Raspberry Production in Tunnelsacre of 10-10-10 or make applications according to soil tests...


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Raspberry Production in Tunnels

@ High Meadows Farm

Westminster West, VT

The Tunnel

30 x 90 ft Harnois Oval Tech II (the wider the house the harder it is for

cross ventilation)

Roll up side walls + Roll up roof vent

Estimated $10,000 - 12,000 new for frame, materials and labor

Our Tunnel Costs

Used Frame: $3,000

1 sheet of plastic: $300

Drip Tape: $500

Labor* to construct house + skin: $1,200

End walls including labor: $500

Total amount: $5,500

* At least for the first house it’s necessary to employ a professional to oversee the construction


One layer of soft poly plastic typically lasts

4-5 years

Plastic on ours lasted 3 years due to hail damage

Double inflated could last for 5-6 years and also create enough pressure to not be damaged by incoming objects

Stronger plastics providing sufficient light diffusion and less hot spots are available, allowing for the use of one layer

Soil Preparation

Commercial grower should use 500 lbs. per acre of 10-10-10 or make applications according to soil tests (Nourse)

Before putting the tunnel up we prepared the soil by tilling in: 10 tons of used potting soil (comprised of VT

Compost and Faferd) saved for 5 years

1200 lbs. of Lime

Using a bedmaker we made 4 beds, complete with driplines under black plastic mulch


The four beds are spaced 6 ft apart Six feet of black woven ground cover is laid between


Plants are planted every 18 inches, (24 inches is suggested by experts)

In the future we might try using 8 ft ground cover and

no plastic mulch so that it is easier to access plants in order to fertilize, etc.

Establishing the Tunnel




Weed Control


Pest issues



Early Spring:

Cut down all plants leaving as little of a stub as possible from the ground

Early Summer:

When plants are 4.5 feet tall cut the tops so that the plants are about 4 feet tall

Thin out suckers so that 4-6 canes per foot of row remain


We use a simple technique - Wooden stakes and twine

8 foot stakes are at least 2 in. thick

Pound in a stake every 8 ft on both sides of a bed

Starting at the base of the plant tightly wrap twine every

2 ft around each staked bed

By using this method hidden berries will expose themselves thus increasing the harvest

Every Farm needs a magic redheaded raspberry elf!

Weed Control

All plants are under black plastic mulch to minimize weeds

Black ground cover between rows

Regular weeding is necessary, especially during the growing season

Make sure not to cultivate more than an inch deep when around the base of the plant due to the shallow root system


In new plantings, apply blended fertilizer around each plant. Once the planting is established, fertilize yearly by the first of May. Evenly distribute fertilizer (½ cup) per plant.

During the season, for now we use Daniels Pinnacle 3-1-1

This liquid fertilizer is applied through the dripline with water once every two weeks during the spring for abundant vegetative growth

As plants start to flower we stop fertilization, but still water

Raspberries need 1 to 1.5 inches of water per week from flowering until harvest

Pest Issues

Spotted Wing Drosophila

Found around the 2nd week of august this year

Symptoms: Larvae in berries

Treatment: Pick out all berries in house and spray Entrust. After each spray must wait four days before picking again. We

sprayed twice


Significantly less infected berries

Can be present all year long Prevalent during hot dry

Periods Make sure to be watering more

Symptoms: Discoloration of leaves - areas of white striping, bronze dots Leaves become brittle and fall

Treatment: Released Neoseiulus Fallacis (optimal temp 50-80 Degrees)

Result: Definitely released the predatory mite too late, although spider mites

didn’t cause too much more damage

Fast mite= good mite slow mite= bad mite

Spider Mites

green stink bug nymph

Stink bugs have five nymphal stages as they mature They eventually become green with orange and black markings. At full size, green stink bugs are bright green and about 3/4 inch

long Symptoms:

Feed on leaves and stems

Treatment: ?

Result: ?

Green Stink Bugs


July 9th: Started picking November 10th: Stopped picking

In July the picking is about 10 half pints an hour In August picking is about 15 half pints per hour (That is until the fruit flies came) This reduced picking average to about 6 uninfected half

pints an hour In the 2nd week of September there were no more

traces of fruit flies and the picking average leveled out at 12 half pints per hour

Instead of using clam shells we use the half pint fiber containers and plastic lids

For two years our raspberries have been a

GAP Certified crop


Retail price for our half pint pre-fruit fly was $3.75

During and after the invasion $4.00

Since customers were ok with the end of the year price we will start next year with the $4.00 per half pint price



Retail Estimate 3.60 1336 4810

Wholesale 2.67 37 99

Total Picked 3.57 1373 4908


Pick Labor 15 140.75 2111

Other Labor 15 13.00 195

Total Labor 15 153.75 2306




Efficient Tunnel Use



Allows for picking no matter the weather

Early Harvest/ Season Extension

Preventative for airborne diseases

Frost Protection

Needs shade cloth mid-summer -we use a 50% mesh

Takes up space for potentially more profitable crops

Primocane Varieties

• Polana- Earliest to ripen, smaller

• Autumn Britten- ripens early nice and plump

• Caroline- very vigorous

• Anne- large yellow fruit

• Joan J- a high yielding thornless variety

• Jaclyn- very firm, resistant to sun scald

Autumn Britten


Joan J



Whats the next niche?
