Reconstructing and Analyzing a Jewish Genealogical Network


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Reconstructing and Analyzing a Jewish Genealogical Network:

The Case of the Roman Ghetto (Seventeenth-Eighteenth Centuries).

Michaël Gasperoni

Table of Contents

Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 2

1. The Sources .................................................................................................................................... 3

2. The Population and the Families of the Ghetto of Rome ........................................................ 5

3. Methodology and Genealogical Datasets .................................................................................. 6

3.1 Biases Genealogical Completeness of the Jewish Roman Genealogical Dataset ........... 7

3.2 Genealogical Completeness of the Genealogical Dataset of the Roman Jews.............. 13

4. Matrimonial Census and the Jewish Kinship System ............................................................ 16

4.1 Marriages between Blood Relatives ................................................................................... 17

4.2 : Marriages between Relatives by Marriage and Relinkings .......................................... 21

Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................ 29

Annexes ............................................................................................................................................ 30

1358 Jewish marriage contracts registred in the notarial Roman archives (1640-1750) .... 30

Bibliography ..................................................................................................................................... 86



Several scholars have used the history of the Jewish family as an interpretative key, a

gateway of sorts, to understanding past Jewish societies1, but few studies have tackled the

Jewish matrimonial practices and kinship “system”2. The systematic reconstruction of the

Jewish population is not a simple task, especially in view of the absence of the “classical”

sources – i.e. parish records – which scholars have used, especially since the 1950s, to

study the populations of modern Europe3.

Moreover, the Roman case is peculiar and even more troublesome, as observed by

Eugenio Sonnino, according to whom the “clamorous silence” of the demographic sources

related to Roman Jews is a significant problem to any scholar wishing to study the Jewish

population in modern times4. Still, the classical studies on the more general aspects of

Jewish demography5, the rich bibliography on the ghetto of Rome6, and the recent

important discovery of an unpublished census by Angela Groppi7, provide a solid

framework for any attempt at a systematic and overall study of the Jewish population in

Rome during the time of the ghetto, established by the Pope in 1555.

At any rate, the richness and variety of the Roman sources have nonetheless enabled to

construct a genealogical dataset. This database, which will be freely available for online

consultation, is at the heart of the analysis of the matrimonial relationships which will be

presented here and will provide an initial demographic and genealogical profile of the

Jewish population in Rome. The database is also one of the few genealogical datasets

available for reconstructing the Jewish communities in modern times.

1 See in particular, Luzzati 1985 ; Luzzati 1990. 2 See Delille 2013 ; Gasperoni 2013. 3 On this topic see the classical studies by Fleury - Henry 1956. For what concerns Italy, see the synthesis by

Pozzi - Sonnino 2012. 4 Sonnino 2000, p. 340-342. 5 Livi 1920 ; Livi Bacci 1983 ; Della Pergola 1983 ; Bachi - Della Pergola 1984 ; Della Pergola 1996 ; Della

Pergola 2004. 6 Besides the classical study by Milano 1988, see also Stow 1990 ; Stow - Stow Debenedetti 1986 ; Stow 2001 ;

Esposito 1995 ; Esposito 2006 ; Di Nepi 2013. 7 Groppi 2014.


1. The Sources

The research project is based on the study of the extant censuses of the Roman Jewish

population in modern times8 and on notarial documentation, which is particularly rich in

our case. Given the lack of actual civil records, which are available for what concerns the

Christian population (parish registers) for example, notarial archives remain among the

most important sources for studying the history of the Jewish family. Especially wills,

marriage contracts, donations, divisions of assets and sales contracts have been studied

systematically in order to facilitate the reconstruction of genealogies.

I have collected the marriage contracts registered by Roman Jews in front of Christian

notaries and entered all the data into a genealogical dataset. The Roman notarial archives

contain a massive number of documents, spread over several archival fonds: besides the

well-known Trenta Notai Capitolini, I consulted the notarial archives of the Vicar of Rome,

the Apostolic Chamber, as well as the archives of Jewish notaries and bankers9. So far

thousands of documents have been consulted resulting in the identification of around 1

257 marriage contracts of Jewish couples drawn up by Roman notaries between 1640 and


Clearly, the starting point of the research has been the census of 1733, the Descriptio

Hebreorum, which constitutes a unique and complete census of the Jewish population in

eighteenth-century Rome and provides us with a snapshot of the population of the ghetto

in 1733. Therefore, it allowed to verify with precision the genealogies and kinship ties

which have been reconstructed on the basis of a systematic use of the notarial archives.

This has enabled to reconstruct a large part of the ghetto’s population, regardless of the

social status of each individual. The census has been particularly useful given the high

incidence of homonymy in the ghetto which accounts for the difficulties in identifying

single individuals and families. It has been therefore necessary to verify the presence of

8 Besides the census discovered by Angela Groppi, there are also the censuses of 1527 (see Lee 1985 ;

Esposito 2006) and of 1571 (see Toaff 1984, XVI‑XVII). 9 For the history and functions of the Roman notarial archives, see De Vizio 2011.


duplicates for each single person and family and to correct the resulting errors, which are

frequent in this type of systematic research on periods prior to the age of statistics10.

The archives of the Jewish community of Rome have also been analysed, and especially

the registers of the compagnia delle zitelle (Bethulòt; lit. “the company of the spinsters”),

which distributed dowries (about 12 per year) to the poorer girls of the ghetto11. There is

only one extant register for the seventeenth century, which covers a very brief period of

time (1683-1698), but it has been possible to find copies recorded in notarial registers for

the subsequent period (1699-1740).

Many women in the ghetto received a dotal subsidy and it is interesting to note that some

families appear more than once both among those who ‘received’ the supplement through

the bride (i.e. the husband’s family), and among those who received the assign for their

daughters. It should be stressed that when considering the overall total of dowry subsidies

granted between 1683 and 1698, 86 different surnames for men and 91 for women (and a

total of 129 surnames) have been found. This shows that a large portion of the families of

the Roman ghetto has benefited from a dotal subsidy. Even if we allow for a certain

margin of error, if we compare the numbers above with the census of 1733 (in which a

total of 207 surnames is registered), we can easily affirm that a substantial part of the

families living in the ghetto availed themselves of communitarian assistance to constitute

dowries. This may indicate and confirm a generalized pauperization of the ghetto towards

the end of the seventeenth century, when lending banks operating in the walled quarters

were closed by the papal authorities. The closing down of lending banks resulted in a

significant reduction of the incomes and overall wealth of the entire Roman community,

which was substantially supported by Jewish bankers. Some of the inhabitants of the

ghetto, and especially the more affluent ones, such as the bankers, had to “redirect”

10 Gasperoni 2011. 11 Milano 1988, p. 254 ; Gasperoni 2015, p. 191‑196.


completely their economic and professional inclinations, a fact which undoubtedly

impacted the more general economy of the ghetto12.

2. The Population and the Families of the Ghetto of Rome

From the Descriptio Urbis, the first known census of the Roman population, conducted on

the eve of the sack of 1527, we gather that the Jewish population consisted of 1 772 persons

for 373 families. Another census which was made half a century later, at the beginning of

the plague of 1656, lists 4 314 Jews, out of whom 596 died during the epidemic13. The

increase of the Jewish population between the two censuses can be explained by the

migratory movements and the expulsion of the Jews from the territories of the Papal States

at the end of the sixteenth century, which forced them to leave the many small localities in

central Italy in which they lived, and find residence in Ancona or in Rome. Between the

seventeenth and eighteenth centuries the Jewish population in Rome seems to have

stabilized (between 3 500 and 4 000 inhabitants), after the decline which followed the

plague of 1656.

This long process of sedimentation of the Roman Jewish population is reflected in the

nomenclature and in the surnames of the families of the ghetto, which, as Attilio Milano

has pointed out, were mostly geographical surnames14. Sergio Della Pergola and other

scholars have stressed the importance of the onomastic method to measure both migratory

movements and the sedimentation of the Jewish populations in the Italian peninsula15.

Many Roman Jews carried surnames which derive from names of localities in either

central Italy or in the Papal States (22% of the total in 1733), or regions at the periphery

(Tuscany, Campagna) or the peninsula (Lombardy, Veneto, Puglia, Sicily). These certainly

reflect the various expulsions experienced throughout the history of Judaism in Italy,

especially at the beginning of the modern period. In 1733, 207 surnames are registered,

while in 1796, only 160 have been detected, following a decrease of the Jewish population

12 On the closure of the Jewish banks in the Roman ghetto, see Poliakov 1965 ; Milano 1988 ; Stow 1992 ;

Procaccia 2011. On trades in the ghetto and female labour activities see Allegra 2007 ; Allegra 2009. 13 Sonnino - Traina 1982, p. 442 ; Lee 1985, p. 317‑321 ; Esposito 1995 14 Milano 1962. 15 Della Pergola 1980 ; Colletta 2009.


(3 617 persons at the end of the eighteenth century, against 4 059 individuals in 1733). The

Roman ghetto lost several families and surnames along the eighteenth century, with very

few families settling within its walled quarters (only 25 in total).

The stability of the Jewish population in Rome, as its exceptional endogamy (between 1700

and 1730, 97.7% of the dowry deeds registered by urban notaries were concluded by

couples in which both bride and groom came from Rome, and less than 3% by spouses

who came from other cities16) allow us to create a homogenous database, although not

devoid of biases, as many genealogical datasets dealing with populations of the pre-

statistics era.

3. Methodology and Genealogical Datasets

The sources have been transcribed and inserted into different databases, the main of which

is a genealogical dataset which includes 7 099 individuals (4 274 men and 2 825 women)

and 2 403 marriages, for a genealogical depth of 7 generations. To analyse the overall

kinship relationships contained in the dataset, I have used the software program Puck

(Program for the Use and Computation of Kinship data), developed from 2007 by Klaus

Hamberger (École des hautes études en sciences sociales) within the framework of a

research project financed by the French National Research Agency (ANR) and available in

open access (Fig. 1)17.

Puck not only enables to survey and analyse all the matrimonial relationships within a

genealogical dataset, but it also allows to measure its “quality”, i.e. if the dataset contains

any error or bias (for example of gender or genealogical completeness).

16 Gasperoni 2015, p. 55. 17 See


Fig. 1 : The Genealogical Dataset in Puck

3.1 Biases Genealogical Completeness of the Jewish Roman Genealogical Dataset

There are no “perfect” genealogical datasets, especially when studying populations who

lived in periods when documents were not produced systematically and accurately by the

authorities, as it was decided towards the end of the eighteenth century when Civil

Registrars were established. Moreover, some minorities, such as the Jews, even if under

strict control of the civil and/or religious authorities, were not submitted directly to the

pastoral jurisdiction of the parish priests. Therefore, they were not listed in parish

registers, which can be taken a veritable forerunners of the modern Civil Registrars.

However, parish priests often made “censuses” of the Jewish populations living in the


ghettos situated in neighbourhoods that overlapped the territory of the parishes,

providing us with documents similar to the status animarum (parish family books) or to a

summarized version of such records (“lists” of the names of the head of the household

with the number of persons that made up the family nucleus). Moreover, the Jewish

communities also produced documents which can be compared to the civil records that

were progressively introduced by the Catholich church beginning from the Council of

Trent: for example, quite a few rabbis kept registers of the circumcisions, and

confraternities, such as that of the compagnia della carità e delle morte (Ghemiluth Chasadim;

lit. “company of charity and death”), as well kept similar records18.

At any rate, any reconstruction of the genealogies of Italian Jewish families in modern

times must be based on notarial archives, which allow a global and quantitative approach.

Yet, notarial acts are first and foremost qualitative sources that were not aimed at

“surveying” strictu sensu the population. Women and the poor are as present in notarial

records as the more affluent persons and families, but this does not mean that these

sources do not pose methodological problems related to how these records were

registered, or else to lacunae (loss of registers, relocaton of the notary from one city to

another, and so on). For what concerns dowry deeds, it seems that, among Jewish

communities in central Italy, these were genrally drawn up in the city in which the groom

resided, and therefore it is possible that some matrimonial contracts of women who

resided in a certain city had been registered in the husband’s city of origin19.

When it comes to Rome, however, the high incidence of geographical endogamy and the

comparison between dowry agreements and the census of 1733, which provides a survey

of all the population, including females, allows us to measure the extent of the bias in this


We have already seen that the dataset contains more males than females and that, as a

consequence, there is already a gender bias, which is linked not to the actual imbalance

18 On the Jewish Confraternities in Rome, see Milano 1988, p. 235‑357 ; Haia Antonucci 2011. 19 Gasperoni 2015.


between women and men within the Jewish population in Rome, but to the sources on

which the dataset is based (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2 : Gender some

Ostensibly, men always outnumber females, not only because often men were the ones

who went in front of a notary, but because the way men were registered already embodied

a gender bias. Clearly, this is not specific to Jews, but applies also to Christians. To cite

merely one example, we can notice how in dowry agreements individuals are always

described as “sons/daughters of” a man and sometimes “grandsons/granddaughters of”

another man but never (or almost never) of a woman. So when in 1728 the Roman notary

Giovanni Antonio Abbatoni drew up the dowry agreement of Isaac Federico Tedesco and

Allegrezza Cerusi, he wrote:

“essendo come (…) s’asserisce che Angelo Cerusi figlio del quondam Samuelle

ebreo Romano prometesse per sposa Allegrezza sua figlia ad Isaac Federico Tedesco

figlio del qm Joel hebreo romano (..)”20.

The genealogical information which we can get from the deed alreay contains a gender

bias on the spouses’ ancestry. For what concerns Allegrezza, we know the names of her

20 “since as (…) it is said Angelo Cerusi son of the late Samuele, a Jew from Rome, promised the hand of his

daughter Allegrezza to Isaac Federico Tedesco son of the late Joel, a Jew from Rome”, ASR, TNC, Uff. 5, 447,

c.86, 15.01.1728.


father and late grandfather, in the case of Isaac Federico, instead, we only know the name

of his late father. In the absence of a census, this way of registering individuals

immediately creates an unbalance in the genealogical datasets elaborated and studied by

historians and demographers.

Let us now turn our attention to the potential overall and generational biases of the corpus

of data that has been collected by using two measuring tools offered by the Puck software.

The first is called Gender Bias (weight), and enables us to establish the number of

individuals for whom the agnatic/uterine/the agnatic and the uterine linear ascendant of a

given degree is known, as a percentage of individuals for whom the agnatic or the uterine

ascendant of that degree is known (Fig. ). This is the first measure of the agnatic or uterine

bias of the corpus21.

Fig. 3 : Gender bias (weight)22

21 Barry - Gasperoni 2008 ; Hamberger - Daillant 2008, p. 45 22 For any given generational gap, the measures are defined as follows:

pA = |A|/|A v U| pU = |U|/|A v U|

where A and U are the group of persons of whom the agnatic/uterine ancestors of the given degree are

known. "v" is the combination of the data and |X| is the size of the X group of data.


A or U U A A and U Diff

1 5723.0 69.51 99.7 69.21 -30.19

2 4030.0 48.96 97.84 46.8 -48.88

3 2304.0 32.68 91.28 23.96 -58.6

4 839.0 24.91 86.65 11.56 -61.74

5 140.0 30.71 72.14 2.86 -41.43

6 9.0 0.0 100.0 0.0 -100.0

7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

10 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

As can be seen from Fig. 3, and much as expected, there is a substantial gap between our

knowledge of the agnatic and uterine ancestors. If we take the first generation, i.e. the

parents, as an example, we can observe that in the dataset, when it was possible to identify

one (or both) of the parents, we know the father’s identity in 99.7% of the cases and the

mother’s only in 69.51% of the cases, while both parents are known for 69.21% of the

individuals listed. The gap becomes more marked if we consider the second generation,

i.e. the grandparents: the loss of information is limited for what concerns the paternal

grandfather (almost always mentioned in our sources, as we have seen in the case of

Allegrezza Cerusi and Isaac Federico Tedeschi), whose identity is known in 97.84% of the

cases, while the maternal grandmother is known for less than half of the individuals listed

in the body of data (48.96%).

The second tool for measuring gender bias ("Gender bias net weight") informs us about

the number of individuals for whom only the agnatic/uterine ascendant of a given degree

is known, as a percentage of individuals for whom the agnatic/uterine ascendant of that

degree is known. Another measure of the agnatic or uterine bias of the corpus. This tool

measures the interdependence and interconnection of genealogical knowledge: the more

the curves are close together, the more the interdependence high; the greater the distance

between the curves, the more they become autonomous (that is to say that we know the


agnatic or uterine unisexual lines). If the curves are low, it means that there is


As we can see from Fig. 4, the agnatic unilinear chains, are those that are better known,

especially beginning from the generation of the grandparents and the great-grandparents.

So we can observe that in 51% of the cases, the paternal grandfather is known (father’s

father, FF) but the maternal grandmother is not known (mother’s mother, MM) and, in

67% of the cases, the paternal great-grandfather (father’s father’s father, FFF) is known but

not the maternal great-grandmother (mother’s mother’s mother, MMM).

Fig. 4 : Gender bias (net)23

A or U U not A A not U Diff

1 5723.0 0.3 30.49 -30.19

2 4030.0 2.16 51.04 -48.88

3 2304.0 8.72 67.32 -58.6

4 839.0 13.35 75.09 -61.74

5 140.0 27.86 69.29 -41.43 23 For any given generational gap, the measures are as follows: sA = |A\U|/|A v U| sU = |U\A|/|A v U| where “\” is the difference between groups of data.


6 9.0 0.0 100.0 -100.0

7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

10 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Besides measuring unilinear gender biases, Puck offers us the possibility of measuring, for

each generational level, di dispersal of genealogical information by following the overall

cognatic genealogical chains.

3.2 Genealogical Completeness of the Genealogical Dataset of the Roman Jews

If we turn our attention to the overall genealogical chians for the first three generations,

we can observe some interesting results. As expected the agnatic great-grandfather (XFFF)

is the most known, without substantial differences in terms of percentage with the agnatic

great-grandfather on the mother’s side (XMFF). The apical uterine ancestors (the last four

categories) are the least known, almost on equal terms.

In this last catergory, it is interesting to note that the unilinear uterine great-grandmother

(XMMM) is a little more known as compares to the uterine great-grandmother on the

father’s side (XFMM).


Fig. 5 : Ancestors chains (degree = 3 generations)

F H Total

XHH(H) 998 1105 2103

XFH(H) 973 1054 2027

XFF(H) 761 823 1584

XHF(H) 743 776 1519

XFH(F) 406 413 819

XFF(F) 366 387 753

XHH(F) 363 389 752

XHF(F) 327 331 658

Total 4937 5278 10215

The over-representation of the agnatic unilinear lines is a frequent phenomenon in

historical genealogical datasets, certainly, but it should be stressed and it has to be

considered when the matrimonial census will be made. Actually, we should question if the

absence, or conversely, the over-representation of some marriages reflected some of the

kniship structures or if, on the contrary, this was the consequence of a part of the kin ties

among individuals present in the matrimonial network. As observed by Klaus Hamberger

and Isabelle Daillant:


“Il y a, dans l’analyse des réseaux matrimoniaux empiriques, deux

grands types d’erreurs dues à une illusion optique engendrée par les

chiffres. Nous venons de voir le premier, qui se produit lorsqu’on

prend pour une préférence ce qui n’est qu’un effet automatique. Le

second consiste à prendre comme indicateur d’une préférence ou

d’un évitement ce qui n’est en fait qu’une conséquence de la

distribution inégale des relations de parenté, soit dans le réseau réel,

soit dans la partie qui est connue du chercheur, donc dans le corpus.

Il existe deux sources principales à un tel déséquilibre. La première,

souvent sous-estimée, tient au fait qu’un corpus généalogique, même

le meilleur, ne représente qu’une image incomplète et lacunaire du

réseau réel. De plus, ses lacunes ne sont en général pas également

distribuées, concernant habituellement certains types de liens ou

d’individus plutôt que d’autres. Or un tel biais ne peut souvent pas

être évité, même par le chercheur le plus scrupuleux, lorsqu’il est lui-

même l’effet des institutions sociales en vigueur : les règles de

filiation influent sur la mémoire généalogique, les règles de résidence

provoquent une concentration ou une dispersion spatiale des

informateurs potentiels, ou des archives à consulter (…)”24

The debate remains open. Some scholars as Daillant and Hamberger find an evident

correlation between genealogical knowledge and matrimonial structure. Other scholars,

however, while suggesting a cautionary approach in regard to genealogical biases,

underscore the possibility that the absence of some matrimonial relationships in the

census may derive from the fact that “l’oubli de ces liens est justement lié au fait qu’ils

n’ont pas été activés dans le cadre d’une alliance”25. In the absence of a finite

interpretation, the multiplication of similar studies will allow scholars to compare the

results and reconsider their initial hypothesis.

24 There are, in the analysis of empirical matrimonial networks, two main types of errors, the effect of an

optical illusion caused by numbers. We can observe the first when one takes as a preference what is not an

automatic effect. The second consists in taking as an indicator of a preference or an avoidance what is

actually only a cosequence of the unequal distribution of the kin relationships, both in the real network, and

in the part of the network which is known to the researcher, and therefore in the corpus. The first, often

underrated, is due to the fact that even in the best of cases, a genealogical corpus is only an incomplete and

gap-ridden image of the real network. Moreover, generally its gaps are not equally distributed, and usually

concern certain types of ties or individuals more than others. Now, such a bias can seldom be avoided, even

by the most thorough researcher, since he himself/she herself is the effect of the social institutions in force:

the rules of kinship influence the genealogical memory, the rules of residence result in a spatial

concentration or dispersal of potential informers, or archives that can be consulted (…). 25 the oversight of such ties is linked to the fact that these have not been activated within the framework of an

alliance, Barry - Gasperoni 2008, p. 85.


4. Matrimonial Census and the Jewish Kinship System

We have seen that the Jewish community in Rome exhibited a peculiarly high rate of

geographical endogamy: 97.7% of the dowry agreements registered by notaries between

1700 and 1730 (all of the extant notarial documentention has been analysed) were

concluded by spouses who were both from Rome, while for what concerns the entire

period that has been studied (1640-1750, but for which the analysis of the documentation

has not been systematic), the incidence of geographical endogamy amounts to 96.5%26.

Consequently, one should expect a high rate of biological endogamy, also in view of the

fact that the Jewish kinship “system” allowed for marriages between close relatives (i.e.

between cousins or between uncle and niece27). Before discussing the statistic results of the

marriage census of the genealogical dataset, it has to be stressed that these results need to

be approached with due caution. As I have stated earlier, the dataset is not devoid of

biases which could influence the census in proportions which are difficult to calculate. To

give just a few examples, it should be noted that, during the research in the archival

documentation, and especially in notarial sources (wills, dowries etc.), I have frequently

found traces of actual kinship ties between the two spouses, but that in the dataset the

spouses were not registered as relatives since the genealogical data of one or the other was

incomplete. At times homonymy makes a kinship tie (even if the tie is not close)

immediately visible or probable, while the spouses are registered as non-relatives in the

dataset, and therefore, Puck registers the marriage as an exogamic one28 (although in the

Roman ghetto, families who carried the same surname were not necessarily related)29.

26 That is 1 267 marriages between Romans against a total of 1 313 marriages for which the origin of the

spouse was known (for the period between 1640 and 1750). 27 The marriage between a man and his aunt was instead forbidden. On matrimonial prohibitions in Jewish

societies, see in particular Rabello 2002. 28 I will make a brief reference to two notions which are used here: “endogamy” and “exogamy” that can be

defined as rules or practices that force an individual to choose one’s spouse within (endogamy) or outside

(exogamy) one’s group (social group, kin group, etc.). 29 On this issue see Gasperoni 2018.


4.1 Marriages between Blood Relatives

Let us begin from the first step typically undertaken by kinship anthropologists when they

study a society, i.e. the census of the marriage relationships between cousins of which

there are four types: parallel patri- and matrilateral (Father’s Brother’s Daughter or FBD /

Mother’s Sister’s Daughter or MZD) and crossed (Mother’s Brother’s Daughter or MBD

and Father’s Sister’s Daughter or FZD):

Nr Standard Positional #Circuits % Circuits # Couples % Couples # Individuals

1 FBD HH()HF 44 52.38 44 53.66 88

2 FZD HH()FF 11 13.1 11 13.41 22

3 MBD HF()HF 13 15.48 13 15.85 26

4 MZD HF()FF 16 19.05 16 19.51 31

Tab. 1 : Four cousin marriages

Puck has identified a total of 84 marriages between first degree cousins, which represent

3.41% of the marriage relationships present in the genealogical dataset. As expected,

marriages between agnatic cousins (FBD) are more numerous (44 in total, i.e. half of the

marriages between cousins). Marraiges between agnates, which are well-represented in

the Torah seem to be privileged among the Jewish populations of the Italian peninsula or

the Sephardi30. The other three types are equally (or almost equally) represented, with a

slight preference for the parallel matrilateral cousin (MZD), the exact opposite of the

marriage between agnates, which is usually forbidden or avoided by populations that

practice this type of agantic marriage31.

If we turn our attention to marriages between cousins, but we distinguish between full

and half siblings at the generation of the parents (Tab. 2) following Laurent Barry’s

suggestion32, we notice that two marriages, the first of the FZD type and the second of the

FZD type, concen step-brothers ex latere patris (FFDD /FZD and MDFF / MZD).

30 Gasperoni 2013. 31 Barry 1998 ; Barry 2000 ; Barry 2008. The “preferred” order within this system should be the following:

FBD>MBD>FZD>MZD. 32 Barry 1998.


Nr Standard Positional #Circuits % Circuits # Couples % Couples # Individuals

1 FBD HH()HF 44 52.38 44 53.66 88

2 FZD HH()FF 10 11.9 10 12.2 20

3 FFDD HH(H)FF 1 1.19 1 1.22 2

4 MBD HF()HF 13 15.48 13 15.85 26

5 MZD HF()FF 15 17.86 15 18.29 29

6 MFDD HF(H)FF 1 1.19 1 1.22 2

Tab. 2 : Four cousin marriages (half siblings)

If we observe the more close endogamic marriages, i.e. marriages between uncles and

nieces (Tab. 3), we notice an almost exact parity in Rome (12 with the ex fratre niece and 11

with the ex sorore niece). As clearly evident in the table (there are 12 cases for 23

individuals), one of the males married two nieces who were sisters: in this case, a marriage

of the uncle/niece type overlapped a sororal marriage, on which I will return briefly.

Nr Standard Positional #Circuits % Circuits # Couples % Couples # Individuals

1 BD H()HF 12 52.17 12 52.17 23

2 ZD H()FF 11 47.83 11 47.83 22

Tab. 3 : Marriages between uncle and niece

If we make a survey of all the marriages between blood relatives up to the fourth degree of

kinship (in the canonical calculation) 33, we can observe some interesting results (Tab. 4).

Nr Standard Positional #Circuits % Circuits # Couples % Couples # Individuals

1 BD H()HF 12 6.74 12 8.11 23

2 ZD H()FF 11 6.18 11 7.43 22

3 FBD HH()HF 44 24.72 44 29.73 88

4 FZD HH()FF 11 6.18 11 7.43 22

5 MBD HF()HF 13 7.3 13 8.78 26

6 MZD HF()FF 16 8.99 16 10.81 31

7 FBSD HH()HHF 3 1.69 3 2.03 6

8 FBDD HH()HFF 1 0.56 1 0.68 2

9 FZSD HH()FHF 1 0.56 1 0.68 2

10 FZDD HH()FFF 3 1.69 3 2.03 6

11 MBSD HF()HHF 2 1.12 2 1.35 4

12 MBDD HF()HFF 1 0.56 1 0.68 2

13 MZDD HF()FFF 2 1.12 2 1.35 4

14 FMBD HHF()HF 1 0.56 1 0.68 2

15 MMBD HFF()HF 1 0.56 1 0.68 2

16 FFBSD HHH()HHF 4 2.25 4 2.7 8

17 FFBDD HHH()HFF 5 2.81 5 3.38 10

18 FFZSD HHH()FHF 3 1.69 3 2.03 6

33 Marriages beyond the fifth degree have not been surveyed: this is due to the genealogical depth of the



19 FFZDD HHH()FFF 1 0.56 1 0.68 2

20 MFBSD HFH()HHF 8 4.49 8 5.41 16

21 MFBDD HFH()HFF 1 0.56 1 0.68 2

22 FMBSD HHF()HHF 2 1.12 2 1.35 4

23 FMZSD HHF()FHF 2 1.12 2 1.35 4

24 FMZDD HHF()FFF 2 1.12 2 1.35 4

25 MMBSD HFF()HHF 2 1.12 2 1.35 4

26 MMBDD HFF()HFF 1 0.56 1 0.68 2

27 MMZSD HFF()FHF 4 2.25 4 2.7 8

28 MMZDD HFF()FFF 1 0.56 1 0.68 2

29 FFBSSD HHH()HHHF 2 1.12 2 1.35 4

30 FFBDSD HHH()HFHF 1 0.56 1 0.68 2

31 FFBDDD HHH()HFFF 1 0.56 1 0.68 2

32 MFBSDD HFH()HHFF 1 0.56 1 0.68 2

33 MFBDSD HFH()HFHF 1 0.56 1 0.68 2

34 MMZDDD HFF()FFFF 1 0.56 1 0.68 2

35 MFFBSD HFHH()HHF 2 1.12 2 1.35 4

36 MMFZSD HFFH()FHF 1 0.56 1 0.68 2

37 FFMBDD HHHF()HFF 1 0.56 1 0.68 2

38 FFFZSSD HHHH()FHHF 1 0.56 1 0.68 2

39 MFFBSSD HFHH()HHHF 1 0.56 1 0.68 2

40 MFFBDSD HFHH()HFHF 1 0.56 1 0.68 2

41 MFFZSSD HFHH()FHHF 1 0.56 1 0.68 2

42 FMFBSSD HHFH()HHHF 1 0.56 1 0.68 2

43 FMMBDDD HHFF()HFFF 1 0.56 1 0.68 2

44 MMFZSDSD HFFH()FHFHF 1 0.56 1 0.68 2

45 FMFFBSDD HHFHH()HHFF 1 0.56 1 0.68 2

46 FFFFBDDSD HHHHH()HFFHF 1 0.56 1 0.68 2

Tab. 4 : Marraiges between blood relatives (maximal depths = 5)

The genealogical dataset, therefore, contains 178 marriages between blood relatives which

concern 148 couples and 293 individuals (as seen in the case I mentioned before, i.e. the

uncle who married two of his nieces, some persons married a close relative more than

once). Overall, therefore, marriages between blood relatives represent 7.4% of the total

marriage relationships in the genealogical dataset. Let us now examine other types of

these marriages: the most numerous are those mentioned above, i.e. between cousins and

uncle/niece (107 in total). The others are 71 cases in all, which are somewhat cognatic.

This first result should be reconsidered in the light of the gender and genealogical bias

(these are certainly more numerous). It is actually possible to verify if the small number of

marriages between blood relatives is a consequence of the lack of knowledge of the

genealogical relationships of the same degree. The “open chains frequencies” function,


enables to count the kinship chains in a kinship network, i.e., all kinship and marriage

chains. This allows in particular to know the “closure rate”; the raw results produced by

the matrimonial census must be reconsidered and correlated to the quality of the corpus.

If the genealogical dataset contains a high number of kin relationships between first and

second degree cousins (XX(X)XX and XXX(X)XXX), much less are those of the fifth

(XXXXXX(X)XXXXX) and therefore we should only consider the first two types which, at

least in theory, could produce a different number of marriages between relatives (Tab. 5

and Tab. 6).

Nr Standard Positional #Circuits %






1 FBD HH()HF 974 33.83 974 34.1

2 FZD HH()FF 687 23.86 687 24.05

3 MBD HF()HF 665 23.1 665 23.28

4 MZD HF()FF 553 19.21 553 19.36

Tab. 5 : Relationships between cousins of the first degree surveyed in the dataset

Nr Standard Positional #Circuits %






1 FFBSD HHH()HHF 380 11.38 380 12.19

2 FFBDD HHH()HFF 306 9.17 306 9.81

3 FFZSD HHH()FHF 142 4.25 142 4.55

4 FFZDD HHH()FFF 209 6.26 209 6.7

5 MFBSD HFH()HHF 290 8.69 290 9.3

6 MFBDD HFH()HFF 291 8.72 291 9.33

7 MFZSD HFH()FHF 196 5.87 196 6.29

8 MFZDD HFH()FFF 268 8.03 268 8.6

9 FMBSD HHF()HHF 122 3.65 122 3.91

10 FMBDD HHF()HFF 139 4.16 139 4.46

11 FMZSD HHF()FHF 122 3.65 122 3.91

12 FMZDD HHF()FFF 145 4.34 145 4.65

13 MMBSD HFF()HHF 166 4.97 166 5.32

14 MMBDD HFF()HFF 237 7.1 237 7.6

15 MMZSD HFF()FHF 161 4.82 161 5.16

16 MMZDD HFF()FFF 164 4.91 164 5.26 Tab. 6 : Relationships between cousins of the second degree surveyed in the dataset

Therefore, we could expect a higher rate of endogamy, but the marriage census disproves

any systematic correlation between geographical and biological endogamy. This means

that the matrimonial behaviours of Roman Jews, though respecting geogarphical

endogamy, limited biological endogamy, exactly as the Christian populations, who could


not marry close relatives up to the fourth canonical degree according to their rules which

forbade incest. I shall return briefly on this and on what anthropologists have defined

“relinkings”, i.e. marriages between individuals who have in common both blood relatives

and relatives by marriage34.

4.2 : Marriages between Relatives by Marriage and Relinkings

Anthropologists who have studied European societies in which matrimonial prohibitions

were severe and cognatic (up to the fourth canonical degree, both in case of blood relatives

and relatives by marriage), have shown that one of the ways by which the Christian

populations managed to respect these prohibitions, while setting up exchange strategies

and endogamic strategies (social, geographical, or by marriage), was to multiply the

relinkings. The most well-known is the exchange of sisters (ZHZ): a man gave his sister’s

hand to another man, who in turn would give him his own sister in marriage.

Conversly to the Jewish societies, marriages to relatives by marriage, such as the sororate

and the levirate, were severely prohibited. Instead Jews could (and in the case of a levirate,

had to) marry close relatives of their spouses – for example a man could marry his late

wife’s sister – but it is well-known that these types of marriages were not appreciated by

Italian Jews, who often would avail themselves of the ceremony of the Halizah. Moreover,

it seems that in Rome the sororate was privileged, as attested also by the survey carried

out with Puck (Tab. 7) :

Nr Standard Positional #Circuits % Circuits

1 WZ (sororate) H.F()F 9 90.0

2 BW (levirate) H()H.F 1 10.0

Tab. 7 : Sororate and Levirate Marriages

The “preference” for the sororate seems to have been mostly a strategy used by families to

solve the delicate problem of dowry restoration35. To a widower, marrying his late wife’s

sister meant that he could avoid restoring the dowry which was often invested in the

family business (the dowry was de facto an important resource for the economic activities

of the men of the family). To the bride’s family, this was a way to “spare” a dowry by 34 Zonabend - Jolas - Verdier 1970. 35 Gasperoni 2015.


giving the hand of a second daughter without disbursing any money for another dowry.

As many studies have demonstrated, in early modern Jewish societies, the dowry was a

central mechanism when transmitting resources, so much so that these practices

eventually evolved into a “Jewish model of patrimonial devolution”36. If we consider the

global data of the relinkings up to the third degree (Tab. 8), we can continue to observe

interesting results. A total of 322 types of matrimonial curcuits between relatives by

marriage (about 13.4% of all the marriages), of multiple varieties have been gathered. Only

one type of relationship prevails, i.e. the exchange of sisters (Sister’s Husband’s Sister,

ZHZ, 31 circuits), while its pendent, i.e. the marriage between a man and his brother’s

wife (Brother’s Wife’s Sister, BWZ) appears only 4 times. This result is surprising, since in

various studies on populations (wether Jewish or Christian), the two types are often equal

or BWZ marriages even outnumber ZHZ marriages37. These first results should be

analysed in the light of new and more in-depth researches on the Roman population, by

continuing the systematic scrutiny of the notarial documentation of the seventeenth

century so as to complete the geneaologies of the dataset, that are still incomplete for the

earlier generations.

Standard Positional #Circuits % Circuits # Couples % Couples

ZHZ H()F.H()F 31 6.51 62 15.31

WZ H.F()F 9 1.89 18 4.44

BWZ H()H.F()F 4 0.84 8 1.98

BWMBD H()H.FF()HF 4 0.84 8 1.98

FBSWZ HH()HH.F()F 4 0.84 8 1.98

FBDHZ HH()HF.H()F 4 0.84 8 1.98

MBSWZ HF()HH.F()F 4 0.84 8 1.98

FBDHBD HH()HF.H()HF 4 0.84 8 1.98

BWMFBSD H()H.FFH()HHF 4 0.84 7 1.73

MBWFBSD HF()H.FH()HHF 4 0.84 8 1.98

MFBSWBD HFH()HH.F()HF 4 0.84 7 1.73

MHD H(F).(H)F 3 0.63 6 1.48

MBWZ HF()H.F()F 3 0.63 6 1.48

BWMZD H()H.FF()FF 3 0.63 5 1.23

FBWBD HH()H.F()HF 3 0.63 6 1.48

FZHBD HH()F.H()HF 3 0.63 6 1.48

FZHZD HH()F.H()FF 3 0.63 6 1.48

36 Allegra 1993 ; Allegra 1996. 37 Gasperoni 2013.


FZDHZ HH()FF.H()F 3 0.63 6 1.48

MBWZD HF()H.F()FF 3 0.63 6 1.48

MZHBD HF()F.H()HF 3 0.63 6 1.48

MZHZD HF()F.H()FF 3 0.63 6 1.48

FZDHBD HH()FF.H()HF 3 0.63 5 1.23

FZDHFBD HH()FF.HH()HF 3 0.63 6 1.48

MBWMBDD HF()H.FF()HFF 3 0.63 6 1.48

FFZHBSD HHH()F.H()HHF 3 0.63 5 1.23

MFBSSWZ HFH()HHH.F()F 3 0.63 6 1.48

FMZHBDD HHF()F.H()HFF 3 0.63 5 1.23

MMZSDHZ HFF()FHF.H()F 3 0.63 6 1.48

MMZDDHZ HFF()FFF.H()F 3 0.63 6 1.48

MFZDDHBD HFH()FFF.H()HF 3 0.63 6 1.48

FFBSDHMZD HHH()HHF.HF()FF 3 0.63 6 1.48


ZDHZ H()FF.H()F 2 0.42 4 0.99

BWFBD H()H.FH()HF 2 0.42 4 0.99

MBWBD HF()H.F()HF 2 0.42 4 0.99

MZSWZ HF()FH.F()F 2 0.42 4 0.99

BWFFBD H()H.FHH()HF 2 0.42 4 0.99

BWMFBD H()H.FFH()HF 2 0.42 4 0.99

FBSDHZ HH()HHF.H()F 2 0.42 4 0.99

FBWFBDD HH()H.FH()HFF 2 0.42 4 0.99

FBDDHFZ HH()HFF.HH()F 2 0.42 4 0.99

MBWFBDD HF()H.FH()HFF 2 0.42 4 0.99

MZHFBSD HF()F.HH()HHF 2 0.42 4 0.99

MBDHFBD HF()HF.HH()HF 2 0.42 4 0.99

MZSWMBD HF()FH.FF()HF 2 0.42 4 0.99

MZDHFBD HF()FF.HH()HF 2 0.42 4 0.99

MZDHFZD HF()FF.HH()FF 2 0.42 4 0.99

FFBSWZD HHH()HH.F()FF 2 0.42 4 0.99

FFZDHZD HHH()FF.H()FF 2 0.42 4 0.99

FFZSDHZ HHH()FHF.H()F 2 0.42 4 0.99

MFZSWZD HFH()FH.F()FF 2 0.42 3 0.74

MFZDHZD HFH()FF.H()FF 2 0.42 4 0.99

FMBWZSD HHF()H.F()FHF 2 0.42 4 0.99

FMBSWZD HHF()HH.F()FF 2 0.42 4 0.99

FMZSDHZ HHF()FHF.H()F 2 0.42 4 0.99

MMBSDHZ HFF()HHF.H()F 2 0.42 4 0.99

MBDHFZDD HF()HF.HH()FFF 2 0.42 4 0.99

MZDHFBSD HF()FF.HH()HHF 2 0.42 4 0.99

MZDHFZDD HF()FF.HH()FFF 2 0.42 4 0.99

MBDDHMBD HF()HFF.HF()HF 2 0.42 4 0.99

MZSWMMBD HF()FH.FFF()HF 2 0.42 4 0.99

FFBSDHZD HHH()HHF.H()FF 2 0.42 4 0.99

MMBWMBDD HFF()H.FF()HFF 2 0.42 4 0.99

MMZSWMBD HFF()FH.FF()HF 2 0.42 4 0.99


MBSWMFZDD HF()HH.FFH()FFF 2 0.42 4 0.99

MZSWFFBSD HF()FH.FHH()HHF 2 0.42 4 0.99

FFBSWFBDD HHH()HH.FH()HFF 2 0.42 3 0.74

FFBDHFBDD HHH()HF.HH()HFF 2 0.42 3 0.74

FFBSDHFZD HHH()HHF.HH()FF 2 0.42 4 0.99

MFBSWFBSD HFH()HH.FH()HHF 2 0.42 3 0.74

MFBDHFBSD HFH()HF.HH()HHF 2 0.42 3 0.74

MFBDHFBDD HFH()HF.HH()HFF 2 0.42 4 0.99

FMBDDHFBD HHF()HFF.HH()HF 2 0.42 4 0.99







FWD H(H).(F)F 1 0.21 2 0.49

BW H()H.F 1 0.21 2 0.49

WFZ H.FH()F 1 0.21 2 0.49

WMZ H.FF()F 1 0.21 2 0.49

FWSD H(H).(F)HF 1 0.21 2 0.49

FWSDD H(H).(F)HFF 1 0.21 2 0.49

FFWSD HH(H).(F)HF 1 0.21 2 0.49

FMHDD HH(F).(H)FF 1 0.21 2 0.49

FBWD HH()H.(F)F 1 0.21 2 0.49

FZHD HH()F.(H)F 1 0.21 2 0.49

MZHD HF()F.(H)F 1 0.21 2 0.49

BDHZ H()HF.H()F 1 0.21 2 0.49

BWMZ H()H.FF()F 1 0.21 2 0.49

FFWSDD HH(H).(F)HFF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MZHSD HF()F.(H)HF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MBDHD HF()HF.(H)F 1 0.21 2 0.49

FBWZ HH()H.F()F 1 0.21 2 0.49

WMMZSD H.FFF()FHF 1 0.21 2 0.49

WMMZDD H.FFF()FFF 1 0.21 2 0.49

FWFZDD H(H).FH()FFF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MBWSDD HF()H.(F)HFF 1 0.21 2 0.49

FBWZD HH()H.F()FF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MMHZDD HF(F).H()FFF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MBDHZ HF()HF.H()F 1 0.21 2 0.49

MZDHZ HF()FF.H()F 1 0.21 2 0.49

MMZHSD HFF()F.(H)HF 1 0.21 2 0.49

BWFFZD H()H.FHH()FF 1 0.21 2 0.49

BWMFZD H()H.FFH()FF 1 0.21 2 0.49

BWFMBD H()H.FHF()HF 1 0.21 2 0.49

FBWZDD HH()H.F()FFF 1 0.21 2 0.49

FZHZDD HH()F.H()FFF 1 0.21 2 0.49

FZDHZD HH()FF.H()FF 1 0.21 2 0.49


FBDDHZ HH()HFF.H()F 1 0.21 2 0.49

MBWZSD HF()H.F()FHF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MBWZDD HF()H.F()FFF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MZHBSD HF()F.H()HHF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MBDHBD HF()HF.H()HF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MBDHZD HF()HF.H()FF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MZDHBD HF()FF.H()HF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MZDHZD HF()FF.H()FF 1 0.21 2 0.49

FBWFBD HH()H.FH()HF 1 0.21 2 0.49

FBSWFZ HH()HH.FH()F 1 0.21 2 0.49

FBSWMZ HH()HH.FF()F 1 0.21 2 0.49

FZSWFZ HH()FH.FH()F 1 0.21 2 0.49

MBWMBD HF()H.FF()HF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MBWMZD HF()H.FF()FF 1 0.21 2 0.49

FFBWBD HHH()H.F()HF 1 0.21 2 0.49

FFBSWZ HHH()HH.F()F 1 0.21 2 0.49

FFZSWZ HHH()FH.F()F 1 0.21 2 0.49

MMBSSWM HFF()HHH.F(F) 1 0.21 2 0.49

BWMFBDD H()H.FFH()HFF 1 0.21 2 0.49

BWMMBSD H()H.FFF()HHF 1 0.21 2 0.49

BWMMBDD H()H.FFF()HFF 1 0.21 2 0.49

BWMMZDD H()H.FFF()FFF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MZDHBSD HF()FF.H()HHF 1 0.21 2 0.49

FBWFBSD HH()H.FH()HHF 1 0.21 2 0.49

FBSWFBD HH()HH.FH()HF 1 0.21 2 0.49

FBSWMZD HH()HH.FF()FF 1 0.21 2 0.49

FBDHFBD HH()HF.HH()HF 1 0.21 2 0.49

FBSDHFZ HH()HHF.HH()F 1 0.21 2 0.49

MBWMBSD HF()H.FF()HHF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MBWMZSD HF()H.FF()FHF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MBSWFBD HF()HH.FH()HF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MBSWFZD HF()HH.FH()FF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MBSWMBD HF()HH.FF()HF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MBDHFZD HF()HF.HH()FF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MBDHMBD HF()HF.HF()HF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MZSWMZD HF()FH.FF()FF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MZDHMZD HF()FF.HF()FF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MBDDHFZ HF()HFF.HH()F 1 0.21 2 0.49

FBWMFBD HH()H.FFH()HF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MZSWMMZ HF()FH.FFF()F 1 0.21 2 0.49

FFBWBSD HHH()H.F()HHF 1 0.21 2 0.49

FFZHZDD HHH()F.H()FFF 1 0.21 2 0.49

FFBDHBD HHH()HF.H()HF 1 0.21 2 0.49

FFBSSWZ HHH()HHH.F()F 1 0.21 2 0.49

MFBWBSD HFH()H.F()HHF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MFZHBDD HFH()F.H()HFF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MFZHZSD HFH()F.H()FHF 1 0.21 2 0.49


MFBDHBD HFH()HF.H()HF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MFBSDHZ HFH()HHF.H()F 1 0.21 2 0.49

MFZSDHZ HFH()FHF.H()F 1 0.21 2 0.49

FMZDHZD HHF()FF.H()FF 1 0.21 2 0.49

FMBSSWZ HHF()HHH.F()F 1 0.21 2 0.49

FMZSSWZ HHF()FHH.F()F 1 0.21 2 0.49

MMZHZDD HFF()F.H()FFF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MMBDHZD HFF()HF.H()FF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MMZSWBD HFF()FH.F()HF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MMZDHBD HFF()FF.H()HF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MMZDHZD HFF()FF.H()FF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MMBDDHZ HFF()HFF.H()F 1 0.21 2 0.49

MMZSSWZ HFF()FHH.F()F 1 0.21 2 0.49

MMZDSWZ HFF()FFH.F()F 1 0.21 2 0.49

MFBWMZD HFH()H.FF()FF 1 0.21 2 0.49

FBSDHFZD HH()HHF.HH()FF 1 0.21 2 0.49

FBDDHFBD HH()HFF.HH()HF 1 0.21 2 0.49

FZDDHFZD HH()FFF.HH()FF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MBDHFBSD HF()HF.HH()HHF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MZDHFBDD HF()FF.HH()HFF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MBSDHFBD HF()HHF.HH()HF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MBDDHFBD HF()HFF.HH()HF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MZSDHMBD HF()FHF.HF()HF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MZDDHFBD HF()FFF.HH()HF 1 0.21 2 0.49

FBWFFBDD HH()H.FHH()HFF 1 0.21 2 0.49

FBWMMBSD HH()H.FFF()HHF 1 0.21 2 0.49

FBSWFFZD HH()HH.FHH()FF 1 0.21 2 0.49

FZSWFMZD HH()FH.FHF()FF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MBWFFBSD HF()H.FHH()HHF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MBWMMBSD HF()H.FFF()HHF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MBSWMMBD HF()HH.FFF()HF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MBSWMMZD HF()HH.FFF()FF 1 0.21 2 0.49

FFBSWZSD HHH()HH.F()FHF 1 0.21 2 0.49

FFBDHBSD HHH()HF.H()HHF 1 0.21 2 0.49

FFBDHZDD HHH()HF.H()FFF 1 0.21 2 0.49

FFBSDHBD HHH()HHF.H()HF 1 0.21 2 0.49

FFBDDHBD HHH()HFF.H()HF 1 0.21 2 0.49

FFZDDHZD HHH()FFF.H()FF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MFBDHBDD HFH()HF.H()HFF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MFZDHBSD HFH()FF.H()HHF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MFZDHBDD HFH()FF.H()HFF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MFBSDHBD HFH()HHF.H()HF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MFBSDHZD HFH()HHF.H()FF 1 0.21 2 0.49

FMBSWBDD HHF()HH.F()HFF 1 0.21 2 0.49

FMBSWZDD HHF()HH.F()FFF 1 0.21 2 0.49

FMBDHZDD HHF()HF.H()FFF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MMBSWZDD HFF()HH.F()FFF 1 0.21 2 0.49


MMBSDHZD HFF()HHF.H()FF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MMZSDHBD HFF()FHF.H()HF 1 0.21 2 0.49

FFBSWFZD HHH()HH.FH()FF 1 0.21 2 0.49

FFBSWMBD HHH()HH.FF()HF 1 0.21 2 0.49

FFBSWMZD HHH()HH.FF()FF 1 0.21 2 0.49

FFBDHMBD HHH()HF.HF()HF 1 0.21 2 0.49

FFBSDHMZ HHH()HHF.HF()F 1 0.21 2 0.49

FFZSSWFZ HHH()FHH.FH()F 1 0.21 2 0.49

MFBWFZDD HFH()H.FH()FFF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MFBWMBDD HFH()H.FF()HFF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MFZHFZSD HFH()F.HH()FHF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MFZSWFBD HFH()FH.FH()HF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MFZSWFZD HFH()FH.FH()FF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MFBDSWMZ HFH()HFH.FF()F 1 0.21 2 0.49

FMZHMZSD HHF()F.HF()FHF 1 0.21 2 0.49

FMBSWFZD HHF()HH.FH()FF 1 0.21 2 0.49

FMZSWMBD HHF()FH.FF()HF 1 0.21 2 0.49

FMBSSWMZ HHF()HHH.FF()F 1 0.21 2 0.49

FMZDSWMZ HHF()FFH.FF()F 1 0.21 2 0.49

MMBWMZSD HFF()H.FF()FHF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MMZHFBSD HFF()F.HH()HHF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MMZHMZSD HFF()F.HF()FHF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MMBSWFBD HFF()HH.FH()HF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MMZSWFBD HFF()FH.FH()HF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MMBDDHMZ HFF()HFF.HF()F 1 0.21 2 0.49

MMZSSWFZ HFF()FHH.FH()F 1 0.21 2 0.49

MZDDHFZSD HF()FFF.HH()FHF 1 0.21 2 0.49

FBSWMMZSD HH()HH.FFF()FHF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MBSWFFBSD HF()HH.FHH()HHF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MBSWFFZDD HF()HH.FHH()FFF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MBSWMFBSD HF()HH.FFH()HHF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MBSWMMBSD HF()HH.FFF()HHF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MZSWMFBSD HF()FH.FFH()HHF 1 0.21 2 0.49

FFBDDHBDD HHH()HFF.H()HFF 1 0.21 2 0.49

FFBSWFZSD HHH()HH.FH()FHF 1 0.21 2 0.49

FFBSWMZSD HHH()HH.FF()FHF 1 0.21 2 0.49

FFBDHFZDD HHH()HF.HH()FFF 1 0.21 2 0.49

FFBDHMBDD HHH()HF.HF()HFF 1 0.21 2 0.49

FFZSWMZDD HHH()FH.FF()FFF 1 0.21 2 0.49

FFZDHMZDD HHH()FF.HF()FFF 1 0.21 2 0.49

FFBSSWMBD HHH()HHH.FF()HF 1 0.21 2 0.49

FFBSDHMBD HHH()HHF.HF()HF 1 0.21 2 0.49

FFBDDHMBD HHH()HFF.HF()HF 1 0.21 2 0.49

FFZDDHFZD HHH()FFF.HH()FF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MFBSWFZSD HFH()HH.FH()FHF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MFBSWFZDD HFH()HH.FH()FFF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MFBDHMBDD HFH()HF.HF()HFF 1 0.21 2 0.49


MFZSWMZDD HFH()FH.FF()FFF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MFZDHFBSD HFH()FF.HH()HHF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MFZDHMZDD HFH()FF.HF()FFF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MFBSSWMBD HFH()HHH.FF()HF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MFBSDHMBD HFH()HHF.HF()HF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MFBDDHMBD HFH()HFF.HF()HF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MFZSDHFBD HFH()FHF.HH()HF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MFZDDHFZD HFH()FFF.HH()FF 1 0.21 2 0.49

FMBSWFBSD HHF()HH.FH()HHF 1 0.21 2 0.49

FMBSWMZSD HHF()HH.FF()FHF 1 0.21 2 0.49

FMBDHFZSD HHF()HF.HH()FHF 1 0.21 2 0.49

FMZSWMBSD HHF()FH.FF()HHF 1 0.21 2 0.49

FMZDHMZDD HHF()FF.HF()FFF 1 0.21 2 0.49

FMBSSWMBD HHF()HHH.FF()HF 1 0.21 2 0.49

FMBDDHFZD HHF()HFF.HH()FF 1 0.21 2 0.49

FMBDDHMBD HHF()HFF.HF()HF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MMBSWFBSD HFF()HH.FH()HHF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MMBSWMZSD HFF()HH.FF()FHF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MMBDHFBSD HFF()HF.HH()HHF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MMBSSWFBD HFF()HHH.FH()HF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MMBSDHFZD HFF()HHF.HH()FF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MMBDSWMZD HFF()HFH.FF()FF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MMBDDHMZD HFF()HFF.HF()FF 1 0.21 2 0.49

MMZSDHFBD HFF()FHF.HH()HF 1 0.21 2 0.49

FFZSWMFBD HHH()FH.FFH()HF 1 0.21 2 0.49

FMZSSWMMZ HHF()FHH.FFF()F 1 0.21 2 0.49

MMZDHMFBD HFF()FF.HFH()HF 1 0.21 2 0.49













































Tab. 8 : Relinkings




1358 Jewish marriage contracts registred in the notarial Roman archives (1640-1750)

Date Husband’s family


Husband’s first


Wife’s family name Wife’s first


1640 Sacerdote Vitale Maimon Ricca

1641 Di Segni Giuseppe Velletri Ester

1641 Rocches Leone Collavecchia Brunetta

1642 Trionfo Simone Del Piglio Palomba

1642 Del Piglio Benedetto Pitigliano Artemisia

1642 Castro Sabato Palestrina Stella

1642 Marzocchi Angelo Spagnoletto Mariam

1642 Lampronti Abraham Di Segni Ricca

1642 Palestrina Angelo Di Cave Diamante

1642 Di Segni Donato Caivano Allegrezza

1642 Castelnovo Raffael Marini Fiore

1645 Bondi Giuseppe Ascarelli Allegrezza

1645 Della Riccia alias


Jacob Fiorentini Perla

1647 Tedesco Isaac Palliano Ester

1650 Di Tivoli Angelo Cerosi Allegrezza

1650 Ambasciatorin Donato Da Modena Sola

1661 Della Riccia Isaac Rignani Chiara

1661 Siciliano Abraham Rignani Ester

1661 De Pinto Abraham Spoleto Milla

1661 Di Core Beniamin Cremesini Ester


1662 Di Segni Salomone Fiorentini Graziosa

1662 Tagliacozzi Consiglio Lorena Stella

1662 Di Capua Angelo Di Cave Sarra

1663 Toscano Angelo Tedesco Donna

1663 De Castro Salomone Di Core Pernina

1664 Treves Isaac Anau Speranza

1664 Bisesse Abraham Marini Stella

1667 Cremesini Abraham Cremesini Sarra

1667 Cremesini Abraham Cremesini Bonaventura

1667 Cremesini Abraham Cremesini Sarra

1667 Cremesini Abraham Cremesini Bonaventura

1667 Mursia Santoro Cartaro Allegrezza

1667 Caviglia Leone Serena Zevia

1667 Miele Elia Lattes Donna

1667 Lattes Beniamin Viterbo Allegrezza

1667 Del Monte Raffael Di Tivoli Rosa

1667 Levi Isaac Calef Allegrezza

1668 Narni Simone Citone Preziosa

1668 Pesato Isaac Gioioso Olimpia

1668 Gioioso Raffael De Servi Grazia

1668 Sorgnao Vito Frosinone Allegrezza

1668 Sadia isar Marzocchi Mariam

1668 Bondi Giuseppe Di Tivoli Allegrezza

1668 Sacerdote Isaac Di Core Vittoria


1668 Lattes Raffael Treves Allegrezza

1668 Di Core David Tagliacozzi Pazienza

1668 Bondi Moisè Veroli Rosa

1669 Nettuno David Cagli Perla

1669 Ascarelli David Velletri Allegrezza

1669 Sesse Samuele Asdrelli Ricca

1669 Rimini Angelo D'Amato Donna

1670 Abbina Raffael Ascarelli Giuditta

1670 Spizzicchino Moisè De Castro Ester

1670 Di Segni Abraham Di Castro Diamante

1670 Ambraia Abraham Genazzano ? Fiore

1670 Narni Moisè Dell'Anguillara Sarra

1670 Bonforme Alessandro Passapaire Fiore

1670 Di Segni David Velletri Perla

1670 Pavoncello Salomone Panzieri Ester

1670 Da Modena Abraham Tedesco Olimpia

1670 Di Capua Salomone Di Segni Regina

1670 Di Core Aron Ancarani Allegrezza

1670 Recanati David Rocches Milla

1670 Del Borgo Alessandro Sacerdote Sola

1670 Panzieri David

1670 Polidori Giuseppe Bonaventura Angelica

1670 Lattes Israele Sesse Sarra

1670 Terracina Angelo Di Segni Regina


1670 Modigliano Emmanuel Pace Pazienza

1670 De Benedetti Camillo Di Core Consola

1671 Sonatore Isaac Menaghem Rebecca

1671 Veroli Angelo Caiat de Mareno Ester

1671 Polidoro Giuseppe Toffia Desiata

1671 Di Segni David Di Segni Orobona

1671 Di Cave Sabato Di Cave Bellafiore

1671 Di Tivoli Giuseppe Narni Pazienza

1671 Di Segni Jacob Del Monte Perna

1671 Jair Moisè Tedesco Grazia

1672 Da Porto David Passapaire Fiore

1672 Piperno Giuseppe Di Tivoli Mirra

1672 Passapaire Benedetto Spizzicchino Violante

1672 Sacerdote Angelo Sacerdote Camilla

1672 Del Monte Alessandro Tilch Gentile

1672 Tedesco David Tedesco Ester

1672 Velletri Angelo Piperno Regina

1672 Pontecorvo Angelo Rosato Gioia

1672 Tagliacozzi Moisè Del Monte Ester

1673 Del Monte Sabato Tedesco Livia

1673 Sacerdote Isaac Tobi Graziosa

1673 Caiatti Giuseppe Ascarelli Gentildonna

1674 Panzieri Emmanuel Di Nepi Jocheved


1674 Di Nepi Angelo Panzieri Perla


1674 Maimon Angelo Di Capua Sola

1674 Di Tivoli Sorte Sacerdote Laura

1674 Gonzaga Mario Zaalon alias



1674 Di Cave Sabato Viterbo Allegrezza

1674 Pacifici Abraham Spizzicchino Bona

1674 Sesse Salomone Sabatelli Rebecca

1674 Di Nepi Salomone Rignani Allegrezza

1674 Di Tivoli Jacob Di Segni Perla

1674 Della Riccia Astrugo Consi Anna

1674 S. Lorenzo David Corcos Milla

1674 Moro Sabato Moriale Dolce

1675 Viterbo Alessandro Tarmi Giammila

1675 Rocches David Di Capua Ricca

1675 Pesato Aron Di Cave Allegrezza

1675 Del Monte Giuseppe Marini Allegrezza

1675 Palestrina Sabato Pavoncello Flaminia

1675 Pesato Giuseppe Menaghem Simchà

1675 Di Segni Moisè Toscolani Penta

1675 Della Riccia Samuele Ciprani Belladonna

1675 Del Monte Angelo Bisesse Sarra

1675 Marini David Bisesse Laura

1675 Ravà Angelo Sciunnach Ester

1675 Di Capua Sabato Treves Donna

1675 Capranica Elia Marzocchi Gentile


1675 Di Segni Salomone Tedesco Allegrezza

1675 Francese Angelo Levi Ester

1675 Di Core Samuele Lattes Ester

1675 Scanzano Salvatore Moriale Bonaventura

1675 Pacifici Abraham Lattes Ricca

1675 D'Anticoli Giuseppe Levi Grazia

1676 Esdrà Zaccaria Panzieri Donna

1676 Marini Angelo Emanuele Tedesco Flaminia

1676 Caspò Moisè Spizzicchino Violante

1676 Del Monte Sabato Tuscolani Sarra

1677 Ambron Gabriele Ambron Preziosa

1677 Di Segni Israele Sermoneta Fata

1677 Dell'Astrologo Benedetto Rignani Gentile

1677 Sermoneta Angelo Prezioso Laura

1677 Graziani Moisè Fiorentini Laura

1677 Calò Michele Calò Livia

1677 Frascati Angelo Tedesco Astruga

1677 Modigliano Laudadio Del Presto Pazienza

1677 Della Riccia Samuele Abudram Stella

1677 Bisesse Aron Sonnino Ricca

1677 Di Cave Dottore Rubino Dias Rachele

1677 Calò Rubino Tedesco Sarra

1677 Sorano Abraham Del Borgo Sarra

1677 Samen Bonaiuto Abino Diana


1677 Serena David Veroli Allegrezza

1677 Di Core Camillo Del Borgo Ester

1677 Lattes Alessandro Di Tivoli Perla

1677 Toscano Mario Di Cave Pazienza

1677 Tedesco Jacob Gioioso Grazia

1677 Castelnovo Jacob Menaghem Regina

1678 Di Core Camillo Serena Allegrezza

1679 Bisesse Elia Tedesco Jocheved


1679 Piazza Raffael Rignani Benvenuta

1679 Sermoneta Angelo Marini Devora

1679 NC Vito Bisesse Ester

1679 De Pinto Emmanuel Della Riccia Jocheved


1679 Treves Jacob Lattes Speranza

1679 Miele Sabato Rosselli Rebecca

1680 Passapaire Beniamin Palombi Lustra

1680 Ascarelli David Castelnovo Ester

1680 Dell'Anguillara David Di Segni Allegrezza

1680 Spizzicchino Samuele Di Segni Ester

1680 Fornaro Angelo NC Stella

1680 Lattes Salvatore Lattes Ester

1680 Salame Isaac Tedesco Mariam

1680 Di Segni Samuele Di Core Stella

1680 De Servi Emmanuel Abbina Allegrezza


1680 Del Monte Crescenzio Panzieri Ester

1680 Bondi Vitale Lattes Luna

1680 Di Tivoli Samuele Di Tivoli Rosa

1680 Di Segni Leone Ascarelli Rebecca

1681 Frosinone Elia Frosinone Diana

1681 Di Consiglio Isaac Della Riccia Benvenuta

1681 Bisesse Moisè Bisesse Fenice

1681 Seed Benedetto Piazza Graziosa

1681 Citone Moisè Veroli Dianora

1681 Palestrina Giuseppe Di Cave Sarra

1681 Corcos Tranquillo Del Monte Laura

1681 Conzarelli Israele Spizzicchino Stella

1681 Cameo Michele Spizzicchino Violante

1681 De Servi Ercole Di Segni Ester

1681 Caiatti Salomone Passapaire Malgà


1681 Bisesse Aron Di Capua Rosa

1681 Calò Israele Gonzaga Bona

1681 Terni Raffael Ravà Contessa

1681 Natronai Giuseppe Veroli Allegrezza

1681 Del Presto Benedetto Natronai Donna

1681 Panzieri David Panzieri Fiore

1681 Sonatore Isaac Della Torre Contessa

1681 Panzieri Crescenzio Pavoncello Ricca

1681 Di Segni Isaac Serena Ester


1681 Castro Jacob David Abino Graziosa

1681 Pontecorvo Abraham Pontecorvo Sarra

1681 Pontecorvo Moisè Pontecorvo Allegrezza

1682 Fasani Salomone Laudadio Devora

1682 Fasani David Effradi Fiore

1682 Di Consiglio Salomone Marzocchi Dolce

1682 Treves Elia Genazzano Allegrezza

1682 D'Anticoli Leone Bonaventura Allegrezza

1682 Bisesse Aron Di Capua Rosa

1682 Ancarani Elia De Castro Grazia

1682 Del Monte Benedetto Del Monte Donna

1682 Rocches Abraham Calef Stella

1682 Di Segni Giuseppe Palestrina Laura

1682 Di Cave Moisè Uziel Regina

1682 Manoscrive (Coen) Lazzaro Piatelli Pazienza

1682 Tedesco Beniamin Gioioso Rebecca

1682 Bisesse Raffael Sabatelli Leonora

1682 Gioioso Jacob Bisesse Camilla

1682 Castelnovo Abraham Velletri Orobona

1682 Del Monte Samuele Tedesco Grazia

1682 Rimini Leone Levi Rosa

1683 Tedesco David Abino Diana

1683 Di Capua Abraham Fasani Rosa

1683 Ambron Samuele Del Monte Ricca


1683 Marini Angelo Tobi Perla

1683 Sciunnach Jacob Del Borgo Allegrezza

1683 Da Fermo David Tarmi Camilla

1683 Menaghem Giuseppe Della Ripa Sarra

1683 Effradi Giuseppe Della Riccia Luna

1683 Gattegna Giuseppe Miele Allegrezza

1683 Di Nepi Consiglio D'Anticoli Diamante

1684 Corcos Salomone Raffael Tedesco Grazia

1684 Sacerdote Leuccio Menaghen Sarra

1684 Levi Crescenzio Levi Ricca

1684 Sacerdote Raffael Sacerdote Ester

1684 Tarmi Sabato Gattegna Rebecca

1684 Passapaire Santoro Benpigli Saporita

1684 Di Tivoli Leone Dell'Astrologo Pazienza

1684 Piperno Graziadio Rosato Stella

1684 Di Segni Ventura Del Borgo Ester

1684 Modigliano Sabato Miele Ora

1684 Di Cave Salomone Uziel Argentina

1684 Della Seta Sabato Lamentana Ester

1684 Spizzicchino Giuseppe Treves Ester

1684 Pesato Sabato Toscano Oruccia

1685 Di Capua Sabato Di Capua Ricca

1685 Pinti Emmanuel Del Presto Pazienza

1685 Gattegna Aron Bondi Regina


1685 Della Seta Raffael Miele Ricca

1685 Effradi Giuseppe Salmoni Pazienza

1685 Frosolone Salomone Panzieri Donna

1685 Di Laudadio Abraham Bondi Olimpia

1685 dI Nola Lazzaro Menasce Cannç

1685 Fornaro Sabato Genazzano Stella

1686 Di Segni Crescenzio Volterra Consola

1687 Sesse Zaccaria Del Borgo Rosa

1687 Tobi Gabriele Spizzicchino Fiore

1687 Treves Vito Pitigliano Ester

1689 Corcos Abraham Di Capua Sola

1689 Di Segni Raffael Menasce Chiara

1689 Moro Graziano Pinti Pazienza

1689 Di Tivoli Sabato Sciunnach Allegrezza

1689 Effradi Angelo Ascarelli Allegrezza

1689 Della Rocca Isaac Sabatelli Ester

1689 Panzieri Moisè Menachem Rebecca

1689 Esdrà Vito Frascati Stella

1689 Di Capua Sabato Rosato Pazienza

1689 Sabatelli Sabato Achim Benvenuta

1690 Rocches Giuseppe Rosselli Laura

1690 Galligo Giuseppe Della Seta Fata

1690 Della Seta Sabato Lamentana Ester

1690 Uziel Angelo Pontecorvo Pazienza


1690 Modigliano Graziadio Tedesco Laura

1690 Sestiero Bonanno Rinozzi Grazia

1690 Del Monte Benedetto Di Nepi Speranza

1690 Funaro Angelo Moriale Perla

1690 Veroli Benedetto Tagliacozzi Angela

1690 Croccolò Angelo Tagliacozzi Belluccia

1690 Cameo Tranquillo NC Orobona

1691 Rosato Moisè Del Monte Mazzaltov

1692 Modigliano Angelo Gattegna Rebecca

1692 D'Aversa Moisè Sacerdote Orania

1694 Pinti Jacob Lamentana Gentile

1694 Miele Leone Pavoncello Allegrezza

1695 Camerino Moisè Isaac Veroli Bersabea

1695 Ascarelli David Ambron Stella

1695 Di Cave Israele Di Cave Luna

1695 Piazza Donato Benigni Pazienza

1695 Trionfo Angelo Del Monte Donna

1695 Del Monte Moisè Ascarelli Allegrezza

1695 Tuscolani Samuele Asdà Rachele

1695 Pepe Abraham Tedesco Allegrezza

1696 Serena Moisè Di Capua Sola

1696 Ciprani Giuseppe Trionfo Rosa

1696 Genazzano David Frosinone Regina

1696 Achim Moisè Sabatelli Angelica


1696 Di Capua Moisè Perugia Tesaura

1696 Ascarelli Isaac Tedesco Grazia

1696 Castro Leone Veneziano Ester

1696 Misani Giuseppe Misani Allegrezza

1696 Di Segni Angelo Misani Anna

1696 Sacerdote Samuele Gattegna Allegrezza

1696 Rosselli Emmanuel Jair Jocheved


1696 Genazzano Abraham Caiatti Bellastella

1696 Veroli Angelo Moresco Anna

1696 Caivano Samuele Padovano alias



1696 Della Riccia Sabato Angelo Castelnovo Miriam

1696 Sonnino Sabato Del Monte Stella

1696 Tedesco Sabato Tedesco Ester

1697 Fiorentini Sabato Trionfo Belluccia

1697 Di Segni Abraham Castelnovo Benvenuta

1697 Sciunnach Salomone Del Monte Palomba

1697 Del Monte Graziadio Sciunnach Stella

1697 Marini Aron Marzocchi Stella

1697 Ascarelli Moisè Isaac Castelnovo Angelica

1697 Tedesco Isaac Del Monte Anna

1697 Toscano Elia Menasce Allegrezza

1697 Gattegna Raffael Misani Miriam

1697 Zaffradi Leone Terni Regina


1697 Toscano Moisè Genazzano Bellafiore

1697 Calef Giuseppe Camerino Dolce

1697 Tagliacozzi Jacob Pontecorvo Luna

1697 Zevi Tranquillo Caiatti Anna

1697 Di Core Salomone D'Aversa Ester

1697 Di Core Angelo Veroli Consola

1697 Moro Giuseppe Livoli Perla

1697 Di Segni Samuele Uziel Ricca

1697 Di Vito Sabato Di Capua Laura

1697 Laudadio Elia Benigni Pazienza

1698 Di Nepi Jacob Caivano Regina

1698 Rocches Giuseppe Di Capua Ester

1698 Veroli Moisè Moro Luna

1698 Di Cave Benedetto Pontecorvo Allegrezza

1698 Di Capua Sperandio Bondi Ricca

1698 Mandolino Giuseppe Pavoncello Allegrezza

1698 Di Segni Jacob Veroli Miriam

1698 Lattes Giuseppe Corcos Laura

1698 Di Capua Israele Laudadio Rosa

1698 Di Toffia Sabato Velletri Grazia

1698 Di Core Aron Da Porto Ricca

1698 Pitigliano Salomone Palestrina Graziosa

1698 Narni Camillo Vito Jayr Giuditta

1698 Di Tivoli Giuseppe Anau Giuditta


1698 Moriale Moisè Bonaventura Allegrezza

1698 Treves Vito Della Riccia Stella

1698 Passapaire Abraham Di Core Allegrezza

1699 Della Riccia Moisè De Pinto Regina

1699 Caiatti Moisè Ripa Grazia

1699 Di Capua Vito Pesato Angelica

1699 Della Riccia Gabriele Sabatelli Gioia

1699 Tedesco Beniamin Cusci Ester

1699 Di Nepi Sabato Del Monte Donna

1699 Rocches Angelo Treves Allegrezza

1699 Sesse Benedetto Funaro Luna

1699 Treves Samuele Di Segni Benvenuta

1699 Di Segni Giuseppe Veneziano Ester

1700 Veneziano Asdrubale Pitigliano Giuditta

1700 Di Capua Angelo Moriali Allegrezza

1700 Di Vito Sabato Di Capua Laura

1700 Sacerdote Samuele Pontecorvo Stella

1700 Velletri Isaac Procaccia Stella

1700 De Castro Leone Mori Flaminia

1700 Menasce Benedetto Bondi Annosa

1700 Da Tivoli Sabato Castro Lustra

1700 D'Amato Abraham Dell'Astrologo Donna

1700 Del Monte Salvatore Genazzano Ricca

1700 Genazzano Sabato Del Monte Allegrezza


1700 Esdrà Sabato Di Laudadio Stella

1700 Di Laudadio Isaac Di Laudadio Fiore

1700 Sacerdote Leone Sacerdote Allegrezza

1700 Di Capua Moisè Del Monte Giuditta

1700 Cusci Jacob Ambron Rebecca

1700 Calef Giuseppe Abudram Bellarosa

1700 Rignani Donato Salvatore Gonzaga Devora

1700 Di Segni Jacob Di Toffia Devora

1700 Sacerdote Sabato Uziel Sarra

1700 Corcos Salomon Raffael Ascarelli Olimpia

1700 Di Core Camillo Beneventi Luna

1700 Fiorentini Giuseppe Scazzocchio Perla

1701 Del Monte Moisè Tedesco Allegrezza

1701 Tedesco Sabato Tedesco Grazia

1701 Moresco Vito Pontecorvo Saporita

1701 Miele Sabato Di Vito Dolce

1701 Di Vito Salomone Toscani Angelica

1701 Caivano Salvatore Abudram Tuttobene

1701 Caivano Sabato Seed Meriam

1701 Velletri Sabato Perugia Dina

1701 Ciprani Cananello Piatelli Rachele

1701 Abbina Samuele Della Riccia Anna

1701 Treves Jacob Sonnino Grazia

1701 Uzielli Moisè Di Segni Sarra


1701 Benpigli Abraham Mareno Perla

1701 D'Amato Leone D'Amato Anna

1701 Bondi Giuseppe Rivoli Jocheved


1701 Del Monte Israele Del Monte Donna

1701 Passapaire Sabato Veneziano Stella

1701 Di Consiglio Consiglio Di Consiglio Virtuosa

1701 Sacerdote Samuele Veroli Stella

1701 Dell'Anguillara Isaia Di Cave Ester

1701 Veroli Moisè D'Amato Rosa

1701 Tagliacozzi Prospero Di Segni Graziosa

1702 Di Segni Laudadio Scazzocchio Rosa

1702 Di Segni Moisè Sacerdote Allegrezza

1702 Abbina Leone Esdrà Ester

1702 Volterra David Corcos Ester

1702 Caviglia Isaac D'Anticoli Laura

1702 Pernetta Giacob Lamentana Bona

1702 Terracina Dattilo Veneziano Regina

1702 Veneziano David Veroli Ricca

1702 Di Capua Angelo Moresco Anna

1702 Fornaro Sabato Francia Stella

1702 Tagliacozzi David Castro Perla

1702 Uzielli Israele Pontecorvo Rebecca

1702 Castelnovo Salomone Sermoneta Ester

1702 Della Rocca Abraham Conzarelli Brunetta


1702 Marini Lazzaro Veroli Allegrezza

1702 Di Core Anselmo Bondi Gioia

1702 Di Segni Salomone Sacerdote Sulich

1702 Sonnino Samuele Caspi Smeralda

1702 Sabatelli Giuseppe Frascati Speranza

1702 Procaccia Salvatore Fatucci Anna

1702 Consi Raffael Del Borgo Ricca

1702 Livoli Gabriele Gonzaga Devora

1702 Di Core Amadeo Terracina Rosa

1702 Terracina Michele Di Core Bellastella

1702 Di Cave Sabato Abudram Speranza

1702 Di Segni Lazzaro Terracina Ester

1702 Sabatelli Moisè Di Nepi Grazia

1702 Di Tivoli Leone Di Tivoli Dolce

1702 Velletri Ezechia Tedesco Orobona

1702 Di Capua Sperandio Castro Allegrezza

1703 Del Borgo Salomone De Sora Sarra

1703 Pontecorvo Angelo Caviglia Reale

1703 Corcos Salomone Raffael Sacerdote Consola

1703 Toaff Dattilo Di Capua Dolce

1703 Veroli Isaac Veroli Grazia

1703 Francese (Ram alias) Salomone Perugia Stella

1703 Francese (Ram alias) Abraham Perugia Allegrezza

1703 Lamentana Sabato Caviglia Donna


1703 Serena Israele Serena Donna

1703 Di Segni David Della Riccia Grazia

1703 D'Aversa Abraham Tilch Rachele

1703 De Pinto Isaac Terni Camilla

1703 Bonaventura Pellegrino Lattes Regina

1703 Lattes Raffael Bonaventura Pazienza

1703 Di Sora Leone Cartaro Allegrezza

1703 Caviglia Lustro Dell'Astrologo Donna

1703 Fiano Samuele Di Nepi Ricca

1703 Di Tivoli Leone Del Monte Pazienza

1703 Montebarocci Jacob Di Capua Bellafiore

1703 Menasce Sabato Miele Pacifica

1704 Castro Beniamin Cameo Sarra

1704 Abudram Sabato Treves Lea

1704 Della Seta Aron D'ancona (Lupi) Regina

1704 Del Monte Sabato Misani Allegrezza

1704 Siciliano Moisè Sabatelli Benvenuta

1704 Veroli Beniamin Di Segni Stella

1704 Ambron Ezechia Ambron Luna

1704 Velletri Raffael Velletri Grazia

1704 Croccolò Israele Tuscolano Donna

1704 Scandriglia Giuseppe Roccase Olimpia

1704 Di Laudadio Israele Lampronti Perla

1704 De Castro Prospero Frascati Fata


1704 Di Sora Raffael Toscano Giuditta

1704 Caiatti Moisè Sacerdote Stella

1704 Dell'Astrologo Abraham Pavoncello Perla

1704 Del Borgo Aron Del Borgo Stella

1704 Modigliano Jacob Sorano Gentile

1704 Della Riccia David Tagliacozzi Gentile

1704 Fiorentini Salvatore Marzocchi Stella

1704 Rimini Isaac Piazza Graziosa

1705 Carpi Consiglio Vienna Rebecca

1705 Da Porto Salomone Cameo Rachele

1705 Toscano Mario Caviglia Milla

1705 Castelnovo Vito Ascarelli Olimpia

1705 Corcos Isaac Samuel Corcos Ester

1705 Castelnovo Moisè Corcos Flaminia

1705 Del Borgo Angelo Fornaro Ester

1705 De Servi Servadio De Castro Gentile

1705 De Castro Aron De Servi Allegrezza

1705 Del Borgo Moisè Terracina Pazienza

1705 Sermoneta Elia Di Core Fata

1705 Sacerdote Lazzaro Di Tivoli Grazia

1705 Fresco Dattilo Bondi Pazienza

1705 Sciunnach Crescenzio Veneziano Pazienza

1705 Veneziano Emmanuel Sciunnach Stella

1705 Bonaventura Salomone Veroli Diana


1705 D'Amato Moisè D'Amato Regina

1706 Ascarelli Isaac Di Segni Rachele

1706 Veroli Moisè isaac Alatri Flaminia

1706 Alatri Samuele Veroli Stella

1706 Castro Lazzaro Serena Stella

1706 Miele Moisè Asdà Rachele

1706 Castro Angelo Palestrina Leotta

1706 Dell'Astrologo Lazzaro Bisesse Perla

1706 Spizzicchino Salomone Passapaire Ester

1706 Esdrà Salomone Sacerdote Angelica

1706 Caivano Isaac Della Seta Benvenuta

1706 Marzocchi Aron Beneventi Riccabella

1706 Tedesco Moisè Misani Perla

1706 Del Presto Santoro Lagnetti Onorata

1706 Panzieri Santoro Sermoneta Giuditta

1706 Levi Moisè Maimon Laura

1706 Di Capua Samuele Tarmi Ricca

1706 Narni David Sadun Prudenza

1706 Fiano Isaac Fiano Pazienza

1706 NC NC Da Porto Ricca

1706 Sadun Angelo Perugia Gentile

1706 Alatri Salvatore Della Riccia Perla

1706 Uziel Angelo D'Amato Mariam

1706 Fiano Isaac Fiano Preziosa


1706 Freschi Emmanuel Da Porto Ricca

1707 Benigni Giuseppe Di Core Allegrezza

1707 Velletri Alessandro Vito Barafaele Sarra

1707 Pontecorvo Isaac Di Tivoli Graziosa

1707 Del Monte Consolo Abino Desiata

1707 Milano Moisè Piperno Ricca

1707 Veroli Sabato Funaro Sola

1707 Lagnetto Isaac Formello Ricca

1707 Pitigliano Benedetto Frosolone Ricca

1707 Genazzano Lazzaro Bisesse Sola

1707 Della Riccia Leone Del Monte Rachele

1707 Da Porto Sabato Lorena Bellafiore

1707 Di Tivoli Moisè Perugia Rebecca

1707 Collavecchia Salvatore Spizzicchino Allegrezza

1708 Alatri Sabato Di Capua Giuditta

1708 Veroli Leone Treves Lea

1708 Moro Moisè Effradi Palomba

1708 Piazza Graziano Bisesse Donna

1708 Volterra Sabato De Benedetti Allegrezza

1708 Sabatelli Amadio Moresco Perla

1708 Spizzicchino Mario Sabatelli Allegrezza

1708 Terni Isaac Della Seta Regina

1708 Ravà Angelo Terracina Ricca

1708 Terracina Lazzaro Ravà Ester


1708 Tedesco Abraham Asdriglia Benvenuta

1708 Marini Moisè Castelnovo Angela

1708 Toscano Elia Caiatti Bellastella

1708 Del Monte Gabriele Moro Allegrezza

1708 Del Monte Jacob Misani Sortebona

1708 Ascarelli Isaac Tedesco Sarra

1708 Bisesse Aron Bisesse Sarra

1708 Bondi Consolo (Nacum) Di Segni Rosa

1708 Menasce Salomone Della Torre Anna

1709 Sonnino Alessandro Bondi Giuditta

1709 Camerino Rabbi Moisè


Funaro Benvenuta

1709 Castro David Castro Allegrezza

1709 Di Cave Sabato Lamentana Silla

1709 Di Segni Angelo Capranica Giuditta

1709 Fiano Isaac Fiano Dolce

1709 Sermoneta Crescenzio Alatri Allegrezza

1709 Alatri Angelo Sermoneta Sarra

1709 Di Sora Samuele Rocches Donna

1709 Modigliano Abraham Serena Stella

1709 Sonnino Daniele Scanzano Bonaventura

1709 Samen Giuseppe Pontecorvo Pazienza

1709 D'Aversa Angelo Genazzano Brunetta

1709 Di Core Salomone Caiatti Ester

1710 Veroli Samuele Serena Ester


1710 Abudram Isaac Bondi Fiore

1710 Di Segni Sabato Di Segni Fiore Candida

1710 Sabatelli Sabato Palestrina Perla

1710 Della Riccia Emmanuel Sabatelli Sarra

1710 Fasani Raffael Spizzicchino Benvenuta

1710 Castelnovo Salomone Rocches Perla

1710 Lattes Giuseppe Uziel Sarra

1710 Lampronti Jacob Scazzocchio Donna

1710 Veneziano Emmanuel Perugia Dina

1710 Castelnovo Angelo Bisesse Sarra

1710 Frascati Gabriele Di Segni Allegrezza

1710 Laudadio Leone Modigliano Allegrezza

1710 Modigliano Laudadio Laudadio Fiore

1710 Di Segni Elia Piazza Allegrezza

1710 Padovano alias Napoli Benedetto Ravà Graziosa

1710 Calef Raffael Spoleto Luna

1710 Pontecorvo Ismael Di Capua Stella

1710 Abbina (Binà) Isaac Di Core Rosa

1710 Piperno Tranquillo Fornaro Bersabea

1710 Fornaro Isaac Piperno Consola

1710 Pesato Jacob Velletri Perla

1710 Velletri Isaac Pesato Giuditta

1710 Effradi Angelo Veroli Allegrezza

1711 Gioiosi Jacob Maimon Rosa


1711 Del Monte Rubino Lattes Rachele

1711 Dell'Astrologo Abraham Del Monte Rachele

1711 Sacerdote Abraham Perugia Speranza

1711 Di Consiglio Consiglio Dell'Astrologo Onorata

1711 Del Borgo Giuseppe Perugia Camilla

1711 Sarmoni Elia De Sora Anna

1711 Trionfo Moisè De Rossi Sarra

1711 Terracina Jacob Di Capua Allegrezza

1711 Cremesini Leone Di Segni Donna

1711 De Benedetti David Lupi alias d'Ancona Belluccia

1711 Di Segni Angelo Viterbo Marianna

1711 Trionfo Giuseppe Campagnano Perla

1711 Passapaire Moisè Rubino Di Segni Donna

1711 Tedesco Jacob Da Modena Stella

1711 Corcos Beniamin Da Modena Donna

1711 Freschi Elia Di Core Luna

1712 Toffia Pace Tagliacozzi Jochevede

1712 Sorano Servadio Di Capua Stella

1712 Volterra Giuseppe Corcos Devora

1712 Esdrà Sabato Perugia Dina

1712 Castro Isaia DElla Torre Donna

1712 Dell'Astrologo Israele Veneziano Perla

1712 Piazza Samuele Di Core Consola

1712 Treves David Marini Gentile


1712 Narni Salomone Palombi Lustra

1712 Del Borgo Angelo Del Borgo Chiara

1712 Trionfo Aron Viterbo Allegrezza

1712 Di Core Amadeo Pontecorvo Ester

1712 Tedesco Rabbi Isaac Sonnino Grazia

1712 Del Monte Sabato Cameo Rachele

1712 Livoli Samuele Procaccia Ricca


1712 Velletri Alessandro Vito Ambron Stella

1712 Finzi Amore Piatelli Anna

1712 Di Core Aron Veroli Ricca

1712 Di Capua Sabato Gattegna Allegrezza

1712 Gattegna Sabato Di Capua Diamante

1712 Marini Asdrubale Di Segni Consola

1713 Rocches Leone Spizzicchino Rosa

1713 Di Segni Abraham Della Torre Consola

1713 Di Segni Leone Di Segni Regina

1713 Corcos Samuele Tedesco Perla

1713 Fiano Prospero Pesato Sarra

1713 Abbina Sabato Panzieri Devora

1713 Fiorentino Moisè Sed Belluccia

1713 Toaff Isaac Rinozzi Allegrezza

1713 Calò Prospero Galligo Devora

1713 Fatucci Leone Francese Allegrezza

1713 Pontecorvo Isaac Tagliacozzi Sarra


1713 Tagliacozzi Gabriele Di Segni Bonafortuna

1713 Di Core Alessandro Panzieri Laura

1713 Lattes Deodato Veroli Ricca

1713 Castelnovo Aron Corcos Devora

1713 Di Consiglio Consiglio Del Monte Sortebona

1713 Cagli Angelo Tedesco Sarra

1713 Sabatelli Abraham Cagli Perla

1713 De Rossi Sabato Raffael Pitigliano Laura

1713 Piatelli Benedetto Sacerdote Ester

1713 Castro Vitale Velletri Grazia

1713 Sesse Angelo Vita Sonnino Bellafiore

1713 Modigliano Moisè Sabatelli Allegrezza

1713 Menasce Benedetto Sacerdote Ricca

1713 Di Segni Laudadio Sesse Ricca

1713 Dell'Anguillara Dattilio Fasani Allegrezza

1713 Pernetti Giuseppe Di Cave Bellafiore

1713 Baraffael Zaccaria Frosolone Milla

1713 Pontecorvo Jacob Miele Laetizia

1713 Di Segni Elia Di Segni Ester

1714 Finzi Moisè Terracina Chiara

1714 Del Monte Moisè Caiatti Rosa

1714 Modigliano Isaac Sciunnach Stella

1714 Tuscolani David Uziel Argentina

1714 Tedesco Israele Castro Regina


1714 Bondi Jona Spizzicchino Ester

1714 Piperno Beniamin Tagliacozzi Bona

1714 Di Core Isaac Del Monte Giuditta

1714 De Rossi Lazzaro Piazza Diana

1714 Tagliacozzi Salomone Frascati Perla

1714 Veroli Israele Barocci Ricca

1714 Panzieri Angelo Sacerdote Stella

1714 Perugia Aron NC Rebecca

1714 Rinozzi Angelo Samen Orobona

1714 Di Capua Michele Di Capua Stella

1714 Di Consiglio Vito Di Consiglio Sola

1715 Tedesco Emmanuel Da Tivoli Flaminia

1715 Spizzicchino David Pace Volterra Donna

1715 Forte Lazzaro Anau Giuditta

1715 Effradi Sabato Nessim Ricca

1715 Di Vito Salomone D'Ancona Regina

1715 Sacerdote Giuseppe Sabatelli Giuditta

1715 Cameo Giuseppe Bonaventura Luna

1715 Funaro Jacob Famigliolo Pernina

1715 Campagnano Moisè Vitale Panzieri Onorata

1715 Di Cave Angelo Frascati Fata

1715 Di Core Samuele Della Riccia Pazienza

1715 Barocci Jacob Sarmoni Olimpia

1715 Bisesse Leone Menachem Angelica


1715 Bonaventura Samuele Moresca Anna

1715 Croccolò Leone Di Nola Dolce

1715 Piatelli Crescenzio Scanzano Bonaventura

1715 Spizzicchino Abraham Graziani Allegrezza

1715 Toscano Moisè Sacerdote Ricca

1715 Uziel Alessandro Passapaire Rosa

1716 Ambron Giacob Lattes Regina

1716 Di Core Aron Francese Anna

1716 Veneziano Lazzaro Alatri Allegrezza

1716 Della Riccia Leone Di Segni Allegrezza

1716 Sonatore Angelo Bondi Grazia

1716 Lagnetto Laudadio Veroli Luna

1716 Di Cave Sabato Gattegna Ester

1716 Miele Jacob Scanzano Brunetta

1716 Vivante Jacob Trionfo Ricca

1716 Francese Servadio Di Segni Perla

1716 Panzieri Pellegrino Tedesco Sarra

1716 Ciprani Raffael Camerino Regina

1716 Viterbo Angelo Ciprani Flaminia

1716 Funaro Dattolo Camerino Laura

1716 Di Core Leone Pesato Rachele

1716 Audon Michele Di Segni Chiara

1716 Dell'Anguillara Samuele Piatelli Rachele

1716 Anau Sabato Palestrina Diamante


1716 Del Monte Moisè Palestrina Ricca

1716 Abbina Isaac Tagliacozzi Ricca

1716 Pitigliano Benedetto Perugia Violante

1716 Di Capua Jacob Genazzano Onesta

1717 Rignani Giuseppe Pontecorvo Mirra

1717 Di Capua Leone Effradi Anna

1717 Pace Jacob Di Cave Sarra

1717 Sacerdote Vitale Sacerdote Graziosa

1717 Veroli Sabato Di Core Devora

1717 Frascati Samuele Velletri Ricca

1717 Gonzaga Giuseppe Castro Allegrezza

1717 De Benedetti Moisè Castro Benvenuta

1717 Rocches Jacob Di Cave Perla

1717 Terni Gabriele Di Segni Giammila

1717 Rignani Jacob Conzarelli Donna

1717 Di Tivoli Giuseppe Castro Benvenuta

1717 Calò Beniamin Terracina Gioia

1717 Lattes Angelo Pontecorvo Eva

1717 Veroli Emmanuel Tedesco Diamante

1717 Menasce David De Servi Allegrezza

1717 Dell'Anguillara Moisè Di Capua Giuditta

1717 Di Nepi Salvatore Maimon Giuditta

1717 Tedesco Gabriele Di Capua Grazia

1717 Laudadio Isaac Pesato Donna


1717 Sacerdote Leone De Benedetti Rosa

1717 Di Segni Angelo Tedesco Regina

1717 Veneziano Sabato Toscano Perla

1717 Formello Raffael Spizzicchino Benvenuta

1718 Genazzano Crescenzio Bondi Sole

1718 Del Monte Israele Spizzicchino Gioia

1718 Pontecorvo Jacob Moreschi Ester

1718 Bondi Pace Modigliano Allegrezza

1718 Di Segni Michele Esdrà Sorte

1718 Del Monte Beniamin Corcos Flaminia

1718 Del Monte Israele Spizzicchino Gioia

1718 De Servi Moisè Di Capua Giuditta

1718 Fornaro Prospero Di Capua Fiore

1718 Bondi Emmanuel Cartaro Sarra

1718 Rossi Lazzaro Spizzicchino Sole

1718 Tedesco Benedetto Effradi Milla

1718 Veneziano Sabato Romanello Regina

1718 De Servi Servadio Castro Perla

1718 Del Borgo Sabato Limentana Allegrezza

1718 Romanello Sabato Sorano Diana

1718 Piperno Angelo Di Segni Donna

1718 Gioioso Isaac Consolo Perla

1718 Francese Sabato Trionfo Bellafiore

1718 Gattegna Abraham Laudadio Laura


1718 Caiatti Moisè Tedesco Sarra

1718 Sacerdote Sabato Da Porto Bonafortuna

1718 Rocches Leone Spizzicchino Rosa

1718 Spizzicchino Sabato Rocches Perla

1718 Di Cave Giuseppe Treves Rosa

1718 Marini Lazzaro Terni Benvenuta

1718 Menasce Giuseppe Frosolone Savia

1719 Corcos Isaac Giuseppe Gallighi Diana

1719 Calò Moisè Di Core Giuditta

1719 Castro Aron Della Torre Fiore

1719 Toscano Anselmo Bondi Rosa

1719 Corcos Samuele Galligo Dolce

1719 Effradi Sabato Di Cave Bellafiore

1719 Dell'Astrologo Israele Funaro Camilla

1719 Corcos Isaac Panzieri Devora

1719 Frosinone Isaac Cremesini Gentile

1719 Castelnovo Samuele Sacerdote Sola

1719 Di Segni Abraham Lamentana Sida

1719 Costantini Samuele Del Monte Benvenuta

1719 Di Capua Michele Pontecorvo Rosa

1719 Di Capua Giuseppe Sabato Di Capua Grazia

1719 Di Segni Aron Spizzicchino Ester

1719 Cremesini Leone Sadun Gentile

1719 Veroli Sabato Fiano Pazienza


1719 Piatelli Lazzaro Fiorentini Graziosa

1719 Scandriglia Giuseppe Calef Luna

1719 Di Cave Abraham Cremesini Ester

1719 Di Tivoli Jacob Del Monte Ester

1719 Famigliolo Salomone ? ?

1719 Effradi Jacob Croccolò Allegrezza

1719 Rignani Salomone Della Torre Graziosa

1720 Laudadio Emmanuel Gonzaga Mariam

1720 Della Torre Israele Levi Bellafiore

1720 Piperno Tranquillo Di Segni Stella

1720 Scazzocchio Raffael Di Segni Rosa

1720 Tedesco Israele Ascarelli Ester

1720 D'Anticoli Abenestra Forte Lea

1720 Tedesco Elia Sermoneta Ricca

1720 Sermoneta David Sermoneta Allegrezza

1720 Campagnano Beniamin Panzieri Ricca

1720 Sciunnach Jacob Fornaro Gioia

1720 Terracina Giuseppe Funaro Pazienza

1720 Di Tivoli Samuele Funaro Pazienza

1720 Misano Jacob Esdrà Perla

1720 Di Segni Pellegrino Finzi Devora

1720 Misani Moisè Camerino Laura

1720 Marini Angelo Spizzicchino Stella

1720 Della Riccia Salomone Spizzicchino Luna


1721 Romanello Angelo Raffael Piazza Cleria

1721 Tedesco Angelo Jacob Frascati Devora

1721 Di Capua Angelo Di Capua Consola

1721 Marini Angelo Di Nepi Ester

1721 Di Segni Moisè Rignani Speranza

1721 Del Monte Angelo Tagliacozzi Allegrezza

1721 Pansieri Samuel Beniamin Di Nepi Perla

1721 Maimon Emmanuel Di Segni Laura

1721 Gattegna Aron Di Segni Giuditta

1721 Rocches Jacob Moriale Desiata

1721 Spagnoletto Amadio Di Segni Gioia

1721 Pace Israele Calef Rachele

1721 Gattegna Moisè Elia Di Core Laura

1721 Di Core Samuele Di Segni Rosa

1721 De Benedetti Beniamin Freschi Tuttobene

1721 Alatrini Moisè Treves Allegrezza

1721 Sabatelli Pace Da Porto Devora

1721 Bondi Emmanuel Sesse Ricca

1721 Ascarelli Jacob Ascarelli Preziosa

1721 Ambron Alessandro Ascarelli Rebecca

1721 Di Segni Sabato Toscano Perla

1721 Di Capua Giuseppe Cameo Pazienza

1722 Dell'Anguillara Isaac Dell'Anguillara Ester

1722 Bisesse Samuele Bisesse Grazia


1722 Di Cave Beniamin Palestrina Pazienza

1722 Serena Isaac Del Monte Stella

1722 Di Capua Mario Della Riccia Allegrezza

1722 Frascati Crescenzio Fornaro Bersabea

1722 Samen Giuseppe Di Core Bellastella

1722 Castro Giuseppe Di Segni Ester

1722 Veneziano Jacob Milano Devora

1722 Di Segni Pace Di Sora Orobona

1722 Rocches Isaac Caivano Pazienza

1722 Modigliano Abraham Velletri Allegrezza

1722 Di Cave Moisè Sciunnach Gentile

1722 Sonnino Giuseppe Fiano Pazienza

1722 Di Laudadio Salomone Tedesco Virtuosa

1722 Della Riccia Graziadio Di Capua Giuditta

1722 Di Tivoli Sabato Dell'Anguillara Rosa

1722 Spizzicchino Angelo Revere Allegrezza

1722 Di Cave Angelo Bondi Regina

1722 D'Ancona Santoro Sermoneta Allegrezza

1722 Serena Ventura Pinti Stella

1722 Dell'Anguillara Abraham Della Torre Benvenuta

1722 Di Core Jacob Di Cave Allegrezza

1723 Frosinone Angelo Esdrà Rosa

1723 Veneziano Abraham Veroli Allegrezza

1723 Pontecorvo Angelo Frosinone Olimpia


1723 Ciprani Crescenzio Miele Ester

1723 Castro Isaia Fiorentino Ricca

1723 Di Segni Sabato Spagnoletto Devora

1723 Veroli Moisè Sadun Dolce

1723 Passapaire Leone Albina Desiata

1723 Sacerdote Vito Di Capua Stella

1723 Pavoncello Samuele Bondi Perla

1723 Serena Isaac Conzarelli Chiara

1723 Leuciotti Isaac Geneazzano Brunetta

1723 Del Monte Crescenzio Sacerdote Grazia

1723 Di Core Sabato Lamentana Regina

1723 Barocci Abraham Calò Ricca

1723 Di Segni Jacob Toscano Ricca

1724 Serena Giuseppe Baraffael Fortuna Bona

1724 Castelnovo Gabriele Panzieri Donna

1724 Panzieri Bension Rignani Perla

1724 Abbina Moisè Vivante Pazienza

1724 Sermoneta Abraham Vito Castelnovo Laura

1724 Salmoni Simone Graziani Luna

1724 Di Segni Samuele Sadun Ricca

1724 Sadun Giuseppe Di Segni Allegrezza

1724 Sonnino Elia Gad Dolce

1724 Della Torre Israele Di Cave Sarra

1724 Amato Leone Veneziano Desiata


1724 Coen Leone Di Nepi Perla

1724 Pavoncello Beniamin Rimini Benvenuta

1724 Castro Sabato Rimini Stella

1724 Moresco Sahadia Pontecorvo Ester

1724 Di Capua Emmanuel Del Borgo Sarra

1724 Di Segni Beniamin Croccolò Pazienza

1725 Sonnino Alessandro Campagnano Ricca

1725 Pontecorvo Raffael Sonnino Grazia

1725 Sesse Deodato Zevi Luna

1725 Calef Raffael Castelnovo Stella

1725 Tedesco Abraham Di Capua Stella

1725 Levi Isaac Bisesse Camilla

1725 Marzocco Leone Marini Allegrezza

1725 Tagliacozzi Benedetto Sermoneta Bona

1725 Marzocco Giuseppe Vita Di Cave Dolce Bella

1725 Sermoneta Saul Maimon Stella

1725 Sacerdote Sperandio Gad Bellafiore

1725 Di Cave Giuseppe


Anau Anna

1725 Di Laudadio Beniamin Modigliano Sola

1725 Sestieri Moisè Bonaventura Luna

1725 Di Segni Moisè Della Torre Meriam

1725 Bisesse Samuele Tedesco Giuditta

1725 Del Borgo Raffael Anau Ester

1725 Vivante Abraham Collavecchia Camilla


1725 Vivante Emmanuel Rocches Sarra

1725 Di Segni Samuele Scanzano Stella

1725 Sermoneta Salomone Rignani Speranza

1725 Manoscrivi (Sacerdoti) Moisè Vitale Nettuno Benvenuta

1725 Vivante Abraham Moriale Allegrezza

1726 Sonnino Elia Samuel Effradi Milla

1726 Esdrà Vitale Velletri Grazia

1726 Miele Malachia Graziani Ricca

1726 Gad Prospero Gad Desiata

1726 Sacerdote Aron Alatri Donna

1726 Bisesse Jacob Velletri Ricca

1726 De Servi Menasse Funaro Sarra

1726 Piperno Israele Panzieri Diamante

1726 Sorano Giuseppe Narni Ester

1726 Ciopetto Giuseppe Di Capua Laura

1726 Binda Isaac Gad Desiata

1726 Lattes Deodato Coen Allegrezza

1726 Moriale Vitale Bonaventura Sola

1726 Di Capua Moisè Isaac Sacerdote Speranza

1726 Sesse Angelo Rocches Ester

1726 Di Nepi Gabriele Della Riccia Preziosa

1726 Sermoneta Salvatore Tagliacozzi Ester

1726 Genazzano Lazzaro Serena Donna

1726 De Rossi Pace Lattes Giuditta


1726 Moriale Vitale Lattes Stella

1726 Di Nola Israele Veroli Sarra

1726 Funaro Angelo Lamentana Reale

1726 Trionfo Israele Sacerdote Olimpia

1726 Uziel Lazzaro D'Amato Perla

1726 Perugia Emmanuel Di Cave Rachele

1726 Lamentana Isaac Della Seta Brunetta

1726 Scazzocchio Graziano Fatucci Stella

1726 Della Torre Sabato Saul Sesse Stella

1726 Modigliano Elia Ascarelli Sarra

1727 Menachem Salvatore Di Capua Allegrezza

1727 Da Porto Samuele Effradi Palomba

1727 Di Capua Giuseppe Di Capua Allegrezza

1727 Ascarelli Samuele Menachem Rebecca

1727 Di Segni Jacob D'Amato Ester

1727 Tarmi David Castro Sarra

1727 Sonnino Moisè Vito Volterra Donna

1727 Spizzicchino Isaac D'Aversa Grazia

1727 Modigliano Lazzaro Pepe Olimpia

1727 Di Laudadio Sabato Pontecorvo Sorte Bona

1727 Moriale Moisè Di Segni Regina

1727 Serena Israele Calef Sarra

1727 Sonatore Leone Lamentana Ester

1727 Panzieri Moisè Pepe Orobona


1727 Fiano Sabato Isaac Milano Mirra

1727 Abbina Raffael Sermoneta Devora

1727 Menachem Salomone Pesato Allegrezza

1727 Castro Salomone Tagliacozzi Stella

1727 Baraffael Giuseppe Vito Da Modena Devora

1727 Di Tivoli Abraham De Servi Olimpia

1727 Di Nola Lazzaro De Pellegrino (Di



1727 Esdrà Abraham Esdrà Rachele

1727 Volterra Salomone


Da Modena Stella

1727 Terracina Angelo Abino Sarra

1727 Campagnano Moisè Piperno Pazienza

1727 Citone Angelo Del Monte Bona

1727 Toscano Isaia Pesato Rebecca

1727 Toscano Sabato Coen Allegrezza

1728 Sesse Salvatore


Bisesse Camilla

1728 Achim Sabato Da Tivoli Stella

1728 Tedesco Isaac Federico Cerosi Allegrezza

1728 Salmoni Leone Di Capua Sorte Bona

1728 Tagliacozzi Angelo Isaac Ciprano Rachele

1728 Di Segni Deodato Coen Rosa

1728 Genazzano Salomone Vito Castelnovo Orobona

1728 Miele Angelo Bondi Laura


1728 Bondi Lazzaro Della Riccia Dolce

1728 Milano Sabato Cartaro Flaminia

1728 Milano Moisè Bondi Ester

1728 Lattes Deodato Sesse Bonasorte

1728 Uzielli Emmanuel Sermoneta Orobona

1728 Tedesco Sabato Del Monte Chimichi Stella

1728 Del Monte Vito Camero Bonafortuna

1728 Tedesco Elia Ascarelli Consola

1728 Esdrà Graziadio Piazza Eleonora

1728 D'Anticoli Ventura Ravà Ester

1728 Gattegna Aron Di Cave Bellafiore

1728 Di Cave Pellegrino Di Cave Rosa

1728 Sciunnach Giuseppe Di Segni Gioia

1728 Veroli Pellegrino Terni Allegrezza

1728 Di Segni Angelo Del Borgo Allegrezza

1728 Di Nola Nisim De Benedetti Ricca

1728 Della Rocca Israele Dell'Astrologo Virtuosa

1728 Finzi Saul Dell'Anguillara Gentile

1728 Della Riccia Raffael Anau Cleria

1728 Fasani David Spizzicchino Sola

1728 Coen Moisè Vitale Piazza Stella

1729 Caivano Samuele Misani Stella

1729 Del Monte Tranquillo Zevi Bellafiore

1729 Veneziano Angelo Samuel Cartaro Palomba


1729 Trionfo Israele Sacerdote Olimpia

1729 Cetone Giuseppe Sabato Terracina Benvenuta

1729 Di Segni Sabato Di Capua Sarra

1729 Vivanti Salvatore Caivano Giuditta

1729 Piazza Salvatore Della Riccia Ester

1729 Fiorentino Rubino Lattes Giuditta

1729 Effradi Sabato Di Cave Bellafiore

1729 Sesse Abraham Modigliano Luna

1729 Bisesse Isaac Tedesco Gentildonna

1729 Di Segni Abraham David Di Laudadio Allegrezza

1729 Caiatti Salomone Cusci Preziosa

1729 Di Vito Isaia Milano Perla

1729 Veneziano Leone Di Core Bellastella

1729 Sadun Samuele Funaro Ricca

1729 Sardelli Abraham Di Segni Ester

1729 Di Tivoli Abraham Di Capua Allegrezza

1729 Perugia Durante Gattegna Rosa

1729 Modigliano Jacob Campagnano Allegrezza

1729 Del Presto Sabato Sonnino Sarra

1729 Lamentana Leone Lamentana Allegrezza

1729 Di Segni Israele Bondi Graziosa

1729 Uziel Sabato Leone Rignani Saporita

1729 Funaro Angelo Terracina Stella

1729 Cremesini Abraham Funaro Benvenuta


1729 Di Sora Moisè Della Torre Stella

1730 Chimichi Abraham


D'Urbino Rebecca

1730 Abbina Abraham Funaro Benvenuta

1730 Laudadio Jacob Di Capua Rachele

1730 Volterra Tranquillo Di Capua Anna

1730 Di Segni Moisè Serena Sarra

1730 Della Pergola Giuseppe Rosselli Sola

1730 De Pinto Abraham Di Core Stella

1730 Dell'Anguillara Moisè Pitigliano Diana

1730 Anau Israel Sostiene Allegrezza

1730 Miele Abraham Sciunnach Laura

1730 Gioioso Raffael Lamentana Allegrezza

1731 Gonzaga Salvatore Achim Allegrezza

1731 Spizzicchino Sabato Veroli Rebecca

1731 Chimichi Del Monte Giuseppe Di Segni Consola

1731 Bondi Abraham Toaff Fiore

1731 Campagnano Israele Tedesco Ester

1731 Effradi Sabato Lamentana Ester

1731 Funaro Sabato Cetone Benvenuta

1731 Bisesse Salvatore Del Borgo Clemenza

1731 Veroli Sabato Di Core Benvenuta

1731 Di Capua Giuseppe Pace Piazza Pazienza

1731 Sadun Lustro Bondi Preziosa

1731 Ascarelli Jacob Vito Ascarelli Ester


1731 Spizzicchino Beniamin De Benedetti Stella

1731 Della Riccia Angelo Del Borgo Sarra

1731 Ascarelli Benedetto Corcos Grazia

1731 Campagnano Sabato Campagnano Allegrezza

1731 Rosato Pellegrino Velletri Gioia

1731 Di Segni Salomone Isaac Marini Sarra

1731 Di Capua Angelo Di Capua Gioia

1731 Di Capua Salomone Di Capua Rachele

1731 Moriale Salomone Treves Rosa

1731 Lamentana Israele Pontecorvo Rebecca

1731 Almagia Samuele S. Lorenzo Rosa

1732 Di Vito Sabato Di Cave Perla

1732 Lamentana Salomone Menasce Virtuosa

1732 Di Core David Freschi Sortebona

1732 Caivano Camillo Lampronti Pazienza

1732 Caiatti Salomone David Di Core Allegrezza

1732 Cusci Pellegrino Panzieri Stella

1732 Francese Sabato Sabatelli Grazia

1732 Caivano Salvatore Da Tivoli Fenice

1732 Terracina Amadio Procaccia Ester

1732 Spizzicchino Salomone Ignoto Meriam

1732 Sacerdote Salomone Finzi Olimpia

1732 Gad Benedetto Sacerdote Flaminia

1732 Gad Israele D'Aversa Ester


1732 Del Borgo Alessandro Caivano Grazia

1732 Tedesco Vitale Di Nepi Rosa

1732 Moresco Amadeo Sabatelli Bellafiore

1732 Gonzaga Leone Uziel Allegrezza

1732 Fiano Sabato Sorano Diana

1732 Conzarelli Israele Aron Bondi Rosa

1732 Pitigliano Moisè Isaac Cremesini Sola

1732 Zevi Angelo Volterra Olimpia

1732 Bonaventura Giuseppe Formello Rosa

1732 Pitigliano Abraham Di Segni Fiore

1732 Nettuno Moisè Elia Serena Donna

1732 Di Capua Giuseppe Castro Fiore

1732 Castro Giuseppe Fornaro Bellafiore

1732 Spagnoletto Isaac Consi Pazienza

1732 Cariccioli Ventura Sardelli Donna

1732 Baraffael Isaac Bonsignore Ester

1732 Formello Coen Raffael Tedesco Bonasorte



1733 Cremesini Salomone Cremesini Ester

1733 Effradi Salomone Piazza Pazienza

1733 Veroli Moisè Isaac Spizzicchino Rosa

1733 Miele Pellegrino Di Core Giuditta

1733 Uzziel Alessandro Del Monte Giuditta

1733 Tedesco Jacob Piperno Allegrezza


1733 Ascarelli Samaria Panzieri Stella

1733 Panzieri Samuele Ascarelli Ester

1733 Di Segni Jacob D'Amato Ester

1733 Roselli Angelo Tagliacozzi Allegrezza

1733 Del Borgo Angelo Veneziano Sarra

1733 Toscano Giuseppe Veroli Regina

1733 Di Cave Sabato Miele Donna

1733 Piperno Giuseppe Procaccia Rachele

1733 Della Seta Angelo Sesse Onorata

1733 Terni Benedetto Della Seta Diamante

1733 Rimini Isaia Abino Fiore

1733 Della Torre Moisè Elia Di Cave Sarra

1734 Castelnovo Jacob Corcos Olimpia

1734 Salorenzo Isaac Di Nepi Fiore

1734 Sermoneta Leone Sermoneta Regina

1734 Laudadio Angelo Gattegna Pazienza

1734 Uzielli Samuele Velletri Allegrezza

1734 Ambron Gabriele Di Segni Allegrezza

1734 Piperno Crescenzio Zaffradi Regina

1734 Di Capua Giuseppe Cassuto Perla

1734 Pitigliano Alessandro Finzi Sorte Bona

1734 Terracina Lazzaro Cetone Benvenuta

1734 Fiano Leon Giuseppe Di Segni Belladonna

1734 Della Torre Emmanuel Della Riccia Pazienza


1735 Sed Samuele Piperno Grazia

1735 Di Capua Sabato Sesse Ricca

1735 Coen Emmanuel Tedesco Pazienza

1735 Francese Jacob Francese Grazia

1735 Velletri Alessandro Velletri Bonafortuna

1735 Pesaro Isaac Di Capua Luna

1735 Panzieri Emmanuel Di Segni Benvenuta

1735 Da Porto Abraham Scansai Brunetta

1735 Dell'Astrologo Jacob Terracina Bonafortuna

1735 Da Tivoli Jacob Cetone Pazienza

1735 Tagliacozzi Consiglio Zevi Gentildonna

1735 Ascarelli Samuele d'Urbino Sarra

1735 Di Cave Moisè Castro Ester

1735 Del Borgo David Veroli Ricca

1735 Di Segni Michele Vita Castelnovo Devora

1735 Citone Moisè Dell'Anguillara Sarra

1735 Abbina Ezechia Menasce Fiore

1735 Tedesco Giuseppe Sabato


Dell'Astrologo Olimpia

1736 Di Nepi Isaac Della Seta Fiore

1736 Menasce Salvatore Anau Ester

1736 Zevi Moisè Volterra Ester

1736 Veroli Aron Toaff Palomba

1736 Della Torre Sabato Collavecchia Grazia

1736 Toaff Emmanuel Veroli Sarra


1736 Rignano Isaac Piatelli Bonafortuna

1736 Di Core Moisè Della Torre Ricca

1736 Sciunnach Jacob Zaffradi Ricca

1736 De Servi Moisè Narni Sarra

1736 Pitigliano Giuseppe Sabato Della Riccia Pazienza

1736 Da Porto Isaac De Benedetti Regina

1736 Caiatti Giuseppe Modigliano Flaminia

1736 Di Segni Deodato Serena Allegrezza

1736 Sacerdote Pellegrino Castelnovo Donna

1736 Funaro Dattilo Tedesco Flaminia

1736 Della Seta Aron Del Monte Palomba

1736 Bonaventura Giuseppe Barocci Bellafiore

1736 Velletri Giuseppe Vito Menachem Rebecca

1736 Ascarelli Pellegrino Castelnovo Regina

1736 Di Segni Jacob Modigliano Donna

1736 Serena Benedetto Sorano Allegrezza

1736 Di Core Emmanuel Sacchi Sarra

1736 Funaro Abraham Veneziano Speranza

1736 Collavecchia Isaac Rocches Sarra

1736 De Rossi Moisè Crescenzo Trionfo Laura

1737 Piperno Giuseppe Formello Rosa

1737 Di Capua Elia Aron Veneziano Pazienza

1737 Castro Leone Castro Gentile

1737 Dell'Anguillara Abram David Velletri Allegrezza


1737 Fiorentino Giuseppe Di Tivoli Bonafortuna

1737 Di Capua Jacob Di Segni Ricca

1737 Zaffradi Salomone Sabatelli Bellafiore

1737 Di Capua Sabato Pontecorvo Diamante

1737 Benigni David Bonaventura Orobona

1737 Sonnino David Di Segni Luna

1737 Del Borgo Angelo Fresco Tuttobene

1737 Di Segni David Aron Calò Perla

1737 Finzi Vitale Finzi Devora

1737 Croccolò Aron Di Nepi Giuditta

1737 Scazzocchio Raffael Di Segni Benvenuta

1737 Bondi Zaccaria Del Borgo Ester

1737 Sonnino Dattilo Dell'Astrologo Bonafortuna

1737 Di Segni Michele Abino Pazienza

1737 Sacerdote Moisè Rocches Virtuosa

1737 Della Seta Sabato Di Nepi Grazia

1737 Ozzielle Rabbi


Sacerdote Olimpia

1737 Cremesini Abraham Francese Grazia

1738 Abbina Abraham Corcos Grazia

1738 Veneziano Emmanuel Di Capua Rosa

1738 Zaffradi Ventura Miele Allegrezza

1738 Bonaventura David Dell'Astrologo Gentile

1738 Volterra Camillo Isaac Gattegna Pazienza

1738 Dell'Anguillara Vitale Di Segni Lattona


1738 Moresco Abraham Piatelli Gioia

1738 Di Core Moisè Dell'Anguillara Gentile

1738 Di Segni Vitale Finzi Sortebona

1738 Dell'Anguillara Vitale Di Capua Palomba

1738 Genazzano Amadio Corcos Laura

1738 Rignano Aron Pavoncello Ricca

1738 Di Capua Sabato Velletri Allegrezza

1738 Coen Sacerdote Moisè Pesato Allegrezza

1738 Tedesco Beniamin Sesse Rachele

1738 Laudadio Angelo Misani Flaminia

1738 Di Capua Aron Sorano Giuditta

1738 Menasce David Crescenzo di Consiglio Consola

1738 Trionfo Israel Aron Trionfo Virtuosa

1738 Castelnovo Isaac Pontecorvo Allegrezza

1738 Volterra Tranquillo Galligo Giustina

1739 Fiano Donato Laudadio Olimpia

1739 Di Capua Giuseppe Di Sora Allegrezza

1739 Sabatelli Moisè Di Segni Ester

1739 Da Porto Ezechia Di Core Pazienza

1739 Caiatti Graziadio Zevi Bonafortuna

1739 De Benedetti Camillo D'Aversa Bonafortuna

1739 De Benedetti Isaac Veneziano Ricca

1739 Di Sora Moisè Rocches Virtuosa

1739 Genazzano Samuele Del Monte Allegrezza


1739 Fano Moisè Piazza Allegrezza

1739 Spizzicchino Leone Pace Sacerdote Gioia

1739 Frascati Aron Emmanuel Veroli Sortebona

1739 Della Torre Emmanuel Di Segni Ester

1739 Caivano Samuele Di Segni Ester

1739 Del Borgo Raffael Terracina Stella

1739 Tedesco Salomone Trionfo Virtuosa

1739 Bonaventura Abraham Panzieri Ricca

1739 Bondi Moisè Della Riccia Belladonna

1739 Ascarelli Emanuele Leone Modigliano Flaminia

1740 Milano Giuseppe De Rossi Allegrezza

1740 Pontecorvo Samuele Sesse Giuditta

1740 De Servi Emmanuel Di Capua Bellafiore

1740 Dell'Astrologo Leone D'Ancona Rosa

1740 Milano Samuele Viterbo Ester

1740 Della Riccia Samuele Sabatelli Sarra

1740 Pinti Abraham Di Capua Onorata

1741 Conzarelli Abraham Anau Allegrezza

1741 Uzielli Aron Della Riccia Belladonna

1741 Piazza vitale Piazza Laura

1741 Menasce Raffael Isaac Campagnano Ricca

1741 Viterbo Angelo Sesse Rachele

1741 Uzielli Lazzaro Salmoni Ora

1741 Uzielli Israele Di Capua Onorata


1741 Piacentino Moisè Sacerdote Diamante

1741 Del Monte Sabato Della Seta Allegrezza

1741 Di Capua Giuseppe Panzieri Stella

1741 Tagliacozzi Israel Salvatore Campagnano Ester

1741 Moresco Moisè Barocci Bellafiore

1741 Sonnino Angelo Giuseppe Cagli Perla

1741 Di Castro Salomone Della Seta Ester

1742 Sadun Daniele Bondi Stella

1742 Di Segni Santoro Funaro Donna

1742 Abbina Ezechia Menasce Stella

1742 Di Vito Angelo Terracina Anna

1742 Abudram Abraham Volterra Perla

1742 Castro David Di Sora Orobona

1742 Cameo Michele Miele Flaminia

1742 Di Core Elia Miele Grazia

1742 Sacerdote Angelo Moisè Di Nepi Ester

1742 Francese Angelo Effradi Pazienza

1742 Abbina Mario Di Segni Olimpia

1742 Esdrà Samuele Cetone Pazienza

1742 Tagliacozzi Beniamin Di Cave Speranza

1743 Tedesco Salomone David Albina Gioia

1743 Geneazzano Aron Di Segni Ester

1743 Piatelli Zaccaria Serena Allegrezza

1743 Cameo Salomone Ciprano Bersabea


1743 Da Porto Giuseppe Miele Giuditta

1743 Terracina Amadio Conzarelli Brunetta

1743 Geneazzano Amadio Corcos Devora

1743 Tedesco Beniamin Di Laudadio Ora

1744 Sonnino Moisè Fiano Olimpia

1744 Vivanti Giuseppe Di Segni Bellina

1744 Di Capua Giuseppe Pace Cremesini Sole

1744 Tedesco Sabato Frascati Speranza

1744 Della Seta Angelo Passapaire Abigail

1744 Di Nepi Salvatore Serena Allegrezza

1744 Del Monte Sabato Sabatelli Olimpia

1745 Terracina Jacob Di Capua Allegrezza

1745 Fiano Moisè Sorte Di Capua Grazia

1745 De Benedetti Jacob Dell'Astrologo Donna

1745 Di Salomone Isaia Finzi Devora

1745 Panzieri Samuel Jacob Castelnovo Regina

1745 Cividali David Amato Allegrezza

1745 Fornaro Giuseppe Sadun Ricca

1746 Trionfo Israele Di Segni Donna

1746 Veneziano Emmanuel Bisesse Onorata

1746 Finzi Zacchiel Terracina Olimpia

1746 Spizzicchino Sabato Vito Bondi Ricca

1746 De Cavi Emmanuel Conzarelli Stella

1746 Finzi Elia Aron Da Porto Giuditta


1746 Corcos Tranquillo Modigliano Rachele

1746 Del Monte Giuseppe Spizzicchino Sola

1747 Castelnovo Elia Di Segni Mazzaltov

1747 Marini Lazzaro Salmoni Regina

1747 De Servi Emmanuel Zevi Gentildonna

1747 Piatelli Moisè Di Nepi Rosa

1747 Rosato Jacob Coen Belluccia

1747 Miele Angelo Eliseo Ester

1747 Veneziano Samuele Di Laudadio Allegrezza

1747 Sestiero Graziadio Perugia Dolce

1747 De Benedetti Angelo Della Seta Ester

1747 Rosato Israele Di Segni Fata

1747 Della Seta Isaia Di Nepi Stella

1747 Livoli Samuele Sonnino Belladonna

1747 Bisesse Giuseppe Miele Ora

1747 De Servi Santoro Miele Fortunata

1748 Consiglio Isaac Da Tivoli Luna

1748 Pernetti Jacob Gattegna Allegrezza

1748 Tedesco Samuele Di Core Rosa

1748 Tagliacozzi Salvatore Tagliacozzi Sarra

1748 Di Segni David Serena Flaminia

1748 Del Monte Giuseppe Zevi Ester

1748 Del Monte Sabato Di Laudadio Rosata

1748 Di Capua Lazzaro Veroli Ricca


1748 Sorano Elia Samuel Pontecorvo Mirra

1748 Di Cave Salomone


Del Monte Ester

1748 Dell'Astrologo Alessandro Miele Gioia

1748 Di Capua Sperandio Nettuno Pazienza

1748 Calef Leone Della Riccia Bonafortuna

1748 Marini Salomone Salmoni Orizia

1749 Della Riccia Servadio Terracina Rosa

1749 Veroli Leone Di Nepi Orobona

1749 Dell'Anguillara Salomone


Da Porto Rosa

1749 Trionfo Sabato Di Laudadio Ester

1749 Bisesse Samuele Di Capua Anna

1749 Miele David Piazza Rosa

1749 Piazza Giuseppe Di Core Speranza

1749 Pitigliano Sabato Funaro Donna

1749 Del Presto Sabato Piatelli Rachele

1749 Pontecorvo Leone Velletri Stella

1749 Di Core Abraham Pernetti Allegrezza

1749 Serena Salvatore Di Segni Fiore

1750 Sermoneta Isaac Gattegna Fiore

1750 Sabatelli Pace De Castro Diamante

1750 Tagliacozzi Salvatore Tagliacozzi Sarra

1750 Uzielli Samuele Frosinone Milla

1750 Lamentana Giuseppe Depinti Regina


1750 Frascati Angelo Moro Stella

1750 Citone David Pace Citone Eleonora

1750 Serena Beniamin Uziel Mazzaltov

1750 Uziel Daniele Serena Allegrezza



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