Real People Reveal Their Biggest Weight Loss Mistakes



Have you ever set out on a quest to lose weight, only to find that the pounds simply didn’t come off or stay off? “Story of my life,” many people will reply to this question. If you are one of them, this book is for you. In this book, people reveal their biggest weight loss mistakes so you can be aware of them and overcome your own obstacles. Once you know which crucial errors to avoid, success can finally be yours.

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Real people reveal their biggest weight loss mistakes

By The SteadyHealth CommunityCopyright 2015

Kindle Edition, License NotesThis ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

Table of contentsTable of contentsForeword: Who should read this bookAbout UsThe most common weight loss mistakesIntroductionREAL-LIFE EXPERIENCES & INTERVIEWSStatisticsShare Your Experience

Foreword: Who should read this book

Have you ever set out on a quest to lose weight, only to find that the pounds simply didnt come off or stay off? Story of my life, many people will reply to this question. If you are one of them, this book is for you. In this book, people reveal their biggest weight loss mistakes so you can be aware of them and overcome your own obstacles. Once you know which crucial errors to avoid, success can finally be yours.

About Us is a health-related online community with more than 300,000 registered members and millions of monthly visits. is intended to provide members and visitors with relevant health-related information, through health-related discussions, shared personal experiences, medical expert answers and quality content.

Besides high quality medical content, also offers a lot of valuable information on sexual health. Information provided in this book is a result of real life experiences combined with professional advice and information given by sexual health experts and professionals.

The most common weight loss mistakes

We all know people who are dieting and chances are that if you are reading this, you are dieting, too. We all know people who dieted, lost weight, and gained it right back. But it's a lot more unusual to meet people who failed at their diets and know the reasons why.Here are seven revelations of dieters who failed. Their names have been omitted to protect their privacy, but the reasons they give for their weight loss diet failures are taken from real life.

1. Relying on a single-food diet for too long.In recent years, the Cabbage Soup Diet and the Cabbage Soup and Acai Diet have attracted millions of hopeful dieters. Before these diets, there were diet plans that called for eating lots of red meat and only red meat (and maybe a little bacon), diet plans based on eating grapefruit at every meal, soup diets, fish diets, and even martinis and ice cream diets. The reason all of these diets work at first is very simple (and is actually a principle you can use to your advantage in any diet):Eating the same food at every meal decreases your appetite. Eating a variety of foods increases your appetite.The problem is, you can only stand so many bowls of cabbage soup or even so many meals of rib eye steak. Eventually, your body makes you crave something different, and that's when you overeat and usually cancel out all the gains you made with your single-food diet plan.

2. Drinking too much water.Water is good for us. Most adults need between 4 and 5 cups (1000 to 1200 ml) of water every day to be healthy. But those 4 to 5 cups is a lot less than the 1 to 2 gallons (4 to 8 liters) of water some dieters try to drink to lose weight.If you are drinking so much water you are beginning to slosh, you really aren't going to burn enough calories by running to the bathroom multiple times a day to lose more weight. And your body isn't fooled. Even if you drink a lot of water, your body still processes the calories and nutrients in food the same way. You still need to eat less.3. Not "eating" enough water.On the other hand, moist foods are a must on any weight loss diet. An orange slice fills you more than a Saltine cracker. A bowl of slowly simmered soup (not necessarily cabbage) fills you up more than a sandwich. The reason for the full feeling you get when you eat moist foods, rather than dry foods, is that they have more bulk and take longer to pass through your digestive tract. You don't get hungry again as fast when you eat moist foods (fruits, veggies, puddings, soups, and so on) rather than dry foods (jerky, crackers, cookies, pretzels).Slowly simmered water-based soups are an especially useful diet tool. The process of slowly simmering a soup creates complex mixtures of gelatin, plant fibers, and plant nutrients that take longer to digest. University of Pennsylvania nutritionist Barbara J. Rolls has conducted over 100 experiments that find that eating a cup of soup at the beginning of a meal usually allows diners to feel satisfied with 150 to 250 fewer calories. That's a pound a week of effortless weight loss just from eating soup, any kind of slowly simmered water-based (not cream) soup.

4. Relying too much on exercise.Everybody needs at least a little exercise. Using exercise to lose weight, however, usually doesn't work. In fact, dieters who exercise are more likely to gain weight than to lose it, because exercise builds muscle. It's true that muscle burns more calories than almost any other organ in the body except the brain, but it doesn't burn enough calories that putting on muscle will help you burn fat. There are lots of reasons to get exercise, but losing weight isn't one of them.5. Using too many artificial sweeteners.Many questionable Internet articles tell us that aspartame (Nutrasweet) is a horrendous poison, and while it is true that the digestion of aspartame does release a tiny amount of cyanide, and it does stimulate certain kinds of nerve transmission in the brain, both effects are so small that they do not do direct damage.However, swigging down lots of diet soft drinks because they are "calorie free" often lulls you into thinking you don't need to watch your intake of other foods. And while "sugar free" and "no sugar added" cookies, pies, cakes, and ice cream use combinations of artificial sweeteners to make up for the absence of sugar, they usually achieve an acceptable texture and mouth feel by using lots of fat. Sugar-free doesn't always mean calorie-free, and you are better off eating a single regular cookie than a whole package of sugar-free.6. Not counting the condiments.We all know a salad has fewer calories and less fat than a bacon avocado cheeseburger, right? Well, if your nice leafy green salad is dressed with a zero-fat sugar-free dressing, it certainly does. But if you like equal amounts of salad and mayonnaise-based dressings, as many Americans do, the weight loss advantages of eating your veggies are quickly lost. You're better off not eating that "salad" than polishing off a salad plate that's mostly dressing.High-sodium condiments can also cause short-term fluid accumulation and related weight gain, especially in women of child-bearing age. Mustard, fish sauce, soy sauce, ketchup, tamari, and tempura dipping sauces all are packed with salt that at least temporarily packs on the pounds.

7. Focusing on fat-free foods.Fat-free foods are not necessarily diet-friendly foods. Most food manufacturers manage to get the right taste and feel in their foods by manipulating the relative amounts of fat and sugar. If they leave out the fat, they usually have to put in the sugar.And fat-free foods have calories, too. If you eat too many calories, even if you don't get them from fat, your body takes those extra carbohydrates and turns them into triglycerides, binding them with water, and locking them inside your fat cells for safe storage. Only when your consumption of carbohydrates (that is, fat-free foods) is low enough does your body start making less insulin, and lower insulin levels are required to liberate fat from fat cells so that the muscles can burn it.


On these pages, you'll find collected information from short interviews conducted with people who struggled with their weight loss. Their experiences can show you what mistakes they made and teach you how to avoid them. Many of them overcame their problems and successfully finished their weight loss journeys. Beside mistakes, some of the other questions they were answering are:

What kind of diet did you follow and what was the reason?

Did you stick to a diet plan daily or did you make some exceptions?

Did you avoid alcohol while on diet?

Did you track your sleep?

Did you find support groups or other people who were ready to team up with you during the diet program?

Did you consult with a health expert in order to get valuable information and advice on particular diet program?

Did you check your health condition with medical expert before you decided to start with a diet program in order to omit possible disorders as a cause for your problems with weight?

Did you introduce any kind of exercise together with your diet?

What would you recommend to others who are trying to lose weight?

REAL-LIFE EXPERIENCES & INTERVIEWSDisclaimer: These views and experiences are the product of interviews and surveys conducted with real consumers, whose identities remain anonymous to protect their privacy. They are provided for informational purposes only, and do notnecessarily reflect SteadyHealth's opinions. SteadyHealth does not endorse any weight loss or dietary products or nutritional styles, and potential consumers are reminded to consult their physician before using supplements and medications.

Ina is female, aged 34, from Kentucky

It is very difficult to understand why a person is not losing weight. Majorly it happens due to following issues: Health Problems: thyroid etc. Not enough sleep. Eating large portions (not measuring portions). It is very difficult to assume portion sizes. Use of scale is important. Eating too much of carbohydrate, not eating enough protein -should be at least above 70 grams for an average female. Eating way too less and then binging on weekends or later. Exercising too much, not enough rest. Losing inches and gaining or maintaining muscle, weight loss is slow, but clothes size reduces. Drinking not enough water.If all this is false then health checkup is a must. How long someone has been exercising, what are her/his stats, how much is she/he eating (calories).

Peggy is female, aged 37, from Louisiana

I don't believe in "mistakes", only learning opportunities. My focus has never been weight loss. I am focused on improving my overall body composition by increasing my activity level (with weightlifting and cardio activity combined) and paying closer attention to what and how much I eat. I was recently diagnosed with type II diabetes, so there is a greater incentive to manage my diet and increase my activity level.

My vanity motivates me because there is no way I want to be 70 years old and need the help of someone else to get out of a chair or to need a diaper at 80.

At the tender age of 30 I was a very active and fit individual, as part of my job I quadded, hiked, four-wheeled all over North America in search of oil and gas. I had a 30 inch vertical and had no issue carrying a 60 lb pack up and down mountains all day long or trudging through snow up to my waist. It was only after I got married and quit that life that I became overweight.

I and my body know what it's like to be fit and healthy so getting back there is work I am willing to do and I will know when I am there. I am not depending on a scale. I weigh myself about every 2-3 months. it is not my score card.

Erica is female, aged 30, from Enterprise, AL

I made every mistake. All of them. The first was thinking any pill or shake could make me lose the weight. Wrong, wrong, wrong! I hate fad diets with a passion as they only serve to instantly gratify you with water weight loss, and then devastate you again and again when the weight comes on as quickly as it vanished. That weight is usually accompanied by more weight. Diet = set up for failure. It's a lifestyle change and until you are ready to marry it you'll never be successful.

For me, I could not eat whatever I wanted in moderation. I think it's amazing that it works for so many to just eat at a deficit, but I am honestly not disciplined enough to handle it. I'd rather have a huge salad with veggies and lite dressing than a tiny burger. I like to eat, always have, and always will. I had to ease into healthy eating. I'm very Southern and like fried things, big portions, and sweets. I started off by trading fried meats for grilled, white pastas for whole wheat, bread for low carb wraps or sandwich thins, and I'd have steamed or sauted veggies instead of chips or fries.

Even with all of that, the best advice I can give you is,"Never give up". This is for the rest of your life and you are worth it.

Kendra is female, aged 47, from UK

I'm afraid I cannot be of any great help here myself as I believe I have ruined my metabolism with years of yo-yo dieting. A nutritionist told me that the only way to get it back is to eat 3 healthy meals a day. I think when women go on constant low calorie diets the body thinks it's starving and becomes very good at laying down fat reserves ready for another famine. I think it's called metabolic resistance. Also if we could buy willpower in the shops what a boon that would be! One of my daughters has another problem but won't admit it. She does lots of exercise in order to eat more so in effect she is just maintaining her weight, not losing.

Helena is female, aged 35, from Akron

Even eating the 'right' foods (a balanced diet), folks can gain weight. Weight gain/loss works the same way for both women and men. Eat more calories than you expend (regardless of where the calories come from) will cause weight gain. Eating less calories than you expend (again, regardless of where the calories come from) will cause weight loss. The key, for both men and women, is to eat less calories than you expend.

You should figure out your calorie needs, and eat at a slight calorie deficit for weight loss.

Lyle is male, aged 32, from Tulsa

I don't follow a specific weight loss plan. I just figured out my TDEE, took a reduction and then hit those targets. I did alter my macros to include more protein though. The biggest mistakes are generally this: people don't use food scales, don't log daily, or have aggressive weight loss goals. I have made all those mistakes. And that is why I am not where I want to be. My goal is abs and I don't have them because I haven't been consistent enough to get below 180. I also learned the hard way that restricting foods I love caused me to binge. I found this out while going Paleo. At the moment I am trying to get through the holidays and thenIi will go all out and try to hit 170 before spring

I tried it for 6 months when I found out my wife had gluten intolerance and it seems great in concept. I found it was just too restrictive and unnecessary. So I went back to eating whatever I wanted and worked on getting most of my diet from whole sources.

Edina is female, aged 28, from Kolkata

Alcohol is my pitfall. I drink once a week, but seem to go over with food that stops my weight loss. Motivation comes from all the fitness and clothes I can wear.I find yoga boring and I run for relaxation.

Cruz is male, aged 54, from New Mexico

Sugar is the ultimate enemy in food because you want more of it when you eat it and it turns to fat. So I try to limit my sugar intake. I am not fanatic about it. I am just self-aware and try to make good choices.

Holly is female, aged 33, from Reno

My problem is I lost my will for being challenged; I lost my motivation after all that diets. Yesterday I read an article about carbohydrate cravings and it was saying abnormal cravings can be result of depression because body need to increase serotonin level in the blood and carbs are the easiest way for quick increasing. I am thinking about that possibility recently.

My weakness is pasta and chocolate and my greatest obstacle is my mind right now. I have never used a pill or product and thats all my experience about weight loss.

Cassie is female, aged 27, from New York

Calorie counting helps but what works best for me is doing low-carb which may be easier initially. As far as working out goes it can be anything from dancing to the Wii just dance games, swimming or maybe just walk around the neighborhood. Every little bit counts

I have tried cycling actually- but it wasn't my absolute favorite. Sleep also plays a vital role. If your body is not well rested you can just about guess what effects that'll have on you.

If you want to read all real-life experiences about biggest weight loss mistakes, you can find our book on Amazon:



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Just think how many people out there struggle with their weight loss and how they will appreciate your help in their journey. Remember, keep the faith and you will achieve imaginable!