Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy - REBT



A presentation to understand the basic principles on REBT

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Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), Presented by Kiran Sakroji as part of LIBA EPGDBM Course, 2006-2008 1

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Stress and Counseling

What is REBT

Self Talk & Disputing


Three Basic MUSTS

Albert Ellis

ABC Model


Principles of REBT

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy

Kiran Sakroji (TP0604)

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), Presented by Kiran Sakroji as part of LIBA EPGDBM Course, 2006-2008 2

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Stress and Counseling

What is REBT

Self Talk & Disputing


Three Basic MUSTS

Albert Ellis

ABC Model


Principles of REBT

Albert Ellis was born of Jewish parents on September 17, 1913 in Pittsburg.

He completed his degree in Business Administration from city university of New York in 1934

He joined clinical psychology program at Columbia in 1942, and in 1943 he started private practice in family and sex counseling

He received his PhD degree in 1947, and started working on Freudian theories.

He practiced classical psychoanalysis and taught at Rutgers and New York university.

He became chief psychologist at New Jersey Diagnostic Centre in 1950.

His growing recognition as sexologist, enabled him to become American editor of International Journal of Sexology, by 1951.


Albert EllisAlbert Ellis

Stress and Counseling

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), Presented by Kiran Sakroji as part of LIBA EPGDBM Course, 2006-2008 3

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Stress and Counseling

What is REBT

Self Talk & Disputing


Three Basic MUSTS

Albert Ellis

ABC Model


Principles of REBT

Albert EllisAlbert EllisHe became the first prominent psychologist to advocate gay liberation.

His penchant for efficiency combined with his observation of patients and readings of philosophers like Marcus Aurelius and Epictetus lead him to new theory of psychotherapy.

By 1955, he gave up passive psychoanalytic procedures and concentrated on his new theory called as Rational Emotive Therapy.

He published his first book on REBT, “How to live with a Neurotic” in 1957.

In 1959, he founded The Institute for Rational-Emotive Therapy and by 1968, it was chartered by the New York State Board of regents as a training institute and psychological clinic.

July 24th 2007 saw the sad demise of this personality after a long illness.

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), Presented by Kiran Sakroji as part of LIBA EPGDBM Course, 2006-2008 4

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Stress and Counseling

What is REBT

Self Talk & Disputing


Three Basic MUSTS

Albert Ellis

ABC Model


Principles of REBT

The Three Basic MUSTS MUSTS The thoughts / ideas that upset us are all variations of three common irrational beliefs:

I must do well and win approval of others for my performances or else I am no good.

This leads to anxiety, depression, shame and guilt.

Other people must treat me considerately, fairly and kindly, and in exactly the way I want them to treat me. If they don’t, they are no good and they deserve to be condemned and punished.

This leads to rage, passive-aggression and acts of violence.

I must get what I want, when I want it; and I must not get what I don’t want. It’s terrible if I don’t get what I want, and I can’t stand it.

This leads to self-pity and procrastination

It is the demanding nature of the beliefs that cause the problem.

Less demanding, more flexible beliefs lead to healthy emotions and helpful behaviors.

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), Presented by Kiran Sakroji as part of LIBA EPGDBM Course, 2006-2008 5

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Stress and Counseling

What is REBT

Self Talk & Disputing


Three Basic MUSTS

Albert Ellis

ABC Model


Principles of REBT


1. He made me so angry.2. If they do that they will make me very depressed.3. It really made me anxious.

Que: What do we infer from above statements?


Let “A” Stand for Activating Event and “C” stand for consequence.


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AActivating Event


Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), Presented by Kiran Sakroji as part of LIBA EPGDBM Course, 2006-2008 6

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Stress and Counseling

What is REBT

Self Talk & Disputing


Three Basic MUSTS

Albert Ellis

ABC Model


Principles of REBT


The Truth:

Events contribute to consequence, but they themselves do not cause consequence.

Events disturb us, but whether to get devastated by them depends on us.

Not events, but their evaluation makes people either happy or sad.

A (Activating Event) is beyond our control. But B (Belief system) is within our control. C (Consequence) can be changed / altered successfully if B is appropriate and rational.


AActivating Event



Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), Presented by Kiran Sakroji as part of LIBA EPGDBM Course, 2006-2008 7

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Stress and Counseling

What is REBT

Self Talk & Disputing


Three Basic MUSTS

Albert Ellis

ABC Model


Principles of REBT

REBT is a form of psychotherapy, which is sensible, action-oriented approach to coping with problems and enhancing or encouraging personal growth.

It is based on the premise that whenever we become upset, it is not the events taking place in our lives that upset us; but our beliefs about the events.

Our beliefs about a particular event make us depressed, anxious, enraged etc.

Everyone carries rational and irrational beliefs. But if irrational beliefs begin to affect our daily life and hurt our emotions, we need some way to get over it. REBT helps us in doing so by appealing to our intelligence to look at situations from realistic perspectives.

What is REBT?What is REBT?

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), Presented by Kiran Sakroji as part of LIBA EPGDBM Course, 2006-2008 8

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Stress and Counseling

What is REBT

Self Talk & Disputing


Three Basic MUSTS

Albert Ellis

ABC Model


Principles of REBT

Continuous efforts need to be made on “B” to have appropriate “C”.

Advantages of working on “B”:

Helps in understanding “A” and cope with it.

Even if “A” changes for worst, you can exercise very different options with care, concern and grace.

The most effective way to work on “B” is through the concept of “Self-Talk”.

Self Talk & DisputingSelf Talk & Disputing

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), Presented by Kiran Sakroji as part of LIBA EPGDBM Course, 2006-2008 9

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Stress and Counseling

What is REBT

Self Talk & Disputing


Three Basic MUSTS

Albert Ellis

ABC Model


Principles of REBT

Self Talk & DisputingSelf Talk & DisputingSelf-Talk:

It is a steady stream of on-going thoughts or internal dialogue that goes on in our minds constantly. It influences our moods, emotions, and ultimately our behavior. Thus, Self-talk deals with:

a) Thinking

b) Emotion

c) Behavior

The guiding principle of self-talk:

a) For personal change to occur, there has to be change in self-talk.

b) Concurrently there has to be emotional change.

c) It has to be reflected in behavioral alternatives.

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Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), Presented by Kiran Sakroji as part of LIBA EPGDBM Course, 2006-2008 10

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Stress and Counseling

What is REBT

Self Talk & Disputing


Three Basic MUSTS

Albert Ellis

ABC Model


Principles of REBT

Self Talk & DisputingSelf Talk & DisputingThe three characteristics of self-talk are:

a) Rationality: Trained minds tend to think more positively, logically and systematically.

b) Specificity: Self talk becomes conditioned to success and failure events, changing dramatically based on the mindset created in particular situation.

c) Automaticity: Extensive repetition creates highly automatic thoughts called as Beliefs.

Advantages of Self-Talk:

a) Elevate motivationb) Enhance focus / concentration:- Focus on priorities and goals, rather than distractionsc) Manage Stress:- Controlling negative thoughts reduces stress.d) Boost Self confidence:- Positive self-talk creates awareness of ability to compete and succeed.

e) Maximize skill development and performance

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Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), Presented by Kiran Sakroji as part of LIBA EPGDBM Course, 2006-2008 11

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Stress and Counseling

What is REBT

Self Talk & Disputing


Three Basic MUSTS

Albert Ellis

ABC Model


Principles of REBT

Self Talk & DisputingSelf Talk & DisputingDisputing: It is the process of learning to reduce our emotional disturbance by working on the irrational beliefs and replacing negative thinking with positive thinking.

Self-talk leads us to harmful and helpful beliefs, either of which can be strong or weak. The emotional and behavioral consequences are based on the strength of beliefs.

Thus to pursue adaptive behavior, one has to dispute the harmful beliefs, strengthen the helpful beliefs and continuously monitor them.

Disputing essentially involves:

– Detect: Detect your self-talk at that time.

– Discriminate: Discriminate between helpful and harmful beliefs.

– Debate: Fight with harmful beliefs to reduce their strength and surrender them to helpful beliefs.

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Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), Presented by Kiran Sakroji as part of LIBA EPGDBM Course, 2006-2008 12

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Stress and Counseling

What is REBT

Self Talk & Disputing


Three Basic MUSTS

Albert Ellis

ABC Model


Principles of REBT

Self Talk & DisputingSelf Talk & DisputingExample:

• “I shouldn’t have eaten that pizza tonight! I’m so stupid. I’m just a hopeless case. My wife undermines my self-control. I’ll never be able to reduce my tummy. I should just give it up!”

• “I wish I hadn’t eaten that pizza! It wasn’t a good choice, and I’m smart enough to make good choices. Looking back, I realize I wasn’t hungry. I was stressed, and I was only wanting to calm down. So how can I calm down in a healthy, positive way? I’m determined to pull down my tummy, and mistakes are just part of the learning process.”

Which is going to give more motivation… Negative or Positive self-talk?

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Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), Presented by Kiran Sakroji as part of LIBA EPGDBM Course, 2006-2008 13

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Stress and Counseling

What is REBT

Self Talk & Disputing


Three Basic MUSTS

Albert Ellis

ABC Model


Principles of REBT

Self Talk & DisputingSelf Talk & DisputingNegative self-talk can be disputed and changed with awareness and practice.

Conscious efforts need to be made to replace Negative with Positive self-talk.

Negative self-talk is usually a mixture of half-truths, poor logic, and distortions of reality that perpetuates negative emotions, such as pessimism, guilt, fear, and anxiety.

It often occurs in times of emotional turmoil or stressful situations.

Following are various ‘thinking errors’ which lead to erroneous thinking which need to be disputed and negative thinking should be replaced with positive thinking:

Focusing only on problems: We dwell on problems, instead of solutions. Assume most problems have solutions and ask “How do I want this situation to be different?”

Catastrophizing: Every bad thing that happens is a horrible disaster.Be realistic in your assessment and stop scaring yourself. Bad things do happen and many of them are due to mistakes or foul-ups, need not necessarily be traumas, tragedies.

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Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), Presented by Kiran Sakroji as part of LIBA EPGDBM Course, 2006-2008 14

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Stress and Counseling

What is REBT

Self Talk & Disputing


Three Basic MUSTS

Albert Ellis

ABC Model


Principles of REBT

Self Talk & DisputingSelf Talk & Disputing Stereotyping: Categorizing others and ourselves with preconceived notion.

(For eg: “I’m the boss, so I know more than my sub-ordinates. They can’t teach me”)This leads to strained relationships and undeserved sense of superiority or inferiority. It also deprives us to understand the uniqueness or giftedness of others.

Instead remind yourself that each of us is unique with pros and cons.

Shoulds: Words like, Should, ought, must, have to etc if used carelessly, presupposes rules and standards for behavior that do not exist in reality. (For eg: “I should be smarter than I am”, “I ought to have kids by now”).

Replace the words should, ought, must with “COULD” and realize the gift of choices.

Thinking in Absolutes: We exaggerate reality with words like “always”, “never” etc. (For eg: I always eat too much-I will never be slim”)

Replace exaggeration with words that more accurately reflect reality. (For eg: “I often eat more than I need, but I can change that.”)

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Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), Presented by Kiran Sakroji as part of LIBA EPGDBM Course, 2006-2008 15

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Stress and Counseling

What is REBT

Self Talk & Disputing


Three Basic MUSTS

Albert Ellis

ABC Model


Principles of REBT

Self Talk & DisputingSelf Talk & Disputing Negative Labels: Negative labels lower self-esteem in ourselves and others.

(For eg: “I’m fat”)Change the negative “I-am” into a statement about behavior. (For eg: I make unhealthy choices when it comes to food.”)The negative statements often form a part of our identity and we dislike ourselves. A person can engage in stupid behavior occasionally, but that doesn’t make him a stupid person. Its easier to change a behavior, than to change the identity.

Overgeneralizing: Similar to stereotyping and thinking in absolutes. It means that we consider one occurrence of an event and generalize it to numerous other situations. (For eg: He is a nice man, but he won’t help me. Therefore no nice man will ever help me)When misused, this kind of generalizing can lead to illogical conclusions. Instead ask yourself whether there could be exceptions to your generalization. Does a single occurrence mean it will happen every time?

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Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), Presented by Kiran Sakroji as part of LIBA EPGDBM Course, 2006-2008 16

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Stress and Counseling

What is REBT

Self Talk & Disputing


Three Basic MUSTS

Albert Ellis

ABC Model


Principles of REBT

Self Talk & DisputingSelf Talk & DisputingTips for replacing Negative with Positive:

Take a deep breath, relax, and remove yourself from the situation.

Get up and stretch or take a walk to interrupt the train of negative thoughts.

Write down the negative thoughts on paper.

Ask yourself “Are the things I’m saying true? Are there other possibilities and meanings that I could get from these circumstances.?”

Replace your negative thoughts with realistic, positive thoughts --- write them down on paper.

Repeat positive affirmations until you begin to get good sense of positive thinking.

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Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), Presented by Kiran Sakroji as part of LIBA EPGDBM Course, 2006-2008 17

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Stress and Counseling

What is REBT

Self Talk & Disputing


Three Basic MUSTS

Albert Ellis

ABC Model


Principles of REBT

Self Talk & DisputingSelf Talk & Disputing

To maintain positive self-talk:

Fill your mind with uplifting ideas.

Recognize your strength.

Comfort yourself when things go wrong.

Make self-talk soothing and supportive like a counselor of friend.

Commit to changing your actions according to improved self-talk.


Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), Presented by Kiran Sakroji as part of LIBA EPGDBM Course, 2006-2008 18

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Stress and Counseling

What is REBT

Self Talk & Disputing


Three Basic MUSTS

Albert Ellis

ABC Model


Principles of REBT

Principles of REBTREBT You are responsible for your own emotions and actions. Only you can upset yourself about

events. The events themselves, no matter how undesirable can never upset you.

Your harmful emotions and dysfunctional behaviors are the product of your irrational thinking.

There are two types of problems in everyone’s life: practical and emotional.

Practical problems are difficulties and inconveniences caused by situations.

Emotional problems are caused by our perceptions of the practical problems, self and other’s behavior.

You can learn more rational view by training yourself.

You’ll experience a deeper acceptance of yourself and greater satisfaction in life by developing a rational perspective.

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), Presented by Kiran Sakroji as part of LIBA EPGDBM Course, 2006-2008 19

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Stress and Counseling

What is REBT

Self Talk & Disputing


Three Basic MUSTS

Albert Ellis

ABC Model


Principles of REBT

ConclusionConclusionIt is unlikely to completely eliminate our tendency to think irrationally, however its frequency, duration and intensity can be reduced.

In order to be happy (Goal of REBT), REBT thrives to help us develop three types of acceptance:

Unconditional Self-acceptance:– I am a fallible human being; I have my good and bad points.

– There is no reason why I must not have flaws.

– Despite my good and bad points, I am no more worthy or no less worthy than other human being.

Unconditional Other-acceptance:– Other people will treat me unfairly from time to time.

– There is no reason why they must treat me fairly.

– The people who treat me unfairly are no more worthy or no less worthy than other human being.

Unconditional Life-acceptance:– Life doesn’t work out the way that I like to.

– There is no reason why life must go the way I want it to.

– Life is not necessarily pleasant but it is never awful and it is nearly always bearable.

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), Presented by Kiran Sakroji as part of LIBA EPGDBM Course, 2006-2008 20

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Stress and Counseling

What is REBT

Self Talk & Disputing


Three Basic MUSTS

Albert Ellis

ABC Model


Principles of REBT

1. Notes of REBT workshop conducted by Dr. Anand Nadkarni, Dr. Shubha Thatte.

2. www.healthymind.org

3. www.healthyhabits.com

4. www.rebt.org

5. www.rebtnetwork.org

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Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), Presented by Kiran Sakroji as part of LIBA EPGDBM Course, 2006-2008 21

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Stress and Counseling

What is REBT

Self Talk & Disputing


Three Basic MUSTS

Albert Ellis

ABC Model


Principles of REBT
