Reading Say No to Drugs



Reading Lesson

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Grade 10 Term I Escola Secundária da Matola T. February 22th 2016

I. Read the text. Match the topics 1-5 to the paragraphs A-E

Why teenagers get involved in drugs Types of drugs Consequences of drug-addiction Parents’ wrong attitudes Why young people need to know about drugs

Be a winner, say NO to drugs!A (-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------)Young people need to know about drugs and drug abuse so that they can have a safety plan to protect themselves. Every child has the right to say NO to drugs, and the responsibility of educating others about drugs.

B (-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------)Drugs are one of the main causes of juvenile delinquency in today’s society. Young people get involved in drugs for different reasons. Things such as bad friends ‘let us try it’, peer pressure and the need to fit in the group, home influences, or sometimes taking care of an addicted person can also be pointed out as some of the causes.

C (-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------)A drug is any substance that makes you experience feelings of happiness, relaxation and excitement. There are different kinds of drugs. Drugs like alcohol and nicotine in cigarettes have a very powerful effect on the body. Some products like glue and cleaning fluids have not been made for man to take, so sniffing and drinking them do affect the body. Illegal drugs like cocaine, crack, heroin, marijuana and ecstasy have a very powerful and sometimes deadly effect on mind and body of consumers.

D (-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------)It’s worth knowing that drugs kill. So don’t take drugs. If you have never tried them before, keep away from them. If you are a drug addict, just quit it before ruining your life and is and your family’s.

E (-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------)One of the things that may help teenagers involved in drug and alcohol consumption is the way parents and the people look at them when they discover they are involved in drugs. The key issue is how much support these people give to teenagers. This is time when children need their parents the most and the biggest mistake parents can ever make is to disown their children or make harmful threats which can to certain extent, make them abandon home and go living with friends or gangs of drug addicts. This will certainly make rehabilitation more difficult.

II. Answer these questions about the text. 1. Why do young people get involved in drugs?2. Write 9 drugs from the text.3. Why shouldn’t you try drugs?4. What can make rehabilitation difficult to drug-

addicts?III. Organise the words and write out sentences1. drug addict./is/a/He _________________________

_____________________________________________2. glue./them/saw/I/sniffing ____________________

3. drugs/People/help./who are addicted to/need _________________________________________________4. came off/elder sister/My/drugs/last year. _____________________________________________________5. a notorious drug dealer./jailed/police/The ____________________________________________________6. need/ a counselling service centre/ drug users/

We/for ____________________________________

