RDE Journal 3rd 2013


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The RDE Quarterly Vol. 2 No. 3 July-September 2013


The RDE Quarterly Vol. 2 No. 3 July - September 2013

CONTENTS IRCIEST roster of speakers, facilitators finalized 3 Research and Extension Councils approve three major projects 4 BatStateU conducts annual Agency In-House Review 6 DTI, DILG tap BatStateU anew for BPLS validation survey 8 BatStateU showcases research outputs in product exhibition 10 Researchers present papers in international food conferences 11 DOST CALABARZON hosts 2013 SLCFE; BatStateU shows support 12 Team Matalaw wins Best Extension Paper Award in regional symposium 13 BatStateU hosts GAD Regional Cluster Conference 14

PRC Batangas, BatStateU Rosario co-sponsor

bloodletting activities, safety services trainings 16

PRC– Batangas awards BatStateU campuses 18 Lobo Women’s Club partners with BatStateU Lobo in livelihood training 19

CIT launches Adopt-a-Community Project 21

ESO personnel participate in DPR National Forum 22 EnSE Department’s Adopt-A-River Program launched 23 CI Philippines, BatStateU work on extension project 24 BatStateU shares extension best practices with Pangasinan State University 26 Research Presentations 27 In Focus: DOST’s Smarter Philippines program 28 Technology Transfer 30 Research and Extension activities 31

The RDE Quarterly is the official publication

of the Office of the Vice President for Research,

Development and Extension of Batangas State

University, Batangas City, Philippines.

Editor in Chief

Kristoffer Conrad M. Tejada

Editorial Team

Shirley G. Cabrera, Ph. D.

Prof. Jocelyn R. Castillo

Prof. Romeo C. De Castro

Technical Assistants

Richelle V. Boiser

Mitchell Darren M. Collado

Lea B. Guico

Mar Lopez

Emelie A. Ona

Ivy Fides R. Perez


Tirso A. Ronquillo, Ph. D.


Nora L. Magnaye, Ph. D.


The RDE Quarterly Vol. 2 No.3 July-September 2013

IRCIEST roster of plenary speakers, facilitators finalized

W ith the conduct of the 2013 Internat ional

Research Conference on Innovat ions in Engineering,

Science and Technology (IRCIEST 2013) just a

couple o f months away , the organ izing committee

finalized the roster o f p lenary speakers and Master

Class facilitato rs fo r the th ree -day event, which will

be held on Nov. 27-29, 2013 at the BatStateU GPB

Main Campus I.

Univers ity Pres ident Dr. Nora Magnaye, who also

chairs the Internat ional Advisory Board (IAB),

approved the list proposed by Dr. Tirs o Ronquillo,

General Conference Chair. The resource persons were

fo rmally inv ited through formal correspondence, and

the speakers confirmed their attendance to the


The p lenary speakers are Dr. Chris Short , Dr.

Gourab Sen Gupta, and Dr. Romel Gomez. Dr. Chris

Short current ly works at the Department of

Engineering and Mathemat ics at Sheffield Hallam

Univers ity in the United Kingdom (Principal Lecturer

Level). He has over 40 publicat ions covering

techn ical, design and educat ional issues. Dr. Short

will d iscuss Mult id iscip linary Des ign and Innovat ion

Convergence and their impact on indust ry and the

educat ion of eng ineers.

Dr. Gourab S en Gupta is an Associate Professor

at the School o f Engineering and Advanced

Technology (SEAT), Massey Univers ity, New

Zealand . He is a sen ior member of IEEE s ince 2005

and a Dist inguished Lecturer of the IEEE

Instrumentat ion & Measurement Society. Dr. Gupta’s

session will focus on Innovat ive W ireless Sensor Net-

work Design for Greenhouse Climate Monito ring and

Precis ion Agricu ltu re Applications.

The th ird p lenary speaker is Dr. Romel Gomez, a

Professor and Associate Chair fo r undergraduate

educat ion of the Department of Elect rical and

Computer Engineering and the Head of the

Nanomagnet ics/Elect ron ics g roup at the Univers ity o f

Mary land, College Park. He has co -authored over 80

refereed papers, and ho lds three U.S. Patents in the

field o f nanotechnology . His talk will focus on

Visualizat ion , Characterizat ion and Modificat ion of

Surfaces at the Nanometer Length Scales.

The conference will feature four master classes,

two of which will be facilitated by Dr. Gupta

(Robot ics and Automat ion) and Dr. Gomez

(VISSER). The other two facilitators are Dr. Jose

Cruz and Dr. Luis Sison .

Dr. Jose Cruz was Dean of Engineering at the

Ohio State Univers ity, and is Professor Emeritus at

the UIUC, Univers ity of Califo rn ia Irv ine, and at

OSU. He is a Life Fellow of IEEE, member o f the US

Nat ional Academy of Engineering, and of the

Nat ional Academy of Science and Technology of the

Ph ilipp ines. Dr. Cruz has authored seven books and

more than 300 journal art icles and conference papers.

His session will center on Outcomes -Based Educat ion

and Accred itat ion in Engineering and Comput ing.

Dr. Luis Sison is a p rofessor at the Elect rical and

Elect ron ics Engineering Institute o f the University o f

the Ph ilipp ines Diliman and the program leader o f the

DOST-UP Enterprise Center fo r Technopreneursh ip

where he adv ises start -up companies on technology

and bus iness strategy . His research interests are tele-

medicine, b iomedical inst rumentat ion , educat ion

technology, and wireless sensor networks. Dr. Sison’s

Master Class will be on Technopreneursh ip .

Dr. Chris Short Dr. Romel Gomez Dr. Gourab Sen Gupta Dr. Jose Cruz, Jr. Dr. Luis Sison


Research and Extension Councils approve three major projects

Members of the Resea rch and Extension Councils vote for the

approval of the proposed RDE projects during the joint meeting held

at the Nursing Amphitheatre, July 9.

The RDE Quarterly Vol. 2 No. 3 July-September 2013

In line with BatStateU’s mandate o f cont inuously

contribu t ing to the attainment o f sustainab le

development o f the Univers ity and of the communit ies

in its serv ice areas, the Research and Extension

Councils approved th ree major p ro jects during the

councils’ jo int meet ing held on Ju ly 9, 2013 at the

Nursing Amphitheater, GPM Main Campus I.

Unanimous ly approved during the meet ing are the

Adopt-a-Barangay program, construct ion of a Food

Innovat ion Center, and the Institut ional Graduate

Tracer Study (GTS).

Dr. Nora Magnaye , Univers ity Pres ident and

Chairperson of both councils, urged the members of the

councils to thoroughly deliberate on the details of each

of these p ro jects before being endorsed to the

Univers ity’s Board of Regents (BoR) for final


Univers ity o fficials p resent in the meet ing were Dr.

Tirso Ronquillo (VPRDE and Vice Chairperson of the

councils), Atty. Luzviminda Rosales (VPAF), Dr.

Michael Aloria (VPAA), Dr. Jessie Montalbo

(Execut ive Director, A langilan campus), Dr. Expedito

Acorda (Execut ive Director, Malvar campus), Prof.

Israel Piñero (Execut ive Director, Balayan and

Lemery campuses), and Prof. Enrico Dalangin

(Execut ive Director, Nasugbu campus).

A lso present were Dr. S hirley Cabrera (Director

fo r Research), Prof. Jocelyn Castillo (Director for

Research Management Serv ices),

Prof. Romeo de Castro (Director fo r Extension

Serv ices ), Prof. Realiza Mame , (Asst. Director for

Social Science Research) and Prof. Jovito Plata (Asst.

Director for Community Serv ices).

Adopt-a-Barangay Program

Prof. Jocelyn Cast illo p resented the ob ject ives, scope

and terms and references o f the Adopt -a-Barangay

Program, which primarily targets ten of the most

underserved barangays with in the University ’s serv ice


The program’s ob ject ives include the product ion of

funct ionally literate, self-reliant and innovat ive cit izens

imbued with values necessary fo r them to become

effect ive members o f society; enhancement of the

delivery of extens ion serv ices to target clientele through

a comprehensive, h igh impact and research-based

program; and improvement o f the quality of life at the

grassroots level by equ ipp ing the target beneficiaries

with vocat ional, livelihood, and technical s kills for

sustainab le development .

It was agreed upon that a Behavioral Monitoring

Survey (BMS) shall be the first phase and research

component o f the p rogram. It shall have a durat ion of

four months and shall be allotted a budget of

Php 95,800.00 for each of the ten (10) barangay

beneficiaries, which will be ident ified through the BMS.

Dr. Nora Magnaye, Chairperson of both Research and Extension

Councils, l isten intently during the presentation of the Adopt-a-

Barangay program. With her are other council members Atty. Lu z-

viminda Rosales, Dr. Michael Aloria, Prof. Israel Peñero and Prof.

Romeo de Castro.


The RDE Quarterly Vol. 2 No. 3 July-September 2013

Food Innovation Center

The proposed Food Innovat ion Center was

discussed next, and Dr. Sh irley Cabrera presented its

details. She stressed that with the successful researches

conducted by the Univers ity and the future researches

that may be developed that focus on food , hav ing a

Food Innovat ion Center will cater not on ly to the

Univers ity but also the Small and Medium-Scale

En terprises (SMEs ) in the p rov ince.

This center will be equ ipped with state o f the art

food equipment that can be used for the development of

new and innovat ive food products. The Department of

Science and Technology (DOST) will be involved in

the said program by prov id ing assistance in acquiring

food processing equ ipment , p rov id ing t rain ing in using

such equipment, and prov id ing train ing on basic food

hygiene and good manufacturing pract ices.

Dr. Jessie Montalbo, Dr. Expedito Acorda, Prof. Realiza Mame,

Mrs. Emma Villamater, Prof. Jocelyn Castillo, Prof. Jovito Plata and

Dr. Shirley Cabrera during the Joint Research and Extension Councils


Dr. Shirley Cabrera expounds on the details of the proposed

construction of the Food Innovation Center at the GPB Main

Campus II, Alangilan, Batangas City.

Prof. Jocelyn Castillo discusses the salient points of the Adopt-a

-Barangay program, a comprehensive and integrated community

-based development program.

The members of the Research Council found the

pro ject worthy of implementat ion, and agreed that the

Food Innovat ion Center shall be constructed at the

BatStateU Alangilan campus with a budget allotment

of Php 2,425,560.00.

Ins titutional Graduate Tracer Study

Prof. Realiza Mame presented the p roposed

Institut ional Graduate Tracer Study (GTS), which will

primarily be done online. Seeing the s ign ificance of

the GTS, the councils approved the conduct of the

study and agreed that the research instrument will be

based on the instrument being used by the Commission

on Higher Education (CHED), with some enhancements

and modifications to meet the specific objectives of the

BatStateU study.

Moreover, the survey shall be done online, with the

BatStateU graduates from AY 2007-2008 to AY

2011-2012 as target respondents. It shall have a duration

of eleven months and will commence immediately after

the online survey form is enhanced with the necessary

security features.

Other matters d iscussed in the jo int meet ing

include work and financial p lan (W FP) of ongoing

research studies. It was agreed upon that the W FP of

approved researches should have some modificat ions

to adhere to the rev ised Research and Development

Manual. Revis ions on the extens ion pro jects,

programs and act iv it ies fo r the school year were also

properly tackled and ad justed in accordance with the

approved Extension Manual.

6 News feature

The RDE Quarterly Vol. 2 No. 3 July-September 2013

BatStateU conducts annual Agency In-House Review

Prof. Rosenda Bronce answers the question posed by Dr. Beng Umali

during one of the research presentations.

Dr. No ra Magnaye expresses her gratitude to the guest reviewers

for the Agency In-House Review, and vows for her continuous

support to the University’s research and extension projects.

In order to evaluate on -go ing and completed research

and extens ion pro jects fo r AY 2012-2013, the Research

Management Serv ices Office spearheaded the conduct of

the Agency In -House Review (AIHR) at the Mult imedia

Rooms I and II, CITE Bldg ., on Ju ly 29, 2013.

Dr. Beng Umali (Cavite State Univers ity ), Ms . Almira

Magcawas (Cavite State University ), Mr. Rolando

Maningas (Laguna State Po lytechnic University ) and

Ms . Hanna Leen Capinpin (Department of Science and

Technology , Region IV-A) served as external evaluators of

the high ligh ts and progress of p ro jects p resented by the

Univers ity’s facu lty researchers and extens ion ists.

After the opening ceremonies, which included the

messages of Dr. Nora Magnaye and Dr. Tirso Ronquillo,

and the announcement of the gu idelines, mechanics , and

criteria fo r evaluat ion, the actual p resentat ion commenced.

Research presentat ions were held at the Mult imedia Room I

while those fo r extens ion pro jects were held at the

Mult imedia Room II.

Ms. Emelie Ona presented a completed research pro ject

entit led “Development and Ut ilizat ion of Technology on

Ind ian Mango Fru it Processing ,” which she co -authored

with Prof. Rosenda Bronce. Prof. Anacleto Caringal

presented an on -going research pro ject ent it led “Recent

Discovery of Natural Populat ion of Crit ically Endangered

Philipp ine Teak (tectona ph ilipp inensis Benth and Hook f.

Lamiaceae) along the Verde Is land Passage Marine

Biodivers ity Corridor (VIPMBC).”

Ms. Myrna Garcia of BatStateU Lobo presented an

on-going research pro ject ent it led “Breeds to Cross the

Challenges : Medium Scale Commercial Goat (Capra

hircus Linn.) Breeder and Fattener Product ion through

Upgrad ing in Lobo Batangas,” while Ms . Ivy Fides

Perez presented an on -go ing research pro ject ent it led

“Product ion and Characterizat ion of Sineguelas

(Spondias purpurea Linn) Jam.”

Engr. Marielli Katherine Untalan of CEAFA pre-

sented an on-go ing research pro ject ent it led

“Development o f Frozen Makapuno Meat as

Intermediate Raw Material fo r Food Processing,” while

Engr. Allan De Vil la also from CEAFACS presented

an on-going research pro ject ent it led “Design and

Development o f a Localized Ult ra -High Temperature /

High Temperature Short Time Pasteurizer.”

On the other hand, Mrs . Rowena Anyayahan of

BatStateU Lobo presented an on-go ing extension

pro ject ent it led “Capability Build ing for Women and

Community Groups of Lobo Batangas th rough KKK

(Kaalaman at Kabuhayan para sa Kababaihan). Ms.

Vaberlie Mandane of the College of Arts and Sciences

presented a completed research pro ject ent it led

“Changing Tides: Matalaw’s Flowing Crusade for

Calumpang River.”

The research pro ject “Development and Ut ilizat ion

of Technology on Ind ian Mango Fru it Processing” and

Dr. Nora L. Magnaye and Dr. Tirso A. Ronquillo as they give an overview and the agenda of the joint meeting held on July 9, 2013 at Amphitheater, BatStateU Main I.

Director for Extension Services Assoc. Prof Romeo C. De Castro, Director for Research Dr. Shirley G. Cabrera, Director for Research Management Services Prof.. Jocelyn C. Castillo and Assistant Director for Environment and Biodiversity Research Ass t.

Prof. Realiza M. Mame during their presentation at the R& E Council Meeting. The RDE Quarterly Vol. 2 No. 3 July-September 2013

News feature 7

Mrs. Rowena Anyayahan presents the study ―Capability

Building for Women and Community Works of Lobo,

Batangas through Kaalaman at Kabuhayan para sa Kaba-

baihan (KKK).‖

Prof. Anacleto Caringal presents his ongoing study ―Recent

Discovery of Natural Population of Critically Endangered

Philippine Teak along the Verde Island Passage Marine

Biodiversity Corridor.‖

BatStateU Research, Development and Extension officials pose for a souvenir photo with the panel of reviewers for the 2013

Agency In-House Review.

the extens ion pro ject ent it led “Changing Tides:

Matalaw’s Flowing Crusade for Calumpang River”

were declared as winners fo r th is year’s act iv ity . These

would be presented at STARRDEC’s Regional

Sympos ium on RDE Highlights to be held on

September 30, 2013 in Mindoro .

The KKK extens ion pro ject was set towards

capab ility bu ild ing of Lobo women and community

groups that would later lead to the foundat ion of

livelihood act iv it ies . It would be a co llaborat ive effort

between various stakeholders and specifically aimed to

strengthen the linkages between part icipat ing agencies

and community g roups. Selected beneficiaries would

be t rained on meat p rocess ing, scented candle making,

and liqu id d ishwashing soap making . They would also

go through a s imple bus iness p roposal making with

financial statement analys is as per requ ired by the

funding agency or fo r sourcing business cap ital.

On the other hand, Kalampag para sa Calumpang is

a campaign with the main thrusts of community

mobilizat ion , behavior change communicat ion, partner-

ship bu ild ing and lobbying for sustainab ility of

Calumpang River rehab ilitat ion . Th is primarily targets

young Batangueños (with ages 8–18) by prov id ing

volunteering opportun it ies that will encourage act ion

towards the improvement o f the river’s current state.

The secondary aud iences are the local leaders of

selected communit ies and barangays along Calumpang

River. The said extens ion pro ject was announced as a

winning pro ject to be submitted as BatStateU’s entry

fo r the Regional Symposium on Research , Develop-

ment and Extens ion Highlights (RSRDEH).

Dr. Nora L. Magnaye and Dr. Tirso A. Ronquillo as they give an overview and the agenda of the joint meeting held on July 9, 2013 at Amphitheater, BatStateU Main I.

Director for Extension Services Assoc. Prof Romeo C. De Castro, Director for Research Dr. Shirley G. Cabrera, Director for Research Management Services Prof.. Jocelyn C. Castillo and Assistant Director for Environment and Biodiversity Research Ass t.

Prof. Realiza M. Mame during their presentation at the R& E Council Meeting.

8 Research news

Mr. Aquino Dela Peña attend the Orientation on Streamlining of BPLS

held at the AIM Conference Center, Makati City, July 29.

The RDE Quarterly Vol. 2 No. 3 July-September 2013

DTI, DILG tap BatStateU anew for BPLS validation survey

BatStateU was once again tapped by the Department

of Trade and Industry (DTI) and Department of Interior

and Local Government (DILG) Region IV-A for the Vali-

dation Survey on the St reamlin ing of Bus iness Permits

and Licensing System (BPLS) in the CALABARZON


The pro ject ’s p rimary ob ject ive is to validate the

BPLS pract ices of the ident ified fifteen (15) Local

Government Units in Region IV-A CALABARZON

which are reported to have streamlined their permitt ing

process since January 2013. The validat ion is anchored

on the standards set by the DTI and DILG.

To facilitate regu latory simplificat ion serv ices to

LGUs , the DTI and DILG facilitated the Orientation on

Streamlining of BPLS held at the AIM Conference Cen-

ter, Makat i City on Ju ly 29, 2013. The said o rientat ion

was part icipated in by DTI and DILG personnel,

reg ional d irectors , private sectors and business

groups. Mr. Aquino M. Dela Peña, being one of the

members of BatStateU team in the validat ion pro ject,

also attended the said o rientat ion .


The d iscussion h igh lighted the p rogram’s goal to

assist cit ies and municipalit ies in fostering a bus iness

climate that will contribute to p rivate sector develop-

ment as well as the economic development . It in -

volves an exhaust ive rev iew of a local government

unit ’s regu latory framework with the ob ject ives of

removing unnecessary requ irements in reg istering


As an offshoot of the o rientat ion t rain ing to vali-

date the st reamlin ing of BPLS in local government

units in CALABARZON, the BatStateU research

team conducted the validat ion survey on the p ract ices

of selected 15 LGUs in the reg ion which are reported

to have st reamlined their permitt ing process.

BatStateU researchers include Mr. Aquino De La

Peña, Mr. Armando Mendoza, Ms. Irene Marali t,

Mr. Gemar Perez, Mr. Francis Balazon, Mr.

Edgar Mendoza and Mr. Kristoffer Conrad

Tejada. They conducted interv iews regard ing cus-

tomer percept ions about the bus iness reg istrat ion and

applicat ion .

The survey aimed to validate the st reamlined

process o f the LGUs and obtain response from the

reg istrants on their experience in do ing transact ions

related to business permit app licat ion . Two processes

were documented and validated: (1) the application for

the renewal of permits to operate businesses; and (2) the

new permits application to operate businesses in

CALABARZON. A total of 300 samples were randomly

selected, the sample size was proportionally allocated to

15 LGUs with 20 respondents each (10 for new and 10

for renewal).

The suvey was conducted in the fo llowing LGUs :

Carmona, Gen . Trias , Das mariñas (Cavite); Pagsan-

jan , Sta. Rosa, Calamba (Laguna); Batangas City,

Tanauan City , Calaca (Batangas); Ant ipo lo, Cainta,

Tanay (Rizal); and Lucban , Lucena, Lopez (Quezon).

The DTI Regional Office ident ified the aforemen-

tioned LGUs .

Mr. Armando Mendoza Jr., one of the enumerators,

asks questions to a respondent during the conduct

of BPLS survey.

Mr. Gemar Perez, one of the enumerators, locates

new establishments to identify appropriate respon-

dents for the survey.


The RDE Quarterly Vol. 2 No. 3 July-September 2013

After the fo rmal sign ing of the Memorandum of

Agreement , the p ro ject commenced with the strateg ic

plann ing and orientat ion of the BatStateU team. It

was emphasized that the survey essent ially intended

to assess the LGUs ’ compliance to the Jo int

Memorandum Circu lar (JMC) issued by DTI and

DILG regard ing BPLS, specifically in new bus iness

applicat ion and in the app licat ion for bus iness


The focus was on the adopt ion of the BPLS

Unified Form, reduct ion in the number o f signatories

in the permit , limit ing the number o f steps in app ly-

ing/ p rocessing bus iness permits and licenses, and

reduct ion of p rocessing t ime, all of which are

standards on BPLS streamlin ing .

The descript ive mix- method was used to come up

with the results o f the validat ion survey . Qualitat ive

elements like the respondents’ p rofile and the type

and classificat ion of their bus iness, and quant itat ive

factors like s ize, cost, and years o f bus iness opera-

tion , were cons idered in the survey . The LGUs ’

processes ind icators were analyzed against the

national standards as set in the JMC.

Results o f the survey show that generally , the

Bus iness Permits and Licens ing System (BPLS) of

the surveyed cit ies and municipalit ies in Region IV-A

CALABARZON are streamlined and compliant with

the DTI-DILG Jo int Memorandum Circu lar-1 Series

of 2010.

Some surveyed LGUs , however, showed min imal

deviat ions from the standard, which may be properly

rect ified th rough a rig id inspect ion and monito ring

system by concerned agencies to ensure that LGUs

fo llow standard ized procedures, especially in stream-

lin ing the five standard steps for bus iness permit

applicat ion and in adopt ing the content o f the s ing le

unified fo rm as st ipu lated in DTI-DILG Jo int

Memorandum Circu lar.

The results of the validation survey was submitted to

the DTI Regional Office, and eventually to the National

Competitiveness Council (NCC).

The Project Management Team discusses the details of the survey

during their orientation meeting for the project.

10 RESEARCH linkages

To ident ify, d isseminate, and promote mature technolog ies in the fields o f

agricu ltu re and fisheries , and to estab lish and strengthen linkages and net -

works among technology developers and generators, the Department o f Agri-

cultu re-Bureau of Agricu ltural Research (DA -BAR) hosted the 9th

Agriculture and Fisheries Techno Forum and Product Exhibition at the

Megatrade Hall 2, SM Megamall, Mandaluyong City on August 8 -11, 2013.

Bearing the theme, “Pagpapalaganap ng Teknolohiya para sa Mataas na

Antas ng Pagnenegosyong Pangsakahan at Pangisdaan ” the fo rum cum

exhib it ion served as a venue for showcas ing product and technology

innovat ions developed by DA offices, state un ivers it ies and co lleges ,

internat ional organ izat ions, p rivate sector, and other R & D partners with the

goal o f p rov id ing opportun it ies while st rengthen ing networks and linkages.

Booths and exhib its featured products and technolog ies recent ly developed

by part icipat ing R & D partners from Luzon , Visayas , and Mindanao .

Batangas State University served as one of the 107 exhib ito rs in the said

techno forum, wherein the fo llowing products were d isp layed and so ld :

tamarind jam, d ried Ind ian mango , tab leya, ookan , goat tapa, passion fru it

seedlings, and inarched p ilinuts .

Dr. Sh irley Cabrera, Engr. Elisa Gut ierrez, Ms. Rowena Anyayahan , Engr.

Marielli Katherine Untalan, Engr. Donnalyn Cabaces, Ms. Emelie Ona and

Ms. Ivy Fides Perez served as exh ib ito rs in the BatStateU Booth .

Dr. Shirley Cabrera and Engr. Donnalyn

Cabaces serve as exhibitors in the

BatStateU booth during the 9th

Agricultural and Fisheries Techno

Forum and Product Exhibition, August


BatStateU showcases research outputs in product exhibition

In response to the inv itat ion of Conservat ion

Internat ional (CI) Ph ilipp ines, BatStateU facu lty researchers

Alexander Corachea and Rommel Briones part icipated in

the th ree-day conference on Coral Triang le In it iat ive Forum,

Marine Protected Areas Forum and the Nat ional Coral Reef

Summit on August 14-16, 2013 at the Intercont inental Hotel,

Ayala Avenue, Makat i City.

BatStateU Researchers Corachea and Briones presented

the poster paper ent it led “Coral Reef Assessment and

Monitoring in MPAs of Lobo , Batangas us ing Automated

Rapid Reef Assessment Tool.” A lso , the Marine Science

Institute–University o f the Ph ilipp ines p resented the

importance of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs ) in the

country .

W inners o f the best MPA management p ract ices were

presented again with special recognit ion to Tubbataha Reefs

Natural Park & World Heritage Site and Bangan Marine

Sanctuary , Tungawan, Zamboanga Sibugay.

Mr. Rommel Briones and Mr. Alex Corachea during their poster

paper presentation at the CTI Forum, August 14.

Faculty researchers attend Coral Triangle Initiative forum

The RDE Quarterly Vol. 2 No. 3 July-September 2013


As an inst itut ion with an Innovat ion Technology

Support Office (ITSO), BatStateU sent its researchers

to the first part o f the Seminar on Patent Drafting

held at the Adamson Univers ity on Ju ly 23-26, 2013.

Th is seminar p rimarily aims to p rov ide knowledge

on the p rocedure involved in the substantive

examinat ion of patent app licat ions in accordance with

IP Code and the Implement ing Rules and Regulat ion


The t rain ing was part icipated in by the facu lty re-

searchers, and Innovat ion Technology Support Office

personnel from member inst itut ions. The part icipants

from BatStateU were Prof. Rosenda Bronce, Engr.

Donnalyn Cabaces, Dr. Leandro Dalhag , Ms. Irene

Maralit, Ms. Ivy Fides . Perez and Engr. Mary Rose

The participants during the Patent Drafting I at Adamson University, July 23 —26.

The RDE Quarterly Vol. 2 No. 3 July-September 2013

Atty. Bayani Loste and Atty. Editha Hechnova,

officers o f the Associat ion of Patent Agent Qualify ing

Examinat ions (PAQE) Professionals Inc., d iscussed

Patentab le Subject Matter.

Atty. S hiela Marie Tomarong , Chairperson of the

Committee on Rules o f the organ izat ion , tackled the

Industrial Applicab ility, Sufficiency of Disclosure, and

Unity of Invent ion while Engr. Caezar A. E. Arceo

and Engr. Arlene U. Prudenciado discussed Invent ive

Step .

Th is seminar p roved to be very usefu l in draft ing

patent claims , which is essent ial in filing a patent. An

echo seminar fo r Patent Draft ing I will be conducted by

the BatStateU part icipants somet ime next year.

BatStateU ITSO staff trained on Patent Drafting

Researchers present papers in international food conferences

Engr. Marielli Katherine Untalan

during her poster presentation at the

13th ASEAN Food Conference in

Singapore, September 9.

With the recent calls fo r innovative ideas on food technology and development,

BatStateU researchers responded by attending international conferences on food and

present ing their stud ies on the same top ic.

Dr. S hirley Cabrera attended the 46th Aust ralian Inst itute o f Food and Science

Technology (AIFST) at the Brisbane Convent ion and Exhib it ion Centre, Australia on

Ju ly 14-17, 2013. She presented her paper ent it led, “ Effects o f Processing Treatments

on the Bioact ive Compounds of Campbell Grape Ju ice.”

On the other hand , Prof. Rosenda Bronce and Engr. Marielli Katherine Untalan

attended the 13th ASEAN Food Conference 2013 at the MAX Atria, Singapore on

September 9-11, 2013. Prof. Bronce presented the paper “ Development and

Utilizat ion of Technology on Ind ian Mango Fru it Processing” while Engr. Untalan

presented the study ent it led “Proximate Analys is and Ant ioxidant Propert ies o f

Selected Fru its in Batangas .”

A ll papers underwent the rev iew process in accordance with the Univers ity po licy

on the evaluat ion of research papers p rio r to p resentat ion in internat ional conferences.


The RDE Quarterly Vol. 2 No. 3 July-September 2013

DOST CALABARZON hosts 2013 SLCFE; BatStateU shows support

Dr. Nora Magnaye and Dr. Tirso Ronquillo in front of the BatStateU booth

during the SLCFE held on Sept,eber 12-14, 2013 at the Sky Ranch, Tagaytay.

With them are Engr. Albertson Amante and ECE students.

Picture shows the part of the exhibit area that showcases aquacul-

ture and countryside development during the SLCFE.

The Department o f Science and Technology

Region IV-A hosted the South Luzon Cluster Fair

& Exhib its (SLCFE) on September 12-14, 2013 at

The Venue, Sky Ranch , Tagaytay City .

Bearing the theme “Science, Technology and

Innovat ion : Drivers of Change for a Smarter South

Luzon,” the act iv ity was part icipated in by

agencies, o rgan izat ions and h igher educat ion

inst itut ions in the reg ion , as well as those from

other geographic reg ions o f DOST.

It featured act iv it ies such as interact ive exh ib its,

technology forum, and contests on mobile

applicat ion development , all geared towards im-

prov ing the science and technology in it iat ives.

As an act ive partner o f the DOST, BatStateU showed

its support by part icipat ing in the interact ive exh ib its.

Dr. Nora Magnaye and Dr. Tirs o Ronquillo, together

with o ther Univers ity o fficials, attended the fair and

vis ited the booth prov ided for the Univers ity, where the

on-go ing research on Combined Rain fall and Wind Speed

Acquisition System with Intensity Characterization using

Fuzzy Logic was exhib ited. The BatStateU booth was

manned by ECE students headed by Engr. Alberts on

Amante o f CEAFA.

Hon . Sec. Mario Montejo of DOST delivered the

keynote speech and shared the in it iat ives and efforts of

the department in p rov id ing central d irect ion , leadership

and coord inat ion of all scient ific and technolog ical

act iv it ies in the country .

Sec. Montejo added that the DOST has launched its

new umbrella Science and Technology program called

Smarter Philippines to maximize the effect o f science

and technology on communit ies and people. (See feature

article on page 30.)

DOST IV-A Regional Director Dr. Alexander

Madrigal , Cavite Governor Juanito Victor Remulla

Jr., Tagaytay City Hon. Mayor Agnes Tolentino, and

Sta. Rosa, Laguna Hon. Mayor Arlene Arcillas were

also present in the event and expressed their g rat itude to

the part icipants and saluted the o rgan izers o f th is year’s

fair and exh ib it.

Vice Pres ident for South Luzon Philipp ine

Chamber o f Commerce and Industry , Mr. Eduardo

Nicolas III, also delivered an insp irat ional talk and

conveyed the importance of science, technology,

and innovat ion in the pursu it of change and

development fo r a s marter South Luzon.

After the opening program, the ribbon cutt ing

ceremony and v iewing of exh ib its took p lace, and

was spearheaded by DOST Usec. Carol Yorobe,

SLC Regional Directors, Mr. Eduardo Nicolas

III, Engr. Efren Nazareno, and the local

government officials p resent .

extension NEWS 13

The RDE Quarterly Vol. 2 No.3 July-September 2013

Team Matalaw wins Best Paper Award in regional symposium

Team Matalaw’s pro ject “Changing Tides : Matalaw

Flowing Crusade for Calumpang River” was awarded as the

Best Paper (Extension Category) during the Southern

Tagalog Agricu ltu re and Resources Research and

Development Consort ium’s 26th Regional Sympos ium on

Research, Development and Extension Highlights held on

September 30, 2013 at Occidental Mindoro State College,

San Jose, Occidental Mindoro .

BatStateU’s Team Matalaw beat eight other paper ent ries

across the reg ion . The team’s paper was presented by the

Extension Serv ices Coord inator of the College of Arts and

Sciences, Ms . Vaberlie Mandane .

In addit ion , the said reg ional sympos ium themed as

“STARRDEC@25: Renewed Strength th rough

Complementat ion in Research and Extens ion for Develop-

ment o f Southern Tagalog” showcased banner p rograms of

member agencies on research and development, R&D results

utilizat ion, capab ility bu ild ing, and gender and develop-

ment .

Ms. Vaberlie Mandane receives the Best Paper Award for the extension

project ―Changing Tides: Matalaw Flowing Crusade for Calumpang


University holds Partners Implementation Planning Workshop

A ll the staff and members of the p ro ject management

team of the United Nat ion World Food Programme

(UNWFP) DPR/CCA pro jects part icipated in the UNWFP

Partners Implementat ion Planning Workshop hosted by

BatStateU at the CITE Bldg ., Main Campus I on September

10-11, 2013.

The meet ing cum workshop aimed to develop a

coord inated work p lan for Ting loy -focused act iv it ies in line

with the UN W FP pro ject , as well as to p lot the work p lan

for report ing requ irements.

Ms. Maya Lyn Manocs oc and Ms . Irene Quizon of

WFP presided the meet ing and facilitated the workshop . Ms.

Manocsoc requested the Focal Person of W FP partners to

present the general in format ion of their respect ive pro ject as

approved by WFP for implementat ion and funding . After-

wards, the partners were asked to p repare their ind iv idual

work p lans.

Upon complet ion of the ind iv idual work p lans, Ms.

Quizon led the partners in develop ing the coord inated work

plan for Ting loy - focused act iv it ies.

The project management staff and members during the WFP Partners

Implementing Workshop held at BatStateU Main Campus I, September10.

A Farmer’s Forum was also conducted during the

sympos ium, which prov ided an opportun ity fo r the

part icipants to d iscuss several issues confront ing the

agricu ltu ral indust ry in the reg ion .

14 Extension news

BatStateU hosts 2013 GAD Regional Cluster Conference

The RDE Quarterly Vol. 2 No. 3 July-September 2013

Atty. Carmelita Yadao-Sison, CHED Central Legal Services

Officer, discusses the Anti-Sexual Harassment Law.

Dr. Nora Magnaye receives the certificate of appreciation on behalf of the

University for hosting the GAD Regional Cluster Conference. Presenting the

certificate are Dr. Teoticia Taguibao (Regional Director, CHED IV-B),

Dr. Freddie Bernal (Regional Director, CHED V) and Dr. Leonida Calagui,

(Regional Director, CHED IV-A). With them is Dr. Tirso Ronquillo, VPRDE.

With Gender and Development at the core of its

Extension Serv ices Program, the Batangas State

Univers ity hosted the CHED Regional Cluster

Conference on Gender and Development fo r Regions


(Bico l) on September 1-4, 2013 at the Gov. Feliciano

Leviste Memorial Mult ipurpose Gymnas ium, GPB

Main Campus I, Batangas City .

Having the theme, “ Towards Institutionalizing

and Strengthening Gender and Development

Program,” the conference aimed to deepen gender

awareness and sensit iv it ies of part icipants who have

similar reg ional concerns, to capacitate and t rain the

part icipants on the technical requ irements of GAD

plan and budget, and to st rengthen the partnersh ips

and linkages among the private and public HEIs on

specific reg ional GAD programs and act iv it ies.

A total of 173 academicians, extens ion ists and

students part icipated in the event. In her speech,

BatStateU Pres ident Dr. Nora Magnaye shared her

personal and professional experiences as an

empowered woman who fought fo r her rights and the

rights of the University . Being an outstand ing woman

Batangueña in the field o f educat ion, she emphas ized

that she continues to be a vanguard of the GAD

miss ion , saying that gender equ ity is more than a

goal but a precondit ion promot ing sustainab le

development and good governance.

Dr. Freddie Bernal , Director o f CHED Regional

Office V, ment ioned that gender issues are deterrents

to development , thus, it is important to address them in

development p lann ing. He also ment ioned that gender

issues affect everyone, and there is a need to start

adopting a GAD plan of act ion for all o rgan izat ions.

On behalf o f Batangas Gov. Vilma Santos -Recto,

Dr. Rolando Tumambing motivated the aud ience, cit ing

that the advocacy for GAD is a noble purpose and is part

of the local government’s main prio rit ies .

The inv ited resource speaker was Hon. Remedios

Rikken, Chairperson of Ph ilipp ine Commission on

Women (PCW ). She ment ioned the reasons fo r the

invo lvement o f CHED to GAD. Accord ing to her, gender

issues affect everyone, hence, the inst itut ion is mandated

by laws and po licies to strateg ically address such issues.

Hon. Rikken’s lecture centered on Gender Sensit iv ity,

Gender Equality and Gender Equity . She emphasized that

gender sensit iv ity is not a war o f sexes and is not an anti -

male stance. Accord ing to her, gender equality is seen as

both a human rights issue and a p recondit ion for and

ind icator o f sustainab le people-centered development.

Dr. Odine Maria De Guzman , Head of the UP Center

fo r Women Stud ies, lectured the part icipants on the

Integrat ion of GAD Concerns in the Curricu lum. She

discussed how to make the curricu lum gender -fair fo r the

benefit o f bo th teacher and student.

Extension news 15

The RDE Quarterly Vol. 2 No. 3 July-September 2013

Empowered women (from L-R): Dr. Wilhelmina Masinsin of the University of Rizal System, Dr. Odine de Guzman of the UP Center fo r

Women Studies, Dr. Rowena Navera of the Philippine State College of Aeronautics, and Dr. Dolores Laguilles of B icol Universit y share the

best practices on GAD in their respective institutions.

Hon. Remedios Rikken, Chairperson of

the Philippine Commission on Women

(PCW), facilitates the focused group

discuss ions and workshop on the

gender mains treaming ev aluation

framework dur ing the GAD Regional

Clus ter Conference, September 1-4.

The Gender Mainstreaming Evaluat ion Frame-

work, on which the workshop would be anchored,

was briefly d iscussed by Ms. Marife Flores of

CHEDCO. In the workshop, the three reg ions were

instructed to fo rm groups accord ing to classificat ion

such as SUCs, PHEIs and LUCs. They were

instructed to answer the institut ional self -assessment

questionnaires on gender mainst reaming , and to rate

their GAD pract ices using the four ent ry po ints

reflected in the Gender Tool.

Dr. Maria Teres a de Alban gave a

comprehens ive recap itu lat ion of the p rev ious day’s

act iv it ies. Th is was fo llowed by the p resentat ion of

GAD Best Pract ices: The MSC Experience by Dr.

Romulo Malvar , the BatStateU Experience, The

PhilSCA Experience by Dr. Rowena Navera, The

URS Experience by Dr. Wilhelmina Masinsin and

The Bico l Experience by Dr. Dolores Laguilles .

In the afternoon , Atty. Carmeli ta Yadao-S ison,

CHED Central Legal Serv ices Officer, presented and

discussed the fo llowing top ics : GAD Focal Po int

System, HEGAD Accord and CHED Act iv it ies, Ant i-

Sexual Harass ment Law, and Model Guidelines on the

CODI us ing the Implement ing Rules and Regulat ions

promulgated by the Board of Regents o f the UP System.

An open forum fo llowed Atty . Yadao-Sison’s talk,

where part icipants voiced out their concerns related to

gender issues. Hon. Rikken also gave her thoughts in

support o f At ty. Sison’s lecture.

During the clos ing ceremonies, Dr. Nora Magnaye

received the Cert ificate o f Appreciat ion in behalf o f the

BatStateU community fo r host ing such event. Dr. Tirso

Ronquillo , Prof. Romeo de Castro and Prof. Zenaida

Mendoza were also given cert ificates of appreciat ion for

supporting the reg ional cluster conference.

16 Extension activities

PRC Batangas, BatStateU Rosario co-sponsor bloodletting activities,

safety services trainings

The RDE Quarterly Vol. 2 No. 3 July-September 2013

In the pursuit o f support ing the advocacies o f the

Ph ilipp ine Nat ional Red Cross and in contribut ing to

the promot ion of vo luntary b lood donat ion, BatStateU

Rosario campus conducted a b loodlett ing act iv ity on

August 8, 2013 at the BatStateU Rosario campus .

The act iv ity was facilitated by the Ph ilipp ine

Nat ional Red Cross- Batangas Chapter delegat ion

composed of 17 members headed by Dr. Fulgencia

Ricero. For BatStateU, 27 Red Cross Youth Council

officers o f BatStateU Rosario, led by its p resident Ms.

Merlyn Morete , prov ided assistance.

The b loodlett ing act iv ity started early in the

morn ing, with donors from d ifferent co lleges

assembled at the gymnas ium for their preliminary

check up . There were also donors coming from outside

of the University who vo lunteered to be part of the

event. They were in formed about the p ro ject and were

inv ited by the PRC- Rosario chapter and the RCYC of

BatStateU Rosario .

A total o f 336 bags o f b lood were ext racted on that


BatStateU Rosario Extension Serv ice Coord inator,

Mr. Armando Mendoza Jr ., in formed the PRC that

the next b loodlett ing act iv ity is scheduled on January

2014. Dr. Ricero extended her g rat itude on behalf of

PRC-Batangas fo r the cont inuous support o f the

Univers ity to the Ph ilipp ine Nat ional Red Cross.

Two days after the successfu l conduct o f the

bloodlett ing act iv ity , BatStateU Rosario and the

Ph ilipp ine Red Cross- Batangas chapter co-

sponsored a S afety Services Training at the

Rosario West Central School (RW CS) on August

10, 2013.

Teachers of RW CS served as part icipants, while

Batangas PRC personnel facilitated the event , with

BatStateU extens ion ists assisting them.

The primary ob ject ive of the train ing was to

execute the task of the Ph ilipp ine Red Cross of con-

ducting a nat ionwide educat ional campaign on how

the Filip ino people can properly secure their health

and safety. Ph ilipp ine Red Cross and BatStateU

Blood donors from other universities, colleges and organizations line up for the preliminary check up and seem to enjoy themselves while

donating blood during the bloodletting activity, August 8.

BatStateU students participate in this year’s bloodletting activity

facilitated by the Philippine Red Cross– Batangas Chapter.

Extension activities 17

The RDE Quarterly Vol. 2 No.3 July-Septtember 2013

deemed that they should find people worthy to be

trained to ensure that the safety serv ices will be

made availab le in t imes of need.

The PRC together with the Red Cross Youth

Council (RCYC) of Rosario, a campus -based

organ izat ion comprised primarily o f teachers and

students who are already Red Cross volunteers,

conducted the First Aid Training held also at

Rosario West Central School.

A total o f 15 facu lty members o f RW CS

part icipated in the train ing, which was facilitated

by Mr. Paul Angelo De Castro (Red Cross’ Chap-

ter Head), with the assistance of RCYC headed by

Ms . Marjorie Andal .

The event started with a lecture on the d ifferent

manifestat ions or symptoms of severe human con-

dit ions, such as dog and snake bites, shock, diabe-

tes and open wounds .

The first aid that should be app lied fo r each

condit ion was also d iscussed and performed by

Ms . Stephanie Nadine Labrador, Mr. Wins ton

Darrel Alday, Mr. Lous Malle Asilo and

Ms . Rizalinda De Ramos .

After the lecture, the app licat ion of the concepts

acquired was done. Different bandaging techniques

that correspond to a certain in jury were taught.

Square knot and applicat ion of pressure to certain

points depending on the locat ion of the in jury were

technically exp lained.

In add it ion, simulat ion of transfer o f v ict ims and

rescue skills were also conducted . In rescue,

different ways of trans ferring the vict ims such as

one- man, two - man and lovers carry, as well as

packet dock carry were taught .

These modes of v ict im t ransfer from one p lace to

a safer locat ion will be beneficial to the v ict ims

having severe in ju ries.

When the train ing was completed, written and

pract ical examinat ions were conducted. Mr. Angelo

De Cas tro facilitated the written examinat ion, in

which all the part icipants were successfu l.

PRC Batangas expressed their g rat itude to

BatStateU Rosario for being an act ive partner o f the

organ izat ion in all its humanitarian endeavors.

Participants of the First Aid Training actively perfo rm the exercises facilitated by Batangas PRC personnel and RCYC, August 10.

Teachers of Rosario West Central School listen intently during one of the lectures as part of the safety Services and First A id Trainings.

In recognit ion of the humanitarian gesture of every

blood donor and its partner institu t ions to attain the

goal o f intens ify ing b lood donat ions and prov id ing safe

and quality b lood throughout the prov ince, the

Ph ilipp ine Red Cross- Batangas Chapter held its annual

Blood Donor’s Recognit ion Ceremonies at Hotel Ponte

Fino, Batangas City on Ju ly 26, 2013.

The event , which had the theme, “Every Blood

Donat ion is A Gift o f Life,” recognized its supporters

by award ing cert ificates and p laques as s ign of their

enduring appreciat ion.

In her speech , Batangas Governor Hon. Vilma

Santos -Recto expressed her support to the Ph ilipp ine

Red Cross in bu ild ing a PRC Blood Center which

would facilitate requests fo r b lood, and would hasten

the p rocessing of the donated b lood and other b lood


Further, the governor expressed her appreciat ion to

the inst itut ions that had been very act ive in

part icipat ing in and cooperat ing with the PRC’s

in it iat ives. She hoped that these inst itut ions will

continue to deliver support to d ifferent PRC act iv it ies.

Mr. Ronald Generoso, PRC Batangas Chapter

Administrato r and Ms. Gwendolyn Pang, PRC

Secretary General, also shared how gratefu l they are

fo r the unanimous support g iven by institu t ions and

ind iv iduals to PRC’s programs and pro jects.

Philippine Red Cross– Batangas awards BatStateU campuses

18 Extension news

Prof. Servillano Gardiano, Dean of the College of Industrial

Technology, receives the platinum award from PRC for having the

most number of donors for the past six years.

Mr. Armando Mendoza Jr. Asst. Director of Institution and Industry

Development Services, receives the award fo r BatStateU Rosa rio

for being one of the campuses with the most number of donors.

The RDE Quarterly Vol. 2 No. 3 July-September 2013

After the messages of PRC officials, the award ing of

cert ificates and plaques to inst itut ions and ind iv iduals

fo llowed . BatStateU Main Campus I, BatStateU Balayan

and Lemery , BatStateU Lobo, BatStateU San Juan,

BatStateU Lipa, BatStateU Malvar and BatStateU

Rosario all received cert ificates of appreciat ion for

in it iat ing vo luntary b lood donat ion in their campuses.

On the other hand, BatStateU Alangilan and Rosario

campuses received the platinum award fo r hav ing the

most number o f donors for the past s ix years.

Mr. Is rael Piñero, Execut ive Director o f BatStateU

Balayan -Lemery campuses, Prof. Servillano Gardiano,

Dean of College of Indust rial Technology , Mr.

Armando Mendoza Jr., Assistant Director of

Institut ion and Industry Development Serv ices, together

with other extension ists, attended the ceremonies and

received the awards on behalf o f their respect ive


The BatStateU officials who attended the ceremonies

vowed to cont inue their support to Batangas PRC’s

in it iat ives by hold ing b lood donat ion campaigns and

similar act iv it ies.

Extension activities 19

The RDE Quarterly Vol. 2 No.3 July-September 2013

Lobo Women’s Club partners with BatStateU Lobo in livelihood training

Women from Lobo look excited during the hands-on cooking as part of the Livelihood Training on Sugar Coated Peanut at Masaguitsit

Campus, Lobo, Batangas on September 10.

Being true to its mandate of continuously

providing livelihood opportunities for the

women of Lobo, the Lobo Women’s Club

(LWC) partnered with BatStateU Lobo in the

conduct of a livelihood training workshop on

September 10, 2013 at the BatStateU Lobo

campus, Masaguits it, Lobo, Batangas.

The livelihood training focused on the

production of Sugar Coated Peanut for 10

women at Masaguits it. It aimed to provide

bus iness opportunities to the Mabilog na

Bundok Community through a training-

workshop on sugar coated peanut, which is an

agricultural product of the community.

The BatStateU Lobo - College of

Agriculture and Forestry students and faculty

members organized the training program. Four

agricultural technologists from MAO-Taysan

served as resource persons. The project was

funded by the LWC through its Chair Ms. Lota


At the start of the training, Extens ion Coor-

dinator Rowena Anyayahan highlighted the

importance of the training and the development

of small-scale bus iness enterprise. This was

followed by the introduction of the invited

resource persons, Ms. Teodora Laygo and Ms.

Natividad Panganiban of the Munic ipal

Agricultural Office (MAO) of Taysan.

To further pique the interests of the

partic ipants, a cooking demonstration was done

by Ms. Laygo, after which the partic ipants were

grouped into three and performed hands-on


Packaging of the products was done in a

plastic container with 90grams content of coated

peanut. Costing, pric ing and marketing of the

product were also thoroughly discussed to the

trainees. Lastly, the trainees were asked to f ill

out the training evaluation form for further

enhancement of the next related trainings.

Likew ise, their demographic profile and soc io

-economic status were gathered as a baseline

data are necessary for the future evaluation of

the project.

Mrs. Anyayahan mentioned that the

Extens ion Services Office of the campus would

continue to support the advocac ies of Lobo

Women’s Club.


For the past several years, BatStateU has been very

act ive in part icipat ing in the annual celebrat ion of the

So lemnity o f Padre Pio o f Piet relcina, which is h igh lighted

by a medical and dental miss ion .

Th is year, the University con t inued its support to the

Order o f Friars Minor Capuchin’s (OFMC) annual act iv ity .

The Medical and Dental Mission was concret ized th rough

the BatStateU Extens ion Serv ices Office and the Health

Serv ices o f College of Nurs ing and Allied Health Sciences

on August 18, 2013 at the Capuchin Retreat Center, Brgy .

San Sebast ian, Lipa City .

The day started with the celebrat ion of the Holy Mass in honor o f the doctors, nurses and vo lun teers who supported

the medical and dental mission . The BatStateU delegat ion was led by Vice Presiden t fo r Research , Development and

Extension Dr. Tirs o Ronquillo and Extens ion Serv ices Director Prof. Romeo De Castro.

The University , th rough the in it iat ive of Dr. Nora Magnaye, donated P30, 000.00 to acquire the needed medicines

and supplies fo r the Medical Mission .

The OFMC Lipa City expressed their g rat itude fo r the vo lunteers’ wholehearted serv ice and ass istance that led to

the success o f the annual Medical and Dental Mission.

BatStateU supports OFMC’s Medical and Dental Mission

The beneficiaries of the Medical and Dental Mission, together with the volunteers from BatStateU during the medical mission held

at the Capuchin Retreat Center, August 18.

The RDE Quarterly Vol. 2 No. 3 July-September 2013

The RDE Quarterly Office of the Vice President for Research, Development and Extension

Batangas State University, Batangas City, Philippines

(043) 300-2202 loc. 108 batstateu_vprde@yahoo.com

Extensionists trained on GIS,

e-Extension services


CIT launches Adopt-a-Community Project

The College of Industrial Technology (CIT) Extens ion

Serv ices Office fo rmally launched its Adopt -a-Community

Program at Brgy . Tingga Labac, Batangas City on September 8,

2013. W ith the theme “Bagong Buhay , Bagong Pag -Asa sa Sit io

Bagong Umaga” the p ro ject aimed to enhance the knowledge of

men and women on technical-vocat ional and livelihood courses

to improve their socio -economic way of life.

Prof. Servillano Gardiano, CIT Dean , said that BatStateU

not on ly excels in its academic programs but also engages in

outreach and community serv ices to help people ach ieve a good

quality o f life.

Extens ion Serv ice Director Romeo De Castro in h is

message said that the o fficial launching of the pro ject signalled

the BatStateU’s commitment in catering the needs o f the

res idents o f Sit io Bagong Umaga.

For her part, Brgy . Chair Miriam Catapang challenged the

res idents of Bagong Umaga, especially the out o f -school youth

and women, to g rab the opportun ity and attend the t rain ings that

will be conducted by BatStateU. She stressed that t rain ings on

weld ing , au to mechanic, refrigerat ion/air-condit ion ing, t -shirt

print ing , meat and food processing will be very helpfu l in

improving the res idents’ livelihood.

The clos ing remarks was delivered by CIT Extens ion

Coord inator Cleofe Alma Bayot, who was one of the people

who conceptualized the pro ject . She ment ioned that the co llege

would remain faith fu l to its mission of help ing the community

through t rain ings and seminars . Mr. Raul At ienza of the Church

of Jesus Christ of Lat ter Day Saints was also p resent during the


The RDE Quarterly Vol. 2 No. 3 July-September 2013

Engr. Albertson Amante together with other participants during the ground

surveying activity using GPS Module as part of the GIS Training , August 12.

Prof. Servillano Gardiano and Prof. Cleofe Alma Bayot present the

certificate of appreciation to Hon. Miriam Catapang, who served as

facilitator during one of the trainings as part of CIT‖s Adopt-a-

Community Project .

The Agricu ltu ral Train ing Institute (ATI), the

lead agency in concret izing the prov isions of the e –

Extens ion serv ices, in co llaborat ion with various

agencies, bureaus and organ izat ional units of the

Department o f Agricu lture, sponsored a three -day

train ing on Geographic In format ion System (GIS)

on August 12 – 14, 2013 at the Arisabel Clubhouse,

Los Baños, Laguna.

Engr. A lbertson Amante, a facu lty extension ist

from CEAFA, attended the t rain ing, which aimed to

integrate and harmonize ICT – based extension

delivery system for agricu lture and fisheries. It

focused on GIS as one of the lead ing edge

technolog ies that has wide applicat ions in the field

of agricu lture.

During the t rain ing, part icipants were ab le to

acquire new informat ion about GIS such as

components, h istory, app licat ions, foundat ions and

concepts, and tasks and data. They were also g iven a

lectu re about Mapping Bas ics, s ince one of GIS’

outputs are maps.

Before the closing program, ATI personnel

discussed the e–Extension Program, an on line too l

sponsored by the Department o f Agricu lture (DA)

that prov ides useful materials in e– Farming and

e– Trad ing.

The RDE Quarterly Office of the Vice President for Research, Development and Extension

Batangas State University, Batangas City, Philippines

(043) 300-2202 loc. 108 batstateu_vprde@yahoo.com


In celebrat ion of the Nat ional Disaster

Consciousness Month, the United Nat ions World

Food Programme (UN W FP - Ph ilipp ines ) with

generous support from the United States Agency for

Internat ional Development - Office o f U.S. Foreign

Disaster Assistance (USAID - OFDA) hosted the

National Forum on Disas ter Preparedness and

Res ponse (DPR) was held at the Crowne Plaza

Manila Galleria, Ort igas on Ju ly 24-25, 2013.

Extens ion Serv ices personnel Prof. Romeo De

Castro, Prof. Zenaida Mendoza and Prof. Anacleto

Caringal part icipated in the nat ional fo rum, which

served as a venue for DPR stakeholders to exchange

in format ion , knowledge, best p ract ices and

coord inat ing efforts on Disasters Risk Reduct ion

(DRR) at the nat ional and local levels.

WFP– Philippines Representative and Country

Director Praveen Agrawal welcomed the part icipants,

presenters and guests to the fo rum and exhib it . A

plenary panel ent itled “Welcome to the DPR/CCA

National Forum on DPR held; ESO personnel participate

Prof. Romeo De Castro, Prof. Zenaida Mendoza and Prof. Anacleto Caringal actively participate in the National Forum

on Disaster Preparedness and Response (DPR) at the Crowne Plaza Manila Galleria, July 24 -25.

The RDE Quarterly Vol. 2 No. 3 July-September 2013

Leaders Café” facilitated by Rappler CEO Maria Ressa

was held in the afternoon. The panel was composed of

CCC Secretary Mary Ann Lucille Sesing, Albay Gov.

Joey Salceda, Ateneo School of Government Dean

Dr. Antonio Laviña and CDP Program Director

Benigno Baglos.

WFP GIS Specialist Juanito Berja delivered a very

comprehensive lecture on “Building Technical

Capacit ies of LGUs on GIS.” Technical presentations

and demonstrations with sectors from the DILG and the

National Mapping and Resource Informat ion Authority

(NAMRIA) also took place.

A Plenary Panel on “DRR in Recovery”, “IEC for

DPR/CCA” and on “Challenges for DPR/CCA

Implementat ion” was held and facilitated by WFP

Senior National Programme Officer Juan Blenn

Huelgas .

During the closing ceremonies, WFP CCA

Commiss ioner Nadereo S año led all the stakeholders

in the p ledge of commitment to DPR/CCA.


The Environmental and Sanitat ion Engineering

(EnSE) Department o f the College of Engineering,

Arch itecture and Fine Arts (CEAFA) launched its

“Adopt-a-River Program” on Ju ly 7, 2013 at Brgy.

In icbu lan , Bauan , Batangas.

The program was conducted in co llaborat ion with

Gawad Kalinga – Keppel Eco–Village and the

officials o f Brgy . In icbu lan.

The Adopt-a-River Program is a three– year

program, from June 2013 – June 2016, which aims to

rev ive and rehab ilitate Ig iw Falls and River and help

the said barangay boost its eco– touris m act iv ity

through the development of its natural resources and

tourist spots.

BatStateU volunteers, led by EnSE facu lty adv iser

Danica Maria Mercado and facu lty extens ion ist

Ernesto Magundayao , had a meet ing with Brgy.

Chair Maricho Ramos and Gawad Kalinga– Batangas

Head Ju lius Paradero to d iscuss the nature o f the

CEAFA’s EnSE Dep’t. launches Adopt-A-River Program

BaStateU students and other volunteers excavate portions of the

unnecessary soil deposit in sea rch of a lost pipe at Igiw Falls and

River located at Inicbulan, Bauan, Batangas.

The s tudent volunteers dur ing the clean -up activity at Igiw Falls, July 7.

The RDE Quarterly Vol. 2 No. 3 July-September 2013

partnersh ip, terms and condit ions , and work p lans

which would be st ipu lated in the Memorandum of

Agreement (MoA) to facilitate and harmonize

collaborat ion between part ies.

On Ju ly 7, an act iv ity was conducted to remove

the excess soil bury ing a p ipe which was prev iously

the source of clean water in the barangay, and to

excavate the so il depos its in the area.

Follow-up act iv it ies would be fund– raising for the

pro ject , t ree p lant ing act iv it ies , rev iv ing and

rehab ilitat ing Ig iw Falls/River, boosting the eco–

touris m of the community , clean ing the debris of the

river, removing sed iments in the river bed , and

eliminat ing p iggery wastes from the river.

24 EXTENSION linkages

To discuss the details of an on-go ing jo int p ro ject

of Conservat ion Internat ional-Philipp ines (CI-

Philipp ines) and BatStateU on Disaster Preparedness

and Response/Climate Change Adaptat ion (DPR/

CCA), representat ives from CI-Philipp ines v isited

the Univers ity on Ju ly 15, 2013.

The vis it cum meet ing aimed to clarify some

concerns and issues in the conduct of the Trainor’s

Train ing for BatStateU and Municipal Disaster Risk

Reduct ion Management Office o f Ting loy, which is

part o f the UN W FP approved pro ject ent it led

“Complement ing DPR/CCA In it iat ives of W FP

Partner Inst itut ions in Batangas Prov ince.”

The said p ro ject p rimarily aims to estab lish an

in formed, p repared and d is aster respons ive

community, and harmonize d isaster risk reduct ion

management and climate change adaptat ion among

the students in the academe part icu larly in tert iary

educat ion .

Pro ject Leaders Romeo De Castro and Angelica

Macalalad, together with Pro ject Assistant Jovito

Plata welcomed CI Project Coordinators (PC)

Encomienda and Maranan to the meet ing .

Prof. De Cast ro exp lained that W FP – BatStateU

DPR/CCA Pro ject has th ree components : Capacity –

build ing of Ting loy’s Sangguniang Bayan and its

CI Philippines, BatStateU work on extension project

Representatives from Conservation International Philippines and BatStateU Extension Services Office personnel meet to

discuss details of an extension project, July 15.

The RDE Quarterly Vol. 2 No. 3 July-September 2013

barangay officials on DPR/CCA (to be led by Prof.

Macalalad), Integrat ion of DPR/CCA in the

BatStateU’s NSTP course (to be led by Dr. Romeo

Guillo, Jr .,) and Development o f IEC materials and

documentat ion of the best pract ices on DPR/CCA (to

be led by Prof. Zenaida Mendoza).

Prof. de Cast ro fu rther said that the program aims

to bu ild res ilience of vu lnerab le communit ies and

reduce the impact o f natural d isasters and climate


During the meet ing , it was agreed that BatStateU

trainors would undergo a train ing workshop on DPR/

CCA on October 3-5, 2013.

Experts would be inv ited to train the staff on

DPR/CCA. The train ing would capacitate the t rainors

and be ab le to work on the construct ion of modules

and IEC materials to be used in train ing the barangay

officials and Sangguniang Bayan members of

Ting loy.

On behalf o f CI – Ph ilipp ines, PC Encomienda

volunteered to t rain the staff o f BatStateU and

Ting loy. She said that experts from CI Headquarters

would be inv ited to t rain the staff. Before the

meet ing ended, a copy of the t rain ing module of

CCA was g iven to Ms. Angelica Macalalad for

rev iew and evaluat ion.

DILG holds MSAC meeting, presents NEO program

EXTENSION linkages 25

The RDE Quarterly Vol. 2 No. 3 July-September 2013

The Mult i - Sectoral Advisory Committee (MSAC) of

the Department o f the In terior and Local Government -

Local Governance Regional Resource Center called fo r a

meet ing at the DILG I V-A Conference Room, FTI Com-

plex, Taguig City on Ju ly 3, 2013.

W ith BatStateU as an institut ional partner o f DILG,

ESO personnel Prof. Romeo De Castro and Prof.

Jovito Plata attended the said meet ing.

The meet ing was h igh lighted by the p resentat ion of

Updates on Programs and the 2013 Plans and Programs

of DILG – LGRRC based on the 2013 Plans and

Programs and resu lts o f Local Governance Performance

Management System (LGPMS). The meet ing also served

as a venue for the MSAC members to take part in

addressing the capacity requ irements of the newly elected

local o fficials .

In her message, Regional Director Josefina Cas tillo-

Go welcomed the members of the MSAC and guests to

the meet ing . She challenged the members to help in

addressing the capacity development of LGUs and the

newly elected local o fficials.

Asst. Regional Director Ariel Iglesia presented and

discussed the LGRRC Concepts and Framework, Roles

and Responsib ilit ies of LGRRC – MSAC Members, and

New Steps fo r LGRRC 4A. ARD Ig les ia described

LGRRC as a dynamic and interact ive v irtual program,

which contribu tes to bu ild ing DILG as a knowledge-

centric o rgan izat ion and bu ilds learn ing communit ies

that pursue local governance excellence through

knowledge sharing.

On the other hand , Local Government Capability

Development Div is ion (LGCDD) Chief Elsie Castillo

presented and d iscussed the newly–elected officials

(NEO) program. She said that one of the act iv it ies for

the NEO is the Webinar Series, a web conferencing

serv ice that would allow newly-elected officials to

part icipate in learn ing events under the NEO program.

The program is expected to o ffer in format ion of text-

based messages, vo ice and v ideo chat to be

simultaneously across geographical d ispersed locat ions.

Other p rograms include the conduct o f Bas ic Orientat ion

Seminar, Formulat ion of ELA–CapDev Agenda, and

Peer to Peer Learn ing .

Multi-Sectoral Advisory Committee Members are all ears during the discussion facilitated by Asst. Regional Director Ariel Iglesia.

Prof. Romeo de Castro listens intently during the LGRRC

Multi-Sectoral Advisory Committee meeting, July 3.

The Pangasinan State Univers ity– Extension

Serv ices and Community Outreach (PSU-ESCO), in

partnersh ip with 12 LGUs with act ive Farmers

In format ion and Technology Serv ices (FITS),

conducted an Extens ion ists Capability Enhancement

Train ing cum Lakbay Aral at BatStateU on July 15 –

16, 2013.

The vis it included a round tab le d iscussion which

aimed to acquaint the PSU extens ion ists on

BatStateU’s best extension agricu ltural p ract ices and

technolog ies.

VPRDE Dr. Tirs o Ronquillo welcomed the PSU-

ESCO and FITS Centers extens ion ists to the meet ing.

He shared BatStateU’s newly approved Extension

Thrusts & Priorit ies and the benefits & priv ileges

prov ided for the facu lty extension ists.

In h is p resentat ion , Extension Serv ices Director

Prof. Romeo De Castro chron icled the success and

accomplishments o f SULAMBI – the BatStateU

Integrated Extens ion Program, from 2006 – 2013. He

said that the success was attained th rough the support

of the BatStateU admin istrat ion and ded icated

extension ists, as well as strong linkages with partners

and the people in its serv ice areas .

After the presentation, PSU-ESCO Director Leticia

San Gabriel delivered a message on behalf o f her

group. She said that the best extension pract ices and

technolog ies p resented enhanced their knowledge and

interest to serve people and communit ies better. She

further thanked the University fo r the warm welcome

and accommodat ion prov ided to their team.

BatStateU shares extension best practices with Pangasinan State University

26 EXTENSION linkages

Dr. Tirso Ronquillo and Prof. Romeo De Castro share with representatives

from Pangasinan State University BatStateU’s accomplishments and best

practices in line with extension services during the Capability Enhance-

ment Training cum Lakbay Aral at BatStateU, July 15.

ESO Personnel attend PPOC, PDRRMC

joint meeting

Prof. Romeo De Castro and GAD Asst. Director

Zenaida Mendoza attended the Prov incial Peace and

Order Council (PPOC) and the Prov incial Disaster Risk

Reduct ion Management Council (PDRRMC) Jo int

Meet ing held at the Bulwagang Batangan , Capito l

Compund, Batangas City on Ju ly 10, 2013.

Hon. Governor Vilma S antos-Recto warmly

welcomed the regu lar members o f the PPOC and

PDRRMC, guests from the PNP, PAF, AFP and

representat ives from the media and educat ional

inst itut ions. She called fo r the support and coord inat ion

of every member o f PPOC and PDRRMC to improve the

peace and order program, as well as the d isaster p repared-

ness of the Prov ince of Batangas.

Police Director Rosauro Acio reported that Batangas

is second most peacefu l p rov ince in CALABARZON from

January to June 2013. Prof. De Castro made a mot ion for

the PPOC to pass a reso lut ion for the removal o f Batangas

Prov ince from the elect ion watch list, which was approved

by the body.

The RDE Quarterly Vol. 2 No. 3 July-September 2013

PPOC, PDRRMC members, together with Gov. Vilma Santos Recto,

during the councils’ joint meeting, July 10.


4th Asia Pacific Business Conference

Bayview Hotel Singapore

September 30 – October 1, 2013

Current Status and Attributes of Filipino Women Entrepreneurs:

Basis for Entrepreneurial Model

Dr. Erma B. Quinay

Psychographic Factors that Influence Buying Decisions Irene H. Maralit

13th ASEAN Food Conference

Max Atria, Singapore

September 9-11, 2013

Development and Utilization of Technology on Indian Mango Fruit


Rosenda A. Bronce

Emelie A. Ona

Proximate Analysis and Antioxidant Properties of Selected Fruits in


Marielli Katherine C. Untalan

International Conference on Computer Networks and Information Technology (ICCNIT)

Hotel Ibis Bangkok Nana, Bangkok, Thailand

June 29, 2013

Application of CURE Data Clustering to Batangas State University Student

Data Base

Dr. Christopher Chua

46th Annual Australian Institute of Food and Science and Technology (AIFST) Convention

Brisbane, Australia

July 14-17, 2013

Effects of Processing Treatments on the Bioactive Compounds of Camp-

bell Grape Juice

Dr. Shirley G. Cabrera

Prof. Kwang-Deog Moon

The RDE Quarterly Vol. 2 No. 3 July-September 2013

Dr. Shirley Cabrera, Dr. Erma Quinay, Prof. Rosenda Bronce and Engr . Marielli Kather ine Untalan dur ing their

respective paper presentations .

28 In focus

The RDE Quarterly Vol. 2 No. 3 July-September 2013

DOST launches Smarter Philippines program

W ith the immense challenges imposed by the inev itab le

internat ional and nat ional changes that affect the country’s

economical, po lit ical and socio-cu ltu ral landscapes, the

Ph ilipp ine government is charged with the responsib ility of

proposing various measures to address such challenges, trigger

catch -ups and decrease gaps with the more advanced nat ions.

As the nat ional government’s arm in p rov id ing central

direct ion , leadership and coord inat ion of all scient ific and

technolog ical act iv it ies, and in fo rmulat ing po licies, p rograms

and pro jects to support nat ional development, the Department

of Science and Technology (DOST) cont inues to find ways to

ensure that steps are undertaken that would address areas of

maximum economic and social benefits fo r the people.

Recent ly , the DOST launched its new umbrella Science and

Technology program called S marter Philippines to maximize

the effect of science and technology on communit ies and

people. Th is is hoped to eventually improve the quality of life

of the Filip inos and drive socio-economic growth throughout

the country .

In an art icle from the In format ion and Communicat ions

Technology Office (ICTO) of DOST, the department’s new

program is set to spur economic growth , bannered by its six

core areas of Smarter Government, Smarter Economy, Smarter

Environment , Smarter Mobility , Smarter Liv ing and Smarter


Secretary Mario G. Montejo of the Department of Science and

Technology addresses government and industry professionals at

the Marco Polo Hotel in Davao City on how the Smarter

Philippines six core areas aim to address the nation’s current

needs. (photo from ICTO website)





Smarter Economy

Smarter Environment

Smarter Mobility

Smarter Living

Smarter People

In focus 29

The RDE Quarterly Vol. 2 No. 3 July-September 2013

From left: Alejandro Melchor (ICTO deputy executive

director), Louis Casambre (ICTO executive director),

Sec. Mario Montejo (DOST secretary), and NICP chair

Lizabel Holganza dur ing the press briefing after the launch. (photo from ICTO website )

Among the examples g iven was DOST’s Nat ionwide

Operat ional Assessment o f Hazards pro ject, which is a

key enab ler in Smarter Environment wherein a

combinat ion of various technolog ies are used to develop

environmental hazard models and weather monito ring

systems to p revent the devastat ing effects o f natural

disasters .

Sec. Montejo believes that these intelligent ICT -

enabled systems, combined with scient ific knowledge

and local know-how, will prov ide more solut ions to our

pers istent prob lems , and resu lt in better lives fo r the

Filip ino people.

He added that with the help o f an engaged cit izenry ,

the Ph ilipp ines can make quantum leaps in its socio -

polit ical and socio -economic systems , to reap the fu ll

benefits of a s marter future.

Sec. Montejo elaborated on how intelligence can be

embedded in many aspects of our daily lives to have

sign ificant t ransformat ional effect. He stressed that

“there really is no limit to the many ecosystems and

in frastructures in which we can embed intelligence

through science and technology . Th is emerg ing parad igm

is tru ly what will complete the next revo lut ion : the shift

from “informat ion societ ies” to “smarter (networked)

societ ies”, to Smarter Ph ilipp ines.”

Undersecretary Louis Cas ambre of the In format ion

and Communicat ions Technology Office o f the DOST

was also present during the launch to talk about the

various in it iat ives h is agency is spearhead ing to enab le

Smarter Government , part icu larly the In tegrated

Government Ph ilipp ines or iGovPhil project wherein

they are develop ing the in frastructure app licat ions to

address government's need for interconnect iv ity and more

efficient and t ransparent public serv ice.

Smart Cit ies Program Director A lejandro Melchor III

elaborated on how Smarter Ph ilipp ines aims to drive

development not only in the cit ies but also the country-

side, creat ing tru ly inclus ive growth ensuring that no one

is left beh ind .

30 Technology transfer

CEAFA shares research output to BFAR Batangas

The BatStateU College of Engineering , Arch itecture and Fine Arts (CEAFA) has always been act ive in p rov id ing

engineering so lut ions to d ifferent community p rob lems th rough the use o f research -based technolog ies. Th is is in line

with the Univers ity ’s commitment to transfer knowledge, des ign and processes to cooperat ives, and Local Government

Units (LGUs ).

The most recent extension act iv ity in the co llege is the t rans fer o f technology as a product o f the study on Tilap ia

Feed ing System. The pro ject started in November 2012 and was completed in April 2013. The research find ings were

fo rmally g iven to the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquat ic Resources (BFAR) on Ju ly 2013.

Facu lty adv iser Engr. Jan ice Peralta and student researchers Diosa Jamila Angs ioco , Christ ine De Sagun , and

Liezeth Serrano spearheaded the t ransfer. A budget o f Php 54, 605.00 was allocated for the pro ject .

The t rans ferred technology considers the Average Body Weight (ABW ) and two water quality parameters, which

were g iven by BFAR as the parameters fo r the feed ing operat ion of the system.

CEAFA student researchers and extensionists endorse their study’s manuscr ipt to the official from the Bureau

of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR).

The RDE Quarterly Vol. 2 No. 3 July-September 2013

What is Technology Transfer?

According to Republic Act 10055 also known as the Technology Transfer Act, technology

transfer is an act that promotes the transfer of technologies and knowledge from research and

development. It facilitates the distribution, effective use, management, and commercialization of

intellectual properties, as well as knowledge resulting from government-funded research and


In Batangas State University, technology transfer enriches the university culture of research

and innovation among faculty and students directed to an institutionalized cooperation for

scientific, cultural and technological growth, independence and advancemen t.


The RDE Quarterly Vol. 2 No. 3 July-September 2013