Racism is Everywhere! Brandon VanEmburgh C Period


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Racism is Everywhere!

Brandon VanEmburghC Period

Racism is descrimination

against a particular group of

people based solely on their

racial background.

The KKK or Ku Klux Klan is a racial group with

hatred toward non-whites and is still

around in America!

Everyone needs to help by throwing racism away.

Never be racist, and never make nasty

comments about people. If you were called a word that you didn’t want how

would you feel?

Today thousands of people are racist toward all kinds of non-whites but mostly

to African Americans. Each race has groups that

promote their race, sometimes discluding

other races, such as the Black Panthers, the KKK,

and Nazi/White Supremacists.

Still going on today in southern schools, blacks and whites are

seperated from each other. This is because parents do not want their kids

to be around a different race.

Montgomery County High School, Mount Vernon, GA

Friday, May 1, 2009

White Students’ Prom

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Black Students’ PromEfforts to combine

prom by students with interracial friendships & relationships have been

squashed by close-minded white parents

pressuring school administrators to keep

prom separate.

Even today police officers are beating African Americans

because of the color of their skin.

Some people assume if you are black you are

poor… Maybe you shouldn’t be driving a

fancy car?This is called


Racism violates the dignity of humankind.

Racism is marked by an imbalance in economic, political,     and social power in favor of some ethnic, and cultural 

    groups at the expense of others.

Racism, as a disease woven into the moral and spiritual      fiber of American society, obscures the possibility of 

    establishing the reality of that oneness.

The patterns of thinking and behaving that constitute     racism have been learned and can be UNLEARNED!

Evidence of Change

In 2008 the people of the United States elected the first black President,

Barack Obama.

First Black U.S. Secretary of State: Gen. Colin Powell, 2001–2004.

First black female Secretary of State: Condoleezza Rice, 2005–2009.

First Black Billionaires: Robert Johnson, 2001,

owner of Black Entertainment Television; Oprah Winfrey, 2003.

To help STOP Racism …• For more info visit http://www.centerhealingracism.org

– Contact us at (713) 520-8226 for more information about how we plan on healing racial stereotypes and other negative outlooks.


• “A Prom Divided”. New York Times. May 21, 2009. Photographs by GILLIAN LAUB; Text by SARA CORBETT. Accessed electronically 3/26/11. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/05/24/magazine/24prom-t.html?pagewanted=1&_r=1

• “Race & Police Brutality: Roots of An Urban Dilemma”. Holmes, Malcom D. Smith, Brad W. November 2008. http://www.sunypress.edu/p-4690-race-and-police-brutality.aspx

• Center for Healing Racism. http://www.centerhealingracism.org/home0.aspx

• CNN News http://cnn.com/2007/US/law/09/20/jena.six/index.html?iref=newssearch

• Famous firsts by African Americans. http://www.infoplease.com/spot/bhmfirsts.html

• http://jenasix.org/timeline.html

• http://www.biography.com/articles/Barack-Obama-12782369

• Music by “Hypertaptive”. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZxXzJXRWvA
