reakout Sessions & Times · 2020-02-19 · reakout Sessions & Times. A Follower of Jesus...


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Session # Time

EB 1 9:30am

EB 2 10:30


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2 2:30pm

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7 12:30


Slow Cooker Living in an InstaPot World by Terra Haisley x x x

The Blessing of Friends by Jody Fleming x x x

Caring for Caregivers by DeAnna Downey x x x

Hospitality—Changing a Generation by Lindsay Gibson x x x

Changing the Cycle of Sin by Dana James x x

Quiet Times with the Lord by Audrey Lee x x x

Finding Sabbath by Chris Conrades x x x

Back to Eden: Uncovering the Lies Women Believe by Lori Jones x x x

Don’t “Follow Your Heart” by Leah Pratt x x x

Hush Y’all by Sharon Barrett x x x

Clothing Ourselves for Conflict by Allison Allen x x x

How’s Your Serve by Allison Kinion X X

Soul Care by Liz Encinia X X X

Real Conversations: Sharing Your Faith Every Day by Melissa Goepfrich

x x x

Sharing Jesus...As You Go! by Linda Cooper x x x x

Lessons I’m Learning—Life in International Missions by Cara Stevens x x

Missions Lessons Learned from a Cupcake by Linda Clark x x x

Redemption and Restoration in the Midst of Trauma by Pam Moran x x x

A Follower of Jesus Disguised as a Working Woman by Beverly Whitely

x x x x

Engaging the Happily Apathetic by Cara Stevens x x x

Breakout Sessions & Times

A Follower of Jesus Disguised as a Working Woman Beverly Whitely

Discussions of living for Jesus in the secular workplace.

Beverly Whitely is a wife, mother of three grown daughters and a retired histologist. She enjoys spending her days serving the Lord at her church, with mission ministries, taking care of her husband, loving on her children and grandchildren and creating pottery. She accepted Christ as her savior at the age of six and continues learning about and loving him more each day.

Back to Eden: Uncovering the Lies Women Believe Lori Jones

"As you look at your life, would you say you are experiencing the abundant life Jesus came to give? Or do you find yourself just existing, coping, surviving?" We have been lied to, and this deception has led us down a path of discouragement, defeat and destruction. We live in bondage rather than in freedom. Satan is the master deceiver, and his tactics have not changed since Eve first encountered him in the Garden. Let's take a walk back to Eden where we will examine his strategy and learn how believing in and acting on the truth of God's Word leads to freedom in the midst of a fallen and broken world.

Lori Jones gave her life to Christ as a 12-year-old girl and since then her desire has been to follow Him wherever He leads. She is married to her favorite pastor and serves alongside him in a variety of ways. Whenever possible she enjoys spending time with five special people who call her Nana.

Caring for Caregivers DeAnna Downey

As Sisters in Christ we all have times of stress and burdens that seem to overwhelm us. This session is especially for those who are care givers for family members, friends or neighbors. This is even for those who care give as a profession. There will be brainstorming of information on agencies and other entities that can help the care giver. We will also share ideas of ways to stay in touch and in line with God's direction during this stressful time of caregiving.

DeAnna is a retired NAMB missionary and former pastor's wife. She is now learning and growing in Christ as she strives to help her elderly parents in their golden years. May God bless all those caregivers who find themselves in this situation.

Changing the Cycle of Sin Dana James

Do you struggle with sin? Do you ever find yourself in bondage to sin? Are you ready and willing to live in freedom and power over sin? If you answered "yes" to any or all of these questions, come and be encouraged by what God says about having everything we need for Godliness and how to live in power over sin.

Dana James loves to connect women with God through the teaching of His Word. After being a stay-at-home mom, Dana taught in colleges in Texas and Tennessee as well as provided training for businesses and industries. Currently, she works at Pier 1 where she loves to connect with women from all over the world! Dana gets excited about meaningful and honest conversation, celebrating small victories and spending time with her incredible husband, family and friends.

Don’t “Follow Your Heart” Leah Pratt

The heart is regarded as the center of human thought/emotion. While the world says, "follow your heart," the Bible teaches that the heart is deceitful and leads us astray. One theologian even deemed the human heart to be a "factory of idols." Herein lies the problem: "the heart wants what the heart wants"...and often times, it is not the Lord. Our topic: idolatry of the heart-what is it, and how do we fix it?

Leah Pratt has an MDiv from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. She has ministered to teens for 21 years and counseled youth and families in crisis for 12. She now practices biblical counseling, works as a high school Bible teacher at Heritage Christian School in Indy and leads the youth and worship ministries at Calvary Heights Baptist Church in Martinsville. Leah's passions include loving her husband, discipling young people, thrifting and blogging at

Finding Sabbath Chris Conrades

On the seventh day of creation God rested, but in our modern culture, we seem to have a hard time following His example. We long for rest but so often we don't know how or where to find it. In this breakout, we will look into God's word to find the importance of the Sabbath and how we can truly find rest in Him.

Chris Conrades is a busy homeschool mom, pastor's wife, online ESL teacher and curriculum writer. She serves with her husband at Crosspoint Church in Richmond, and she loves helping others grow deeper in their walk with God. You will often find her singing in the kitchen, playing board games with her family or snuggled up watching her favorite movie with her hubby.

Hospitality—Changing a Generation Lindsay Gibson

Inviting people into our homes and lives can seem daunting. We need to have a perfectly clean house, with our best food prepared (or so we think). Biblical hospitality is so much more authentically personal. "Let's reframe our picture of hospitality and discover how God uses simple steps of faithfulness to ignite life change. Because hospitality has the power to change a generation."

Lindsay Gibson loves spending time with her husband, Grant and 3-year-old daughter, Gretchen. She is passionate about reading God's Word and loves sharing the truths in it. She has served as the Ministry Assistant at Bethel Baptist Church in North Vernon for almost three years, along with serving in Women's Ministry. Currently she is pursing professional development through Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. She enjoys family, food, coffee and reading.

How’s Your Serve? Allison Kinion

Are you serving in the way God uniquely created you to? Have you discovered how He, through the Holy Spirit, has specifically gifted you to build up the body of Christ? Every leader has different strengths, weaknesses, spiritual gifts and abilities that they bring to the table. Come learn more about yourself and how to strengthen your serve!

Allison Kinion has served as the Director of Women's Missions and Ministry for SCBI since 2008. She also leads the student ministry and sings on the worship team at Calvary Baptist Church in Greenfield, where her husband Roger has been Senior Pastor since 2005. She has been married for 20 years and has two children - Hannah, 17 and Ruston, 14. Originally from Baton Rouge, Allison has been working in vocational church ministry for more than 20 years, having served churches of all sizes in Texas, South Carolina, Alabama and Indiana. In her free time she enjoys cooking, smocking, canning and spending time with her family.

Hush, Y’all! Sharon Barrett

In a society ruled by social media, informed by 24/7 news and music delivered on demand via wireless earbuds, we can find ourselves drowning in sound. There's no place in our world without a sound track. Even if we can find a place to be silent, is it ever possible to be still? Enough to hear a voice? And be certain that it's His voice? Come and explore ways to quiet yourself and sift through the cacophony of voices to discern the One that can be trusted to show us the way to walk.

Sharon Barrett came to Christ on her 31st birthday weekend and has been writing and teaching Bible studies and Sunday School ever since. Still a member of Calvary Baptist Church in Greenwood, but she and her husband live half the year in Beaufort, SC, where she leads a weekly study for 35 women in her neighborhood. Her grandkids are nearly grown, she still doesn't play golf, but she reads and crochets a lot and does some volunteer work! Sharon says, “It’s good to be back with you ladies!”

Mission Lesson Learned from a Cupcake Linda Clark

Who doesn't love a cupcake? Join us as we see how cupcakes can help us learn how to make missions an exciting adventure - colorful, tasty, sweet and easy to eat.

Linda Clark serves as the Indiana state WMU president and the Adult Field Strategist for national WMU. She leads women's retreats and loves helping others develop their leadership skills. She's married and has three grown children.

Soul Care Liz Encinia

Avoid burnout! A healthy ministry starts with healthy individuals. Cultivating a practice of soul care gives ministry leaders a tool to help them remain mentally and emotionally healthy as they make Him known.

Liz Encinia is the Executive Director-Treasurer of Kentucky WMU. Liz is an equipper and strategist who helps missions leaders create an environment that encourages all people to have a holistic view of missions that compels them to live out their calling. Liz is a doctoral candidate for the Doctorate of Strategic Leadership at Regent University and the proud mom of her dog "Rocko".

Quiet Times with the Lord Audrey Lee

Do you struggle to consistently spend quality quiet time with the Lord? Do you long for that quiet, uninterrupted, personal time with God? Guess what? You are not alone my sweet sister! Let's take a look at practical tips for developing a consistent quiet time that is intimate and life changing.

Audrey Lee is a member of Christian Community Missionary Baptist Church in Indianapolis, where the Pastor is Delbert Watts, Sr. She serves as a Stephen Minister and is actively involved in grief ministry, Women's Ministry, Sunday School, intercessory prayer and music ministry. She is married to Kevin Lee, Sr. (29 years). They have two adult sons, Kevin Jr. and William. Her life verse is found in Joshua 1:9, "Be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." (NLT)

Real Conversations: Sharing Your Faith Every Day Melissa Goepfrich

We have conversations with people every day. We talk about the weather, our jobs, families, pets, hobbies and activities. How do we take these everyday conversations and turn them into God conversations so that we can have gospel conversations? In this session, you will learn practical strategies for sharing your faith in a natural, relational way.

Melissa Goepfrich has served in church ministry for over twenty years. She is an author and public speaker, helping women grow in their walk with the Lord. She is currently working on a master's degree in biblical counseling through Southern Seminary online. Melissa's husband is the senior pastor of Hilltop Community Church in Warsaw, IN. They have been married for twenty-one years and have a son in college and two daughters in high school.

Sharing you go Linda Cooper

Jesus' last words found in Matthew 28:19, (the great commission), were words to His followers, you and me and His message was clear: "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations..." He didn't say, "if you want to" or "if you feel like it" or "if it fits into your busy schedule." He said, "Go!" It translates in the original language to...As you are going, which says to me that we must "Go" and share Christ every day in our everyday lives. Let's learn how!

Linda Cooper is the 23rd president of national Woman's Missionary Union, SBC. Linda is from Bowling Green, KY where she ministers to others through a career as a dental hygienist in the same dental office in Smiths Grove, KY. She has two adult children, two grandsons and two granddaughters. Linda is known as a capable communicator, an effective leader, a popular speaker and one who leads by example. She has a passion for sharing the gospel.

Slow Cooker Living in an INstaPot World Terra Haisley

Are you feeling the pressure of the "you can do it all" culture we live in? In the hustle and bustle of life, it's easy to be swept away with fatigue, distractions and feeling overwhelmed with all of the to-do's. We run from one thing to the next, trying to catch our breath when we can. Jesus did not call us to exhaustion; He has called us to life. We all long for a simpler, saner approach to life, but where do we begin? In this session, we will explore common symptoms of a life out of balance and Scripture-based strategies to achieve balance, so you can enjoy life to the fullest.

Terra Haisley serves with her husband of 26 years, Greg , at Integris Community Church in Albany. They are currently experiencing an empty nest and enjoy being Poppy & Mamaw to three adorable grandchildren. Terra works in the local schools as an Occupational Therapy Assistant and is the owner of TerraTime Nature Play & Learning. She enjoys spending time with family and friends, curling up with a good book and getting out in nature.

The Blessing of Friends Jody Fleming

Who is your best friend? Maybe you have a shopping friend, a go-for-coffee friend, a crafting friend or an old school friend. Maybe you have a friend that you can pray with and study the Word; a Facetime Bible study friend? Maybe a family member has become a good friend-- sister-in law or husband?! Maybe you are friends with someone who you never expected to be friends. Or maybe you don't have a really good friend but would love to have one. Friends come in all shapes and sizes but often the person who could really be a great friend is someone we would never think of, like Ruth and Naomi. (I think they were great friends.) We have a panel of ladies to talk about what it takes to have and make all kinds of new friends. Join us for some fun discussions.

Jody Fleming and her husband have been serving for the past three years on the Eastside of Indianapolis. They spent 14 years serving in NW Indiana and then 15 years serving for the IMB in Guatemala and Mexico. Their position allowed them to visit most of Central and South America and see some wonderful places and people. They have three children and almost a dozen grandkids spread around the US. Currently, Jody works as a part-time secretary for a Methodist Church on the Eastside. In August, Jody celebrated one year of being a breast cancer survivor. God has allowed her to use that experience in talking to others who are going through cancer. In her spare time, she loves to quilt and garden. She has a Boston Terrier named Lucy.

Engaging the Happily Apathetic Cara Stevens

What can we learn from Paul about engaging our neighbors and those we love who are happily walking in darkness and don't care to seek the light? We will study Acts 17 to see ways that the Holy Spirit worked through Paul and could work through us if we are bold and obedient enough to engage those around us.

Cara Stevens is an IMB Missionary serving for the last five years with her husband Jacob and two daughters (Elisabeth, 3 and Abigail, 1) in Northern Portugal where less than 1% of the population has a relationship with God. She's passionate about leading and teaching women, intentional discipleship and Biblical literacy. When she's not running after her girls, she enjoys crocheting, chocolate and decaf coffee.

Lessons I’m Learning—Life in International Missions Cara Stevens

Are you interested in pursuing international missions, curious what living in a foreign country is like, or hungry to strengthen your call to the nations? Join us to hear stories of how God is at work in Western Europe and how He continues to use broken vessels to deliver the message of hope the world needs. We will hear about the learning curve of new missionaries and young families in the field and how God reveals Himself in gracious ways.

Cara Stevens is an IMB Missionary serving for the last five years with her husband Jacob and two daughters (Elisabeth, 3 and Abigail, 1) in Northern Portugal where less than 1% of the population has a relationship with God. She's passionate about leading and teaching women, intentional discipleship and Biblical literacy. When she's not running after her girls, she enjoys crocheting, chocolate and decaf coffee.

Clothing Ourselves for Conflict Allison Allen

Conflict in life is inevitable, and at times, even more so in the Church. The Bible speaks to this topic a lot and gives us great wisdom in how to handle it in a biblical way. As Christians, we are called to clothe ourselves with compassion, humility, patience and forgiveness. Let's learn together as we study the Word, discuss handling conflict in Biblical manner, and learn to be peacemakers who glorify God in the midst of our stress and anger.

Allison Allen is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and has been practicing for 13 years in community mental health and private practice. She also serves as an Adjunct Instructor at Campbellsville University and IU Southeast. Her husband Shea is the pastor of Refuge Church in Charlestown, which they planted in 2015. The have one son, Jude, who is eight years old.

Redemption and Restoration in the Midst of Trauma Pam Moran

Who can she trust? Jill comes to you and tells her story of abuse. What is your response? How do you help bring hope in the midst of despair? Light in the midst of darkness? Help restore trust, when the one she trusted, in the place she felt safe, becomes the one who shatters her beliefs and shakes her foundation. Abuse is a fact. In our homes, our schools, and yes, even in our churches. Please join us as we navigate through this difficult and painful journey. We will seek God's direction and His Word to walk through the path of redemption and restoration as we seek to help those who have experienced abuse.

Pam Moran is a biblical counselor and founder of Living Hope Counseling Ministries, Inc. Pam has a BS in Biblical Counseling and Religious Education and is certified through the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC). Living Hope Counseling Ministry is founded to help hurting people find hope and healing in Christ. God's Word gives born again believers all we need to live lives that are pleasing to God through the power of salvation and the Holy Spirit. Biblical counseling is also evangelistic in purpose; sharing the Gospel with those who come to the ministry for counseling. Pam and her husband Shawn are members of Parkside Baptist Church in Columbus. Pam and Shawn have been married 35 years and have two children, Kelley and John.
