Reducing Food Waste. When we scrape off our dishes into our rubbish bins after too large a meal, do...


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Reducing Food Waste

When we scrape off our dishes into our rubbish bins after too large a meal, do we stop to think about what we are doing?

One third of all the food we produce goes to waste


One in nine people go hungry every day.

3.3 billion tonnes* of greenhouse gases are added to our atmosphere every year because of food waste.


According to the Food and Agricultural Organisation (the FAO), the economic cost of food waste is:

750 billion dollars per year*.


So, what do we do to solve this problem? Yes, you guessed it.

We: ■ Reduce■ Reuse

■ Recycle

We reduce: Be a smart shopper. Think about WHAT you are buying and WHEN it will need to be eaten by. Become aware of how much food you throw away. Plan meals and use shopping lists. Eyes bigger than your stomach?:- Request smaller portions.

We reuse:

 Bring your leftovers home.

Donate your excess food.

Think of ways to use up any left overs.

We recycle: Once you have reduced your food consumption and reused your leftovers, the remaining solution is: COMPOSTING

Composting is nature’s way of recycling. Some food waste can be composted to be used as a fertilizer or as a soil conditioner.

This year the school, together with the Eko-Skola Committee is working on

FOOD WASTE REDUCTIONWith that in mind, we have produced a laminated menu planner and shopping list, which will be available on Parents’ Day.Watch out for it, and


This is a short video clip which summarizes the points covered in this presentation.


Food Wastage Footprint
