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Testimony Paper

Randall Carl Melton

Liberty University Online


My life before I came to Christ.

My life before repenting was example how not to live your life. I had been separated

from my wife for going on eight years. I had moved to a little town in North Carolina after

retiring from 20 years with the Navy. I had taken a job with the phone company and pretty much

settled there. I thought this was the place where I would spend the rest of my life. My real

backslide started in August 2013 when the phone company liad me off after nine years. I was

happy to live on unemployment and I soon become more obessed with the Internet, social media,

and email. More and more I alienated my friends. I became more inwardly focused on my own

pleasures and needs. I had once attended mass every Sunday. After losing my job, I almost quit

going to church altogether. I let my appearance go. I went unshaven for days and only did my

laundry once a week. In early April of 2014 I was three months behind on rent, they had already

suspended my phone, television, and internet. Instead of staying inside and using the Internet, I

went across the street to the library. When they closed, I went to McDonalds until closing.

I had no relationship with God since I had left Roman Catholic church in 1974. It was

more of a family tradition that I attended mass. When I moved from Los Angeles I started to go

to a Lutheran church. But I was not going because of a belief in God or in scripture. I had

forsaken God. But He had not forsaken me. He sent a friend to me on Easter Sunday to rescue

me from myself. He helped me pack my things up and took me to the Union Mission. They had a

spiritual rehabilitation program he said I would benefit from. It has been the single most

important decision I have made of my entire life.

How I came to a cognitive knowledge of Who Jesus is and what He did for me.


While at the Union Mission, a local pastor took me as his special project. He said he needed to

clean me of that Catholic doctrine. He started me on a rigorous Bible study and devotional

program. I realized after reading scripture that Jesus is who I had been looking for. He lead me to

reform my life through the presence of the Holy Spirit.

Circumstances surrounding your conversion.

I soon realized that the only way to live was through Christ. He taught me not to worry about

yesterday or tomorrow. He was in control and he would not forsake me. He also lead me to the

hospital to have two surgeries. There are times in my life where the only one that could have

helped me was the Lord. I then repented of my sins, declared Jesus as my personal Lord and

savior, and was baptized last August.

How would you describe your spiritual growth from the time you accepted Christ to today?

My spiritual growth is an ongoing project. My pastor taught me to never stop reading scripture. I

now know the truth of God’s word. My life, both mentally and physical has improved

immensely. I owe this all to the Lord. He has been leading me down the narrow path. That is the

path that leads to life.