar) Perthosite 370, 4OOf, 466, Peta1ite in granite 478f. Phenakite in granite 434 Phlogopite in carbonatite 380, 454, 472 - in clinopyroxenite 76-83, 117 - in diamond 528 - in eclogite 517, 547 - in fenite 465 - 467 - in gabbro 360 - in kimberlite 491-502ff, 512ff, 534, 545f,

550,552 - in ultramafic xenoliths 40-53, 6tf, 68, 71,

105f, 118,254,260, 377-387,406,408 Phonolite 33f, 53, 58-62, 88-92, 95, 97,

100, 126, 130, 138, 239-241, 266, 283, 309, 452f, 457f, 462-464, 469-481

Phreatomagmatism 86 Picrite 90, 310, 313 Pigeonite in dolerite 157 -164 Pillow lava 150, 208f, 219, 231

Pipe 198, 200, 395, 489-495, 499-507, 518f, 523, 527, 533, 536-549, 557

Plagioclase in anorthosite 360f, 372, 375 - in dolerite 154ff, 171f, 178f, - in

eclogite 516f, 548 - in fenite 392f - in gabbro 358-371 - in hawaiite 207 - in ultramafic rocks 33, 35, 128 Plateau basalts (see flood basalts) Powelite in granite 434f, 444 Prehnite in dolerite 158 Primary magma 254, 246, 249 Pulaskite 380 Pyrite in carbonatite 473, 476 - in granite 434f, 443-446, 472 - in greisen 479f Pyrochlore in carbonatite 10, 383, 3887414

454, 459, 463, 469-484 - in greisen 433-459,472,484 Pyroclastites 92, 452-463, 500 Pyrolite 74, 81, 83, 257f Pyrolusite in carbonatite 476 - in greisen 434f, 472 Pyromorphite in greisen 434 Pyrope (see garnet) Pyroxene in basalt 23 - in blairmoreite 397ff - in eclogite 547 - in fenite 392f - in granite 362, 420, 426, 478 - in kimberlite 551 - in nepheline syenite 400 - in perthosite 380 - in syenite 196, 362, 380, 474 Pyroxenite 66, 104f, 201, 236, 474, 481, 489,

513, 547 Pyrrhotite in carbonatite 476 - in granite 434, 443f - in kimberlite 549 - in ultramafic xenoliths 37

Quartz in anorthosite 362, 375 - in carbonatite 473, 475 - in dolerite 158 - in eclogite 77, 515ff - in fenite 392, 465, 467 - in gabbro 361, 371 - in granite 437 - in greisen 437, 443f, 479f - in kimberlite 548 - in pegmatite 480 - in quartz monzonite 289 - in quartz syenite 289f, 380, 389, 396, 408 Quartz-fenite 394 Quartzite 456, 491 Quartz-monzonite 289

Subject Index 635

Quartz-porphyre 416, 419 Quartz-syenite 289f, 360, 362, 380, 389, 396,

402, 407f, 421, 429, 443 Quartz veins 435-450,479

Remote sensing 274, 290 Rhyolite 5,87-95, 101, 126-130, 238ff, 266,

289f, 378;- 382, 477f Richterite in blairmoreite 397 - in granite 426, 432f - in nepheline syenite 400f - in peridotite 117 - in trachyte 318 Riebeckite in blairmoreite 397 - in fenite 392f - in granite 419, 425, 433, 443, 449, 480 - in pegmatite 202 Rift 2-17,67-136,150,152, 174f,

184-194, 208-211, 220-228, 279, 321, 377-389,408-452,458

Ring-complex 3-7, 8, 196, 234, 270, 328, 332, 353f, 359, 370-377, 390, 413-416, 422, 431, 437, 440-444, 453-455, 477 -485

Ring dyke 236, 332, 353, 361, 362, 364, 370, 413, 415, 416, 422, 431, 437, 440, 441, 443, 444, 453, 454

Rosembuschite in nepheline syenite 401 Rutile in diamond 528 - in eclogite 516, 547 - in greisen 434, 444, 446 - in kimberlite 496, 546, 556 - in peridotite 512-515

Salite in basalt 39, 312 Sandstone 70, 196, 381, 459, 500f Sanidine (see alkali feldspar) Saponite in kimberlite 546 Scheelite in greisen 435, 441, 480 Schists 383, 479, 481 Seamounts 197ff, 210, 215 Sedimentation 124, 216, 219 Sepiolite in kimberlite 547 Sericite in granite 434, 479 Serpentine in dolerite 156f - in kimberlite 491f, 501-504, 546f Serpentinite 457 Shales 195, 500f Shear zone 7, 410-413, 425, 479 Shortite in carbonatite 469 Shoshonite 58 Siderite in carbonatite 454, 472, 475 - in greisen 432f Siderophyllite in greisen 432f Sill 147ff, 153 -159, 164, 172ff, 177ff, 189,

200,442, 500-504, 545 Sillimanite in eclogite 77 Silt 200

636 Subject Index

Skarn 479, 482 Smithsonite in greisen 200 Sodalite - in phonolite 240, 3tO - in syenite 409-412 - in ultramafic rocks 36, 100 Solvbergite in carbonatite 379 Sovite 378, 383-387, 392, 454-475 Spatter-cone 204ff Sphalerite in carbonatite 474, 476 - in granite 443f - in greisen 434-448 Sphene in carbonatite 454 - in fenite 465 - in granite 442 - in phonolite 240 - in ultramafic rocks 100 - in ultramafic xenoliths 38 - 71 Spinel in clinopyroxenite 61-80, 104, 534 - in kimberlite 499, 503, 512ff, 534, 546 - in ultramafic xenoliths 50, 251 - 254, 260,

267 Spurrite in ultramafic rocks 33, 37, 59 Smithsonite in greisen 434, 444, 446 Stannite in granite 434, 444, 446 Strontianite in carbonatite 387, 454,

472-476 Subduction 109, 221, 557 Submarine volcanism 236, 249 Subsidence 194, 218, 224, 233 Suture zone 2f Syenite 190, 196, 208, 236, 291, 355-408,

414-417, 422-429, 450-456, 462-478, 484

Syenogranite 289,417,455 Synchysite in carbonitate 473, 476 - in granite 434, 442

Thntalite in granite 442, 478 - in greisen 434, 441, 448, 479 - in nepheline syenite 454 Tephrite 49, 53, 58, 60 Tetrahedrite in greisen 434, 444 Thaumasite in ultramafic rocks 30, 34, 37 Tholeiite continental 4-tO, 85, 90-104,

109-116, 126-135, 147f, 158, 164-167, 173-190,202,208,234,237, 244f, 257

- oceanic 182, 187, 309, 516 Thomsenolite in granite 442 Thorite in greisen 436, 441£, 448 Tinguaite 481 Titano-magnetite in anorthosite 362 - in dolerite 155, 158, 164, 178f - in gabbro 357 - 362 - in granite 415 - in kimberlite 548 - in picrite 34

- in ultramafic xenoliths 34-39, 43ff, 49ff, 58ff, 68, 71

Tonalite 444 Topaze in granite 432f - in greisen 434, 436, 441, 443f, 480 Tourmaline in granite 478f 'll"achyte 33,35,53,58-62,70, 88-t01,

126-130, 236- 240,s 266, 283, 378, 383, 408, 416, 422, 429, 457, 462, 466, 477f

'll"anscurrent fault 281, 414 'll"ansform fault 276, 454 Tremolite in carbonatite 472 'fristanite 309 'll"octolite 291, 355, 362, 371-375, 482 Thff 197-206, 383, 459, 463 Thrbidites 219

Ugandite 33, 35, 40-49, 58-68, 74-81 Ultraalkaline rocks 4-10, 85, 91-100,

111-125, 133, 135 Ultramafic rocks 43,74-84, 104, 106, 126,

234, 236, 406, 412, 480, 538, 542ff Uralite in dolerite 158 Uraninite in carbonatite 472 - in greisen 434, 435, 441, 447 - in pegmatite 484

Vermiculite - in carbonatite 475, 482 - in fenite 465, 475 Villaumite in granite 442 Volcanic islands 219, 221 Volcanic neck 377 Volcanic ridge 215 Volcanic vent 204, 379, 385, 387 Volcano 202-208,258,406,452-462 Websterite 513, 531-535 Wehrlite 37, 68, 71, 78-81, 236 Wiikite in granite 434 Winchite in granite 433, 442f Wolframite in granite to, 434f, 443f, 479 - in greisen 436, 440-445, 479f - in quartz veins 449 Wollastonite in ultramafic rocks 33, 36,

56 Wustite in diamond 528

Xenocrysts 3tO, 503, 516 Xenoliths of basement 9 - ultramafic rocks 32,37,42-72,91,95,

102-t08, 118-124, 134, 136, 201, 207, 224, 234, 236, 251-261, 267f, 315, 320, 453,489-558

Xenothime in alluvions 448 - in granite 434, 441£f, 484

Yttrofluorite in carbonatite 398

Zeolithe in dolerite 158 - in eclogite 516 - in kimberlite 500 - in ultramafic rocks 34, 36 - in ultramafic xenoliths 56,

57 Zinnwaldite - in granite 433, 442 - in greisen 434, 443f

Subject Index 637

Zircon in alluvion 448, 472 - in carbonatite 454 - in granite 414, 425f, 432, 442ff, 480 - in greisen 434 - 446 - in kimberlite 492-500, 538, 542, 548 - in megacryst 518f - in nepheline syenite 380 - in ultramafic rocks 100 Zirconolite in carbonatite 399-402