Raspberry Pi Home Automation




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Classification of Occluded Objects using random sub-space classifier

Raspberry Pi Home Automation System Under the guidance ofS K UmaAsst..,ProfessorDept of CSEPESCE, MandyaPresented byP Bhaskar Rao(4PS13SCE10)3rd Sem Mtech in CSEDept of CSEPESCE, Mandya

System Architecture

Raspberry PiMemory



2 USB portsEthernet port3.5mm jack for audio outHDMIComposite Video


SoC is a Broadcom BCM2835This contains an ARM1176JZFS (ARM11 using an ARMv6-architecture core) with floating point, running at 700Mhz, and a Videocore 4 GPU.

Raspberry Pi GPIOOne powerful feature of the Raspberry Pi is the row of GPIO (general purpose input/output)

These pins are a physical interface between the Pi and the outside world. At the simplest level, we can think of them as switches that you can turn on or off (input) or that the Pi can turn on or off (output).

Seventeen of the 26 pins are GPIO pins; the others are power or ground pins.

GPIO Cont..The GPIO pins on a Raspberry Pi are a great way to interface physical devices like buttons and LEDs

If youre a Python developer, theres a library called RPi.GPIO

RPi.GPIO handles interfacing with the pins.

To add the GPIO library to a Python import RPi.GPIO as GPIOModules IdentifiedSERVER SIDE

LightingCamera And MonitoringDoor Sensors


Smart PhoneFlowchart of the proposed frameworkUse Case Diagram

Thank you
