Reduce, Reuse and Recycle · Recycle PDF KS1 & 2 Cooking class toolkit Online interactive...


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giving children the power to fight waste

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Resources, support and guidance up to Key Stage 4

Reduce, Reuse and Recycle#cleanerbrum

What is the Zero Hero campaign?Birmingham is brimming with potential mini Zero Heroes…

Birmingham City Council has launched the Zero Hero campaign to get everyone who lives or works in the city to reduce, reuse and recycle a bit more every day. The campaign is designed in various strands to suit the different groups of people who make up the city, with this Education Toolkit central to helping the youngest inhabitants learn the importance of reducing waste.

The whole focus of the campaign is to encourage people to reduce their waste, reuse items where possible, and, if items can no longer be useful, to recycle them. Birmingham aims to be a zero waste to landfill city by 2035, and the Zero Hero campaign is a great opportunity to educate the next generation on their responsibilities – all through fun, curriculum-based learning.

This Zero Hero toolkit contains details of essential resources, lesson plans, information on the popular SKIPS Programme (predominantly Key Stage 2), and exclusive teacher training days.

Reduce, Reuse and Recycle#cleanerbrum

Resources available for big Zero Heroes

You can find everything you need to get your mini Zero Heroes started at the Cleaner Brum digital library:

The digital library keeps everything in one handy place, including:

• Lesson plans on topics like composting and recycling

• Posters for both primary and secondary education

• PDF books, i.e. ‘The Rubbish Monster’

• SKIPS Programme resources, including workbooks with educational crosswords, dot-to-dots, and word searches, for use both at school and at home.

Get your Zero Hero lessons off to a flying start

SKIPS Zero Hero teacher training days

To help you get the most out of the Zero Hero resources there will be ongoing teacher training days that focus on the fun yet effective SKIPS Programme. SKIPS resources are mainly aimed at Key Stage 2 pupils, and all workbooks are designed to encourage parent/guardian involvement.

The next training day is 25 November and now open to applicants, with additional dates to be confirmed.

AimThe seminar aims to teach global knowledge and change perspectives on climate change and sustainability, both inspiring and equipping teachers to make their schools sustainable by providing suggestions for a series of lessons and empowering teachers to suggest a ‘whole school approach’ for their school.

ObjectivesThe training session will:

• Address the ‘whole school approach’ to achieving a sustainable school both with regard to the total management of the participating school’s buildings and grounds and the curriculum

• Introduce the development of an action plan around ‘Sustainable Schools’ activities

• Explain the whole SKIPS methodology, approach and process

• Introduce the development of lesson planning around sustainability themes.

If you would like to attend the training book your place now by visiting

If you have any general queries regarding the training, please contact the Sustainability Team on



...this would SAVEenough energy to power a typical Primary School for DAYS!INSERT


If EVERY household in recycled ONE more cooking sauce jar...


plastic bottles• plastic bottles please rinse all bottles

• crisp packets • yoghurt pots • cling fi lm

• plastic bags • sandwich wrappers

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• clothing • fabric • blankets

• food • cardboard • glass

ACtIvIty 4Reduce Litter


Suggested Learning Intentions: Pupils will: • Recognise the consequences of dropping litter • Develop a sense of responsibility and reduce anti-social behaviour

Connected Learning Opportunities:KS1&2: LanguageandLiteracy–talkingandlistening; reading and writing. KS1&2: The World Around Us – Geography (environmental awareness).KS1&2: The Arts – Art and Design; Music and Drama.KS1&2 PD&MU – learning to live as members of the community.

Thinking Skills & Personal Capabilities:BeingCreative.

Cross-Curricular Skills:Communication, Using ICT.

Eco-SchoolsThis lesson can be used as a curricular link if your school is using litter as a focus topic on the Eco-School’s Programme.

Reduce Activity

help your school help your environment

Why Recycle?

Recycling helps tackle climate change:

Recycling 1 tonne of paper saves 1.32 tonnes of CO2

– the equivalent of not driving 3700 miles.




recycled paper


3700 miles

You can make a


help your school help your environment

food waste

• fruit & vegetable peelings • cooked food

• packed lunch waste • plate scrapings

• plastics

• foil

• cling film


• flattened cardboard

• card packaging

• paper

• magazines

• food & drinks cartons


• copier paper

• computer paper

• office paper

• newspapers

• magazines


• drink cans

• food tins

please wash all

cans and tins

• plastic bottles

• aerosols

• coated paper

• copier paper wrappers

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‘Bridging the gap between school and home’

What sets the SKIPS workbooks apart is that everything is child-centric, with fun quizzes, bright illustrations and lively copy. Birmingham City Council works with SKIPS to create challenging puzzles that are accessible to children of all abilities, so the whole class can learn while having fun. There’s a big emphasis on the books being something to be worked through with an adult, usually a parent or guardian, making learning a collaborative experience.

What’s super about SKIPS?

A Giant Change Education Programme

This certificate is presented to


successfully completing

the Giant Change Challenge



Your school would like you to receive a free book of the SKIPS Energy, Water and Waste homework book,

“A Giant Change”.

You will find this book fun and colourful. The puzzles and activities will help your family (you and your

child) to understand better what is being taught in school about saving energy, water and waste.

Your child will love it if you can help them with this homework book – please complete it together. This

can save you money in your home too!

There is a great competition at the end of the book in which your child has a chance to win a free iPad. It

is important to us that you enter the competition so that we can hear your views.

How to claim your free book

Please fill the attached form and send it back to your school with your child. Your child will receive their

book on receipt of this completed form.

Can you make a Giant Change?

working in

partnership with

Sustainable Schools Taster Day


A Giant Change for Climate

Change • If everyone used as

much electricity, gas and

water and threw away as

much rubbish as we do

in the UK we would need

3 planet earth’s worth of

natural resources so

there is enough for

everyone to go around

PowerPoint by Lorraine Cookson

fYiM4Climate Change in animation (5.07)

What is Climate Change• Our climate is changing!

Weather all over the world is


• The earth has always got

hotter and cooler, wetter and

drier, over long periods of time.

• These changes are natural but

what we are doing is making

changes to the climate and it’s

these changes we can do

something about

• We need to make changes to

our lifestyles that will make a

difference to our planet. The

climate effects everything, not

just the environment but

poverty and how people live

What is the Greenhouse effect?

• If you walk into a greenhouse

on a sunny day you will notice

that it is very warm inside. The

sun’s heat comes in through

the glass but can't get back out

• Gases released into the earth’s

atmosphere like carbon

dioxide, CO2 (a greenhouse

gas) work in a similar way.

They help trap some of the

heat from the sun, just like a

greenhouse, keeping the

planet at the right temperature

for us to live. The greenhouse

effect is good for the earth

when it occurs naturally

SKIPS teacher-friendly resources are designed for Key Stage 2 pupils, with the aim of encouraging behaviour change principles that extend beyond the school gates and continue back home. The fantastic ‘A Giant Change’ workbook, created in partnership with Veolia and Birmingham City Council, brings the perils of not recycling to life. There are bold cartoons and specific information about how waste is handled in Birmingham, alongside compelling evidence of why everyone in the city needs to do their bit to reduce, reuse and recycle as much as they can.

You can find out more about SKIPS resources by signing up to the teacher training day on 25 November 2016, as well as visiting the digital library:


• bottles• jars

• drinking glasses• pyrex glass • crockery


• drink cans• food tins

please wash all cans and tins

• plastic bottles• aerosols

Download all these, and more, from

Item Brief description Theme Format Key stage

Action plan – activity lesson plan

Action plan and PDF on waste audit and on interpreting data

Recycle PDF KS3 & 4

Assembly presentation secondary school

Assembly PowerPoint presentation on the recycling process

Recycle PDF and PPT KS3 & 4

Cans and glass multi-material recycling bin sticker

Recycling sticker for cans and glass Recycle PDF and AI KS1, 2, 3 & 4

Cans indoor recycling point sign

Recycling sticker for cans Recycle PDF and AI KS1, 2, 3 & 4

Cans sticker for schools Recycling sticker for cans and food tins Recycle PDF and AI KS1, 2, 3 & 4

Cardboard sticker for school

Recycling sticker for cardboard and card packaging Recycle PDF and AI KS1, 2, 3 & 4

Composting at school guide

Composting guide on how to make a real success of composting at school

Recycle PDF KS1 & 2

Cooking class toolkit Online interactive toolkit for cooking classes with different courses, (4 week course with cooking, 4 week course without cooking or a one off class)

Recycle, reduce and reuse

Interactive PDF

KS3 & 4

Creative composting teachers’ pack KS1

Pupils’ resources pack, activity cards and teachers’ work cards introducing the world of composting

Recycle PDF KS1

Creative composting teachers’ pack KS2

Pupils’ resources pack, activity cards and teachers’ work cards introducing the world of composting

Recycle PDF KS2

Design and technology KS1 lesson plan

Designing novelty bins to encourage children to put the right recyclable waste in the correct bin

Recycle PDF KS1

Food waste and cardboard multi-material recycling bin sticker

Food waste and cardboard stickers Recycle PDF and AI KS1, 2, 3 & 4

Food waste external bin sticker

Food waste only recycling sticker Recycle PDF and AI KS1, 2, 3 & 4

Food waste internal recycling point sign – multiple items

Food waste recycling sticker Recycle PDF and AI KS1, 2, 3 & 4

Food waste sticker for schools – multiple food types

Food waste recycling sticker for fruit and veg Recycle PDF and AI KS1, 2, 3 & 4

Food waste assembly primary school

Making the most of food at school presentation Reduce PPT KS1 & 2

Action plan

Learning Objectives

• Interpret data from the waste audit.

• Evaluate needs arising from the audit data.

• Provide realistic solutions to these needs.

• Co-operate effectively as a group.

Curriculum Links

English, Science, Geography, Citizenship

Sustainable Schools Doorways

Doorway 4 Purchasing and Waste

Doorway 5 Buildings and Grounds

A. Preparation

1. Before this activity, you should carry out a waste audit (see ‘Waste audit’ activity).

2. If you are about to set up a new recycling scheme, assess the data from your waste audit and

contact your local authority to discuss recycling collections for your school (see ‘Organising your

school’s recycling to be collected’ in this Action Pack). Liaise with your bursar, site

manager/caretaker and the school management to find out about existing rubbish collections,

costs and frequency.

B. Action plan

1. Waste audit review

• As a class, discuss the environmental benefits of recycling outlined in this Action Pack, see the

section on ‘Environmental Benefits’.

• Present the data collated from the waste audit and, as a class, identify the waste ‘hot spots’, and

most common types of waste found at the school. Discuss why certain locations and materials

present greater problems than others and agree likely explanations.

2. Group brainstorming

• With these explanations agreed, break the class up into smaller groups and come up with

solutions to the school’s waste issues. Groups can be assigned specific hot spots or materials to

address. Alternatively all groups can be assigned the same prominent waste issues to achieve a

greater variety of interesting solutions.

• Student groups can use the template overleaf to draw up their suggestions.

• As a class, discuss and agree which proposed solutions will be most effective.

• Collate these agreed solutions into a final action plan, using the template provided overleaf.

• Assign tasks to appropriate individuals within the class and across the school, and agree realistic

timeframes in which tasks should be completed.

3. Execute your tasks

Assign some class time for your students to carry out the activities they have assigned themselves

and to notify other staff and students of the responsibilities assigned to them. The tasks will

depend on whether you already recycle at school or are about to set up a new recycling scheme.

REGENERATIONSLIDE 3Assembly presentation notes


It ends up here. Most rubbish that is not recycled ends up being buried in a landfill

site, like this one. There are approximately 800 active landfill sites in the UK, and we need more and more to cope with the amount of rubbish we throw out.Once they’re buried in a landfill site, some things like paper, card and food start to

rot down (anaerobically), producing methane - a powerful greenhouse gas, and a toxic liquid called leachate. Other things, like plastic, cans and glass, don’t easily rot away - they’ll be there for hundreds, or even thousands of years. …and that’s a real waste. Here’s why:Think about the things you throw away. • It might have been a can or bottle that contained your favourite drink,

• Or maybe it was a magazine you enjoyed,• Or the can that your favourite body spray came in. Getting that can, bottle or magazine to you took a lot of effort. The raw materials used to make them had to be extracted, processed and transported, which takes a lot of energy, and uses up the earth’s natural resources.If you put them in the bin when you’ve finished with them, no-one will ever get the benefit from those materials again.So it’s a waste because new raw materials have to be used to make more cans, glass and paper and it’s a waste because landfill sites take up valuable space that could be used for something else.So the question is, why recycle instead? Why does putting your waste in one bin, instead of another, make a difference?Well, here’s why.

As with any other school activity you should ensure that

your children are safe whilst composting.

The composting recipe

It is important that the materials put into the compost bin conform to the

“green” and “brown” balance of 50:50 greens to browns. It is as simple

as that. Examples are:

The greens

The browns

fruit waste

scrunched up thin cardboard

tea bags

cereal and tea packets

grass cuttings

shredded paper

annual plants and flowers

egg boxes

Composting can be used as

a resource for work on:


School grounds

Food chains

Micro-organisms and decay

Helping plants grow


Improving the environment

Involving the local community

in a multitude of ways

How long does it take

to compost?

It will take your compost about a year to

rot down, after which you’ll need to use

it. It will be perfect for flower beds or tubs

around the school, or digging into your

school vegetable patch.

Add a 50:50 balance of greens and browns to keep the bins smelling of

wet soil or the fruit you have put in it.

Composting at School

Why should we compost?

Composting diverts organic waste away

from landfill where it would generate

methane, a harmful greenhouse gas.

Children can therefore compost their fruit

waste from school and contribute to the

reduction of methane into the atmosphere.

Here is the information you need to make

a real success of composting at school.

Task: Bins for thought


• flattened cardboard

• card packaging

• paper

• magazines

• food & drinks cartons

food waste

• fruit and vegetable

• cooked food peelings

• packed lunch waste

• plate scrapings

• plastics

• foil

• cling film

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food waste

• fruit & vegetable peelings • cooked food

• packed lunch waste • plate scrapings

• plastics

• foil

• cling film

Cooking classestoolkit

cardboard• fl attened cardboard • card packaging• paper • magazines • food & drinks cartons

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Online resources

Subject: Music Key Stage 2 Length of lesson: 1hr

Composing raps based around the theme of recyclingLearning ObjectivesAll: I can compose and perform a rap about


Most: I can fit the words I

compose to the beat.Some: I can compose a melody for the words.N.C. PoS Music

2b: explore, choose, com-

bine and organise musi-cal ideas within musical


1c: practise, rehearse and

present performances with

an awareness of the audi-


Introduction (20 mins)Re-cap on the key messages from the assembly materials

by playing the quiz with pupils. The quiz will cover: why we

recycle, what can be recycled, where to recycle. Split the class

into teams. Discuss the answers to each question.

Play “Busta and Pong’s recycling song” from the assembly.

Explain that music is one way of spreading the message about

recycling. Explain to the children that that their task will be to create a

rap to the steady rhythm of a keyboard beat or drum to tell

other children about why we recycle, what we recycle and

where we recycle. The class will be split into 3 groups. Each

group will have a different theme and will create a rap which

fits in with a count of 32. They will chant the chorus of Busta and Pong’s recycling song

together and identify the beat of the chorus. Main Activity (30 mins)In ability groups children to use their theme to:


shower (5 minutes)


(15 minutes)



Key VocabularyRecycleReduce

Landfill Climate changeWasteRubbish

Natural resourcesPlasticMetal



Resources•Computer& interactive white board.

•“Busta&Pong’srecycling song” music


PowerPoint •Cleanedrecyclablematerials.•Recyclingcontainer

(from classroom, or from home).•Worksheets:with

space for thought shower and lyrics. •largesheetsof

paper and pens for lyrics


...this would SAVEenough energy to power a typical Primary School for DAYS!



If EVERY household in recycled ONE moreshampoo bottle...



Online resources (continued)

Download all these, and more, from

Food waste secondary school updated

Problems associated with food waste Reduce PPT KS3 & 4

Glass internal recycling point sign

Glass recycling sticker Recycle PDF and AI KS1, 2, 3 & 4

Glass sticker for schools Glass bottles and jars but not Pyrex Recycle PDF and AI KS1, 2, 3 & 4

Lesson 4, legislation, responsibility and civic duty

Students’ sheet, video and teachers’ plan of what can we do to reduce waste

Recycle PDF and WMV file


Music KS2 lesson plan Composing raps based around the theme of recycling and a quiz

Recycle PDF and PPT KS2

Paper and card multi-material recycling bin sticker

Recycling sticker for paper and cardboard Recycle PDF and AI KS1, 2, 3 & 4

Paper internal recycling point

Recycling paper sticker Recycle PDF and AI KS1, 2, 3 & 4

Paper, plastic bottles, cans and textiles recycling bin sticker

Paper, plastic bottles, cans and textiles recycling sticker

Recycle PDF and AI KS1, 2, 3 & 4

Plastics internal recycling point sign

Recycling plastic bottles sticker Recycle PDF and AI KS1, 2, 3 & 4

Posters for teachers introducing the fourth R

Recycling poster introducing recycling Rethink PDF and AI KS1, 2, 3 & 4

Primary school assembly 15 minutes to save the Earth

Teachers’ interactive assembly and video Recycle PDF and WMV file

KS1 & 2

Primary school poster are you a recycling star?

Poster to add in pupils’ photos if they are a recycling star

Recycle PDF and AI KS1 & 2

Primary school remember to use the recycling points around your school

Poster encourgaging recycling stars Recycle PDF and AI KS1 & 2

Task 2: Use your ideas to write a rap about why we recycle- it must

fit into the count of 32 (8 counts of 4).



Why do

We re


Task 1: As a group, thought shower reasons why we recycle.

In vitae lorem vitae nunc consequat luctus. Maecenas laoreet odio et est. Suspendisse potenti. Phasellus orci purus,c, varius rhoncus, tincidunt d

ravida iaculis nulla ipsum fermentum

sapien. Suspendisse at tellus vel lorem

malesuada dignissim.

Suspendisse at tell

us vel lorem males cvcv bvcvb

uada dignissim. Praese

nt venenatis

sest. Ves

recycle here

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rubbish compost

In vitae lorem vitae nunc consequat luctus. Maecenas laoreet

odio et est. Suspendisse

potenti. Phasellus orci purus,c,

varius rhoncus, tincidunt d

ravida iaculis nulla ipsum fermentum sapien. Suspendisse at tellus vel lorem malesuada dignissim.

Suspendisse at tell us vel lorem males cvcv bvcvb

uada dignissim. Praese

nt venenatis sest. Ves

recycle here

Nulla pulvina

r mi sit am

et arcu. Duis eleife

nd. U

t nisl. Mae


s erat nisl,

posuere in, a

dipiscing id, ullamc

orper dapibus, diam. D

uis fac

ilisis sapien. Aenea



. Suspendisse potenti. Pha

sellus orci purus, n

onummy nec

, varius rhonc


tincidunt dictum, justo. D


adipiscing, purus vel volutpat dictum, tortor dolor

suscipit augue, gravida iaculis nulla ipsum fermentum sapien. Suspendisse at

tellus vel lorem

malesuada dignissim. P

raesent venena

tis sce

lerisque dui. Ut

sodales le

o eget quam. M

orbi fa

ucibus arcu sed eros. In vitae

lorem vitae


consequat luctus. M


nas laoree

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uspendisse potenti.

Phasellus orci purus, n

onummy nec

, varius rhonc

us, tinc

idunt dictum, justo. D


adipiscing, purus vel volutpat dictum, tortor dolor suscipit augue, gravida iaculis

nulla ipsum fermentum sapien. Suspendisse at tellus vel lorem ma

lesuada dignissim.


sent venenatis scelerisque dui. Ut sodales le

o eget quam. M

orbi fa


arcu sed eros. In vitae

lorem vitae

nunc consequat luc

tus. Mae




t odio et est. V

estibulum vulputate. N

ulla pulvina

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et arcu. Duis

eleifend. U

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, varius rhonc

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lesuada dignissim.


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adipiscing, purus vel volutpat

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ndisse at tellus vel lorem ma

lesuada dignissim. P

raesent venena




s laoree

t odio et est. V

estibulum vulputate.

Remember to use the

recycling points around

your school.

help your school help your environment

Are you a




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• plastic bottles

• crisp packets

• yoghurt pots

• cling film • plastic bags

• sandwich wrappers

please rinse

all bottles


• drink cans

• food tins

please wash all

cans and tins

• plastic bottles

• aerosols


• copier paper

• computer paper

• office paper

• newspapers

• magazines


• clothing

• fabric

• blankets

• food

• cardboard

• glass

• coated paper

• copier paper wrappers


Page 3 of 3

Area of school White paper (g)Coloured paper (g)

Card-board (g)

Plastic (g) Metal (g) Glass (g)Food waste (g)

Other (g) Total (area)

Example: Classroom 1 200g140g




Total (material)

MaterialSchool Total (kg)per day

School Total (kg)per week (x5 days) School Total (kg)

per year (x38 weeks) %

White paper

Coloured paper






Food waste



Pupil worksheet: Waste Audit

Date(s) of audit:


Page 1 of 1

Lesson 4 | Student sheetsCREATE yOuR OwN RECyCLE NOw ACTION pLANNow it’s up to YoU. Decide what you’re going to do to make a difference.




Who my plan is for:




Think of some good reasons for recycling. Read these whenever you need reminding!

Use the ideas you’ve discussed in class, and visit

for more. Your ideas don’t have to be unique, so share the best ones! Start with the waste

‘hotspots’ in your home or school, or when you know you’re least likely to bother.

We’ve done one for you. Now add five steps that YoU’LL put in YoUR plan to recycle more at

home, at school, and when out and about.

I will have taken all these steps by

Remember to keep going, and keep recycling! you might even think of more things you can do.

What I’ll tackleWhat I’ll do

What gets in the way What will help

Recycling rubbish from the bathroom bin. Put another bin there, for things that can be recycled.My family aren’t sure what can go in it. Stick a list on top to tell them.

Set an example myself.Check the bin once a week.






Recycle all your food waste to

power your local community

It costs usmore than

each year to landfill



Recycling it could

to power a typicalgenerate electricity

school for







• bottles •jars

• drinking glasses • pyrex glass • crockery• copier paper • computer paper

• offi ce paper • newspapers • magazines

• coated paper

• copier paper wrappers



• flattened cardboard

• card packaging

• paper • magazines • food & drinks cartons

paper• copier paper

• computer paper

• office paper• newspapers

• magazines

• coated paper

• copier paper wrappers

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Introducing the fourth R...

Look out for the recycling points around

your school and remember to use them

help your school help your environment





This opening lesson places recycling in the context of students’ lives. It creates a baseline for the rest of

the activities by exploring students’ current understanding, attitudes and actions. This paves the way for

future activities that expand students’ knowledge and understanding and help them to think and respond

differently at times when they must make a choice. It includes an optional quiz to explore some of the

facts and figures.

Learning outcomes

Recycling knowledge and


Citizenship concepts and


Personal, Learning and

Thinking Skills

• A wide range of materials can

be recycled, including paper

and card, glass bottles and

jars, steel and aluminium food

and drinks cans and plastic


• Materials can be recycled at

a range of facilities including

kerbside collection from

homes, public recycling

centres and recycling bins in

shops and leisure facilities

• Our own attitudes (and

knowledge) influence our

choices to recycle/ not to


1.1b What is fair and unfair?

1.2a Rights and obligations

2.2a Expressing opinions

2.2b Communicating an


2.2c Justifying an argument

and persuading others

IE: Explore an issue from different


IE: Consider the influence of

circumstances and beliefs on


CT: Question their own and others’


RL: Invite feedback and deal with


EP: Discuss issues of concern

EP: Present a persuasive case for


EP: Try to influence others



For projection:

• Recycling: the facts (Quiz sheet)

• What do I think about recycling? (Stimulus

statements sheet)

• Opinions template

• Video 1

• Printed resources

• Assembly PowerPoint slides: recycling bins and



Read the background information.

Research local recycling facilities. You can use the postcode locator at to help


If you don’t want to project and write directly onto your whiteboard, use the ‘opinions’ template to copy

the outline of the waste and recycling bins onto a large sheet of paper.


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Reducing food waste in schools

Background information

“After half an hour queuing

you are in a rush to eat

quickly and get outside”

Comment on the dining

experience from Year 7 pupil

“Children are cautious

of unfamiliar foods, for

example they wouldn’t eat

the new organic chicken

sausages because they

were white”

Comment on unfamiliar foods

from school cook

“Cooks never know how

many pupils will want to eat

and everyone has to have

the opportunity to eat, so a

lot has to be prepared”

Comment on the lack of ability to

plan quantities in advance from

Business Manager

“Portion sizes need looking

at. Often the portions are

too big for the smallest

children”Comment on portion sizes from

school caretaker

Recycling transforms things:

25 plastic bottles can be recycled to make one new fleece jacket.

25 X=



help your school help your environment

Why Recycle?

Online resources (continued)

Download all these, and more, from

Recycle here sign for schools

Recycle here poster Recycle PDF and AI KS1, 2, 3 & 4

Recycling races – activity lesson plan

Understanding the recycling process, the benefits of recycling and which materials can be recycled

Recycle PDF and AI KS1, 2, 3 & 4

Reducing food waste in schools resources

Improving the school meal system by involving parents and being more proactive with children’s lunchtime choices

Reduce PDF KS1, 2, 3 & 4

Regeneration secondary school lesson 1

This lesson plan places recycling in the context of students’ lives, includes teachers’ notes, a quiz and student sheets

Recycle PDF and WMV file


Regeneration secondary school lesson 2

This lesson builds on the ideas from lesson one and looks at the environmental context for recycling

Recycle PDF, PPT and WMV file


Regeneration secondary school lesson 3

This lesson explores the legislation, the responsibilities of national and local government and retailers and the opportunities for local civic groups to support change

Recycle PDF and WMV file


Secondary school poster you can make a difference

Poster showing pupils recycling – girls Recycle PDF and AI KS3 & 4

Secondary school poster recycle are you doing it?

Poster showing pupils recycling – boys Recycle PDF and AI KS3 & 4

Secondary school poster you can make a difference

Poster showing pupils recycling both girls and boys Recycle PDF and AI KS3 & 4

Textiles internal signage for schools

Textiles recycling poster Recycle PDF and AI KS3 & 4

The Rubbish Monster – activities

Activities to sit alongside the books Recycle PDF and AI KS1 & 2

The Rubbish Monster books 1, 2, 3

Three books that focus on waste Recycle PDF KS1 & 2

The Rubbish Monster – teacher resources

Teacher packs to sit alongside the Rubbish Monster books

Recycle PDF KS1 & 2

Waste audit – activity lesson plan

Waste audit for primary school Recycle PDF and AI KS1 & 2

Waste-free lunch activity lesson plan

Waste-free lunchtime, includes letter to parents Recycle PDF KS1 & 2

Why recycle poster 1 Recycling information poster Recycle PDF and AI KS1, 2, 3 & 4

Why recycle poster 2 Recycling information poster Recycle PDF and AI KS1, 2, 3 & 4

Why recycle poster 3 Recycling information poster Recycle PDF and AI KS1, 2, 3 & 4

Why recycle poster 4 Recycling information poster Recycle PDF and AI KS1, 2, 3 & 4

REGENERATIONSTEELLesson 2 | Student sheets

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Separated for recycling

Collected, sorted and taken to a recycling factory

Crushed and melted

Made into part of a steel coil

Rolled into a new saucepanhelp your school help your environment

You can make a difference

help your school help your environment

Recycling saves energy:

Recycling one glass bottle or jar saves enough energy to run a

Nintendo Wii for 5 hours!

1 X=

X 5 hrsWhy Recycle?

Nintendo Wii

help your school help your environment

Why Recycle?

Recycling helps conserve natural resources:Recycling aluminium cans helps to protect tropical rainforests by reducing the need to mine bauxite, the raw material used to make aluminium.


ACtIvIty 1

What is waste?

Suggested Learning Intentions:

Pupils will:

• Understand the importance of reducing waste

• Develop a personal sense of responsibility for

reducing waste

Connected Learning Opportunities:


Talking and listening; reading and writing.

KS1&2: Mathematics and Numeracy - Number.

Thinking Skills & Personal Capabilities:

Thinking, problem-solving and decision making,


Cross-Curricular Skills:

Communication, Using Mathematics.



change and litter.

Reduce Activity


ACtIvIty 7Class Recycling SchemeSuggested Learning Intentions:

Pupils will:• Know products made from recycled materials

• Understand the importance of recyclingConnected Learning Opportunities:


listening; reading and writing.KS1&2: Mathematics and Numeracy - Measure;

number.KS1&2: The Arts – Art and Design

KS1&2: The World Around Us - Geography

(environmental awareness); Science and

Technology (properties and characteristics of


Thinking Skills & Personal Capabilities:

Working with others, managing information.Cross-Curricular Skills:Communication, Using ICT.Eco-SchoolsEco-Schools topics of Waste and Climate

Change – use towards 7 steps of environmental

review and action plan when completing audit


Reduce & Recycle Activity

ACtIvIty 3

How can we reduce the amount of waste we create?Suggested Learning Intentions: Pupils will:• Know and understand alternative ways of dealing with waste

Connected Learning Opportunities:KS1&2:LanguageandLiteracy-Talkingandlistening; reading and writing.KS1&2: Mathematics and Numeracy - Number; shape and space.KS1&2: The World Around Us – Geography (environmental awareness).

Thinking Skills & Personal Capabilities:Thinking, Problem- Solving and decision making,BeingCreative.

Cross-Curricular Skills:Communication, Using Mathematics.

Eco-SchoolsThis activity could help monitor the amount of rubbish in your school and could be used as a baseline as part of the Eco-Schools programme or also as a curriculum activity for the topic of waste. (Eco-Schools methodology Step 5)

Reduce Activity


To sign up for a teacher training day, please visit

For more information about the SKIPS Programme contact the Sustainability Team on

If you want to know more about the Zero Hero campaign in general, or for all downloadable resources, visit

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mini Zero Heroes

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Encourage your students to reduce food waste

Download the free Love Food, Hate Waste app to get tips and recipes to share with your class.


