Rainforest Alliance Anuall Report



Rainforest Alliance Anuall Report

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02 Annual Report 2008

The rainforest alliance has successfully impacted key resource intensive sector, conserved biodiversity on millions of acres of sensitive land and improved the lives of more than a million workers and their families. In 2008, sales of Forest Stewardship Council-certifi ed wood products reached $2 billion and sales of Rainforest Alliance Certifi ed coffee, tea, bananas and chocolate topped $1 billion, which markets shares for many certifi ed products growing at double-digit rates

In the U.K., this year we began working with McDonald’s, which is now exclusively selling coffee from Rainforest Alliance Certifi ed farms. We started partnering with Unilever, the world’s larges tea company, which has committed to making all its tea sources sustainable by 2015. We certifi ed the fi rst cocoa farms in Cote d’Ivorie, and we will soon be expanding our cocoa work to Ghana in New partnership with Mars, Inc. In New York City, we have been working with Goldman Sachs to procure certifi ed wood for the company’s mew global headquarters. Thirty tour operators are working with us to

market sustainable managed hotels an other travel businesses.

By doing what we do best for over 20 years keeping forests standing we have arrived at a new opportunity. Because climate change is stimulating interest in the conservation of tropical forests, which sequester carbon, protect water and biodiversity and private jobs. We are now facilitating partnerships between communities that sell credits for the carbon sequestered in their forests and the businesses around the world that are offsetting their greenhouse emissions through the purchase of those carbon credits.

We have laid the groundwork for a stainable revolution, creating a new, transparent and responsible approach to producing goods and services. While in this annual report we focus accomplishments of the past year, the work refl ects over two decades worth of a passionate dedication to changing what we can to better our world and a deeply held belief that’s it’s entirely possible, inevitable and necessary.

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belief that’s it’s entirely possible, inevitable and necessary.

04 Annual Report 2008

Bert AertsDr. Noel BrownKaren ClarkDaniel CohenFrank A. DottoriDr. Karl FossumWendy Gordan

Peter M. Schulte, Trea-surerKerri A. SmithMartin WijnChris WilleMarry Williams Alan WilzigDr. James Wright

Robert M. Hallman, Esq.Robert M. Hallman, Esq.Diane JukofskyDiane JukofskyHenry E. JuszkiewiczHenry E. JuszkiewiczSudhakar KesavanSudhakar KesavanMary Stuart MastersonMary Stuart MastersonAnthony RodaleAnthony RodaleEric RothenbergEric Rothenberg

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Around the world, we use so many words to express our gratitude for the support of individual members, founders and government fundraisers, corporate partners and in-kind donors.

06 Annual Report 2008

The Rainforest Alliance works in more than 60 countries to protect biodiversity and to ensure that there workers, their and communities are decently treated. By being scrupulous about what we do so, so that businesses people, stakeholders and consumers know that they can trust programs, our commitments and us. We programs, our commitments and us. We have helped places sustainable squarely on the global map and within reach of a tipping point where sustainable practices become the norm in key economic sectors and where sustainability is inherent to the defi nition of successful economic activity.

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Rainforest Alliance certifi cation is a comprehensive process that promotes and guarantees improvements in agriculture and forestry.

Our independent seal of approval ensures that goods and services were produced in compliance with strict guidelines protecting the environment, wildlife, workers and local communities. We in addition prepare tourism businesses to meet the standards of various global tourism certifi cation programs through training and technical assistance, and work with companies on procurement of sustainable goods.

08 Annual Report 2008

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10 Annual Report 2008

15% 0f bananas sold around the world are grown on Rainforest Alliance Certifi ed farms. The largest area of tropical forest to farms. The largest area of tropical forest to re ceive Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) re ceive Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certifi cation is owned and managed by certifi cation is owned and managed by Kayapo of Brazil. It is not only the largest Kayapo of Brazil. It is not only the largest FSC-certifi ed tropical forest in the world, but FSC-certifi ed tropical forest in the world, but does also indigenous people manage the does also indigenous people manage the largest certifi ed forest.

The certifi cation specifi cally addresses the sustainable collection of Brazil nuts, the

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Kayapo’s primary sources of income on 3.7 million acres (1.5 million hectares) in Brazil’s central Amazon, and is particularly imported because it is helping to promote sustainable development along BR 163, a thousand-mile, partially paved highways that runs through the Brazilian Amazon. The government plans to eventually pave the entire road to open up access to the region, a move that is likely to increase deforestation and the exploration of natural resources.

12 Annual Report 2008

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Destructive and illegal logging and the conservation of forest lands for farming and other uses means that Indonesia loses forest area equivalent to six football fi elds every minute.

To raise awareness of the situation throughout the country and to promote the use of responsibly harvested wood, the Rainforest Alliance launched a Forestry Stewardship Council (FSC) awareness campaign on world Environment day, June

5th. Rainforest Alliance representatives gave preservation in cities throughout the country and representatives the campaign in print and broadcast media. Helping to raise the profi le of the cause has been one of the Indonesian’s leading actors, Anjasmara Prasetya, who said the new campaign would help inform consumers “by purchasing FSC-certifi ed forest products, you get value for your money as you directly participate in forest conservation in Indonesia.”

14 Annual Report 2008






986,874220, 272






7,097,322 2,597,903 1,400,266

5,994,270 894,57921,472,525

9,841,784 4,211,678


665,707 18,383,136




2,302,597 1,844,983



Support & Revenue Foundations Government Contributions/Membership Special Events Fee for ServiceOther

ExpensesForestry AgricultureEducation/CommunicationTourismSpecial Events Total Program FundraisingManagement/General

Change in Net Assets

Summary of Net AssetsUnrestricted Unrestricted-Recoverable GrantTemporarily Restricted

Total Net Assets














The paper used in this report is produced from raw materials that are certifi ed by the Rainforest Alliance, to the standards of the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). The FSC is an independent non-profi t organization devoted to encouraging the responsible, socially benefi cial and economically viable way. Landowners and companies that sell timber or forest products seek certifi cation as a way to verify to consumers that they have practiced forestry consistent with FSC standards.

Soy-based inks were not used because soybean production is a leading cause of rainforest destruction.

For information about the Rainforest Alliance’s programs and achievements, please visit please visit www.rainforest-alliance.org.www.rainforest-alliance.org.

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