RA Symposium Retha program - NVTG · symposium several strategies for addressing this mental health...


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A step toward bridging the mental health gap in low and middle income countries

The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that low and middle income countries are confronted

with a serious “mental health gap”, indicating an enormous disparity between the number of

individuals in need of mental health care and the availability of professionals to provide such care

(WHO, 2010). Traditional forms of mental health services are therefore not feasible. In this

symposium several strategies for addressing this mental health gap in low and middle income

countries will be presented from a clinical, cultural, research and dissemination point of view. In

addition, Retha Arjadi will present the results of her studies as part of her thesis on global mental

health including a meta-analysis on low intensity interventions by non-specialists for mental health

conditions, and a randomized controlled trial evaluating the effect of such a low intensity

intervention using technology with support of lay counselors in depression in Indonesia.

When and where?

Date : Thursday, 13th December 2018

Time : 12.30 – 15.00 hrs

Place : Land van Kokanje, Oude Boteringestraat 9, 9712 GB, Groningen (www.landvankokanje.nl)


Register via email : m.e.brouwer@amc.uva.nl

Fee : 20 Euro

Please transfer the money before the 1st of December to:

Bank account : IBAN: NL74RABO0136166741

Account name : Amc, psychiatrie

Description : F.000466 (mention in your transfer)


12.30 – 12.45 Coffee/Tea

12.45 – 13.00 Introduction to strategies for addressing the mental health gap

Prof. dr. Claudi Bockting

(Amsterdam UMC; Dept. Clinical Psychology, RUG; WHO fellow APA-IUPS)

13.00 – 13.15 The social context of psychosis in South Africa and Iran

Prof. dr. Wim Veling

(Academic Centre of Psychiatry, UMCG)

13.15 – 13.30 Masuk Angin in Indonesia

Prof. dr. Theo Bouman

(Dept. Clinical Psychology RUG)

13.30 – 13.50 Scalable interventions in response to the Syrian refugee crisis in Europe

and the Middle East

Associate Prof. Marit Sijbrandij

(Dept. Clinical Psychology, VU Amsterdam)

13.50 – 14.10 Dissemination challenges for scaling up interventions for mental health in

low and middle income countries

dr. Edith van ‘t Hof

(Dept. Mental Health and Substance Abuse, World Health Organization)

14.10 – 14.30 Internet supported interventions in high income countries

Prof. dr. Gerhard Andersson

(Dept. Behavioral Sciences and Learning, Linköping University)

14.30 – 14.45 Internet supported interventions with lay counselor support in

low and middle income countries

Retha Arjadi, M.Sc

(Dept. Clinical Psychology, RUG; F. Psychology, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia)

14.45 – 15.00 Concluding remarks

16.15 – 17.00 PhD defense of Retha Arjadi (Academiegebouw, Broerstraat 5, 9712 CP, Groningen)
