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DAY 1 FOUNDATION OF LOVEBIBLE STORY: Jesus Chose Mat thew (Mat thew 9:9-13)BOTTOM LINE: Jesus chooses to love me. I can?t earn it .

RALLY MOTTO: Jesus! Our St rong Foundat ion!THEME VERSE: I am sure of this, that he w ho started a

good work in you w ill carry it on to complet ion unt il t he day of Christ Jesus. (Philipp ians 1:6)

OPENING RALLY (Foreman Molly/ Mack is wearing a const ruct ion hardhat and vest and hold ing a toolbox or wearing a tool belt . Host is wearing everyday clothes. W ithin reach is the sign that has the MOTTO on one side and the THEME VERSE on the other side)

HOST: Hi there! Welcome to our VBS here in our neighborhood! My name is _________. We?ll start here in Opening Rally each day, and then we?ll have fun in Bible Study, Crafts, Snacks, and Rec. And best of all, before the workday is over, you?ll understand that Jesus? love is the foundation that everything good is built upon.

FOREMAN MOLLY/ MACK: (Comes running up to HOST.) Excuse me Ma?am/ Sir! I don?t know if you were informed, but my crew and I will be doing construction here all week!

HOST: W hat do you mean? We are trying to?

FOREMAN MOLLY/ MACK: ( Interrupt ing) W hat I MEAN, is that you are smack dab in the middle of a CONSTRUCTION SITE. I work for a company called Concrete and Cranes where (Hold ing up MOTTO sign) Jesus is our strong foundation. We take safety very seriously, so if you are going to stay here, you at least need to all put hardhats on.

HOST: Well, I LOVE your motto! And? I really want to hang out with these kids this week. So? I guess I can put on a hardhat and we can try not to get in your way! (To Kids) Right, guys?

FOREMAN MOLLY/ MACK: You know what? It?ll be kinda nice to have you guys around! Working at Concrete and Cranes can get really tough sometimes. It gets really hot, we?re working on tight deadlines, and things don?t always go the way I plan. But God reminds me

again and again of a verse in the Bible ? His Word ? that really encourages me. Would it be okay if I share that verse with all of you? (Flip MOTTO sign around and share the verse.) I am so relieved to know that Jesus chooses to love me and that He has started a good work in me that He is going to complete. Hey ? it?s not just me! Jesus loves you and has started a good work in your life that He will complete!

HOST: Wow! Thanks for sharing that! I think you?ll fit right in here this week! Well kids, let?s all stand up for worship. W hen we worship, we dance and sing and give our best to God! Here we go!

[ Transit ion to worship]

CLOSING RALLY HOST: So kids, I wanna know, did you have fun today? (Pause for response. Then turn to

MOLLY/ MACK) How about you, Foreman?

FOREMAN MOLLY/ MACK: I sure did! You know, as I was hearing about how Jesus chose to include Matthew on his team, I thought about some of the workers I?ve hired over the past several years. I love to hire hard workers who need a second chance in life. Maybe they?ve made bad choices in their past, and other employers have overlooked them because of that, but I try to follow Jesus? example. He chooses to love everyone ? and that love is not something any of us can earn.

HOST: That?s awesome! Let?s review what we learned today?- W ho immediately got up and followed Jesus? (Mat thew ) - W hy were people mad that Jesus went to Matthew's house? (Mat thew was a tax

collector and people d id not like tax collectors.)

- True or false: Jesus chooses to love me. I can't earn it. (True)

HOST: Jesus? love isn?t just for you and me. It?s also for our families, friends, neighbors, all of the people in California, the United States, and the entire world! Here at our VBS in the neighborhood, we are going to find out about a far-away country where Jesus? love is alive and well!

[ Insert Out reach segment here]

HOST: Let?s close in prayer. Would you bow your head and close your eyes with me?

Pray. - Ask God to remind the kids of the good work He is doing in Congo and of how much

He loves the people in the Congo.

- Thank Jesus for always being your f irm foundat ion. - Thank Him for choosing to love you just the way you are and for g iving you that love

freely ? not through anything you?ve done to earn it . - Pray for the kids? protect ion and that they w ill be able to return for the second day!

DAY 2 FOUNDATION OF PROMISEBIBLE STORY: Jesus' Resurrect ion and Promise (Mat thew 28:1-10 ,16-20 )BOTTOM LINE: Jesus w ill always love me.

RALLY MOTTO: Jesus! Our St rong Foundat ion!THEME VERSE: I am sure of this, that he w ho started a good work in you w ill carry it on to

complet ion unt il t he day of Christ Jesus. (Philipp ians 1:6)

OPENING RALLY HOST: Welcome back to the Concrete and Cranes construction site! W hew! That?s a tongue-twister!

FOREMAN MOLLY/ MACK: All right, you know the ?drill?! (A lmost to self says, ?Get it ? drill? lol.?) It?s time to get my hardhat on! In case you haven?t noticed yet, we like to have a lot of fun while we work. And what?s more fun than a great joke? I?ve been working on some of my best construction jokes for you. Wanna here them?

HOST: Um, actually, I had planned on?

FOREMAN MOLLY/ MACK: I?m going to tell them anyway. Won?t take long, I promise. And it?s okay if you don?t think they are funny. I?m pretty good at laughing at my own jokes. (Laughs hysterically.) Oh, sorry. (Slight ly embarrassed.) Anyway, here we go.(Addressing the kids, FOREMAN shares the follow ing jokes.)

- W hat kind of bird works at a construction site? (Pause for guesses.) A crane! (Laugh)

Get it? A crane? (Laugh again.)- W hat do construction workers do at a party? (Pause for guesses.) They raise the roof!

(Dance around w ith ?raise the roof? dance moves? laughing, of course.)- W hat do you call a snake wearing a hardhat? (Pause for guesses.) A boa constructor!

(Hammering mot ion) Constructor!- W hat type of construction are dogs good at? (Pause for guesses.) Roofing.

(Laughing) Get it? (Like a dog barking? .) Roof, roof, roof!

FOREMAN MOLLY/ MACK: Seriously, I crack myself up. If construction doesn?t work out for me, I think I?ll go into comedy.

HOST: Allll-right! Moving on. So yesterday, I learned that Jesus chooses to love me. I can't earn it. We saw how Jesus chose to love Matthew ? a pretty unlovable guy in other people?s eyes. Today, we are going to discover that Jesus will ALWAYS love us. Jesus? love isn?t just a temporary thing.

FOREMAN MOLLY/ MACK: Temporary. That?s a pretty big word. W hat do you mean by Jesus? love isn?t temporary?

HOST: That?s a great question. A lot of things in this world are temporary ? temporary things are things that are here for a while and then gone. Like bruises, the flavor in your gum, and brand-new Vans with no smudges on the toes. Bubbles, and snowflakes, and sometimes friendships.

FOREMAN MOLLY/ MACK: Oh, I get it. You know, sometimes I hire temporary workers for a construction project. I?ll need them for a particular job or two, but not forever.

HOST: But it?s not like that with Jesus? love. It?s a forever-and-ever kind of love! That kind of love just makes me want to dance for joy and sing praises to Jesus. Would you do that with me right now?

[ Transit ion to worship]

CLOSING RALLY HOST: Well, here we are at the end of Day 2. I used to say, ?All good things must come to an end.? Have you ever heard someone say that?

FOREMAN MOLLY/ MACK: Yea, I?ve heard that. (Addressing kids.) W hat do people mean when they say that? (Ask a few kids to g ive their suggest ions.)

HOST: I?m so glad I discovered something that is good ? better than good ? that doesn?t come to an end. If you were paying attention today, I think you?ll know exactly what I?m talking about. Does anyone know what I?m talking about ? something better than good that won?t ever end? (Wait for someone to get it ? it ?s God?s love!) That?s right, Jesus will always love me! And He will always love you!

HOST: Let?s review what we learned today?- W ho went to the tomb and found it empty? (Mary Magdalene and the other woman)- W ho did the women meet on their way to see the disciples? (Jesus)

- True or false: Jesus will always love me. (True)

FOREMAN MOLLY/ MACK: Just before you left yesterday, we learned about a country in Africa that started with the letter ?C?. As a matter of fact, I heard that the country we learned about exports a lot of lumber and concrete, so I?m thinking about placing an order for my next project. Would you help me remember what the name of the country is? (CONGO!)

[ Insert Out reach segment here]

HOST: Let?s close in prayer. Would you bow your head and close your eyes with me?


- Ask God to remind the kids to serve their families and neighbors in humilit y.- Thank God for His forever-love!

- Ask God to g ive each child a word in their minds that w ill help them remember what they learned at VBS.

DAY 3 FOUNDATION FOR LIFEBIBLE STORY: W ise and Foolish Builders (Mat thew 7:24-29)BOTTOM LINE: Jesus' love is the foundat ion for the rest of my life.

RALLY MOTTO: Jesus! Our St rong Foundat ion!THEME VERSE: I am sure of this, that he w ho started a good work in you w ill carry it on to

complet ion unt il t he day of Christ Jesus. (Philipp ians 1:6)

OPENING RALLY HOST: Welcome back to the final day here on the construction site with me?

FOREMAN MOLLY/ MACK: ( Interrupt ing and taking over) ? and your amazing foreman! Let?s get our hardhats on and get to business. (Hats on.) Actually, I?d rather play a game first. A pretty popular game among us construction workers ? paper (hold hand out f lat ) , rock (hold f ist out ) , scissors (hold out the scissor V w ith your pointer and middle f ingers) , of course.

HOST: (Pulling Foreman aside.) Excuse me! W hen did I lose control of the program here?

FOREMAN MOLLY/ MACK: (To Host ) I?m just having so much fun here, and this won?t take long, Promise! (To Kids) I?ll call up two contestants at a time to battle it out.

HOST: Fine! But I get to add something. The winning contestant from each round will get to share what their favorite memory has been from VBS in the neighborhood! (Call up two kids at a t ime to duel ? best of three. W inner shares his/ her favorite act ivit y or memory so far. Cont inue unt il all kids have had an opportunit y to p lay.)

HOST: It sounds like you have been having a blast on site! I have too! And I?ve also been learning a ton. Let?s see? I?ve learned that Jesus chooses to love me. I can?t earn it. And then I learned that Jesus will always love me. Today, we are going to see that Jesus? love is the foundation for the rest of our lives.

FOREMAN MOLLY/ MACK: (Proudly.) As a construction worker, I know how important foundations are. For example, if I need to build a mall, I wouldn?t want to start with a foundation of chocolate pudding or sparkly glitter slime. Nope. I?d go for concrete and metal rods. Boring ? yea. Smart ? you bet.

HOST: But before we dig any deeper (To self, ?Get it ? DIG deeper.? Laughs.) let?s praise and worship Jesus ? our firm foundation!

[ Transit ion to worship]

CLOSING RALLY FOREMAN MOLLY/ MACK: Well, it looks like my job here is almost done. I?ll be cleaning up the work site and moving on to a new project next week. But don?t be sad! Think about all you can do now. You?ve learned so many things that you can take along with you.

HOST: That's right! Let?s review just what we learned today!- W hat is a parable? (A story Jesus told in order to help people understand the kingdom

of God.)

- W hich house had a strong foundation? (The one built on the rock.) - True or false: Jesus' love is the foundation for the rest of my life. (True.)

HOST: Would one of you be willing to come up here and quickly retell the parable? (Encourage a child to brief ly retell t he parable.)

FOREMAN MOLLY/ MACK: Awesome job! You see, you?re ready! You?re ready to take what you?ve learned this week and share it with others so they can also understand the kingdom of God!

[ Insert Out reach segment here]

HOST: Friends, it?s my hope that you will share the story of Jesus with your family, friends, and neighbors! I want to close by praying for you to be brave as you share Jesus? love with others. Let?s close in prayer. Would you bow your head and close your eyes with me?


- For boldness as the children share Jesus? story.- For a heart of love and compassion.- For the children to make Jesus the f irm foundat ion of their lives.
