Rabbit hole


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Down the Rabbit Hole


-_- Your soul JPOP

Query on UrbanDict

It comes from Alice in Wonderland where she fell down the Rabbit Hole into some bizarre shit (trippy stuff from the 70s). Therefore, it is commonly used as an expression or euphuism for a portal to bizzarro world/significantly strange happenings/extremely surreal situations, etc.

But actually, it is: Metaphor for the conceptual path which is thought to lead to the true nature of reality.

Query on Y2BWikipedia contributors. Alice in Wonderland (1951 film). Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.

Le Reality

Name: N/A (* You-Know-Who *) (* He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named *) Major: CS / Former EE !Bio: A privileged professor (to be).

You Ain’t Alice

You are:

Name: Introom9 Major: Japanese-Lang Desp~: With some faith and fun in CS

One day He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named texted to introom9.

Le Conversion

My favourite song. I’d recommend it to you.

Hmmm. Not my type.


Got it. But I suppose you may like it.



= Broadcasting* Raid


Le Sad Reality

What’s the meaning of your life?

Hmmm. What the heck with your mouth?

You are doomed and will never and ever graduate.

Don’t you feel boring and depressed of your life?

Exactly. No survey no life. I did a TESTBED last^5 week.

Fun stuff but seemingly not appealing to you.

Wow. Interesting. What’s that? Something EDIBLE?

Le Freestyle!Stay cool be awesome.

Down the Rabbit Hole to CLI ENV.

introom9 -_- Like Your Soul JPOP







Stuff we’ll cover

SSH is your friend

TerminalMac: iTerm2 Linux: Konsole/xterm Win: Pietty (of course not putty)



ssh-copy-id No bother typing your password

As lazy as possible.

More fun

Chat on PTT!

Terrific Konsole


Shell is your WILL

Typical Shells bash/csh/ksh/zsh/fish and the beloved DASH

Take Away explainshell.com

And more!Take Away

Be sure to read dash: http://linux.die.net/man/1/dash !bash http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/ http://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/bash.html !zsh book: From Bash to Z Shell: Conquering the Command Line prezto: https://github.com/sorin-ionescu/prezto


Editor is your casper

IDE Intellij/RubyMine/PHPStorm Visual Studio/Eclipse



Notepad++ ST2/3 BlueFish TextMate

Nano Emacs Vi/Vim

You Kidding

C-xC-c is way too hard.

Take AwayDe-facto answer—> :h !VimL http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Learning_the_vi_Editor/Vim/VimL_Script_language http://learnvimscriptthehardway.stevelosh.com/ !Normal Use http://vimcasts.org/episodes/archive http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Vim_Tips_Wiki !Play Golf? http://vimgolf.com/


Multiplexer Ain’t Multiplexer


Tmux is your Gremlin



Be together!Vim is purely an editor.!It sucks esp. when you wanna have a REPL env.


VCS is your mate

Typical VCScvs svn git mercurial bazaar

Dropbox pretends to be.

Git is the mainstream

Take Away





Doc secures your job.

The line of your doc should be twice that of your code. — introom9

Sphinx: a documentation build/generation system !

RST: If you dunno, then think it as Markdown or TeX


END!!Thank You!