Realism and Fantasy. Describe the difference between the two horses


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Realism and Fantasy

Describe the difference between the two horses.

Realistic text can happen in real life.

Zoo Fun

Yesterday, I went to the zoo. I saw lots of zebras. The zebras were standing under trees.

Why is “Zoo Fun” an example of realistic text?

Which sentence is realistic, or can happen in real life?

1. The zebras stand in the grass.

2. The zebras had a tea party.

Fantasy text cannot happen in real life.

Animals or things that act like people.

Jungle Dance Manny the kiwi loves to dance. Bob and Betty Banana play music. Manny and his friends dance. Why is “Zoo Fun” an example of realistic text?

Which sentence is realistic, or can happen in real life?

1. The zebras stand in

the grass.

2. The zebras had a tea party.

Bear Likes to Make Cookies

Bear likes to make cookies. One day, he fell asleep when the cookies were baking. He suddenly woke up. “Oh no! I burned the cookies,” said Bear.

Realistic Fantasy

The Gingerbread Man

The old lady put the gingerbread man in the oven. The gingerbread man jumped out. He yelled, and ran out the door.

Realistic Fantasy

The Big Race

Today was the big race. I was scared. Then, the teacher blew the whistle. I ran as fast as I could.

Realistic Fantasy

Baking with Grandma

My grandma made some gingerbread men. She put lots of candies on them. I ate the first one. It was so good!

Realistic Fantasy

The Three Bears

Three Bears came home from a walk.“Oh no! Someone ate my soup!” said Little Bear.

Realistic Fantasy

Spike, the Super Dog

Spike is a super dog. Yesterday, his owner, Lee, saw Spike flying out the window. “Hi Lee!” said Spike. “I have to save a cat. I will be back for dinner!”

Realistic Fantasy

My Dog

1. My dog and I do fun things together. We go to the park. We play ball. We swim in the lake.

Realistic Fantasy

The Race

One afternoon, Rabbit and Turtle were talking about racing. Rabbit said, “I will beat you in a race.” So they raced. Turtle won the race.

Realistic Fantasy

My Dad the Baker

My dad is a great baker. He makes cookies. He makes cakes. But my favorite things he bakes are chocolate cupcakes.

Realistic Fantasy

Cara’s First Pet

Cara was walking home one day. A cat started to follow her. The cat followed Cara all the way to her house. The cat was very friendly. Cara’s mom said she could keep it.

Realistic Fantasy

Cal the CatCal is one rocking cat. He loves to play

music. Cal played the guitar one nightin the alley. All the cats came to hearhim. Now, Cal plays every night.

Realistic Fantasy

Ben’s Story Ben had to write a story. He didn’t know whether to write about dinosaurs or

pirates. “Write about the one you like best,” his teacher said. So, Ben wrote a story called, “The Very Brave Dinosaur.”

Realistic Fantasy

The Writer

Bud, the bee, loves to write stories. He always has paper and a pencil in his hands. He writes all the time.. If he could, Bud would write while he sleeps!

Realistic Fantasy
