Rabbi Menachem Goldberger דחא בלב€¦ · favors careful study of text and is known for her...


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This week’s Lev Echad is being sponsored by Bluma Bier, in gratitude to Hashem for her naches, and in gratitude

קהילת תפארת ישראל פרשת שמיני/מברכים איר���� / ��� ������ ��-���� ����bWelcome to Congregation Tiferes Yisroel! Parshas Tazria/Metzora

בלב אחד

DAVENING SCHEDULE Friday Candle Lighting: 7:31 pm Mincha: 7:00 pm Shabbos Day Shacharis: 8:30 am Rebbetzin’s Class: 5:00 pm Rabbi’s Shiur: 6:00 pm Mincha: 7:00 pm Maariv: 8:50 pm Shabbos is over after: 9:03 pm Sunday — Rosh Chodesh Shacharis: 8:00 am Mincha / Maariv: 7:40 pm Monday-Friday Shacharis (Monday): 6:20 am Shacharis: 6:30 am Mincha / Maariv: 7:40 pm Next Shabbos – Parshas Tazria/Metzora Candle Lighting: 7:38 pm Friday Mincha: 7:00 pm

This Shabbos • Bar Mitzvah of Betzalel Tzvi Vanderhoof.

Kiddush following davening sponsored by his parents, Tzadik and Sheva Vanderhoof.

• 5 pm. Rebbetzin Bracha shiur on the 13 Attributes of Mercy. For women.

• 6 pm. Rabbi Goldberger’s Derech Hashem shiur. For men and women.

For Our Loved Ones Who Are Ill If you have a loved one who is seriously ill,

and you wish to have Tehillim recited on their behalf, please contact Rena Levi, 410-358-4817.

Our Women’s Tehillim group meets every Sunday morning from 10 to 10:45 in the Ezras Nashim. Please join us if you can.

Rebbetzin Bracha Shiur on the 13 Attributes of Mercy

The Tiferes Yisroel Sisterhood is presenting a series of shiurim with Rebbetzin Bracha Goldberger, “Emulating the Ways of Hashem, Based on the Thirteen Attributes of Mercy,” based on the sefer, Tomer Devorah.

Classes are held Shabbos afternoons, one hour before Rabbi Goldberger’s shiur.

The shiur is dedicated in commemoration of the yahrzeits of Esther Nechama Margolese, a”h, and Judy Ference, a”h, the 17th and 18th of Nisan.

Rabbi Goldberger’s Nightly Halacha Shiur

Each evening after mincha/maariv, Rabbi Goldberger gives a shiur for men in the Mishna Berurah for about 15 minutes on hilchos tzitzis.

Mazel Tov to • Tzadik and Sheva Vanderhoof on the Bar

Mitzvah of their son Betzalel Tzvi. Mazel tov to Betzalel Tzvi as well! May they be zoche l’gadlo l’Torah l’chupah ul’maasim tovim!

• Mordecai Zev Margolese and Lori Aviva Saltman on their engagement. May they be zoche to build a bayis ne’eman b’Yisrael!

Girls’ Learning Group All 9th and 10th grade girls are welcome to

come to the Girls’ Learning Group, Sundays at 10:45 am in the Shul Simcha Hall. Join us for refreshments and interesting discussion. Sponsored by Bishvili, a project of AJOP. See Nechama Goldman for details. On break.

Megilas Rus Series for Women Dear Ladies of Tiferes Yisroel,

Please register for the six classes on Megilas Rus, given by Yael Weisbord, for women, as part of our shul’s Focus on Tanach and in preparation for Shavuos.

We look forward to learning and growing together, b’ezras Hashem. Classes are held Tuesday evenings at 8 pm, from April 17 to May 22. Registration is $36 for the series (but please don’t let the cost stop you from attending, any amount will be accepted). To register, RSVP to Batsheva Goldman at jenbgold@gmail.com or 410-358-3768.

Yael Weisbord is a native of London. She is a veteran educator known for her engaging manner and down-to-earth approach. She teaches at the Yeshiva of Greater Washington and Maalot Seminary, and co-directs a summer touring camp for girls where she gives numerous in-depth workshops. She favors careful study of text and is known for her ability to make the text come alive.

Thanks! Rebbetzin Bracha and the TY Sisterhood;

Batsheva Goldman, Elka Rottman and Devorah Taffel

Sisterhood Coffee House Get ready for the second annual TY

Sisterhood Coffee House Concert. Last year’s concert was a sellout success.

B’ezras Hashem this year’s concert will be held Sunday June 24th.

This is a great opportunity to use your talents and be involved with the TY Sisterhood by helping out before, during or after the concert.

Please contact Caryn Blum for more information, 410-358-5478, acblum@verizon. net.

Pushka total: $3,245.07 (see p. 3) 28 Nisan 5772/April 21, 2012.

5746-5772 Celebrating our 26th year 1986-2012

Rabbi Menachem Goldberger

הרב מנחם ראובן הלוי גולדברגר שליטא מרא דאתרא


Welcome to Congregation Tiferes Yisroel Parshas Shemini/Mevorchim Iyar

This week’s Lev Echad is sponsored by: Tzadik, Sheva, Chaim Simcha, Shalom Zev and Aryeh Yehuda Vanderhoof in honor of Betzalel Tzvi’s Bar Mitzvah. Mazel Tov! We are so proud of you! As well in honor of all the family and friends who came from out of town and in town to join in the

Simcha. Thank you all for making it so special.

The Weekly Parsha

Parsha Potpourri – Selection

by Oizer Alport

Vateitzei aish milifnei Hashem vatochal osam vayamusu lifnei Hashem (10:2)

The Gemora in Sanhedrin (52a) teaches that while Moshe and Aharon were leading the way at Mount Sinai, Nadav and Avihu followed behind them and wondered aloud to one another when Moshe and Aharon might die so that they could assume the mantle of leadership. Hashem replied, “We’ll see who will bury who.” Rashi explains that the Gemora is coming to teach that it was for this act of seeking power that they died prema-turely. This is difficult to understand for two reasons. First, the Torah gives an alternative reason for their death (10:1-2): they brought an offering which they weren’t commanded to bring. Second, nowhere do we find that the pursuit of power is a capital crime.

The Steipler beautifully resolves these questions based on a Gemora in Rosh Hashana (17a-b). The Gemora teaches that if a person acts humble and unassuming, Hashem overlooks his sins and gives him time to repent. In light of this, the Steipler explains that the Gemora in Sanhedrin doesn’t mean to say that Nadav and Avihu were put to death for seeking honor. Rather, it is bothered that Hashem normally gives a person an opportu-nity to repent and doesn’t punish him on the spot. Why were Nadav and Avihu immedi-ately killed for their erroneous actions?

The Gemora answers that almost one year previously they expressed their jealous desire for power. As a result, they didn’t receive Divine mercy to give them time to repent. The actual cause of their deaths was the foreign sacrifice, as the Torah explicitly says. The reason that Hashem judged them so strictly was because they invited it upon themselves by coveting the leadership.

Based on the Steipler’s explanation, we may now resolve an apparent difficulty in “Elokai Netzor,” the prayer added at the end of Shemoneh Esrei. Seemingly, the most important requests contained therein are “P’sach libi b’Torasecha uv’mitzvosecha tirdof nafshi” Hashem should open our hearts to His Torah and help us pursue the performance of mitzvos. If so, why don’t we begin the paragraph with these petitions?

The aforementioned Gemora in Rosh Hashana mentions that there is one other way to merit Divine leniency: to overlook wrongs done to us and not respond to insults. If Hashem grants our request to help us excel in

our Torah study and mitzvos but judges them strictly, we don’t stand much of a chance. Many times they are performed without full concentration or for ulterior motives. We first ask for help in obtaining the two keys to eliciting Hashem’s mercy: “V’lim’kal’lai nafshi sidom v’nafshi ke’afar lakol tih’yeh” — To those who curse me, let my soul be silent, and let my soul be like dust to everyone. Only after we have the tools to merit Hashem’s compassionate judgment are we able to continue with our primary request.

This article is provided as part of Shema Yisrael Torah Network. Permission is granted to redistribute electronically or on paper,

provided that this notice is included intact.

Coming Up • April 28: Camp Shabbos. • May 9: Lag BaOmer bonfire at shul. • May 12: Camp Shabbos. • May 19: Bar Mitzvah of Ezra Schwarz.

Kiddush following davening sponsored by his parents, Steve and Ellen Schwarz.

• May 20: JCN Women’s 5K. Baltimore Zoo. 8:15 am. Join the TY team.

• June 24: TY Sisterhood Coffee House concert.

Torah2Go Gmach There are over 150 Torah CDs available by

Mrs. Shira Smiles, Rav Moshe Weinberger, Rabbi Zecharia Wallerstein, Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky, Rav Yaakov Weinberg z”tl, Rav Shimshon Pincus z”tl, Mrs. Holly Pavlov, Rabbi Akiva Tatz, Rabbi Reisman and many other speakers. For information, please email brachapoliakoff@gmail.com.

Camp Shabbos Camp Shabbos offers parents of young

children up to age 7 the opportunity to take part in shul while their children enjoy supervised play.

To help keep it going, we need volunteers to rotate the responsibility of being the point person for each session.

The job includes: • coordinating the snacks beforehand,

either by purchasing them yourself or getting someone else to purchase and bring them in;

• arriving by 10 am (or a little earlier) on Shabbos; and

• being on call during Camp Shabbos hours (10-11:30 am) in case the babysitter needs anything; you do not have to be downstairs the entire time.

To volunteer, contact Adriana Steinberg, abpeljovich@yahoo.com or 202-641-6677.

Chometz Please note that chometz may not be

purchased at any Baltimore area Giant, Target or Safeway stores until Sunday, May 13.

Please consult the Star-K for any further information or see page 93 in the Star-K Passover 2012 Directory, http://star-k.org/ kashrus/star-k12_pesach_directory.pdf The directory lists the stores from which you may purchase chometz.

Community • April 21: Women’s shiur in memory of

Esther Nechama Margolese. Sefer HaChin-nuch, led by Dr. Dovid Clay. Home of Joyce Dreyfuss, 3820 Menlo Drive, each Shabbos at 4 pm. All women and high school girls are invited. Copies available.

• April 22: National Jelly Bean Day. • May 6: Chai’s Good Neighbor Day. • June 17: Ohr Chadash Academy presents

the Maccabeats, Live in Concert for their first live performance in Baltimore. 4:30 pm at Goucher College. For tickets and sponsorships, please contact: concert@ohr chadashbaltimore.org

• June 20: CHAI’s Smart Homebuyer Workshop for first-time homebuyers. Find out about the many incentive loan and grants available to residents of Baltimore City, Baltimore County and Maryland. To register call 410-500-5309 or tsherman@ chaibaltimore.org. Walk-ins welcome. 6-9 pm, CHAI, 5809 Park Heights Avenue.

Men’s Bais Medrash Program The Men’s Bais Medrash Program runs

nightly, Sunday through Thursday, beginning right after mincha/maariv. Bring a chavrusa and strengthen our Bais Medrash and our shul. Elie Weiner leads the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch Chabura Tuesday nights at 8 pm, and Fred Levi leads the Nesivos Shalom chabura Wednesday nights from 8 to 9 pm.

Shemen Lamaor Sponsors • Ari and Caryn Blum • Jerry and Elka Rottman in loving memory

of Elka’s dear parents, Aryeh Leib ben Eliyahu HaKohen a”h and Golda bas Yosef Zelig HaLevi

JCN Women’s 5K The Jewish Caring Network is having a

Women’s 5K Care Run/Walk/Stroll at the Baltimore Zoo on Sunday, May 20, at 8:15 am. The zoo will not be open to the public during this time, and will only be open to women and children. For more information and/or to register as a participant or donor, go to www.jewishcaring network.org.

There are many groups coming together for JCN. Please join one at www.crowdrise.com/ JCN5Krun. Page all the way down and join the Tiferes Yisroel Walk and Stroll Team captained by Judy Schnidman or the Ahavas Yisrael Team organized by Meira Blaxberg.

Visit us at www.tiferesyisroel.org Parshas Shemini/Mevorchim Iyar

Yahrzeits Giving tzedakah in the name of the

departed has the power to elevate their soul. When you give charity on behalf of your loved one, consider giving to Tiferes Yisroel.

And may the soul of your loved one be bound in the bond of life, together with the souls of Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov; Sarah, Rivka, Rachel and Leah; and together with the other righteous men and women in Gan Eden.

Regina Komet, Rivka bas Moshe a”h, 1 Iyar,

mother of Max Komet a”h Edward Jeffrey Morganstein, Yidel ben

Shlomo Tzvi a”h, 3 Iyar, brother of Barbara Landsman

Oscar Scherr, Asher Betzalel ben Shmuel a”h, 3 Iyar, father of Susan Seiden

Jacques Genah, Yaakov ben Reb Michoel a”h, 4 Iyar, father of Sylvie Grossman a”h

Lucy Yosafat Cohen Skurrow a”h, 5 Iyar, aunt of Karen Beleck

Focus on Tanach Our Focus on Tanach year is halfway over.

So far, 51 families are participating in study-ing Tanach. Join us. You’re probably doing it already, so just add your name to the list.

We still need takers for Vayishlach, Vayeishev, Mikeitz, Vayigash, Vayechi and Mishpatim.

Pushkas If anyone has any pushkas that are full or

close to full, please contact Shlomo and Ahuva Goldberger at 410-358-4456.

New Chabura Forming A new chabura is forming at 8 am Shabbos

morning to learn Gemara Tractate Berachos from the beginning. All men are welcome.

Refuah Shalaimah to Our Members • Karen Rosenfelt, Chaya bas Sheindel • Karen Eisenberg, Keren bas Levana Yuta • Elliott Morrison, Eliyahu Reuvain ben

Chaya Raisel • Raizy Cohen, Raiselle bas Sarah

Take Rabbi Goldberger with You on Your Commute

All of Rabbi Goldberger’s shiurim are available as a podcast (RSS feed), so you can subscribe to them from your iPod, smart phone, or other device with a Podcast listening app, without having to download them with your computer. Just add http://tiferesyisroel.org/podcast to your podcast app, and you will be subscribed. Enjoy the shiurim, wherever you may be.

Daven with us at 6201 Park Heights Avenue Parshas Shemini/Mevorchim Iyar

Pushka Challenge

The challenge is to deposit 36 cents into your shul pushka every day (it could be more or less, the challenge is to give something every day). When your pushka is full, drop off the money (in a bag, marked with your name) in Shlomo Goldberger’s mailbox.

Call Shlomo and Ahuva if you would like them to pick up a pushka or if you need a pushka.

Our goal is to bring in $10,000 by next Rosh Hashanah. To join the chal-lenge and the other members who have already signed up, contact the Goldbergers at 410-358-4456 or shlomhuva@aol.com.

Member families signed up: 67 Pushkas emptied: 62 Running total: $3,245.07

Aharon and Feige Rochel Adler

Avrum Weiss and Joan Kristall

Eli Freidman Ken and Chana Birnbaum Ida Goldberger Moshe Shaul Grossman Yaakov and Batsheva

Goldman Betzalel and Esther Huff Yehuda and Leah Bennnett Mo and Shaina Margolese Stuart and Debbie

Goldman Ann Stiller Keely and Jillian

Goldberger Elie and Esther Levi Jonathan and Talia Raun Ray and Risha Saperstein Bob and Karen Rosenfelt TY Daily Minyan Barbara Landsman Dov and Karen Pear Ladies Tehilim Group Yosef and Tova Schuerholz Nisan and Marietta Jaffee

Rabbi and Rebbetzin Goldberger

Jerry and Elka Rottman and family

Louis and Rachel Rosenstock

Shulamis Heldoorn Shlomo and Ahuva

Goldberger Yosef and Chani Steinberg Mordechai Beleck Eric and Elaine Gerstenfeld Saul and Raizy Cohen Drew and Adrianna

Steinberg Lori Saltman Lenny and Glenna Ross Susan Vick Fred and Rena Levi Dvora Childress Ari and Caryn Blum Binny Margolese Efraim Katz and Judy

Schnidman Jerry and Eileen

Rosenbaum Ed and Mesa Leventhal Ari Freidman

Gavriel Haskins Elliott and Hillorie

Morrison Moshe and Shelly Cohen Scott Ference Howard and Dvora Sora

Reznick Scott and Sandy Parsowith Rabbi and Rebbetzin

Lowenbraun Nisan and Meira Blaxberg Saul and Toby Passe Ron Maltz Aaron and Shoshana

Shamberg Rafi Kristall-Weiss Bryna Kitay Mark and Joyce Dreyfuss Mark and Chana Singer Nathan and Jessie Franco Dov and Tayna Goldstein Jerome and Summer

Bethea Ken and Yocheved Gelula Suzanne Kayne Louis and Gail Feinstein Keren Hening Mordecai Zev Margolese

Louis and Gail Feinstein (Mishlei) Shoshana Goldman (9) (Shoftim) Rena Levi Jonah Rena Levi J Eliyahu Margolese (2) Lech Lecha onah N

Focus on Tanach The idea is to complete all of Tanach, as a community, with each family or individual learning a book from Tanach or a

Parsha from the Torah. There can be overlap, as long as we finish Tanach as a shul. Sign up with Shaina Margolese at momargolese@yahoo.com or 410-358-7387. Rabbi Goldberger would very much like the Torah parshiyos to be completed by the youth of our shul. Sign up with

Nechama Goldman, nechamabgoldman@gmail.com, 410-440-6234 or Shonny Katz, 410-358-0440, Shonny613@hotmail.com.

Aharon and Feige Rochel Adler (Esther)

Feige Rochel Adler (Malachi)

Shaul Allen (Rus, Eicha, Koheles, Esther)

Karen Beleck (Shmuel

Bais) Shira Beleck (Koheles) Yisrael and Rina Miriam

Bethea (Yechezkel) Chananya Blaxberg (3)

(Shemos, Va’eira, Bo)

Gavi Blaxberg (Nasso, Shoftim (parts))

Nisan Blaxberg (Micah, Zephaniah)

Rachamim Blaxberg (5) (Emor, Behar)

Blum family (Shmuel Aleph)

Chaya Blum (11) (Vayeitzei,Yishayahu (parts))

Dovid Blum (4) (Shemos, Va’eira, Bo, Yehoshua)

Reuven Blum (6) (Vayikra, Kedoshim)

Moshe Cohen (Melachim

Bais) Saul and Raizy Cohen

(Yechezkel) Feinstein children in

memory of their brother, Yaakov Chaim z'l (Toldos)

Louis and Gail Feinstein (Mishlei)

Elaine Gerstenfeld (Esther) Rabbi Goldberger

(Yehoshua) Rebbetzin Goldberger

(Shmuel) Shlomo Goldberger (Shir

Hashirim) Tehila Goldberger (2)


Yaakov Goldberger (Va’eira, B’shalach, Yisro, Mishpatim, Terumah, Tetzaveh, Ki Sisa, Vayakel, Pekudei, Tzav, Shmini, Tazria, Metzora, Acharei Mot, Kedoshim, Emor, Behar, Bechukosai, Bamidbar, Naso, Be’halot’cha, Shlach, Korach, Chukas, Balak, Pinchas, Masei, Devarim, Vaetchanan, Ekev, Re’eh, Shoftim, Ki Setzei, Ki Savo, Nitzavim, Vayelech, Haazinu, V’Zos HaBracha,Yirmiyahu)

Andy Goldfinger (Koheles)

Goldman family (Bo) Avi Goldman (9) (Esther

(parts)) Goldie Goldman (11)

(Vayeitzei) Nechama Goldman

(Miketz) Shoshana Goldman (9)

(Shoftim, Melachim Aleph, Esther)

Yaakov Goldman (B’shalach)

Talia Goldstein (Koheles) Aharon Grayson (Ezra,

Nechemya) Nossi Gross (Yirmiyahu) Yaakov Gur (Iyov) Mark Hart (Tazria,

Metzora) Shulamis Heldoorn

(Shoftim) Davidi Howarth (Yisro,

B’shalach, Va’eira, Shemos, Bo)

Debby Howarth (Noach, Malachi, Esther)

Bezalel and Esther Huff (Daniel, Ezra)

Samantha Hulkower (Yisro)

Bert Kahn (Obadiah)

Efraim Katz (Chayei Sarah)

Suzanne Kayne (Koheles) D Klotzman (Shelach) Barbara Landsman

(Esther) Elie Levi (Tzav, Shmini,

Tazria, Metzora, Acharei Mot, Kedoshim, Emor, Behar, Bechukosai, Bamidbar, Naso, Be’halot’cha, Shlach, Korach, Chukas, Balak, Pinchas, Masei, Devarim, Vaetchanan, Ekev, Re’eh, Shoftim, Ki Setzei, Ki Savo, Nitzavim, Vayelech, Haazinu, V’Zos HaBracha, Melachim Aleph)

Elie and Esther Levi (Ezra) Rena Levi (Jonah) Eliyahu Margolese (2)

(Bereishis, Noach, Lech Lecha, Vayeira)

Mo and Shaina Margolese (Melachim Bais)

Mordecai Zev Margolese (Nechemya, Divrei

Hayamim) Hillorie Morrison

(Koheles) Parsowith family (Shmuel

Aleph) Shlomo Pear (6) (Behar,

Bechukosai) Batya Perlman (10)

(Beha’aloscha, Trai Asar (parts))

Gavriel Perlman (Ki Seitzei)

Hadassah Perlman (9) (Shemos, Melachim Bais (parts))

Levi Perlman (4) (B’shalach)

Minky Perlman (5) (Shemos)

Mordechai Meir Perlman (Devarim)

Noam Petersen (7) (Terumah)

Yaron Petersen (6) (Mattos)

Jonathan and Talia Raun

(Iyov) Aaron Binyamin Reznick

(Pinchas, Mattos) Dvora Sora Reznick

(Tehillim) Howard and Dvora Sora

Reznick (Habakkuk) Jerry and Eileen

Rosenbaum (Trai Asar)

Louis and Rachel Rosenstock (Va’eschanan)

Lenny and Glenna Ross (Hosea)

Jerry, Elka and Elisheva Rottman (Mishlei (Perakim 1-10))

Judy Schnidman (Noach) Shoshana Shamberg

(Malachi) Meira Shnidman

(Melachim Aleph) Avi and Susan Sonenthal

(Zechariah) Avi Sonenthal (Mishlei) Aryeh Yehuda Vanderhoof

(6) (Behar, Bechukosai)

Betzalel Vanderhoof (7) (Pinchas)

Tzadik Vanderhoof (Divrei Hayamim)

Elie and Esther Weiner

(Yishayahu) Women’s Tehillim Group

(Tehillim) Hillel Zeitlin (Rus)

Sign Up for These


Vayishlach Vayeishev

Mikeitz Vayigash Vayechi



Joblink. Joblink provides job seekers, recruit-

ers and employers with valuable information regarding employment opportunities and career information.

If you are looking for a job or know of one at your office, contact our shul liaison, Yehuda Bennett, at YehudaBennett@gmail.com, 443-827-8420 or Elly Lasson, executive director at Joblink, elasson@joblinkemployment.com, 410-602-8700.

Mitzvah Cards. For $18, you get four cards

that you can mail out yourself. For $10, we will send the card out for you, and your donation will be announced in the Lev Echad.

Contact Glenna Ross at 410-358-1687 or e-mail glenna@tiferesyisroel.org.

Sponsorships. To arrange your sponsorship,

email levechad@tiferesyisroel.org, call 410-764-1971 option 4, or go to www.tiferesyisroel.org and click donate. Please send your donation to Congregation Tiferes Yisroel, 6201 Park Heights Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21215.

To sponsor Shemen Lamaor for a month or the Lev Echad, Camp Shabbos or Father/Son Learning for a week, the donation is $36.

For the following, please contact Nisan Blaxberg at 410-358-3943 or inn8doc@aol.com.

Siddur $50 Chumash $75 Yahrzeit Plaque $300 Other seforim may be dedicated as well.

Big Brother. We need Jewish Big Brothers!

Right now, there are boys in our community waiting to be matched with a mentor and a friend. Find out how rewarding this volunteer experience can be! Getting together with your “Little” twice a month is all it takes. Training and support are provided.

For more information, please contact Katie Cohen at 410-843-7462 or kcohen@ jcsbaltimore.org.

Shul Rentals. To reserve the use of the shul’s

simcha hall, please contact Eileen Rosenbaum at 410-764-8443 or eileen@tiferesyisroel.org.

There is no fee to reserve the date. For availability, go to www.tiferesyisroel.org, and click on the “Calendar” button on the left. This online calendar is kept up-to-date continuously.

No Peanuts! The shul is peanut-free. In

consideration of our members with peanut allergies, please refrain from bringing peanut products into the shul.

TY Shiurim Schedule

Sunday: • 9:30-10:15 am: Men’s Gemara Brachos shiur

given by the Rabbi. Rashi, selected Tosfos and Maharsha following Shacharis.

• 10-10:45 am: Women’s Tehillim gathering for cholim (Ezras Nashim).

• 10:45 am: Girls’ Learning Group. Simcha Hall.

Monday: • 6:45-7:45 pm: Rambam Hilchos Ishus. Given

by Jay Taffel. Upstairs Beis Midrash. On hiatus.

Tuesday: • One hour before mincha: Gemara Chulin.

The 8th perek dealing with the meat and bones and blood of kashrus, given by Jay Taffel. Upstairs Beis Midrash.

• 8 pm: Chabura learning — Kitzur Shulchan Aruch, focusing on the laws of Pesach. After maariv in the Bais Medrash. Led by Elie Weiner. All are welcome.

• 8 pm: Megilas Rus, given by Yael Weisbord.

Wednesday: • 8-9 pm: Nesivos Shalom. Bais Medrash. Led

by Fred Levi.

Daily (Monday-Friday): • 6-6:25 am: Chabura learning Rashi on the

weekly parsha given by Nisan Blaxberg. All men and (older) boys are invited to attend.

• Every morning following davening — a chabura for strengthening Hebrew reading with Nesivos Shalom. With fresh hot coffee!

• Sunday through Thursday evening after mincha/maariv for 15 minutes — Rabbi Goldberger shiur for men. Mishna Berurah hilchos tzitzis.

• 8-9 pm: Nightly men’s bais medrash. Sunday through Thursday.

• 9:20-9:40 pm: Rabbi Goldberger teaching Tur-Bais Yoseph. Monday through Thursday.

Shabbos: • 8-8:30 am: Morning Chabura: Learning, dis-

cussion and inspiration by Rabbi Apisdorf. Shabbos Malkisa.

• 8-8:30 am: Mishnayos Chabura. Nezikin. • 8 am: Chabura learning Gemara Tractate

Berachos from the beginning. • One hour before Rabbi’s shiur: Rebbetzin

Bracha Goldberger, “Emulating the Ways of Hashem, Based on the Thirteen Attributes of Mercy,” based on the sefer, Tomer Devorah.

• One hour before mincha: Rabbi’s shiur on Derech Hashem. For men and women.


President Nisan Blaxberg 410-358-3943 blaxberg@tiferesyisroel.org

VP Mo Margolese mo@tiferesyisroel.org VP Membership Louis Rosenstock 443-255-

4343 lrosenstockphoto@yahoo.com Secretary Ari Blum 410-358-5478

blum@tiferesyisroel.org Treasurer Yaakov Gur 410-358-2005



Ahavas Yisrael Chabura Project Meira Blaxberg 410-358-3943 MeiraB@aol.com

Bais Medrash Rabbi Elie Levi 410-318-8932 Calendar Eileen Rosenbaum 410-764-8443

eileen@tiferesyisroel.org Camp Shabbos Adriana Steinberg 202-641-

6677 abpeljovich@yahoo.com Candyman Ari Blum Chesed Committee

Chana Birnbaum (shiva) 410-358-7736; Ester Gur (births) 410-358-2005; Raizy Cohen (cholim) 410-764-8852

Davening Schedule Jay Taffel 410-358-9029 Father/Son Learning Dov Pear 410-358-9825 Gabbai Rishon Jay Taffel 410-358-9029 Gabbai Sheni Hillel Zeitlin 410-358-7316 Gabbai Tzedakah Nathan Franco 240-472-

2815 Girls’ Learning Group Nechama Goldman Hospitality Gail Feinstein 410-764-2532 Kitchen/Kiddush Volunteer opportunity Lev Echad Suzanne Kayne 410-764-1971,

Option 4 (please use email) levechad@tiferesyisroel.org

Mitzvah Cards Glenna Ross 410-358-1687 Seforim

Purchase Nisan Blaxberg 410-358-3943 Repair Mark Hart

Shalosh Seudos Coordinator Hinda Blum 410-764-2279

Simcha Hall Reserve Eileen Rosenbaum 410-764-8443 eileen@tiferesyisroel.org

Sisterhood Batsheva Goldman 410-358-3768 jenbgold@gmail. com; Elka Rottman 410-358-5427 elkarottman@gmail.com; Devorah Taffel 410-358-9029 jtaffel@yahoo.com

Supplies Ordering Shulamis Heldoorn 410-664-1212 pheldoorn@verizon.net

Tzeischem L’Shalom Coordinator Mordechai Beleck 443-570-3850 mordechaibeleck@yahoo. com

Webmaster Tzadik Vanderhoof 410-764-2258 tzadik@tiferesyisroel.org

Yahrzeit Plaques Nisan Blaxberg 410-358-3943

Yahrzeit Records Alisa Mandel 410-963-2977 apmandel@yahoo.com

Shul Business admin@tiferesyisroel.org

Lev Echad Deadline:

Wednesday, 6:13 pm levechad@tiferesyisroel.org

Good Shabbos!

Rabbi Goldberger’s Shul Congregation Tiferes Yisroel

The Shul Where Everyone Counts 6201 Park Heights Avenue

Baltimore, MD 21215 410-764-1971


Experience Saturday Morning Lite Parshas Shemini/Mevorchim Iyar
