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AZ 060243


Ramjet is a unique innovation in aviation industries. Many people made mistake in understanding this type of engine. Some of them see this engine as the same with the pulsejet in fact they are significantly different in their way of operate and the task witch are suitable with them.

A ramjet, sometimes referred to as a stovepipe jet, or an athodyd, is a form of jet engine using the engine's forward motion to compress incoming air, without a rotary compressor. Ramjets cannot produce thrust at zero airspeed and thus cannot move an aircraft from a standstill.

They are no moving part in a ramjet much like the valveless pulsejet, but they operate with continuous combustion rather than the series of explosions that give a pulsejet its characteristic noise.

In order to work efficiently, ramjet requires a considerable forward direction speed to lunch. This type of engine will work in best way in mach 3 speed but it can operate until mach 6 speed.

Ramjet brings lot of advantages especially in the manufacturing of intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) and rocket. Unfortunately there are two things that work against the ramjet:

1. Operating Speedunlike pulsejets and jet-turbine engines, the ramjet will not operate unless it is moving through the air at a speed of at least 400 mph.

If you attempt to start a ramjet while it's stationary or moving to slowly then it will give little or no thrust -- in fact you'll just get lazy, Smokey flames billowing out both the intake and exhaust.

This is because a ramjet relies on heating a fast-moving stream of cold air as it enters the engine and then expelling that air at a higher speed out the back. Unless the engine is moving rapidly through the air there's nothing for the burning fuel to heat.

2. Fuel ConsumptionAs a general rule of thumb, the fuel-efficiency of an internal combustion engine is related to the compression ratio at which it operates. That is to say -- the more the air/fuel mixture is compressed before it is ignited then the more power you'll get from a given amount of fuel.


Diesel engines have a compression ratio of about 20:1, most car engines operate at compression ratios as high as 11:1, a pulsejet runs at a compression ratio of less than 2:1 and ramjets are about the same at low speeds.

As a result, the ramjet (like the pulsejet) is not a particularly fuel-efficient engine. What makes it worse is that since the ramjet needs to be operated at very high speed, it's going to have to burn a lot of fuel just to overcome the drag it creates at that speed.

History of ramjet3

Ramjet was originally invented by a French inventor named René Lorin in 1913. Unfortunately his attempt to finish up the prototype was failed due to insufficient materials. Then in 1915, a Hungarian inventor named René Lorin study about increasing the range of artillery fire. Fonó submitted his invention to the Austro-Hungarian Army but the proposal was rejected. After World War I Fonó returned to the subject of jet propulsion, in May 1928 describing an "air-jet engine" which he described as being suitable for high-altitude supersonic aircraft, in a German patent application. In an additional patent application he adapted the engine for subsonic speed. The patent was finally granted in 1932 after four years of examination.

Figure 1 Fono's design

Then the innovations of the ramjet begin to move rapidly as the United States involve in the programmes. The US Navy developed series air-to-air missiles under the name of "Gorgon" using different propulsion mechanisms, including ramjet propulsion. The ramjet Gorgon IVs, made by Glenn Martin, was tested in 1948 and 1949 at Naval Air Station Point Mugu. The ramjet engine itself was designed at the University of Southern California and manufactured by the Marquardt Aircraft Company. The engine was 7 feet long and 20 inches in diameter and was positioned below the missile.

The eminent Swiss astrophysicist was research director at Aerojet and holds many patents in jet propulsion. U.S. Patent 5121670 is for the Ram Accelerator and U.S. Patent 4722261 is the Extendable Ram Cannon. The U.S. Navy would not allow Fritz Zwicky to publicly discuss his own invention; U.S. Patent 2,461,797 for the Underwater Jet, a ram jet that performs in a fluid medium.TIME July 11, 1955 chronicles Fritz Zwicky's work in the "Missed Swiss" and the "Underwater Jet" in the March 14, 1949 issue.

In the Soviet Union, a theory of supersonic ramjet engines was presented in 1928 by Boris S. Stechkin. Yuri Pobedonostsev, chief of GIRD's 3rd Brigade, carried out a great deal of


research into ramjet engines. The first engine, the GIRD-04, was designed by I.A. Merkulov and tested in April 1933. To simulate supersonic flight, it was fed by air compressed to 200 atmospheres, and was fuelled with hydrogen. The GIRD-08 phosphorus-fuelled ramjet was tested by firing it from artillery cannon. These shells may have been the first jet powered projectiles to break the speed of sound.

In 1939, Merkulov did further ramjet tests using a two-stage rocket, the R-3. In August of that year, he developed the first ramjet engine for use as an auxiliary motor of an aircraft, the DM-1. The world's first ramjet powered airplane flight took place in December 1939, using two DM-2 engines on a modified Polikarpov I-15. Merkulov designed a ramjet fighter "Samolet D" in 1941, which was never completed. Two of his DM-4 engines were installed on the YaK-7PVRD fighter, during World War II. In 1940, the Kostikov-302 experimental plane was designed, powered by liquid fuel rocket for take-off and ramjet engines for flight. That project was cancelled in 1944.

In 1947, Mstislav Keldysh proposed a long-range antipodal bomber, similar to the Sänger-Bredt bomber, but powered by ramjet instead of rocket. In 1954, NPO Lavochkin and the Keldysh Institute began development of a trisonic ramjet-powered cruise missile, Burya. This project competed with the R-7 ICBM being developed by Sergei Korolev, and was cancelled in 1957.

In Germany, in 1936 Hellmuth Walter constructed a test engine powered by natural gas. Theoretical work was carried out at BMW and Junkers as well as the DFL. In 1941 Eugen Sänger of the DFL proposed a ramjet engine with a very high combustion chamber temperature. He constructed very large ramjet pipes with 500 millimetres (20 in) and 1,000 millimetres (39 in) diameter and carried out combustion tests on lorries and on a special test rig on a Dornier Do 17Z at flight speeds of up to 200 m/s (655 ft/s). Later, with petrol becoming scarce in Germany due to wartime conditions, tests were carried out with blocks of pressed coal dust which were not successful due to slow combustion.

Basic principle of ramjet


The ram jet engine is composed of three major components: a body structure, fuel injection system, and a flame stabilization system. In order to build a good performing engine all three components must be of proper design because of their close relation and dependence upon each other.

As being explain in previous chapter, a ramjet has no moving parts and achieves compression of intake air by the forward speed of the air vehicle. Air entering the intake of a supersonic aircraft is slowed by aerodynamic diffusion created by the inlet and diffuser to velocities comparable to those in a turbojet augmenter. The expansion of hot gases after fuel injection and combustion accelerates the exhaust air to a velocity higher than that at the inlet and creates positive push.

Figure 2 ramjet engine

Ramjets can be classified according to the type of fuel, liquid or solid; and the booster.

In a liquid fuel ramjet (LFRJ) hydrocarbon fuel (typically) is injected into the combustor ahead of a flame holder which stabilises the flame resulting from the combustion of the fuel with the compressed air from the intake. A means of pressurising and supplying the fuel to the ram combustor is required which can be complicated and expensive. Aerospatiale-Celerg has designed an LFRJ where the fuel is forced into the injectors by an elastomeric bladder which inflates progressively along the length of the fuel tank. Initially the bladder forms a close-fitting sheath around the compressed air bottle from which it is inflated, which is mounted lengthwise in the tank.[ This offers a lower cost approach than a regulated LFRJ requiring a turbo pump and associated hardware to supply the fuel.

A ramjet generates no static thrust and needs a booster to achieve a forward velocity high enough for efficient operation of the intake system. The first ramjet powered missiles used external boosters, usually solid-propellant rockets, either in tandem, where the booster is mounted immediately aft of the ramjet, e.g. Sea Dart, or wraparound where multiple boosters are attached alongside the outside of the ramjet e.g. SA-4 Ganef. The choice of booster arrangement is usually driven by the size of the launch platform. A tandem booster increases the overall length of the system whereas wraparound boosters increase the overall diameter. Wraparound boosters will usually generate higher drag than a tandem arrangement.


Integrated boosters provide a more efficient packaging option since the booster propellant is cast inside the otherwise empty combustor. This approach has been used on solid, for example SA-6 Gainful, liquid, for example ASMP, and ducted rocket, for example Meteor, designs. Integrated designs are complicated by the different nozzle requirements of the boost and ramjet phases of flight. Due to the higher thrust levels of the booster a different shaped nozzle is required for optimum thrust compared to that required for the lower thrust ramjet sustainers. This is usually achieved via a separate nozzle which is ejected after booster burnout. However, designs such as Meteor feature nozzleless boosters. This offers the advantages of elimination of the hazard to launch aircraft from the ejected boost nozzle debris, simplicity, reliability, and reduced mass and cost, although this must be traded against the reduction in performance compared with that provided by a dedicated booster nozzle.

Ramjet design

4 main parts of the Ramjet component are as follows:

1. Inlet2. Diffuser


3. Combustor4. Nozzle


Ramjets will push out the very high dynamic pressure within the air approaching the intake lip. An efficient intake will recover much of the free stream stagnation pressure, which is used to support the combustion and expansion process in the nozzle.

Most ramjets operate at supersonic flight speeds and use one or more conical (or oblique) shock waves, terminated by a strong normal shock, to slow down the airflow to a subsonic velocity at the exit of the intake. Further diffusion is then required to get the air velocity down to a suitable level for the combustor.

Figure 3 inlet action at different airspeed

Subsonic ramjets don't need such a sophisticated inlet since the airflow is already subsonic and a simple hole is usually used. This would also work at slightly supersonic speeds, but as the air will choke at the inlet, this is inefficient.

The Inlet is divergent, to provide a constant inlet speed of Mach 0.5.


The amount of thrust or push desired from the ram jet engine at a given speed determines the size of the diffuser entrance area. The larger the diffuser entrance area the greater the thrust. The ratio of diffuser entrance area to diffuser exit area varies from three


to four for most subsonic ram jet designs. The most widely used value being three and one-half.

The length of the diffuser depends upon the designer's choice of one of two probable configurations. A hollow cone frustum is the easier of the two configurations to fabricate but is longer in length than the other configuration which consists of a hollow cone frustum with a curved insert. The latter configuration is used in most commercial ram jet designs because its shorter length offers less drag (resistance to movement through the atmosphere).

Figure 4 diffuser


The combustion chamber is merely a hollow cylinder with a diameter equal to that of the diffuser exit diameter. Its length is usually determined by trial and error. As with other jet engines the combustor's job is to create hot air. It does this by burning a fuel with the air at essentially constant pressure. The airflow through the jet engine is usually quite high, so sheltered combustion zones are produced by using flame holders that stop the flames from blowing out.

Since there is no downstream turbine, a ramjet combustor can safely operate at stoichiometric fuel: air ratios, which implies a combustor exit stagnation temperature of the order of 2400 K for kerosene. Normally the combustor must be capable of operating over a wide range of throttle settings, for a range of flight speeds/altitudes. Usually a sheltered


pilot region enables combustion to continue when the vehicle intake undergoes high yaw/pitch, during turns. Other flame stabilization techniques make use of flame holders, which vary in design from combustor cans to simple flat plates, to shelter the flame and improve fuel mixing. Over fuelling the combustor can cause the normal shock within a supersonic intake system to be pushed forward beyond the intake lip, resulting in a substantial drop in engine airflow and net thrust.


The propelling nozzle is a critical part of a ramjet design, since it accelerates exhaust flow to produce thrust.

For a ramjet operating at a subsonic flight Mach number, exhaust flow is accelerated through a converging nozzle. For a supersonic flight Mach number, acceleration is typically achieved via a convergent-divergent nozzle.

The exit nozzle, which is located downstream from the combustion chamber, has its entrance diameter equal to the diameter of the combustion chamber. Nozzle exit diameter is dependent upon combustion chamber temperature and can be determined mathematically.

Ram accelerator

A ram accelerator is a gun that utilizes ramjet compression to accelerate a projectile to extremely high speeds. In a normal ramjet, air is compressed for combustion between a spike-shaped ram and an outer casing. In a ram accelerator, a similar shaped ram is fired (often from a conventional gun) into the accelerator barrel, causing compression between the projectile and the barrel's walls. The barrel contains a fuel-air mixture. As the ram compresses the mixture, it is ignited behind it. In a typical ram accelerator design, thin membranes designed to be easily punctured by the ram wall off sections of the barrel. Each section is filled with a different fuel-air mixture chosen so that later sections have higher speeds of sound. As such, the ram can be maintained at optimal speeds of mach 3–5 (relative to the mixture that it travels through) during its entire acceleration period.

The chief advantage of a ram accelerator over a conventional gun is its scalability. In a normal gun, maximum pressure is exerted at the time of the initial charge detonation. The gun must be capable of withstanding the pressure of all of the gas from the reaction, compressed into a small location. As the projectile moves further down the barrel, the amount of acceleration upon the projectile decreases, eventually reaching amounts trivial enough that a longer barrel is no longer justified.

With a ram accelerator, the explosion is at all times maintained directly behind the projectile. This leads to constant pressure being put both on the gun and the projectile


itself. Consequently, far longer barrels are possible, while still delivering a strong constant acceleration to the projectile.

Ram accelerators have been proposed as a cheap method to get payloads into space. Due to wind resistance, the projectile still may need to utilize embedded rockets, such as those designed in Project HARP, to achieve orbit. Its main competitors are rail guns and coil guns.

Ramjet engine cycle


On this chapter we discuss the Brayton Thermodynamic Cycle which is used in ramjets and scramjets. The figure shows a T-s diagram of the Brayton cycle. Using the turbine engine station numbering system, we begin with free stream conditions at station 0. In cruising flight, the inlet slows the air stream to compress it to station 2 conditions. As the flow slows, some of the energy associated with the aircraft velocity increases the static pressure of the air and the flow is compressed. Ideally, the compression is isentropic and the static temperature is also increased as shown by the dashed lines on the plot. For an ideal, isentropic compression a vertical line on the T-s diagram describes the process. In reality, the compression is not isentropic and the compression process line leans to the right because of the increase in entropy of the flow. The non-isentropic effects are the result of shock waves in the inlet.

For the ramjet, there is a terminal normal shock in the inlet that brings the flow to subsonic conditions at the burner. As speed increases, the losses through this shock eventually decrease the level of pressure that can be achieved in the burner, and this sets a limit on the use of ramjets. For supersonic combustion ramjets (scramjets) there is no normal shock and the inlet shock losses associated with the normal shock are avoided. The combustion process in the burner occurs at constant pressure from station 3 to station 5. The temperature increase depends on the type of fuel used and the fuel-air ratio. For scramjets, there may be additional entropy losses associated with the mixing of the fuel and the air. Following combustion, the hot exhaust is then passed through the nozzle. Ideally, the nozzle brings the flow isentropically back to free stream pressure from station 5 to station 8. Since ramjets and scramjets often use converging-diverging nozzle designs, there is often a mismatch between the external flow pressure and the free stream. The area under the T-s diagram is proportional to the useful work and thrust generated by the engine.


Figure 5 T-s diagram that shows the cycle


Previously we have studied the engine by using the T-s diagram. Here is the simple consequences/process of ramjet engine cycle referring to the P-v diagram.

Figure 6 P-v diagram that shows the cycle

a - b Adiabatic, quasi-static (or reversible) compression in the inlet and compressor;

b - c Constant pressure fuel combustion (idealized as constant pressure heat addition);

c - d Adiabatic, quasi-static (or reversible) expansion in the turbine and exhaust nozzle, with which we

1. take some work out of the air and use it to drive the compressor, and

2. take the remaining work out and use it to accelerate fluid for jet propulsion, or to turn a generator for electrical power generation;

d - a Cool the air at constant pressure back to its initial condition.


In practice, real Brayton cycles take one of two forms. Figure 3 shows an ``open'' cycle, where the working fluid enters and then exits the device. This is the way a jet propulsion cycle works. Figure 4 shows the alternative, a closed cycle, which recirculates the working fluid. Closed cycles are used, for example, in space power generation.

Figure 7 open-cycle

Figure 8 closed-cycle


Work and efficiency

The objective now is to find the work done, the heat absorbed, and the thermal efficiency of the cycle. Tracing the path shown around the cycle from - - - and back to , the first law gives (writing the equation in terms of a unit mass),

Here is zero because is a function of state, and any cycle returns the system to its starting state. The net work done is therefore

Where q1, q2 are defined as heat received by the system (q1 is negative). We thus need to evaluate the heat transferred in processes - and - .

For a constant pressure, quasi-static process the heat exchange per unit mass is

We can see this by writing the first law in terms of enthalpy or by remembering the definition of cp.

The heat exchange can be expressed in terms of enthalpy differences between the relevant states. Treating the working fluid as a perfect gas with constant specific heats, for the heat addition from the combustor,

The heat rejected is, similarly,

The net work per unit mass is given by

The thermal efficiency of the Brayton cycle can now be expressed in terms of the temperatures:



To proceed further, we need to examine the relationships between the different temperatures. We know that points and are on a constant pressure process as are points b and c, and Pa=Pd Pb=Pc. The other two legs of the cycle are adiabatic and reversible, so

Therefore Td/Tc = Ta/Tb, or, finally, Td/Ta = Tc/Tb. Using this relation in the expression for thermal efficiency, Eq. (1) yields an expression for the thermal efficiency of a Brayton cycle:


The temperature ratio across the compressor, Tb/Ta = TR. In terms of compressor temperature ratio, and using the relation for an adiabatic reversible process we can write the efficiency in terms of the compressor (and cycle) pressure ratio, which is the parameter commonly used:

The ramjet thermodynamic cycle efficiency can be written in terms of flight Mach number, M0, as follows:







They are found almost exclusively in missiles, where they are boosted to operating speeds by a rocket engine, or by being attached to another aircraft (typically a fighter).Ramjet propulsion is used in the British Bloodhound (no longer in service) and Sea Dart surface-to-air missiles.

The Bomarc missile in the U.S. used two body pylons underneath the wings each housing a Marquardt ramjet engine capable of producing 10,000 pounds of thrust in the A version and 14,000 pounds thrust in the B version. The Bomarc served as part of the North American Defense System between 1959 and 1972.

A number of missile projects currently under development use ramjet engines to achieve better fuel efficiency (and thus longer range) at supersonic speeds than a rocket-driven approach. These include the British MBDA Meteor air-to-air missile and the Russian-Indian BrahMos supersonic cruise missile.

Here is the list of current missile that inspired by the ramjet technology:

Air to air missiles o MBDA Meteor (development)

o Vympel RVV-AE-PD R77M (AA12 Adder, development)

o Kentron ?

Air to surface missiles



ASMP-A (development)

o Radouga Kh41 Moskit

o Zvezda Kh31P (AS17 Krypton)

Antiship missiles

o Machinostroenie 3K55 Yakhont (SSN26)

o Radouga 3M80/82 Moskit (SSN22 Sunburn)

o CPMEC C301 (coast to ship)


o Hsiung Feng 3

Surface to air missiles o MBDA

Bloodhound Mk2

Sea Dart


A variant of the pure ramjet is the 'combined cycle' engine, intended to overcome the limitations of the pure ramjet. An example of this is the Air Turbo Ramjet (ATR) which operates as a conventional turbojet at subsonic speeds and a fan assisted ramjet at speeds below Mach 6.

The ATREX engine developed in Japan is an experimental implementation of this concept. It uses liquid hydrogen fuel in a fairly exotic single-fan arrangement. The liquid hydrogen fuel is pumped through a heat exchanger in the air-intake, simultaneously heating the liquid hydrogen, and cooling the incoming air. This cooling of the incoming air is critical in achieving a reasonable efficiency. The hydrogen then continues through a second heat exchanger positions after the combustion section, where the hot exhaust is used to further heat the hydrogen, turning it in a very high pressure gas. This gas is then passed through the tips of the fan providing driving power to the fan at sub-sonic speeds. After mixing with the air, it's then combusted in the combustion chamber.

Ramjets always slow the incoming air to subsonic speeds. Scramjets, or "supersonic combustion ramjet" are similar to Ramjets in that they rely on the ram effect for compression, but the air goes through the entire jet at supersonic speeds.

There are several aircraft that using the ramjet as its engine, there are:

Boeing X-43

D-21 Tagboard

Lockheed X-7


Boeng X-43

The aircraft was created to develop and test an exotic type of engine called a supersonic-combustion ramjet, or "scramjet," an engine variation where external combustion takes place within air that is flowing at supersonic speeds. The X-43A's developers designed the aircraft's airframe to positively affect propulsion, just as it affects aerodynamics: in this design, the front body is a part of the intake airflow, while the aft section functions as a nozzle.

The engine of the X-43A was primarily fuelled with hydrogen. In the successful test, about two pounds (or roughly one kilogram) of the fuel was used. However, because hydrogen poses certain difficulties in storage, transport, and even production, further X-43 versions were planned to use more commonly available hydrocarbon fuels instead. Unlike rockets, scramjet-powered vehicles do not carry oxygen onboard for fuelling the engine. Removing the need to carry oxygen significantly reduces the vehicle's size and weight. In the future, such lighter vehicles could bring heavier payloads into space or carry payloads of the same weight much more efficiently.

Scramjets only operate at hypersonic speeds in the range of Mach 6 or higher, so rockets or other jet engines are required to initially boost scramjet-powered aircraft to this base velocity. In the case of the X-43A, the aircraft was accelerated to high speed with a Pegasus rocket launched from a converted B-52 Stratofortress bomber. The combined X-43A/Pegasus vehicle was referred to as the "stack" by the program's team members.

The engines in the X-43A test vehicles were specifically designed for a certain speed range, only able to compress and ignite the fuel-air mixture when the incoming airflow is moving as expected. The first two X-43A aircraft were intended for flight at approximately Mach 7, while the third was to fly at approximately Mach 10.

The X-43A's successful second flight made it the fastest free flying air-breathing aircraft in the world, though it was preceded by an Australian HyShot as the first operating scramjet engine flight. While still attached to its launching missile, the HyShot flew in descending powered flight in 2002.


Figure 9 Boeing X-43

D-21 Tagboard

The Q-12 design was finalized in October 1963. An air-launched vehicle, it was powered by a single Marquardt RJ43-MA-11 ramjet, and used key technology from the A-12 project, including titanium construction. Its double-delta wing was similar to the A-12's outer wing design.

Figure 10 D-21 Tagboat

Lockheed X-7

The Lockheed X-7 (dubbed the "Flying Stove Pipe") was an unmanned test bed for ramjet engines and missile guidance technology. It was carried aloft by a B-29 or B-50 Superfortress carrier aircraft. The booster ignited after launch and propelled the vehicle to a speed of 1,000 mph (1,625 km/h). The booster was then jettisoned, and the under slung ramjet took over from that point. The X-7 eventually returned to Earth, its descent slowed by parachute. A maximum speed of 2,000 mph (3,250 km/h) was attained, setting a record for fastest air-breathing aircraft. A total of 130 X-7 flights were conducted from April 1951 to July 1960.


Besides this type of engine was also invented to bring up craft to space.The objective of another scramjet initiative, the National Aerospace Plane program, was the development of two X-30 aircraft capable of single stage-to-orbit (SSTO) flight as well as horizontal takeoff and landing from conventional runways. The aircraft was to be hydrogen fuelled and powered by air breathing engines from takeoff to orbital velocities of approximately Mach 25. A sophisticated "low-speed accelerator system" was to power the vehicle up to a flight speed of approximately Mach 3, at which point the primary ramjet/scramjet engines took over to power the vehicle up to high hypersonic flight speeds. A rocket was to be available to provide the final thrust increment required for orbital insertion and for the re-entry burn. Upon completion of a mission, the airplane-like qualities of the X-30 were to enable the vehicle to be powered on approach and, upon landing, be capable of rapid turnaround.


Some Unconventional Applications of Ramjet

Ramjet propelled rotor

Integrated ramjet in wing

RAMAC (RAM ACcelerator) : launching of a small mass at a very high speed from a tube (NASA, NLR, ISL)

Ramjet propelled shell

Nuclear ramjet : PLUTO US program (nuclear reactor TORY II C), cancelled in 1965 ; concept revisited in the USA ?

MHD ramjet : AJAX/NEVA project (Leninetz)

o a fascinating concept, but beyond the present technical possibilities



Books and journals

Ramjet, Scramjet and PDE an introduction; Paul Kuentzmann et Francois Flenpin

Rocket Propulsion elements- seventh edition


1. http://www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/K-12/airplane/rampart.html

2. https://www.aiaa.org

3. https://www.sciencedirect.com

