Recreational Forest Access Health & Safety Induction ... · We consider this induction crucial...


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Recreational Forest Access Health & Safety Induction – Introduction

All persons 15 years or older, wishing to obtain a Recreational permit to enter forests managed byTimberlands Limited (TL), must complete this Recreational Forest Access Health & Safety induction.

We consider this induction crucial in communicating to you our general health and safety expectationsas well as the most significant hazards you may encounter while in our forests.

TL is committed to effective health and safety management in every aspect of our work. As such, weare open to any improvements that can be made and welcome your feedback on our health and safetyprocedures. These and any other enquiries can be directed to the TL Health & Safety team.

Please read through the presentation then proceed to the online quiz.

ALL persons, aged 15 years or older, wishing to enter TL-managed forests for recreational purposes,

whether driving or not, must:

• Complete this Recreational Forest Access Health & Safety Induction and questionnaire (annually).

• Obtain a recreational permit from FIRST Security.

• In accordance with the Health and Safety at Work Act, while in the forest, you must:

(a) Take reasonable care for your own health and safety; and

(b) Take reasonable care that your acts or omissions do not adversely affect the health and

safety of other persons; and

(c) Comply with any reasonable instruction that is given by Timberlands Limited

• Carry with you at all times:

- Your Recreational Permit (including Emergency Meeting Point EMP Maps)

- Photo ID

- All appropriate licences i.e.: drivers, firearms, fishing etc

• Wear a day/night hi viz vest at all times (must have reflective strips).

• Wear suitable enclosed footwear that is fit for purpose.

Prior to Entering the Forest Gate

Driving in the Forest

TL-managed forests are commercially working forests where operations occur 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Operations such as silviculture, harvesting, transport of stems and logs, roading, aerial spraying and surveying/plotting may be underway at any time.

• All drivers must have a full driver licence.

• All vehicles entering the forest must have a current WOF, registration and a minimum 3rd

party vehicle insurance.

• The NZTA Road Code applies on all forest roads.

• All occupants of the vehicle must be wearing seatbelts at ALL times while the vehicle is moving.

• Drive with your headlights on at ALL times.

• Drive to the conditions at a speed that you can stop within half the visible distance at ALL times.

Maximum speed limits in TL-managed forests are:

Sealed Roads:

‒ Light vehicles & unloaded trucks ………………………………………….. 90 km

‒ Loaded trucks & all other vehicles towing trailers ………………… 80 km

Unsealed 2 Lane Roads: All vehicles ……………………………………………. 80 km

Unsealed 1 lane Roads: All vehicles …………………………………………….. 50 km

Driving in the Forest - Continued

Never assume the road ahead is clear!

• Oncoming traffic, particularly trucks, due to their size, may have to use the entire width of the road and therefore you may need to get out of their way.

• Obey all signage:

‒ At marked intersections follow signage.

‒ At unmarked intersections the NZTA Road Code applies.

• Always ensure your load is secure i.e. dog boxes.

• The use of hand-held mobile phones or devices is prohibited while driving.

• If you have to stop, park OFF the road. Do not block roads or gateways with your vehicle.

• If on foot, walk on the right-hand side of the road, facing towards oncoming traffic.

The most significant hazard in the forest is vehicle related incidents including on-highway and off-highway trucks, transporters, utes and service vehicles.

• On-highway trucks include single and double trailer logging trucks, bulk carriers, metal trucks and heavy machine transporters.

• Off-highway trucks include single, double & triple trailer logging trucks and stem trucks (laden with logs, up to 50+ meters long, that hang over the rear bumper).

‒ These heavy vehicles have limited manoeuvrability and need lots of room to negotiate narrow forest roads, corners and intersections.

‒ When turning at an intersection, they are slow moving and can take up the entire road to negotiate the intersection.

‒ They can be 50% wider, twice as long and three times heavier than a regular truck and can take up more than 50% of the road.

Light Vehicles vs Heavy Vehicles

Always assume that all roads are two-way and expect oncoming traffic.

• Heavy vehicles move slowly uphill and downhill so drivers following must be patient.

• When being approached by an oversized vehicle, light vehicles should slow down, prepare to pull over to the left and proceed with caution once the oversized vehicle and its dust cloud have passed.

• It is courtesy to give way to loaded trucks travelling uphill on narrow roads.

• Due to the weight of heavy vehicles, stopping distances will be significantly longer than light vehicles.

• Due to the length and size of heavy vehicles, drivers have much less vision than you realise in front and behind their truck cab. A truck driver may not even realise you are travelling behind.

• Amber flashing lights on top of a truck cab indicate an oversized vehicle is approaching and additional caution should be taken.

Light Vehicles vs Heavy Vehicles - Continued

Road Conditions

Most TL-managed roads are narrow and NOT sealed.

• Slippery uneven road surfaces make traction and control more difficult.

• Keep well to the left, especially on blind corners.

• Light vehicles should engage 4WD if applicable.

• Watch out for overhanging or fallen trees, washouts and slips.

• You may encounter animals on the road.

• Never assume the road is clear. Drive to the conditions and always be prepared to stop within half your visible distance.

Your vision or route can be obscured when driving in the forest.

Be seen, drive with your headlights on at ALL times and drive to the conditions.

• Dust: Visibility is severely affected by dust clouds. All vehicles become difficult or even impossible to see in these conditions. If you can’t see, pull over to the left and only proceed once the dust has cleared.

• Rain/Fog: Reduce your speed in wet or foggy weather and drive to the conditions so that you can stop within half the visible distance.

• Ice/Snow: Black ice and snow can occur on forest roads during winter months which create extremely slippery road surfaces. Reduce your speed accordingly.

• Wind: Expect falling debris and possibly falling trees during a wind event. Drive with caution.

• Darkness: Darkness greatly reduces visibility and increases risk. Dip your head lights to oncoming traffic and take extra care at intersections and blind corners.

• Sunlight: Expect sunstrike and shadows to affect visibility at different times of the day.

• Heat: Temperatures can be extreme in the forest causing dehydration and fatigue. Ensure you keep hydrated and take rest breaks to avoid fatigue.

Visibility & Weather Conditions

Spot the Vehicle 3 seconds later…

Operational Sites are Strictly PROHIBITED

Should you be caught on or near an operational site, whether the

crew is working or not, your permit will be revoked and you will be


Emergencies including Forest Evacuation or Closure

All forest users are responsible for reporting emergencies, incidents, accidents, hazards and near misses.

• Report ALL incidents or significant hazards to Radio HQ on 07 3501122 (7am – 5pm daily).

• Dial 111 to report ALL accidents and emergencies, requiring emergency services.

‒ Identify yourself, your location, type of emergency, number of people involved and emergency services required.

• EMP Map (Emergency Meeting Points) will be provided on issue of your permit.

‒ Keep your EMP maps on hand at all times as these maps detail the relevant EMP locations with GPS coordinates, nearest open gates (note these could be locked during high risk periods).

‒ Refer to the relevant Forest EMP Map for the closest EMP location, to assist emergency personnel in locating your incident.

In the event of an emergency (e.g., significant weather event), where forest evacuation or closure is necessary, notification will be sent to you via telephone or text message, with relevant instructions.

Rules & Behaviors

• Hunting/fishing is only permitted during daylight hours.

• Hunting on main arterials roads is strictly prohibited. These roads are clearly marked on the map provided with your Recreational Permit.

• Drugs & Alcohol are prohibited in TL-managed forests.

• Motorbikes, MTV’s & Quadbikes are prohibited.

• Horses & Bicycles are prohibited in Kaingaroa & Rotoehu Forest.

• Dumping rubbish or plant material is prohibited. All rubbish must be removed.

• Lighting of Fires is prohibited.

• The use of UAV’s (Drones) is strictly prohibited.

• The cutting or collecting of firewood is strictly prohibited.

• You must not cut, fell, intentionally damage, mark or remove any trees, shrubs or other forest produce.

• The transfer of seeds, pests and pathogens can cause major biosecurity threats and wipe out entire forests, therefore it is important to ensure that no unauthorised plant material comes into the forest (especially no dumping of garden refuse) and you must ensure clothing, vehicles and equipment are clean to avoid the transfer of any pests or diseases.

• Children under the age of 15 must be kept under close adult supervision at all times.

Please report any unsafe or suspicious behaviour to Radio HQ on 07 3501122 (7am – 5pm daily) or after hours Dial 111.

Failure to follow these rules will result in your permit being

revoked and you will be TRESPASSED!!!

Proceed to Online Quiz

• You are now required to answer 17 questions correctly to complete your Health & Safety Induction.

• If you answer any questions incorrectly, you can review the presentation again, and then return to complete the quiz.

• Once you have successfully completed the quiz, you will then be directed automatically, to complete the online application, upload

licences and process payment (via Mastercard or Visa).

• Following receipt of payment you will receive a Permit Application Reference Number. Please retain a copy of this number for your


• Your Recreational Permit will then be posted to your nominated postal address once the COVID-19 lockdown restrictions have been


• You must now return to the FIRST Security Forestry Permits page to complete the online quiz.
