Ragewind's Guide for-Aganst Eldar (in 5th!)


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  • 8/14/2019 Ragewind's Guide for-Aganst Eldar (in 5th!)


    Intro: I put this together for anyone who might make use of it, it is also useful to people who face off

    against Eldar as it explains the weaknesses as well as the strong points of each unit. I tried to keep my

    "voice" out of it and make it as impartial as it can be but sometimes you can't help it. If you have a idea

    or disagree with a statement for a specific reason and would like it changed send me a PM and we can

    work to make this a better thread for everyone. Note: For various Copyright and typical forum rules

    reasons, I have not posted the unit statblock or the individual point cost for items.

    The Eldar, more than any other army, should not only look at the output of each unit individually, but

    the synergy of multiple units together and their role in the force as a whole. - Fable

    Wise warriors are mightier than strong ones, and those who have knowledge mightier than those who

    have strength; for by wise guidance you can wage your war, and in abundance of counselors there isvictory.

    Proverbs 24: 5 & 6

    Army setup: These are most of the ones I see around, others might be off shoots but still trace fighting

    styles back to the parent example.

    Hammer and Anvil : A classic setup this army focuses on having a tough resolute center with a mobile

    hard hitting attack force. This works for many types of armies and some do it better than others but for

    Eldar we have a unique advantage in certain units. The Avatar is perfect for this setup often couples with

    other fast and dangerous CC units like Harlies or rarely Shining Spears.

    Reserve Army : Gaining in popularity, 100% of this army stays in reserve to either walk onto the table or

    Deepstrike in somewhere, typically a Glass hammer as it can destroy large swathes of your opponent on

    turn 2 but cant really take a hit. As a bonus you win initiative regardless of who goes first. Elite and

    Fast Attack are in demand here. Dual Arutachs are almost mandatory for a controlled arrival.

    Horde List : These types of Eldar armies use a lot of Guardian (usually Storm Guardians) as its backbone

    with a Avatar to bump up its reliability. Add on a Warlock with Enhance and they are as brutal as Orks in

    CC. This type of army has numerous Troop slots taken up and does not mind losing large numbers of

    modelsotherwise known as the IG Syndrome

    Ranged Superiority: This type of army (by far the most common) focuses on the ranged aspect of the

    Eldar to decimate enemies from afar. These types of lists usually include War Walkers and Falcons/FirePrisms, Heavy Support choices are in competition with each other more so than normal. Expect to see 1-

    2 Farseers with Guide.

    Mech Army: By far the most recognizable setup as nearly every army can mimic it. This army includes

    many Wave Serpents and Falcons/Prisms and sometimes includes troops that can move 12+ inches in

    one turn (Swooping Hawks or Jetbikes) Expect to face many vehicles laden with Close Combat troops,

    and many Main Battle Tanks. This are is especially dangerous in Eldar's hands due to all of our vehicles

    moving anywhere between 1-24 inches and possessing such effective weaponry. De-clawing a Mechdar

    army takes a lot of patience and the ability to determine target priority.

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    Close Combat: This list you see every now and then and usually hits very hard, this type of army has

    some of the hardest hitting units in CC either due to special rules (Yirel / Howling Banshees) or because

    they are generally tough (Avatar / Seer Council). Expect a far number of Wave Serpents and tough ,

    supported, units. However generally low on the ranged anti tank.

    Elite Army: The rarest due to relying heavily on player skill this type of army has a low model count ( 20-

    30) filled with a few, expensive, units that need to be supported. In these lists you see builds like Jet

    seer or the misguided Iyanden Host. Typically fields two special characters as HQs and is extremely

    unforgiving should you mess up. It can however utterly decimate your opponent, usually wiping them

    from the table, typically very low on troops.

    HQ Setup: Note* The Eldar have around 12 HQ choices only 3 of which are not a special character, most

    armies will have both slots filled and never feel bad about taking a named person.use them or lose


    Dual Artuachs : This option is mainly useful to two types of armies, either the Reserve Army or the

    Horde army. The varying load outs on Arutachs not only make them some of the Cheapest HQs (except

    a Farseers w/one power ;( but of course the most versatile. Mainly taken due to the +1 on reserves roll

    (that stacks) they sometimes show up to add some bulk to small unit counts like Shinning Spears or add

    some flexibility to units like Warp Spiders. Dont be fooled by their crazy stats the Toughness of 3 is not a

    misprint and this makes them no more survivable than a Sister of Battle. Send them out alone and they

    wont live as long as any other HQ in the Codex.

    Seer Council: As yes the infamous seer council, most people have run into these over the years for a

    number of reasons, mainly however due to their durability and versatility. A properly built unit will make

    a squad of Nob Bikers cry due to 4++ saves (thanks to fortune). A Farseer with Fortune is >Mandatory Ah if the HQs are the heart of the Eldar then the HS choices are the meat of any Eldar

    list.. Just like HQs we have plenty of great choices which complete for each slot endlessly which forces

    every choice to be considered carefully.

    Falcon : Who doesnt remember the good ol days of the God Falcons? Sadly those times are behind usbut not really gone, like Obi-Wan Kenobi they still can help in the tightest of spots of offer a glimmer of

    hope when you just REALLY need to kill something. Still Fast, Still Furious, and Still Pricey the Falcon is

    the Eldars jack of all trade vehicle and it does it well. With many options for weapon load outs and the

    usefulness of the Eldar vehicle upgrades this bad boy has a place in Any List. A neat little trick I have

    seen people do is Equip a EML on the turret, move 12, and fire the Pulse Laser along with the EML with a

    Plasma shot. At Str 4 it counts as a defensive weapon and can keep this Nice looking tank moving every

    turn. A lot of people enjoy using it as a command tank by putting the Farseer inside and using the extra

    bulk of the tank (powers are measured from the hull) to buff units otherwise out of reach. Still good

    although it can get a bit pricey with all the bells and whistles.

    Fire Prism : This Tank is Awesome. Seriously this tank is one of the more useful items in 5th edition.

    With the two firing modes (Dispersed or Focused) this has a answer to anything your enemy might use

    (at BS 4!). Tack on the ability to move 12 inches every turn with a beefy 60 range AND the extra option

    for a Cannon at Bs 4 makes this nice model very attractive. Sadly you wont always use the Cannon due

    to the MASSIVE range of the main gun. I enjoy giving my Prisms Star Engines so when their gun gets

    blown off (it doesnt happen THAT often) you can now send a STR 10 Ramming hit vs. any vehicle within

    36. Or just use it to Tank shock multiple units, this bad boy never stops being useful. The ability to link

    the shots between tanks also gives these guys another boost to versatility. A lot of people like to field

    them in pairs to make use of the marine killing power. Most often mainly included in Ranged

    Superiority, and Mech armies but has a place everywhere.

    Wraith Lord : /sigh...GW didn't really need to give this guy Wraith sight, AND to take one of his CC

    attacks away. At BS 4 he can go tank hunting with a Bright Lance or EML and hit when it counts. Givinghim anti horde weapons (except flamers!) is a waste of his potential IMO. He sadly performs horribly in

    CC against any unit bigger than 5. At Str 10 he is perfect for squashing IC's and elite units like Termies

    and MC's. However the units he performs best with typically kick his ass without even trying. Don't run

    one of these, run them in pairs if at all. He is however intimidating and basic Str4 fire has no effect on

    him. He is the very definition of tough with T8, 3 wounds, and a 3+ save. The wraith sword is a trap,

    don't do it!. Typically included in CC, Horde, and Elite armies.

    Support Weapons: (I have never understood why these anti-grav platforms can't move and shoot)

    D-Cannon : On paper this bad boy looks amazing...on paper that is. Once people learn what it does they

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    will blow it up so fast it's not even funny and with a 24' range its only really good for Area denial , which

    it only does so well. If it gets within range of something...it's GOING to kill/maim the target. Being a

    indirect fire weapon its good for taking cover away from where it hits, but with the changes to LOS

    blocking terrain in 5th every platform can count its lifespan on one finger.

    Vibro Cannon : This used to be good, back when glancing hits could destroy vehicles, and it only does so-

    so at killing hordes (since its Ap is -) It's still USEFUL just NOT AS MUCH. Out of the three available

    platforms the Vibro Cannon is still the best IMO, but not as good as other HS choices.

    Shadow Weaver : No that is not a misprint it has a small blast. IF it had a Large Blast this would be a

    freaking awesome gun, otherwise it's pretty bad and there are PLENTY of other STR 6 weapons available

    to the Eldar, definitely not worth a HS slot. The range is very good though.

    The biggest problem with these units is that they are crewed by Guardian Defenders. Remember how

    these units suck...yea.... These units are typically fielded in Horde armies.

    War Walkers : These got so good when 5th came out it's not even funny. IMHO always outflank with

    these guys, and always choose double of the same weapon. Mixing weapons on this unit is A Very Bad

    Thing. I personally always put 6 Scatter Lasers in a unit of 3 and just murder everything. I don't really

    recommend Bright Lances as they got WAY to expensive, but EML's do the same job and have the option

    of shooting Plasma missiles. Great unit overall due to special rules and weapons available, however!

    They are Av 10 and due to how gimpy the vehicle squadron rules they a won't survive to long if the

    wrong thing looks at them. Always pick these guys with a plan and they won't fail you. Has uses in all

    types of armies, a centerpiece in Ranged superiority lists.

    Dark Reapers : These guys Look Cool, Kill Stuff, Are Expensive. Be very...VERY careful about where you

    place this unit, Where they are put has a direction relation to HOW LONG THEY LIVE>! Same buffs and

    penalties as Shinning Spears these guys never fail to just kill stuff every turn. Give the Exarch a EML and

    you have a awesome versatile unit that can win you the game. The bad stuff? They can't move and fire

    their guns and cannot fight in CC to save their lives. Don't ever give the Exarch a Tempest Launcher I

    mean honestly guys, I have seen people argue this to death but WHY would you give the Exarch a

    shorter ranged gun that is indirect? If you DO make use of the indirect gun the other units can't fire, and

    if you are not making use of the indirect fire then either the EML: or the basic Launcher works better

    and is cheaper. Mainly used in Horde, Ranged superiority, and Elite armies.

    Transport: We have one transport that is expensive and also awesome.

    Wave Serpent : I don't know about you but my Wave Serpents perform the role of crewed missile everygame. I normal buy 1-3 for a unit that will never use it, and SLAM them into other tanks / squads via Star

    Engines. Its really a helpful tactic to releave pressure for Anti Tank weaponry elsewhere. If you decide to

    use them at their intended role (which like 99% of players do) then it won't let you down, typical of CC

    armies these tanks can deliver a 2nd turn charge, and provide some anti-Horde or Tank depending on

    weapon load out (twin-linked helps). Why didn't GW give them the ability to use holo fields? Because

    GW Hates Eldar Most likely it was a issue of game balance since it already has a Energy Field but I still

    can wish../sigh. Can be seen in any list, just be sure to buy it for a specific purpose.

    Originally Posted by SOURCLAMS

    The general consensus at my store is that 5e is far more open and fun than 4e. Except for the Eldar

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    players, of course, they think it's stupid that they don't just show up and win anymore.

    "CHEESE!" is the battlecry of the unprepared - Chaplin Swordwind

    Dirty/Useful Tips and Tricks:

    1) Swooping Hawks can Land, Drop their grenades and Sky leap back up to safety in the same turn, a min

    sized units works best for this (do not equip the exarch with anything!). You can also Skyleap out of a

    assault if you are somehow still alive on your next turn.

    2) You can Hide IC's (yes even Phoenix Lords) inside a Harlies squad with a Shadow seer and watch them

    taunt the enemy long range weaponry.

    3) Weave troops between each other to gain a 4+ cover saves, everyone can do this but Eldar get the

    best benefit with Guardians and Rangers, nothing says HA! than 10 Rangers with a 2+ in the open.

    4) Give the Striking Scorpions Infiltrate...give them a Wave Serpent...watch them outflank in a tank, very

    useful for getting behind lines.

    5) You can cast all your most useful Powers from the safety of a tank (Doom, Fortune, Guide) with

    extended range.

    6) I heard a nasty rumor that in the German FAQ that Tanks with a Star Engine equipped cannot ram in

    the shooting phase but never actually found it. Unless it gets FAQ'd you can either perform 2 rams a

    turn, or have one super long one...and remember kids the STR tally's up ALL previous movement in the

    same Turn.

    7) Mind War uses the MODEL's unmodified Leadership value not the UNIT's value. This has been argued

    to death but the words speak plainly, Mind War those pesky Nobs or any other model that has its

    leadership value modified (except those damn sisters and their dirty book), it IS worth noting that as a

    "shooting attack" that causes wounds Mind War does allow the target to take cover or invul saves.

    8 ) Perils of the Warp and a Fortuned Farseer only roll his save twice, in essence regardless of if you

    pass/fail Fortune and the Perils rules cancel each other out.

    9) Runes of Warding work even if the Seer is inside a building/tank

    10) Its being argued heavily but my opinion on it is if a unit is fortuned with a IC (such as a Farseer orYirel) if that unit leaves the squad it keeps the buff. Similar to how in MMO's if a party gets buffed and

    someone leaves later they keep the Buff. If Squad/IC was/is a valid target for Fortune/Guide/Doom

    when it was cast then there is no reason that it should lose it. As always until it gets FAQ'd check with

    your opponent.

    11) 8 models seems to be the best unit size for Aspect Warriors. This knowledge ,of course, has been

    gleamed through heavy play testing. The ONLY exceptions to this are the 3-5 man squads (Shinning

    Spears, Dark Reapers, and Guardian Jetbikes) play with 8 models and you will find you have plenty of

    extra points without sacrificing the impact of the unit.

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    12) If a broken unit is falling back and it becomes fearless somehow (PL or Avatar) it automatically rallys

    and stays rallied even if the source of fearlessness leaves.

    13) Just like Perils, a Null Zone toting Space Marine player will have Null Zone and Fortune cancelthemselves out. If you pass the first time you re-roll, if you fail the first time you re-roll.

    14) Eldar vehicles are fast and long, use their size and maneuverability to block fire/charge lanes from

    the enemy. Positioning is Key

    15) You do not need to give a Warlock a power, use this to save points and allocate wounds.

    16) Units behind a unit of Harlies that are under the power "Veil of Tears" still gain a 4+ cover save since

    the enemy is shooting through a unit

    17) The new Space Marine Psychic hood (and possibly the Space Wolves staff) only function when amodelwithin 24' casts a power. If you place your Psykers into a tank (such as a Falcon) then the Psyker is

    no longer on the table and as such not a "model" when casting. The hood can only target the tank

    (which is not casting a power) thus granting you complete immunity to the hood until you disembark. **

    The Deamonhunters Hood is worded differently and works since it only cares about if a power was used

    somewhere, but strangely enough only gets to BE USED when a >model< casts a power. So enjoy your

    complete immunity all around, at least until you get shot out of the tank.

    18) Stealth ,incidentally against all common sense, applies to the whole unit if at least one member has

    it. Sticking say Kahandras into a squad of Harlies in cover can all but guarantee their survival if you

    somehow mess up and get into rapid fire range (a 3+ to 2+ cover save is always nice)

    19) As mentioned previously our Fast/Skimmer/Tanks can get up to Str 10 when ramming, use this to

    your favor if you find yourself in a bad situation that needs to be fixed quick (Monolith, Land Raider no

    Lances, weapon blown off etc.)

    20) Due to a huge and fatal mistake between editions Banshee Masks do >Not< count as grenades in

    5th. Be very careful charging your girls into cover, they will shoot up to Int 10 and then promptly streak

    down to Int 1 due to taking a difficult terrain test. Don't believe me? Go read the Banshee Masks entry

    very carefully... notice how they "remove the benefit of cover the enemy gets" that is a hold over from

    3rd and 4th when the unit you charged struck at Int 10. Sadly now this means any unit in cover they

    charge magically becomes a serious deadly threat, soften them up with shooting first or find another


    21) You can Turbo-Boost a Jet-Council AND get fortune cast on them without leaving the Farseer off to

    the side. Simply stagger your deployment and turbo-boost the warlocks, leaving the last one in the line

    13.11 inches away from the Farseer's starting position, then simply move him 12 and end within 2' thus

    attaching the Farseer to the squad and keeping your 3+ (now re-roll able) cover save. (No HE doesn't get

    a 3+ cover save, be careful how you allocate)

    A Note on CraftWorld army Lists : I have seen many a bright eyed, newly minted Eldar player say to

    himself (Insert Craftworld) is COOL! As such these poor misguided individuals start to collect models that

    go towards a particular theme. Iyanden, and Aliotic being among the top offenders. If you get nothing

    else from this thread PLEASE remember every single craftworlduses every unit in the Codex (Some more

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    than others). Yes even Harlies can show up in any army as they travel the webway. Be very cautious

    about spamming a certain type of unit (Wraithguard) when you might only need one to maintain

    appearance and especially if there are better units elsewhere that fit the intended role much more

    efficiently. When your choice to take 2 units of maxed out Wraithguard or 6 Units of Pathfinders costsyou the game you will only become disenchanted with the army as a whole

    Sample Lists

    This list (known as a Jet-Seer List) is very unique to the Eldar, similar at first glance to a Nob Biker list this

    army requires a verysteady hand to play. Many things can go wrong with it if you do not pay attention,

    this list is scores a A+ in nearly all aspects of the game and controls 2 1/2 of the games phases. Due to

    points and monetary costs you will not see this very often but the possibilities for conversions can make

    even the most hardened modeler drool.

    Craftworld Arcadia's Psi-Riders

    HQ - Farseer [ Eldar Jetbike, Witch Blade, Spirit Stones, Mind War, Fortune, Runes of Warding, Shuriken

    Pistol, Ghost Helm, Twin-Linked Shuriken Catapult, Rune Armor] = 170 points

    HQ- Farseer [ Eldar Jetbike, Witch Blade, Spirit Stones, Mind War, Fortune, Shuriken Pistol, Ghost Helm,

    Twin-Linked Shuriken Catapult, Rune Armor] = 155 points

    HQ- Warlock Squad x10 [ Eldar Jetbike x10, Singing Spear x5, Destructor x8, Witch Blade x5, Embolden,

    Enhance, Shuriken Pistol x10, Twin-Linked Shuriken Catapult x10, Rune Armor x10] = 550 points

    HQ- Warlock Squad x10 [ Eldar Jetbike x10, Singing Spear x5, Destructor x8, Witch Blade x5, Embolden,

    Enhance, Shuriken Pistol x10, Twin-Linked Shuriken Catapult x10, Rune Armor x10] = 550 points

    Troop- Guardian Jetbike x4 [ Twin-Linked Shuriken Catapult x3, Shuriken Cannon] = 98 points

    Troop- Guardian Jetbike x4 [ Twin-Linked Shuriken Catapult x3, Shuriken Cannon] = 98 points

    Troop- Guardian Jetbike x4 [ Twin-Linked Shuriken Catapult x3, Shuriken Cannon] = 98 points

    Troop- Guardian Jetbike x4 [ Twin-Linked Shuriken Catapult x3, Shuriken Cannon] = 98 points

    Total = 1817

    This list can be played at 1850, 1750, 1500 easily by just switching around some of the wargear and

    reducing the number of guardian jetbikes on the table. This list is strong vs all lists but tends to struggle

    slightly to say..a Deathwing army. A plethora of 2+ saves will protract combat, but FEAR NOT! You can

    still win by forcing dozens of saves per turn. Another great thing about this army the main units have a

    3+ Armor Save, a 4+ Invul Save, and at your option a 3+ Cover save (when boosting) all can be made re-

    rollable with Fortune.

    Tactics: Casting fortune every turn on the 2 seer councils are pritoity #1, chances are if you forget to do

    this the person you are playing will make sure you never forget agian.

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    Hand to Hand combat is where you belong but this army also does great in the shooting phase, with a

    effective range of 24-30 inches per bike you can lay the hurt down on Hordes and even MEQ. Not to

    mention the 16 Heavy Flamer templates you will lay down every turn or so. Psycannons, which are thenatural enemy of a Seer Council, are impotent against this list. Every model has a 3++ armor save that

    the Psycannon cannot ignore.

    No tank is safe vs dozens of STR 9 hits a turn, and no Squad Leader / Independent Character is safe from

    the dual Mind Wars. With 4 Squads of Guardian Jetbikes you can work on playing defensively to

    capture/contest objectives. However most of the time the enemy will be focused on the two large flying

    seer councils to worry about 4 squads with a Shuri-Cannon JsJing.

    I have seen just ONE 11 man Bike Council take out 90+ orks in ONE round. I've seen 3 Land Raiders go

    POOF turn 2, I've also seen the Night Bringer dropped HARD. Nothing is really safe and it has a answer

    for anything. Use with caution however one wrong move will cost you the game.

    Sample List : #2 Reserves Style

    Version 3.4 Eldar Riposte Host

    HQ: Yitrel of Iyaden (155)

    HQ: Arutach w/ Fusion Gun, Power Weapon, Mandiblaster (100)

    Elites: Fire Dragons x7 w/ Exarch + Tank Hunters (139)

    Dedicated Transport : Wave Serpent w/ Twin Linked Shuri-Cans + Star Engines + Vectored Engines (135)

    Troops: Guardian Jetbike x3 w/ Shuri-Can (66)

    Troops: Guardian Jetbike x3 w/ Shuri-Can (66)

    Fast Attack: Warp Spiders x9 w/ Exarch + Dual Spinners (215)

    Fast Attack: Warp Spiders x9 w/ Exarch + Dual Spinners (215)

    Fast Attack: Warp Spiders x9 w/ Exarch + Dual Spinners (215)

    Heavy Support: War Walkers x3 each w/ Dual Scatter Lasers (180)

    Heavy Support: War Walkers x3 each w/ Dual Scatter Lasers (180)

    Heavy Support: War Walkers x3 each w/ Dual Scatter Lasers (180)

    Total Points : 1846

    Tactics and Setup:

    All units should start in reserve, War Walkers (If Needed!!) will Outflank, and the Warp Spiders will

    choose to Deepstrike. Because of the 2+ Reserve roll everything should show up second turn barring any

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    crappy 1s. This allows you to dictate where you will attack and throw your opponent into disarray due

    to having nothing to focus on.

    1) Yirel will attach to the Fire Dragons in the serpent and possibly leave the squad after disembarking to

    either wipe a squad of troops (AOE CC Blast) or go tank hunt hunting (Singing Spear), it all depends on

    the circumstances.

    2) The Other Arutach will attach to a squad of Fire Dragons in the transport.

    3) Assuming there are some good targets, vehicle wise, then after disembarking (using when they come

    on the serpent will move 24 inches) Yirel will go after a tank or troops as mentioned above. If you feel

    confident then the regular Arutach will go after another one with his fusion gun, and the firedragons

    themselves will pick another target. After dropping its cargo the Wave Serpent can either maneuver toshield your troops from return fire or charge. If there is no immediate threat then try and tank shock as

    many units as you can or RAM with it for a possible total of 4 dead vehicles.

    4) Depending on if you want to shoot the walkers or Warp Spiders first it will dictate where you deep

    strike your spiders. Either way you will want to pick a target and deep strike them 7 inches exactly (to

    help reduce risk of fatal scatter) if they scatter away from your target 6+ inches use their second jump to

    escape to safety

    5) Depending on setup and what enemy force you are fighting against you might need to use the

    spiders to perform some anti-tank (Guard come to mind) in this situation they have STR 6 guns so Back

    Armor and Side Armor are preferable. Please note that in 5th Ed AP weapons CAN Pen a vehicle just

    with a -1.

    6) Part of the beauty of this list is that ALL AT ONCE it gives your enemy tons of things to focus on,

    usually this tactic can win you the game. Be sure to play up the shock value.

    Sample List 3 : Close Combat Style with a touch of Horde

    Craftworld Iyandan's Fleeting Specters

    Headquarters - Both these units will attach to other squads so both the squad and the character will be

    synergistic with each other. In the case of Karandras he will go with the SS squad that does not have a

    Exarch. Yirel will attach to the Harlequins and walk up the middle.

    Karandras : The Shadow Hunter (215)

    Prince Yirel : Corsair of Iyanden (155)

    Troops - With 4 squads of guardians you have enough models to that you can afford to lose some to

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    shooting/CC and can capture table objectives. Especially in annihilation missions you will want to

    interweave these units to gain a 4+ cover save vs shooting, thereby extending their lifespan with 33

    attacks on the charge at WS 4 and Int 5 they can handle themselves if the going gets tough.

    Storm Guardians x10 w/ Warlock + Enhance (120)

    Storm Guardians x10 w/ Warlock + Enhance (120)

    Storm Guardians x10 w/ Warlock + Enhance (120)

    Storm Guardians x10 w/ Warlock + Enhance (120)

    Elites - The elite choices in this army serve a very specific purpose of disrupting your enemy's battle

    plans. Both the SS squads will outflank in their transports and with a +1 to the rolls from Yirel you stand a

    great chance of them coming out when you need them. Even if they show up on the other side of the

    board with a 24 inch flat out move they can quickly get back into the fray. The Harlies will serve as aMystic Shield for Yirel and will help escort the Storm Guardians and Wraithlords protecting them from

    combats they cannot win.

    Striking Scorpions x8 w/ Wave Serpent with Shuricannons (228)

    Striking Scorpions x8 w/ Exarch + Shadowstrike w/ Wave Serpent with Shuricannons (276)

    Harlequins - x8 (Harlie's Kiss x2) w/ Troupe Master (power weapon) and Shadowseer (202)

    Heavy Support - Carrying with the theme of Close Combat we have some excellent anti-tank in this army,mainly concentrated with the Headquarter units the Dual Wraith lords can help perform some long

    ranged anti-tank. Both weapons can damage just about any vehicle and the Bright Lance is especially

    useful taking down Landraiders. With their STR 10 and Yirel's Str 9 they can even take out Monoliths

    should the need arise...not to mention high STR Rams from the Wave Serpents. Flamers and plasma

    missile also give this army a nice "icing on the cake" vs. Horde lists.

    Wraithlord w/ Brightlance and EML and Dual Flamers(155)

    Wraithlord w/ Brightlance and EML and Dual Flamers(155)

    Total 1850

    This list can be played at 1750 and 1500 with some modifications to the number of Guardian Squads and

    how many Harlies are present on the field.

    Sample List 4: Mech (Mechdar) with a dash of Ranged Superiority

    Head Quarters : Eldrad and the Farseer (+Locks) go into the Falcon which will be the Command tank

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    throughout the battle. From inside the Falcon the Eldar player will use Guide x3 to cast on the Squad of

    Vypers, Falcon, and one of the Prisims. The warlocks can exit the tank should the need arise to perform

    some Counter assault.

    Eldrad (210)

    Farseer w/ Guide (75)

    Warlocks x4 w/ Witch Blade x4, Embolden, Enhance (120)

    Troops : These units will stay inside their transports WAY in the back table edge until CC units get close

    (Assualt Marines, Genestealers etc etc) Using Blade storm these guys are your effective counter assult

    unit. When needed the Wave Serpents can use their 24' range to capture objectives with the troops safeinside. Be sure to have Eldrad Doom whatever wanders to close to make full use of the massed STR 4 fire.

    Dire Avengers x10 w/ Exarch w/ Dual Shuricats and Bladestorm (152)

    Dire Avengers x10 w/ Exarch w/ Dual Shuricats and Bladestorm (152)

    Dire Avengers x8 w/ Exarch w/ Dual Shuricats and Bladestorm (128)

    Heavy Support : With the Falcon in the middle with its 48' range these tanks will punish the enemy at

    range. Of course priotiy targets are any enemy long range Anti-Tank. All 3 units can perform anti-troops

    duties and perform it well. The enemy will lose a lot of units running into your guns.

    Falcon w/ Holofield, Spirit Stone, Eldar Missle Launcher, ShuriCannon(185)

    Fire Prisim w/ Star Engines (130)

    Fire Prisim w/ Star Engines (130)

    Fast Attack : These units sit back near the Falcon and (while guided) and pummel enemy tanks/MC's.

    With a effective range of 48-60 inches they should be able to stay out of the enemy's main attack force.

    You can even drop some templates on troops if they get to close (remember plasma is pinning!)

    Vyper x3 w/ EML (195)

    Tansport: These units are here to provide some more ranged anti-tank and to keep your troops safe. The

    one tank with a Cannon goes with the 8 man squad. You will use this as a speed bump should enemy

    forces get to close.

    Wave Serpent w/ Twin-Linked Bright Lance (135)

    Wave Serpent w/ Twin-Linked Bright Lance (135)

    Wave Serpent w/ ShuriCannon (100)

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    Total = 1847

    Your overall strategy is to sit back and form a gunline to kill your enemy dead. When stuff starts getting

    close use your superior mobility to redeploy your forces to a optimal position. This aspect is only

    enhanced with Eldrad Divination ability, this list performs well against a variety of units and is mobile to

    boot. At lower point games (1500, 1750) remove the squad of Vypers and maybe the Warlocks.

    Eldar Psychic Powers:

    Farseer Power Never take a Farseer without at least one power. The power(s) that people are taking

    will dictate the roll they see their army in. Its worth nothing that Eldar players can castFortune/Guide/Doom without needing LOS, while locked in combat, and while inside a vehicle.

    Fortune: This is a staple power that turns most enemies green with jealously. I, personally, love failing a

    save...pausing for a second... (Just to let it sink in I failed it) and then go Oh, I get a re-roll because of

    fortune. People just HATE that, but then again its part of the powers charm. I promise you a skilled

    player will be paying very close attention to see if you remember to cast it or not, forgetting to cast this

    on a unit has killed more Eldar than any unskilled player.

    Guide: Another great power that does not annoy people so much, this in effect allows all of your ranged

    attacks to be twin linked. Due to the plethora of common units with BS 3 (War Walkers) and important

    weapons, makes this almost mandatory in a Ranged Superiority list.

    Doom: This power makes people who run Howling Banshees cry with joy, and making people who run

    Plague Marines cry foul. Thats right kids this power allows you to Re-Roll the To-Wound roll. If the

    Imperial Guard somehow gets this ability in the new codex what a powerhouse they will be. Until then

    we enjoy this benefit able to target any unit and pound them with now-reliable STR 3 and 4 firepower.

    Tack on a 24 range this power can really reach out and touch someone.

    Mind War: Ah yes Mind War this power is singularly useful in the fact you can target a specific model

    and nuke it. Hidden Power fists, Synapse Creatures, Squad Leaders, HQs in a retinue etc etc the list

    goes on and on. Back when Ulthwe had the Warlock Power Augment, this power was BRUTAL with a 36

    in range. Even with a 18 range its more than enough to insta-gib a model. Best used against low

    leadership models.

    Eldritch Storm: What can I say? This is a STR 3 AP Large blast, pinning attack. As such its mainly useful

    against Hordes but not much elseunless you tag teamed it with Doom. Again with a 18 range this can

    actually scatter (i] I know weird right [/i]). Its also worth nothing that it rolls 2d6+3 vs. vehicles giving

    you a CHANCE to even pen a Land Raider or Monolith.I have never once seen it happen. Also spins the

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    vehicles making it a good setup power to target back and side armor.

    Warlock Powers: Almost useful all the time describes Warlock powerswell except Conceal. A Warlock

    never has to make a test to use their powers and thus ignore anti-psychic power tactics (Runes, Hood,

    and Shadow)

    Conceal: I used to think this power was all that and a bag of chipsback in the older codex. Back when

    Low-A/p weapons were everywhere and a Fortuned Conceal roll was the difference between life and

    death vs. a Psycannon. Now you literally trip over 4+ saves it should not even be considered as a valid

    power. Also one of the most costly powers, incidentally when you DO see this its most often on a squad

    of Wraithguard.

    Embolden: If you took a Seer Council you took Embolden right? I sure hope you did since Emboldenallows you to re-roll your LD vs. morale effects. Not only will this keep you around when you got

    maimed in combat but it also helps a Farseer pass a psychic test.

    Enhance: Almost mandatory if you are taking Warlocks as shock troops, this will gives +1 WS and +1 INT

    to whatever unit the warlock is attactched to. Best used with a Seer Council and Storm Guardians.

    Sometimes used to good effect with Wraithguard.

    Destructor: Who wants a heavy Flamer...I do! Who wants 1-10 Heavy Flamers/head explode. Thats

    right especially with the new template rules you can REALLY put the hurt on units. Considering you can

    take up to 10 (8 is the magic number since you will have Enhance and Embolden) you will latterly toastwhatever you shoot at. Well worth the points and a bargain for what it does cost.

    Veil of Tears: This is taken by the Shadow Seer for the Harlequins, but functions the same as a Warlock

    Power. This will cause your opponent to pull hair out when trying to target the unit, makes all weapons

    shooting at them have a 2-24 inch range. (Models with a null rod ignore it)

    Exarch Powers: These abilities often grant a great boon, but with the downside is it can make the unit

    super expensive.

    Blade storm: Bladestorm is often hailed as the best thing since sliced bread. Able to add +1 to thenumber of shots is brutal against any unit vulnerable to STR 4 firepower. It does give a recharge time

    to the unit though so dont use it unless you can account for the unit not shooting for a turn.

    Defend: Used to be SO much better than its current incarnation; this is again mandatory when using a

    Dire Avengers squad to tar pit a unit. Being able to give -1 attacks is part of the reason why they can

    survive against otherwise impossible odds; I mean just ask a Necron Lord with a Gaze of Flame.

    War Shout: Dropping a opponents WS to 1 for a turn is dangerous in the hands of a Howling Banshees

    squad. Making just about everything hit them on a 5+ (damn you Kharn!) this makes the unit extremely

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    durable due to the drastically reduced amount of return hits.

    Acrobatic: Giving the squad Counter-Attack is a MAYBE, +1 attacks is attractive but due to needing a INT

    test it can fail when you need it most. However due to these ladies having STR 3 it can be the difference

    between life and death.

    Tank Hunters: This ability is so totally worth it, combined with a AP 1 weapon Fire Dragons can down a

    monolith faster than white on rice. If you are seriously considering taking Fire Dragons then go ahead

    and tack this ability on.

    Crack Shot: Yea.on Fire dragons this ability would be SO much better if it affected the entire squad as

    such its usefulness is restricted to a Firepikeand even then its questionable. Only really worth taking if

    you grab the Dragons Breath Flamer and only then to re-roll the wound roll.

    Shadow Strike: This power grants Infiltrate and obviously its useful. One of the best uses of this is giving

    them a tank and having the squad outflank. If you lack the points for another Wave Serpent or Falcon

    then this will allow the enemy get into CC quicker and receive less fire than they would walking down

    the field.

    Stalker: Situational at best, but if you are infiltrating behind cover this can be used to make sure the

    squad reached its target. I dont really recommend this power since it costs so much, and its only useful

    some of the time.

    Fast Shot: For Dark Reapers this is a great ability! Until you see it only works on the Exarch, combined

    with a EML this is a dangerous power. Its so/so with a Tempest Launcher but you are not taking one of

    those right? Even with a Basic Reaper launcher it is still useful, overall a must have power.

    Crack Shot: For a Dark Reapers Exarch this power is much more useful than on a Fire Dragon. With a

    EML you can pop tanks or troops with Plasma. Once again the usefulness combined with a Tempest

    Launcher is questionable at best. Since a Tempest Launcher is a barrage weapon it ignores cover from

    the center of the blast, only the re-roll to wound is useful.

    Sky leap YES PLEASE, mainly covered above this power is very useful when you need to get out ofdodge fast. Can save you from CC and allow you to spam the grenade pie plates.

    Intercept: This power was, at a time, amazing. Perfect for killing skimmers and other randomness now

    most of the time you only need a 4+ to hit everything. The rare times something moves 7+ inches then it

    can be useful, otherwise not really worth it anymore.

    Surprise Assault: worthless in 5th dont ever take it as Warp Spiders get it for free now.

    Withdraw: Can be useful if the squad gets caught in Cc and does not die off. However due to the second

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    jump they shouldnt get caught in CC anyway. If you take it thats because you plan to use it. Never grab

    it if you just need a point filler.

    Skilled Rider: Kinda worth it on Shinning Spears as they are not only expensive but few in number. If you

    plan to be ending your move in cover a lot then grab it.

    Withdraw: Absolutely mandatory in every Shinning Spears unit, this allows them to re-charge on your

    turn. Always use Hit and Run at the end of your opponents combat phasenot on yours.

    Phoenix Lords Its worth noting if you take a PL then it grants another useful ability to the Aspect


    Asurman NothingJain Zar Nothing

    Baharroth Hit and Run

    Karandras Stealth

    Feugan Nothing

    Maugan Ra - Acute Senses

    Vehicle Upgrades: The elder have some of the most cheatery pieces of vehicle upgrades throughout all

    the armies, use them well.

    Holo-Field: Besides Fortune nothing has caused more consternation in opponents than the Holo-Field.This Forces the enemy to roll 2 dice on the vehicle damage chart and take the lowest result. Part of the

    reason why the term God Falcons became so widespread. On a fire Prism its a mixed blessing since

    most of the time if you have a huge distance between it and the enemy, it wont be used much.

    However if you plan on getting close this is almost mandatory.

    Spirit Stones: A much more fluffy piece of wargear than the Imperiums Extra Armor, this allows you to

    downgrade a Stunning result down to Shaken. Dont ever bother putting these on Warwalkers or Vypers

    in a squadron, almost required on a Wave Serpent, and can be useful on a Falcon depending on how you

    want to use it. Not to useful on a Fire Prism.

    Star Engines: Mandatory on Wave Serpents this allows you to not shoot in the shooting phase and get

    another 12 inches of movement. Now infamous because it allows you to Ram or Tank Shock twice, this

    neat little upgrade can also allow a turn 2 charge.

    Vectored Engines: Now nearly completely worthless since skimmers dont crash when immobilized, this

    is only useful if you constantly plan on going Flat Out. If you plan on turning your tanks into crewed

    missiles then this is also useful because a glancing hit can still immobilize you causing you to crash. This

    at least will make sure you dont die when that happens.

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    Wargear: The Eldar does not have a armory like the other races, but the items we do have can be

    devastating when put to the right use. Just like a Aspect Squad you take certain items for certain units,

    the day you can master this is the day you will start winning more.

    Rune Armor: Perhaps one of the most useful pieces of wargear this goes on two of the most important

    units in the Codex. I am talking about a Farseer and a Warlock. Not only does this look cool its standard

    issue on the aforementioned units. A 4+ invul save is nothing to sneeze at.

    Ghosthelm: Back when Perils of the warp was a STR 6 hit, this little piece of wargear turned into a Save

    or Die effect. You better pass the saveor else. Now it adds a second line of defense for Perils which

    quite frankly with a LD of 10, Runes of Witnessing and most likely a Embolden warlock nearby you

    hopefully should never have to use it. Its treated like a Feel No Pain roll so no re-rolls with Fortune.

    Runes of Warding: This piece of wargear should always be takenunless you feel like getting pummeled

    by powers like Null Field. A very handy defense vs. enemy psychic powers, this is a passive effect and

    requires no effort on your part. Very useful against Dual Lash, this option REALLY shines when you face

    enemy psykers that cast multiple powers a turn; they run a excellent chance of making their heads


    Runes of Witnessing: With so many options to make sure your psychic powers make it through I see

    people more and more often save the points and spend them elsewhere. If you want to make sure your

    power goes through then takes this. As a added note GW has stated that Shadow of the Warp and Runes

    of Witnessing cancel each other out, a great defense.

    Witch Blade: One of the BEST pieces of wargear IMO it gets rid of one of the weaknesses of the Eldar

    ArmySTR 3. Allowing you to wound on 2+ regardless of your target (and being one handed!!) makes

    this extremely attractive. Tack on the ability to TRIPLE your users STR (Str 9) vs. any vehicle and any unit

    with this becomes a power house. Incidentally all the units that use this use Rune armor, which is why

    Warlocks are so dangerous.

    Singing Spear: Same as above except it is a 2H weapon reducing the models number of attacks by 1, this

    spear now has the ability to be thrown 12 with all of the same effects. Many people seem agree that

    the ability to be thrown is worth the -1 attacks. Great for Anti-Tank duty.

    Force shield: Only a Autarch has this, it grants a 4+ invul save, as well as making a fashion statement.

    Avenger Shuriken Catapults: A basic gun of the Eldar army but with a 18 range makes Avengers great for

    kiting units

    Shuriken Catapult: High Volume of shots at short range, a staple of the Eldar army

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    Dire sword: ITS A TRAP! Seriously though you shouldnt be taking this, the Avengers are built for ranged

    combat and when you kite them out for close combat the idea is to tar pit a unit. With Str 3 you will

    almost never hit to use the neat little Insta-Gib ability. In 11+ years of playing Eldar I think I have only

    seen this happen once.

    Shimmer Shield: Mandatory when using Avengers as a tar pit unit, this allows them to have staying

    power vs. units that would just eat through their 4+ save. Best combined with Fortune or they wont last

    too long.

    Banshee Mask: You get these for free on howling Banshees. Use it, Love it. It allows you to always go

    first regardless of other factors during the initial round of assault. After that you are stuck with your bad

    ass INT of 5 (6 for Exarch)

    Executioner: Gives +2 STR making it to where your Exarch wounds more often. Its nice and all but its

    more of a preference for the person. If you are running without Doom grab it. It IS a two handed

    weapon so you will lose 1 attack.

    Mirror Swords: Grants +2 attacks instead of +1 for having a CC weapon. COMPLETELY worth it if you

    have Doom, otherwise maybe the Executioner is better.

    Triskle : Never take this when you have the option to take a Executioner or Mirror Swords, it grants a

    multi hit ranged attackat STR 3. However it IS at AP 2 so you will find use with it vs. Terminators. In

    effect it grants 3 more attacks to the Exarch just out of combat

    Fusion Gun: STR 8, AP 1.yea. Oh and its a Melta

    Dragons Breath Flamer: IMO you should always take this (its free!) if you want to grant the squad a bit

    more versatility. A Heavy Flamer is never a bad thing and at STR 5 it can even damage Light Vehicles.

    You DID take Tank Hunter didnt you?

    Fire Pike: Yea not so useful in 5th (and even in 4th) all it is a Fusion gun with a 18 range. This does mean

    you get the Melta rule at 9 instead of 6, but really its not worth the points.

    Mandi Blasters: Gives +1 Attacks for Striking Scorpions, mandatory if you take a CC Autarch.

    Scorpions Chain swords: This is what makes the SS such good Horde Killers. Because of this wargear they

    get +1 STR upping them to a manlier STR 4.

    Chain Sabers: A Exarch with these gets stupid number of attacks (6 on the charge) that re-roll all failed

    to hit and wounds rolls. This sounds amazing at first glance but you have to understand he makes all

    these attacks at STR 3. I dont see these too often but I am sorely tempted to take them.

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    Biting Blade: This is a two handed weapon so it will reduce the number of attacks, but it retains the +1

    STR. However as a very nice bonus every hit the Exarch gets it will increase his STR by +1, so as a

    example if he hits 5 times, he is at STR 9 to resolve those attacks. Sadly it still allows armor saves.

    Scorpions Claw: It acts as a power fist with a Shuriken Catapult inside, and can be used as both in the

    same phase. Just keep in mind you only go to STR 6, and lower the INT 6 down to a 1.

    Reaper Launcher: The basic weapons of the Dark Reaper these things are Marines killers. Ap 3 coupled

    with a nice STR and a high rate of fire it will mow down MEQs like a hot knife through butter. Oh and it

    has the same range as a EML. Practice yelling WHERE IS YOUR EMPEROR NOW! as you remove squad

    after squad from the table.

    Tempest Launcher: I believe I have stated the usefulness of this item previously, your mileage mayvary.

    Eldar Missile Launcher: A Dark Reapers Exarch can take this baby and has BS 5 to boot!

    LasBlaster: A very decent gun overall, at STR 3 it wont kill everything but with the amount of shots you

    get you can cut swathes of enemy infantry with ease. The Imperial Guard WISHES they had these.

    Swooping Hawks Wings: Makes the unit Jump Infantry and allows them to Deep Strike

    Swooping Hawk Grenade Pack: A free Pie plate with the stats of a Bolter only scatters 1d6 too! (not -BS)A nice bonus, only works when you deep strike the unit though.

    Haywire Grenades: These are why Swooping Hawks kill vehicles so well, so useful even against a

    monolith as no vehicle can get away from these guys.

    Hawks Talon: At STR 5 and with 3 shots this weapon is totally worth it, not to mention the Exarch has BS


    Sun Rifle: My new love this bad boy has 6 shots (6!) and causes pinning. Combine this with Doom and go

    to town, only downside is it is STR 3.

    Death Spinner : 2 STR 6 shots, and you will almost never miss the lack of Ap. Due to the high volume of

    shots a typical squad can pump out you can just bludgeon something to death.

    Warp Jump Generator: Makes them Jump Infantry and Allows them to deep Strike, as a added bonus

    they get second move of 2d6. If you roll good and/or with good terrain/units in the way these guys

    should get never assaulted.

    Spinneret Rifle: I personally like this weapon, it will almost always hit and is absolutely lethalthe only

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    problem is it is a 1 shot weapon. Why take this when you could take another Death Spinner and get 4


    Dual Death Spinner: Makes the Exarch have a Assault 4 weapon at BS 5. Always Worth it, all the Time

    Power Blades: Never, ever, EVER take this if you have the option to take something else. The Exarch

    maybe gets like 4 attacks on the charge at WS 5, but he is only STR 3 and his squad is most certainly NOT

    made to be fighting in CC and so cannot support him. However it IS a great points filler.

    Laser Lance : This piece of wargear is completely awesome, not only does it give the squad STR 6 power

    weapons (on the first turn only) but it gives a STR 6 AP 4 shot before you charge in. Completely useless

    in the following rounds however.

    Star Lance: Same as above but STR 8, I have seen mixed results, better to spend points elsewhere IMO.

    Ranger Long Rifle: A Sniper Rifle on crack, combine this with Doom and practice yelling out BOOM

    HEADSHOT in a loud and condescending voice. Without Doom however you only have 50% chance to

    hurt something and combined with the Rending you can even damage AV 12 vehicles.but only when

    you are desperate.

    Guardian Heavy Weapons Platform: Can have a mix of Heavy Weapons from the Lowly Shuriken Cannon,

    to the beefy Bright Lance.fired at BS 3 however It DOES allow the squad to move and shoot through.

    The most often used gun being the Scatter Laser due to the Amount of shots.

    Eldar Jet bike: Completely awesome, and gives another 6 move in the assault phase if unengaged.

    Worth it every time if you have the points.

    Pulse laser: The mainstay of the Falcon this is a awesome weapon, High STR, Low AP, and 2 shots.

    Prism Cannon: The mainstay of the Fire Prism, this gun is a Lascannon on crack and combined with the

    Link ability and two firing modes it has something for anyone.

    Wraith Cannon: This weapon is why people take Wraithguard, this gun will wound anything on a 2+, hasa Haywire grenade effect on vehicles, and can cause Instant Death with a roll of a 6. All with Ap2,

    however you need to buy the Wraithguard to use this and combined with their 6 move you wont

    always get to fire them.

    Wraith Blade: allows the Warithlord to re-roll to hit..since he only has two attacks it makes these seem

    like a very attractive option. However as I detailed before it is indeed a trap and he is better served

    being a mobile fire platform.

    Flip-Belts : Allows the Harlequins to ignore all terrain when moving, this is part of the reason why they

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    are so feared because you just cannot get away from these guys when they pick a victim.

    Holo-Suit: Gives Harlies a 5+ invul save.

    Harlequins Kiss: Gives the unit rending for a handful of points more per model, can still be useful even

    with the changes to rending. However due to how rending has changed its a mixed blessing.

    Fusion Pistol: Same as a Fusion Gun with a 6 inch range, not entirely worth it since of all the units in the

    codex one has BS 3, and the other prefers to fleet ensuring you almost never fire with it. Mileage may


    Hallucinogen Grenades: This is a upgrade for the Shadow Seer, allows the entire unit to strike into cover

    as if they used grenades.

    Shrieker Cannon: This weapon is actually very decent but because of the CC focus the squad has not a

    lot of people get it, but when it works it works nice.

    Staff of Ultramar: This allows Eldrad to ignore armor saves in CC, and is what allows him to cast 3 powers

    a turn. The verdict is still out if it counts as a CC weapon. He DOES have a witch blade after all.

    The Spear of Twilight: This is what makes Yirel such a bad ass. Same stats as a Singing Spear but all his

    attacks ignore Armor Saves.

    Phoenix Lords Wargear:

    The Sword of Asur Is a Dire sword that allows missed hits to be rerolled, unlike the Dire Avenger

    Exarch, Asurman knows how to use this one.

    The Silent Death A Triskle with STR 5

    Scorpions Bite A Uber Mandi-Blaster that gives +2 attacks instead of 1

    Fire Axe Gives +1 STR and strikes as a Monstrous Creature

    The Maugatar Mr. Ras badass weapon, a ShuriCannon with a 36 inch range and is a Assault weapon

    instead of Heavyoh and it has rending with a inbuilt executioner

    Heavy Weapons : You will see these as upgrades on Vehicles and the Wraithlord, these are the mainstay

    of the Eldar.

    Eldar Missile Launcher: With two firing modes that can cover anti-troop duty or anti-tank this is one of

    the most used weapons. Not to mention the Plasma shot causes Pinning

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    Bright Lance: This is the iconic weapon of the Eldar (Dark Eldar use the Dark Lance go figure) Str 8 with

    Ap 2 and lowers all armor values above 12 to 12. Useless against a Land Raider with Blessed hull or a


    Scatter Laser: This used to be such a unpredictable weapon no one used it, how with 4 shots this

    weapon is seen everywhere and is a highly valued addition in 5th.

    Shuriken Cannon: Most often used as a support weapon this has only 1 shot less than the scatter laser

    but has 1 better Ap. Only bad thing is that it is 24

    Star Cannon: Not worth it anymore, back when it was Heavy 3, this thing was awesome. Now due to the

    high points cost and the plethora of 4+ cover saves I almost never see it used anymoreI mean >I
