Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University · welding shop and carpentry shop. Modern machines...


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Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University

Technology ParkAugust 2012


H n'b V e h nc r, Uo le ic -C a ello RTMN

- il: c g ni@ o ma m ; Pho 0712 045

E ma v na u h t il.co ne: -2523

2.ea , ep f l g RTMN

H d D t o Geo o y, U

E ma p d ku a ma m; b 63707

- il: ra eep nd l@g il.co Mo .: 09423 3


D t r, o r f olleg a d U iv it D elo ment RTM

irec o B a d o C e n n ers y ev p , NU

- il a c p r f m i m ; M b : 888889E ma : d _ng @ edi f a l.co o . 0 8874

4.ro & ea , ep . f us s M na eme t R NU

P f. H d D t o B ines a g n , TM

E ma : v ny k_d h@ a . o o . 09 725

- il i a es y hoo c m; M b : 822737


V ha int , 8, in a Ro d Na pis l Pa s N-4 H g a , g ur

- il ru is lp mai m; b 32344

E ma : a nl.v ha @g l.co Mo .: 0982 06


a n La . t t , B jip a hun g N g rAn co b Pv L d 60, a r b a ar, a pu

E ma : a c ns g g mil.co Mob : 09823- il na o d @ a m; . 167077


P f., ep . f Chemis ry R NU ro D t o t , TM

- il _jun @ a o . o ; o . 32119

E ma : hd eja y h o c m M b : 095450

8.ea , D t o M l. iol. G ic En g. RT NU

H d ep . f o B & enet g , M

E ma : d iniva _ @ho ma . o o . 09 7732

- il r_sr su t t il c m; M b : 92379


9As c P f , ep . f Pha c TM

so . ro . D t o rma y, R NU

- il rk kd a o m; b 71106E ma : d a e@y ho .co Mo .: 09822 0


irec o U iv sit nd t I era t n Ce t L TM

D t r, n er y-I us ry nt c io n re, IT, R NU

E ma : di nu g il.co o .: 098 85

- il lip 60@ ma m ; M b 224660

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As c P f , I RTMNso . ro . L T, U

- il ho ma e@y ho .in; M b 22805E ma : mb t ng a o o .: 094 132

12.so . ro Di t r, a v n i B t h. re, NU

As c P f. & rec o R ji Ga dh io ec Cent RTM

E ma : d t r.rg c g il.c m M b : 094202- il irec o b @ ma o ; o . 78178


Tra ng a P Of ic r, LI RTM ini nd lacement f e T, NU

- il his d g il.c m; M b : 82319E ma : g a @ ma o o . 09 6924


s . r f s r (Sr , ep . f l g RTMNAs ist P o e so .) D t o Geo o y, U

E ma : su h.huma ma m; M b 22873

- il med ne@g il.co o .: 098 863

. Sa ,h rm d ron

Dr V. S. pkal C ai an an Pat

Prof Pradee ndal D rec T no og

. p Ku ,i tor, ech l y Park

D C dhary em

Dr. A. . hau ,M ber

Pr f Vina shpaM ber

o . yak De nde,em

n war, em

Shri Aru LanjeM ber

. rs. S. . aM ber

Dr (M ) D G rway, em

. . D. u ja,em

Prof H J neM ber

Prof T Srini ,M ber

. . vasuem

. . Kakem

Dr. R B de, M ber

Shri D. kar M ber

K. Kawad ,em

r. Bhot ange,em

D M. G. mM ber

Dr. S. . aM ber

S P nde,em

. Ghisadem

Shri S P. ,M ber

D S K. u ane, M ber ret y

r. . H mem Sec ar

A sdvi ory

C m i t eo m t e

About University

About the Technology Park

Objectives of the Technology Park:

Workshops organized so far by the Technology Park:

The Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University (formerly known as Nagpur

University) was established on 4th August, 1923. Presently University comprises of thirty-

eight Postgraduate Teaching Departments (PGTD), three Constituent Colleges/Institutions

(Law college, Laxminarayan Institute of Technology, and College of Education). The

university offers courses in various faculties such as Arts, Science, Law, Social Science,

Commerce, Home Science, Education, Pharmacy etc. The faculty of University are carrying

out research in thrust and interdisciplinary areas and the research is being supported by various +

funding agencies. In January 2009 the University was accredited with “B ” grade by NAAC.

The Technology Park (TP) of the Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur

was established in 2007 with an objective to bring the academicians, researchers and

industrialists on a common platform for mutual benefits and for benefit of the society at large.

The park acts as a bridge between academicians and industries and channelizes the

institutional activities to provide long lasting solutions to industries. The aim of the TP is to

create an atmosphere for innovation and entrepreneurship for active interaction between

University and industries for sharing ideas, knowledge and experience and provide facilities

for the development of new technologies and their rapid transfer to the end user. Further, the TP

commercializes the universities researches and expands the universities and industrials

relations. The TP will suggest the researchers of the university departments to generate

research output keeping the industrial demands in mind. Moreover, the TP will assure and

ensure industries to provide skilled manpower from the university departments for the

optimum benefit for their industries.

·To organize yearly workshop/ training for university teachers and industrialists to

facilitate interaction between the university, industries, R & D institutions and

government/ private/ NGO's for upgrading science and technology;

·To invite and undertake research projects from industries to promote applications

oriented research and technology transfer and

·To establish Incubation, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Centre.

1) The Technology Park in association with the Vidarbha Productivity Council, Nagpur had

organized “Discuss ion-cum Workshop of Univers i ty teachers and thIndustrialists/Entrepreneurs of Nagpur area” on 10 October 2008 at Convocation Hall of


2) The “Technology Park” and “University-Industry Interaction Centre” of the Rashtrasant

Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur organized a Workshop “Current Research

thScenario in the University: Prospects for Industries” on 29 March 2012 at the

Auditorium of Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences of University.

3) “An Interactive Workshop between University and Industries for Technology th

Development and Transfer” on Wednesday, the 29 August, 2012 at the Gurunanak

Bhavan of University.

The Teaching Departments of the Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University are

Institutions which have been nurtured over the last fifty years and have developed and

established themselves as centres of higher learning capable of delivering the best possible

solutions to problems faced by Industries, laboratories and Society and thus bring enhanced

reputation to them. Over the last fifty years each of these Departments have produced

expertise that remains unmatched and unparalleled over the time. Many of these Departments

have enriched themselves with sophisticated equipments and modern infrastructure by raising

the funds from various funding agencies like Department of Science and Technology(DST),

University Grants Commissions (UGC), All India Council for Technical Education, under

various scheme like Fund for Improvement of S&T Infrastructure in Higher Educational

Institutions (FIST) and Special Assistance Programme (SAP) etc. that are invaluable and

could provide the outside world the best chance of a possible solution. The following is a brief

account of State-of –Art facilities available and services offered to industries by different

departments :

State-of –Art facilities available and Services may be offered to


Name of Department (Head and his contacts: Email; Mobile)

State-of –Art facilities available Services may be offered to industries

Laxminarayan Institute of Technology

Dr. M. K. N. Yenkie, Director-in-Charge


Contact: 0712-2531659 (O)

Mobile : 09822579443


a) Department of Chemical Engineering

Equipment for Heat Transfer, Mass Transfer, Process Control and Instrumentation and Mechanical Operations. CHEMCAD for simulations and solutions.

Process engineering such as conceptual plant design with basic inputs and developing basic process flow sheets, as well as material balance, energy balance, equipment sizing and utility sizing. Basic engineering services such as development of master plan layouts, utility layouts etc. Process design and mechanical design of specialized equipments. Polymer processing and resin manufacturing facilities. Engineered incremental improvement to reduce waste, improve efficiency, yield or reduced production costs and capital investments.

b) Department of Food Technology Radio-Frequency Dryer, Texutre Analyzer, Lovibond Colour Measurement (Spectrodensitometer), Fermenters (2 liter to 5 liter capacity), Freeze Dryer, Vaccum Dryer, Fluidized Bed Dryer, Baking Oven. Refrigerated Centrifuges (low and high speed), BOD Incubator, Shaker Incubator, Spectrophotometer, Cold Centrifuge, Moisture Meter, Laminar Air Flow.

Analysis of raw material and processed products. Product development. Shelf life and packaging studies. Process optimization. Nutritional value determination. Microbiological analysis

Name of Department (Head and his contacts: Email; Mobile)

State-of –Art facilities available Services may be offered to industries

e) Department of Pulp and Paper Technology

Equipments for Pulp & Paper Technology Testing of paper sample for G.S.M. Thickness, Cobb value, Brightness, etc. Analysis of fibrous papermaking materials, papermaking chemicals, pulp analysis, and paper testing for their physical properties like moisture, ash content, G.S.M., calliper and other testing.

f) Department of Applied Chemistry Gas Chromatography (GC with FID; Shimadzu:2014). Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS: Shimadzu).UV-Visible spectrophotometer.

Testing and analysis of water and waste water samples for the effluent treatment and process design. Identification of volatile organic pollutants and detection of selected heavy metals. Analysis of water and waste water pollutants.

g) Department General Engineering Workshop for machine shop, fitting shop, welding shop and carpentry shop. Modern machines like CNC Lathe, Milling, Hack-Saw, Wood Turning.

Services to the industries by conducting theory and practical based training programmes on workshop technology for the industry workers. Repair and maintenance of equipment.

h) Department of Plastic and Polymer Technology,

Injection Molding Machine upto for productions of tailor made plastics. Hand Molding Machine.

Testing of all types of plastic products.

i) Department of Surface coating Technology

Instruments and equipments for measurement of paint viscosity, colour matching and other allied facilities.

Testing of various types of paints.

c) Department of PetroleumRefining and PetrochemicalTechnology

Equipment for Testing and analysis of petroleum products, specifically kerosene, gasoline (petrol), diesel, lube oils, bitumen, grease, etc. Latest apparatus for the testing and analysis for properties like ASTM distillation, flash point (Cleaveland Open cup, Abel & Pensky Martin Methods), Viscosity, Smoke point, Acid Value etc.

The testing and analysis of petroleum products & samples from the local petroleum and petrochemical industries.

d) Department of Oil Technology Microwave synthesis reactors, Ribon blender, triple roll mill, Stainless Steel Reactor.

Tailor made products by using renewable source of energy to produce speciality surfactants and water soluble binder for paint industries.A technology pertaining to replacing petroleum in cosmetics by low cost, biodegradable oils are developed and available for transfer.

Name of Department (Head and his contacts: Email; Mobile)

State-of –Art facilities available Services may be offered to industries

Department of Geology

Dr. Pradeep Kundal,

Professor & Head


Mob.: 09423637073


Advanced Petrological Polarizing Microscopes; Advanced Stereozoom Microscopes; Advanced Biological Microscopes. Water and Environmental Analyses Equipment; Spectrophotometer; Flame Photometer; Total Organic Carbon (TOC) & TN Analyser. Gravity Core for sediment sampling. Heating & Cooling Stage for fluid inclusion studies. GIS Software. Thin Section Cutting & Polishing Machine for Rocks and Minerals.

Exploration of minerals, Coal including CBM, Petroleum; Ore & Petrographic studies usng Thin and polished section. Hydrogeological Surveys. Lake Pollution studies & Lake Management. Groundwater Conservation & Management.

Department of Home Science,

Mrs. Shubhada Jambhulkar,



Mob: 09158331515


Equipment for Advanced Food Science, Advanced Nutritional Biochemistry and Advanced Nutrition, for proximate analysis- protein, fat, fiber, moisture and ash.

Product development, community nutrition, clinical and therapeutic nutrition and sports nutrition and diet counseling. Entrepreneurial management and interiors. Formulation and development of nutritious food products for the different clinical conditions and for the vulnerable groups of the community.

Department of Molecular

Biology and Genetic


Prof. T. Srinivasu

Professor & Head,


Mob.: 09923797732


Water purification system; Incubator; Laboratory Oven; BOD Incubator; Orbital Shaker cum incubator; Laminar Air Flow; Freeze dryer (Lyophilizer) with speed vacuum concentrators; Gradient PCR system; UV-visible spectrophotometer (double beam); Gel electrophoresis apparatus; Microwave oven; Uv transilluiminator; Electric bead Sterilizer Homogenizer; Digital Magnetic stirrer with heating Micropipettes; monocular microscopes; Electro-blotting Mini System; Inverted tissue culture Trinocular microscope; ELISA/microplate Reader; Microplate Washer; Micro LED' Fluorescence microscope, Haemocytometer; Ultrasonicator; Air purifier.

Various extraction & isolation methods of DNA from plant Materials, Amplification of DNA samples. Basic Bioinformatics tools usage in the analysis of DNA sequences for plant phylogenic & other works. Documentation of DNA, RNA and protein samples through gel document. Quantification of DNA samples. Development of high yield genotypes (varieties) of minor oil crops like niger etc. Cytological, cytogenetic techniques for plant materials etc. for time being and may be expanded in near future.

Department of Microbiology

Dr. B.J. Wadher

Professor & Head,


Mob: 09096960916


Equipment for Identification of pathogenic bacteria

Identification of pathogenic bacteria from clinical samples, Antibiotic sensitivity testing of pathogenic bacteria

Department of Physics

Dr. S. V. Moharil,

Professor & Head


Ph. No: 09561117754


Probe Sonicator, Pulser-Receiver and ultrasonic interferometer, Abbe's Refractrometer, Developed Double walled assembly.

Molecular interaction study in various materials to detect molecular association and dissociation, making and breaking phenomena and aggregation. Interaction in medicinal liquids extracted from plants and animals (silk etc.), detection of chemical additives in food materials, textile and food industry. Detection of aggregation and complex formation phenomena in biomaterials , nanomaterials. Advanced nano materials by sonochemical technique. Ultrasonic characterization of various materials like biomaterials, nanomaterials, polymers and its blend, drugs, food materials, medicinal liquid extracted from plant and animal etc. measure optical properties refractive index of any materials. Measurement of density, viscosity ,ultrasonic velocity & absorption, relaxation time and dispersion with respect to temperature, concentration and frequency variation.

Name of Department (Head and his contacts: Email; Mobile)

State-of –Art facilities available Services may be offered to industries

Drug Testing Laboratory well equipped with the sophisticated analytical instruments.

Expertise and Facilities for designing the structure of NCEs, their synthesis and for analysis are available in chemistry section.Phytochemical analysis of medicinal plants. Pharmacological screening of NCEs. Drug testing & development facility. Design and evaluation of dose formulations

Department of

Pharmaceutical Sciences

Dr. S. N. Umathe,


Mobile: 09373102858

Professor & Head,


Department of Biochemistry

Dr. G. B. Shinde,

(M)9890509481; 0712-2531665 (O)


Professor & Head,


State of art animal house which breeds wistar strains of rats. PCR, Gel documentation, HPLC, -80; Deep Freeze, Chemiluminometer, Semi Automatic Analyzer and Plate Reader UV Visible Spectrometer, Inverted Microscope.

Supply of Wistar strains of rats with the CPCSEA permission. Services regarding cancer biology, osteoporosis, diabetes, diagnostic testing and medicinal plant research, phytochemistry.

Rajiv Gandhi Biotechnology


Dr. Sunil S. Pande,




websit: www.rgbc.org.in


Digital Spectrophotometers, Fermentors, Bio-Reactor, Digital Colorimeters, Lyophilizer, Binocular Research Microscope with photographic attachment, Trinocular Microscope, Cooling centrifuges, Seed Germinator, Microtome, Incubators, Shakers, Flame Photometer, Horizontal Laminar Flow, DO Meter, Deioniser, Transilluminators, Recording Spectroflurometer with Scanner- SL 174, BOD incubators, Electrophoresis unit, Auto analyser, PCR system, CO2 incubator with T/C sensor, High speed micro centrifuge, Digital Spectrophotometers, Turbidity Meter, Conductivity Meter, Potentiometer, Gel Documentation system, Anaerobic Jar System, DNA Sequencer with accessories, Gel Dryer, Plant Growth Chamber, Microwave oven, digital photocolorimeter, chromatography chamber, etc.

Services for Biofertlizers and Biopesticides: (For all cereals / pulses, vegetables, fruits and plantations etc.) Biopesticides (Aquaculture/health sector); Microbial Cultures; Microbial Lyophillization Services in regard to variegated Physico-chemical and Microbial analyses of samples (Soil, Water, Food, Pharmaceuticals & Cosmetological products etc.) for quality control measures.

Department of Botany

Dr. Alka Chaturvedi,

Professor & Head,

Mobile: 09422809696

e-mail: alka.chaturvedi@gmail.com

Identification of plants, phytochemical analysis of medicinal plants. Supply Fungal Culture. Plant Tissue culture Techniques. Mushroom Cultivation. Preparation of E-herbarium &/or Digital databases of Roses, various crops (cereals, vegetables, fruits, medicinal & economic imp. Plants etc. Basic Bioinformatics. Quantification of DNA samples. Development of high yield genotypes (varieties) of minor oil crops like niger etc. Cytological, cytogenetic techniques for plant materials. Landscape development. Rose plant grafting. Biopesticides and Biofertilizer synthesis. Extraction of essential oil from plants & Vitamin A.

Equipments for Phytochemical analysis, Fungal Culture, extraction & isolation of DNA from plant Materials, Equipment for Biopesticides and Biofertilizer synthesis, extraction of essential oil from plants and extraction of Vitamin A.

Department of Chemistry

Dr. L. J. Paliwal

Professor & Head,

Mob: 09822564859

E-mail: ljpaliwal@yahoo.co.uk

Synthesis and applications of heterocyclic compounds, coordination compounds and polymers. Neutron activation analysis, HPLC, Infrared spectrophotometry UV-visible spectrophotometry, Magnetic Susceptibility measurements and electroanalysis.

Equipment for neutron activation analysis, HPLC, Infrared spectrophotometry UV-visible spectrophotometry, Magnetic Susceptibility measurements and electroanalysis.

Department of Electronics

and Computer Science

Dr. Satish Sharma



Mob: 9422805298


Advanced Biomedical instruments Quality control and process control; virtual instrumentation and biomedical signal processing.

For more details contact:

Prof. Pradeep P. KundalDirector, Technology Park

Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University (RTMNU)C/o PG Department of Geology

Law College Square, Nagpur-440001


Email Ids: *pradeepkundal@gmail.com

Name of Department (Head and his contacts: Email; Mobile)

State-of –Art facilities available Services may be offered to industries

Centre for Sericulture and

Biological Pest Management

Research (CSBR),

Dr. M. M. Rai,

Scientist-Professor & Coordinator


Mob.: 98-224-67091


Facilities for rearing and breeding insects of economic importance, Silkworm rearing, cocoon production and post-cocoon processing units. Facilities to study about the pathogens of important insects and their mass multiplication mechanism for their management. Behavioral chambers and diagnostic tools for identifying pathogens. Equipment for Isolation, mass multiplication, protein estimation and characterization, estimation of DNA and amplification.

Sericulture to farmers. Identification of diseases in the silkworm and other important insect pests. Disease and pest silkworm and their management. Establishment of sericulture at farmer's field.

Department of Zoology

Dr. A.M. Khurad,

Professor & Head,


Mobile : 09665371753


Equipment such as Freezing microtome, Insect tissue culture lab, Phase contrast Inverted microscope, Geldoc system, Fluorescence microscope, Haematological analyser and equipment for histological and histopathological preparations.

Screening for cytotoxicity testing of Pharmaceutical drugs, cosmetics, detergents, preservatives, insecticides etc. in the animal cell culture systems. Further 04 new indigenous cell lines derived from silkworm are available for the development of cell culture system for the expression of recombinant proteins using BmNPV bacmid vector.
