Rat Poison and Pets, a Deadly Combination The Story of Jack and his dog Duke


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Rat Poison and Pets, a Deadly Combination

The Story of Jack and his dog Duke

Jack and his dog Duke are the best of friends. Duke follows Jack everywhere he goes.

Jack takes good care of Duke, making sure his parents buy the best dog food and treats to keep Duke healthy.

He also makes sure Duke gets plenty of exercise and Jack even brushes Duke’s teeth.

Jack’s Dad found some mouse droppings in the garage; wanting to protect his family from the diseases that rodents carry, he put out some rat poison.

He made sure to put the poison higher up on shelves so Jack and Duke couldn’t get into it.

But...dogs are very curious and can find a way into most anything.

Rat poison is made with a food attractant to make it appealing… it smelled like a tasty treat to Duke.

Duke started to feel very sick and Jack was worried for his friend.

Common signs of poisoning: Signs of internal bleeding include lethargy, exercise intolerance, coughing, difficulty breathing (due to bleeding into the lungs), weakness, and pale gums.

Less common signs include vomiting, diarrhea (with or without blood), nose bleeds, bruising, bloody urine, swollen joints, inappetance, and bleeding from the gums.*

Even with an emergency trip to the veterinarian, Duke did not make it.

According to the ASPCA, nearly 7,000 pets are accidently poisoned each

year by rodenticides.


Jack was heartbroken at the untimely death of his best friend.

Even worse, Jack’s Dad felt completely responsible for the accidental poisoning. He knew his son loved that dog so completely and Duke should have had many more years to run and play with Jack.

Protect your pet by using pet-safe rodent

control methods.

To learn more about dangers to your pet, visit: www.petpoisonhelpline.com

If you think your pet may have been exposed to poison, call the Pet Poison Helpline right away!
