Rakumar Ratio


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  • 8/10/2019 Rakumar Ratio


    Ratio Analysis


  • 8/10/2019 Rakumar Ratio


    Ratio Analysis

    EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Ratio Analysis is one of the techniques of nancial analysis where ratios

    are used as a yardstick for evaluating the nancial condition and

    performance of a rm. Analysis and interpretation of various

    accounting ratios gives a better understanding of nancial condition

    and performance of rm. Trend ratios indicate the direction of change

    in the performance improvement, deterioration or constancy over

    the year.

    Objectives of the study

    !. To help the management in its planning and forecasting


    ". To evaluate operational e#ciency, liquidity, and solvency of $%&.

    '. To help the management in having e(ective control over the

    activities of di(erent departments.

    ). To compare the previous ve years and present year

    performance of the company.

    *. To give suggestion and recommendation based on the study.

    +or the study $irani sugars &td, is considered. The ratio analysis is doneusing the ncome statements and -alance %heets of the company

    between " * to " /.

    0ata nterpretation on trend ratio analysis is carried out at $%& at

    1ulali cross Tq2 3udhol 0ist2 -agalkot 1arnataka %tate. +or study, of

    ve years is considered and compared it4s performance over the period

    of ve years. +or result analysis and 3% 56cel %oftware package are


  • 8/10/2019 Rakumar Ratio


    Ratio Analysis

    used. +rom the analysis, am able to indicate following nding of the


    !. +rom the current ratio it is found that the ratio is not satisfactory

    because the 7 increase in current assets is less than the 7

    increase in current liabilities during the year " * " /.The

    highest ratio recorded is '. ) in " * and the lowest ratio

    recorded is .)" in the year " 8.And less than the standard


    ". +rom the gross pro t ratio it is found that the ratio is satisfactory

    during the last three years from " 8 to " /. The highest ratio

    recorded in the year " 9 is "!.:* and the lowest ratio recorded

    is .!! in the year " *.

    '. +rom the operating pro t ratio it is found that the ratio is highly

    satisfactory during the considered nancial years. The highest

    ratio recorded is ! . 9 in the year " 8 and the lowest is ::.*:

    in the year " ).


  • 8/10/2019 Rakumar Ratio


    Ratio Analysis

    I!TRO"UCTIO!Ratio analysis is a technique of analy;ing the nancial statement

    of industrial concerns. $ow a day this technique is sophisticated and is

    commonly used in business concerns. Ratio analysis is not an end but it

    is only means of better understanding of nancial strength and and

    weakness of a rm.

    Ratio analysis is one of the most powerful tools of nancial

    analysis which helps in analy;ing and interpreting the health of the

    rm. Ratio4s are proved as the basic instrument in the control process

    and act as back bone in schemes of the business forecast.

    #ith the hel$ of %atio &e can dete%'ine

    The ability of the rm to meet its current obligation.

    The limit or e6tent to which the rm has used its borrowed funds.

    The e#ciency with which the rm is utili;ing in generating sales


    The operating e#ciency and performance of the company .

    Classi(cation of Ratios

    Ratios can be classi ed into di(erent categories depending

    upon the basis of classi cation.


    Traditional &oss account ratios.

    5.g. ?ross =ro t Ratio, $et =ro t Ratio, @perating Ratio etc


  • 8/10/2019 Rakumar Ratio


    Ratio Analysis

    ".-alance sheet ratio.


  • 8/10/2019 Rakumar Ratio


    Ratio Analysis

    !"USTRY ,RO+I*E

    The .isto%ical -ac/0%ound of the Indian Su0a% Indust%y

    The sugar industry is proud to be an industry, which spreads the

    taste of sweetness to the mankind. The history of origin of this industry

    is as old as the history of main him self. %ugar is generally made from

    sugarcane and beet. n ndia, sugar is produced mainly from sugarcane.

    ndia had introduced sugarcane all over the worlds and is a leading

    country in the making sugar from sugarcane.

    E%aint Fishwamitra4 is known as the research person of the

    sugarcane in religious literature. e can nd the e6ample of sugarcane

    in Fedic literature also as well as sugarcane. e can also nd the

    reference of sugar and the sugarcane in =atanGali4s 3ahabashya and


  • 8/10/2019 Rakumar Ratio


    Ratio Analysis

    the treaty on the grammar of E=anini4. ?reek traveler E$iyarchus4 and

  • 8/10/2019 Rakumar Ratio


    Ratio Analysis

    * million sugarcane farmers and a large number of agricultural

    laborers are involved in sugarcane cultivation and ancillary activities,

    constituting 8.*7 of the rural population. -esides, the industry

    provides employment to about " million skilledBsemi skilled workers

    and others mostly from the rural areas. The industry not only generates

    power for its own requirement but surplus power for e6port to the grid

    based on by product -agasses. t also produces ethyl alcohol, which is

    used for industrial and potable uses, and can be used to the

    manufacture 5thanol, an ecology friendly and renewable fuel for

    blending with petrol.

    The sugar industry in the country uses only sugarcane as inputJ

    hence sugar companies have been established in large sugarcane

    growing states like Httar =radesh, 3aharashtra, 1arnataka, ?uGarat,

    Tamilnadu, and Andhra =radesh. n sugar year " ' ), these si6

    states contribute more than 9*7of total sugar production in the

    countryJ Httar =radesh, 3aharashtra, and 1arnataka together

    contribute more than :*7of total production. The government of ndia

    licensed new units with an initial capacity of !"* T

  • 8/10/2019 Rakumar Ratio


    Ratio Analysis

    The entrepreneurs have been allowed to set up sugar factories of

    e6pand the e6isting sugar factories as per the techno economic

    feasibility of the proGect. Kowever, they are required to maintain a

    radial distance of !* kms from the e6isting sugar factory. After de

    licensing, a number of new sugar plants of varying capacities have

    been set up and the e6isting plants have substantially increased their


    There are *:: installed sugar mills in the country as on 3arch

    '! st " *, with a production capacity of !9 lack 3Ts of sugar, of which

    only )*' are working. These mills are located in !9 states of the


    The secto% &ise b%ea/ u$1s as follo&s 2

    Table no23



    %ector $o of factories

    !. =rivate !9/

    ". =ublic :"


  • 8/10/2019 Rakumar Ratio


    Ratio Analysis


    Objectives of the study

    :. To help the management in its planning and forecasting

    activities. To evaluate operational e#ciency, liquidity, and solvency of


    8. To help the management in having e(ective control over the

    activities of di(eent departments.

    9. To compare the previous ve years and present year

    performance of the company.


  • 8/10/2019 Rakumar Ratio


    Ratio Analysis

    /. To give suggestion and recommendation based on the study.


    !C The study is limited to few ratios because of non availability of

    detailed nancial data.

    "C The study is used on secondary data such as annual report of the


    'C The reliability and accuracy of calculation depends more on

    information found in pro t and loss aBc and balance sheet.

    )C The study is con ned only to a period of * years.


    The study is conducted at $irani %ugars &td, 3udhol.

    TqJ 3udhol, 0ist2 -agalkot.


  • 8/10/2019 Rakumar Ratio


    Ratio Analysis

    3Bs. $ rani %ugars &imited I$%&C, a company incorporated on the

    : th 0ec, !//* under the up

    gradation of e6isting sugar factory with an installed capacity of !"*


  • 8/10/2019 Rakumar Ratio


    Ratio Analysis

    %ubsequently, the company has been converted into =ublic &imited

  • 8/10/2019 Rakumar Ratio


    Ratio Analysis

    plant of "* T

  • 8/10/2019 Rakumar Ratio


    Ratio Analysis

    and e6changing products of values with others. This marketing is

    important element in every organi;ation, which should be maintained

    compulsory in a systematic manner.

    This section will take care of all sale transactions like sale of

    sugar, molasses, -agasse and scrap material. This section works by 8

    employees including sales manager. The factory has sold the sugar

    according to central government noti cation. The central government

    sends the notice to the factory every month regarding sale of sugar,

    without notice the sugar is not sold to anybody. The government is

    giving permission for a particular period, particular for sale of sugar.

    The sugar is sold to the buyer who quotes highest price. n this

    section, some records like sale of sugar register, molasses register,

    -agasse registers and scrap material registers are maintained.

    ,RO"UCT O+ SA*E

    The organi;ation undertakes selling activities in two methods2

    ! +REE SA*E 2 free sale of sugar is being done to bulk purchases

    on the basis of tenders called, collected, negotiated and sold.

    " *EVY SA*E 2 This is being sold to the government of 1arnataka

    on levy basis. The government then distributes the same to the

    public through public distribution outlets at predetermined

    reasonable price.


  • 8/10/2019 Rakumar Ratio


    Ratio Analysis


    Ste$ 3) weighing of sugar cane, it means, when the sugar cane comes

    to the factory. After weighing of sugar cane the unloaded carrier cane

    weigh bridge.

    Ste$ 6) n the ne6t step sugar cane go to the cane cutter machine

    and it cuts the ne pieces after that, there are ' mills and * mills

    tandem that is sequential mill.

    Ste$ 9) After the milling of sugar cane there is a separation of

    baggasse and Guice milk, baggasse will be used as a fuel. There are 8

    boilers. They used as a fuel and there is production steam and steam is

    used to produce the electricity.

    Ste$ : . The Guice, weighing takes place and there are mi6ing the Guice

    and there is addition of phosphoric. After heated of Guice milk 8* earn pro t. The e#ciency with which assets are managed directly

    a(ects the volume of sales. The better the management of assets, the

    larger is the amount of sales > the pro t. Activity ratio measures the

    e#ciency or e(ectiveness with which a rm manages its resources or

    assets. These ratios are also called turnover ratio because they

    indicate the speed with which assets are converted or turned over into


    The various activity ratios are2


  • 8/10/2019 Rakumar Ratio


    Ratio Analysis

    Invento%y Tu%nove% Ratio

    nventory turnover ratio indicates the number of times stockhas been turned over during the period > evaluates e#ciency with

    which a rm is able manage inventory.

    The ratio is calculated by dividing the net sales divided by

    average inventory at.

    cost TRP $et %ales .

    Average nventory at at the end of period >

    dividing it by " to calculate average inventory.

    TA-&5 ).! nventory turnover ratio

    Lear $et %ales Average nventory Ratio" )

    * ":/9)")/* !)/ ) **: !.9!" *

    : :"":89:)" !!)) )*8' ".))" :

    8 */"*'":9/ '!":) 9 !./" 8

    9 )*')'*!"' )9):"' )) ./)

    " 9 8':" :/98 '8/'!))') !./)


  • 8/10/2019 Rakumar Ratio


    Ratio Analysis














    2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09


    R A T I O



    The table shows the increase in the inventory turnover ratio from !.9!

    to ".)) in the year " * and " : . n the year " 8 there was a

    Ouctuation to !./ and further to ./) in the year " 9,but in the year

    " / there was a drastical increase to !./).

    The company had "'.)87 decrease in net sales and increase by

    **. 7 in average inventory but in the year " / there was increase in

    net sales by :".':7 and decrease by "!.8'7 in average inventory.

    nventory turnover ratio signi es the liquidity of the inventory. A high

    ratio implies good inventory management ,a low ratio results in

    blocking of funds in inventory. The reference value of this ratio / and

    the ma6imum conversion period is '99.


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  • 8/10/2019 Rakumar Ratio


    Ratio Analysis














    2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09


    R A T I O



    The table reveals that there is increase in 6ed asset turnover ratio from

    .*! in the year " * to !.!: in the year " : but decreased to !. ) in

    the year " 8 and drastical Ouctuation to .9 in the year " 8 and raise

    in the year to !."/ in the year " /.

    The company had "'.)87 decrease in net sales and increase in 6ed

    assets by ."'7 in the year " 9 and further in the year " / it had

    increase net sales by :".':7 and increase by .!97 in 6ed assets.

    @ne of the cautions to be kept in mind that when 6ed assets are old

    and substantially depreciated the ratio tenders to be high,because,the

    denominator of the ratio will be low.


  • 8/10/2019 Rakumar Ratio


    Ratio Analysis

    ii) Cu%%ent Assets Tu%nove% Ratio

    This ratio is indicates how many net sales are made for every rupee of

    investment in current assets.

  • 8/10/2019 Rakumar Ratio


    Ratio Analysis

    to !.8: in the year " 8 and !. / in the year " 9. -ut there was a

    drastical increase of ratio to ".!! in the year " /.

    The company had decrease of "'.)87 in net sales and increase in

    current assets by ")." 7 . n the year " / there was increase in net

    sales by :".':7 and !:.'97 decrease in currents asssets.

    d) #o%/in0 Ca$ital tu%nove% Ratio

    A rm may also related net current assets to sales. orking

    capital turnover ratio indicates the velocity of the utili;ation of net

    working capital.


  • 8/10/2019 Rakumar Ratio


    Ratio Analysis

    year " 8 there was a drastical Ouctuation to .!" in the year " 8

    further there was a high increase in working capital turnover ratio to

    *."' in the year " 9 and 9.!* in " /.

    There is decrease in net sales by "'.)87 and /).9 7 in net current

    assets in the year " 9 and in the year " / the net sales increased by

    :".':7 and decreased by '9.9:7 in net current assets.

    The assets turnover ratio measures the e#ciency of a rm in managing

    and utili;ing the assets.Kigher turnover ratio,more e#cient is the

    management utili;ation of the assets while low turnover are indicative

    of under utili;ation of available resources and presence of idle capacity.

    n operational terms, it implies that rm can e6pand its activity level

    without requiring additional capital investments.






    !. +rom the current ratio it is found that the ratio is not satisfactory

    because the 7 increase in current assets is less than the 7

    increase in current liabilities during the year " * " /.The

    highest ratio recorded is '. ) in " * and the lowest ratio


  • 8/10/2019 Rakumar Ratio


    Ratio Analysis

    recorded is .)" in the year " 8.And less than the standard


    ". +rom the quick ratio it is found that the ratio is not satisfactory

    because the ratios recorded during the year were less than the

    standard ratio. n the year " 9 the ratio recorded is .!* and the

    ratio recorded highest was ". ! in the year " *.


    +rom the debt equity ratio it is found that the ratio recorded during the

    year " *," :,> " 8 is satisfactory as the ratios are near to the

    standard ratio but during the year " 9>" / it is not satisfactory as

    the ratios are very high compared to the standard ratio.

    !. +rom the current assets to proprietors fund ratio is not

    satisfactory as the proprietory funds invested in the current

    assets is less in the year " / is less compared to previous years

    .The highest ratio recorded is !./8 in the year " * and the

    lowest ratio recorded is !.** in the year " 8.


    !. +rom the gross pro t ratio it is found that the ratio is satisfactory

    during the last three years from " 8 to " /. The highest ratio

    recorded in the year " 9 is "!.:* and the lowest ratio recorded

    is .!! in the year " *.


  • 8/10/2019 Rakumar Ratio


    Ratio Analysis

    ". +rom the operating pro t ratio it is found that the ratio is highly

    satisfactory during the considered nancial years.The highest

    ratio recorded is ! . 9 in the year " 8 and the lowest is ::.*:

    in the year " ).

    '. +rom the return on investment it is found that the ratio calculated

    for the considered nancial years is good . The ratio is

    satisfactory as the return on investment is e(ective and

    good,comparing the previous years.


    !. +rom the inventory turnover ratio it is found that the ratio is not

    satisfactory as the inventory holding period is very

    high,compared during the nancial years.

    ". +rom the 6ed assets turnover ratio it s found that the ratio is

    satisfactory as the ratios are raising yearly during the

    comparative years.


    !. The company may improve its current ratio by decreasing the

    current liabilities because in the year " 9 / current assets are

    decreased and it may also improve its quick ratio.


  • 8/10/2019 Rakumar Ratio


    Ratio Analysis

    ". The company may decrease its total debt as there is increase in

    total debt the year " 9 /. The company may increase its

    investment in current assets.

    '. &ong terms solvency of the company has to be improved by

    limiting amount invested by outsiders to the amount invested by

    the owner of the company . this can be achieved by purchasing

    the shares gradually.

    ). The proper management of the inventory can improve liquidity

    position and e#ciency of the company.


  • 8/10/2019 Rakumar Ratio


    Ratio Analysis


    %tuday of ratio analysis of nirani sugars &td. Reveals the

    performance of the company in terms of nancial aspects. t is found

    that there is increase in sales gross pro t during " * to " /. The

    cash balance is also increased for the above saied years this is due to

    company4s revised policy in debt collection. t is also observed that the

    current ratio is not so satisfactory which creates chunks in the current

    assets in the form of sundry debtors and inventory.


  • 8/10/2019 Rakumar Ratio


    Ratio Analysis


    !C. Annual reports of $irani sugars ltd. for " *, " :, " 8, " 9,

    " /.

    "C. S 3adegouda MAccounting for managersN

    'C. 1han 3 and =.1. Sain M+inancial managementN
