Rare Pictures of Prime Minister Narendra Modi Living as a Sadhu in His Youth


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  • 8/18/2019 Rare Pictures of Prime Minister Narendra Modi Living as a Sadhu in His Youth


    Rare Pictures of Prime Minister

    Narendra Modi Living as a Sadhuin his Youth

    The following are some rare pictures of prime minister Narendra Modi living

    as a sadhu in himalayas in his younger age. According to Lord Krishna, the

    spiritual knowledge of Bhagavad ita was originally meant for the ra!a"rishis,

    the saintly kings, who would help guide society with that divine knowledge.

    evam parampara praptam

    imam ra!arshayo viduh

    # Bhagavad ita $.%

  • 8/18/2019 Rare Pictures of Prime Minister Narendra Modi Living as a Sadhu in His Youth


     &Through the spiritual chain of parampara the saintly kings understood this

    spiritual knowledge of yoga, union with the divine.' 

    Let us pray that for first time modern (ndia will )e guided )y a ra!a"rishi,

    and society will again )e governed )y dharma.

    *itting on the )anks of the anges in the himalayas.

  • 8/18/2019 Rare Pictures of Prime Minister Narendra Modi Living as a Sadhu in His Youth


  • 8/18/2019 Rare Pictures of Prime Minister Narendra Modi Living as a Sadhu in His Youth


  • 8/18/2019 Rare Pictures of Prime Minister Narendra Modi Living as a Sadhu in His Youth


    +ere are some other rare photos of Narendra Modi in his youth when he was

    working for **.

    A picture of young Narendra Modi in which he is seen as a volunteer of

    National -adet -orps N--/.

  • 8/18/2019 Rare Pictures of Prime Minister Narendra Modi Living as a Sadhu in His Youth


    0$ year old Narendra Modi is seen participating in a school play at B. N. +igh

    *chool, 1adnagar, u!arat, playing the role of 02th century chieftain 3ogidas

    Khuman who waged a principled armed struggle against the then rules of

    Bhavnagar, u!arat.

  • 8/18/2019 Rare Pictures of Prime Minister Narendra Modi Living as a Sadhu in His Youth


  • 8/18/2019 Rare Pictures of Prime Minister Narendra Modi Living as a Sadhu in His Youth


  • 8/18/2019 Rare Pictures of Prime Minister Narendra Modi Living as a Sadhu in His Youth


  • 8/18/2019 Rare Pictures of Prime Minister Narendra Modi Living as a Sadhu in His Youth


  • 8/18/2019 Rare Pictures of Prime Minister Narendra Modi Living as a Sadhu in His Youth


  • 8/18/2019 Rare Pictures of Prime Minister Narendra Modi Living as a Sadhu in His Youth
