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R":<'. .A~ 'l'RIB4L C·)lP·:'J IL CE Il'-'C' JBLY 6, 1967

Name of Tribe- Jneida Tribe of Indiana

The meeting 1.vas called to ~rder by C hr·:n. Fill at 9:00 p. !D. !3 t the h')me ~f "t'fil- Joycelyn Ninharn.

"l'rib9l officers present.- Chr1Jl. *or-bert Hill, Vice Ghrm. "sc.qr Archi~ettee, Sec. Tr~ ~ornellu~, Tre~. Joycelyn Ntnhn~.

Ruth BBir:J recie~ed corresDonsdence f1·o~ T·::)m :Olgson in reaarr1 to the hirine- of a ~T."!.':. seupervisor. '•!TIJ. ··•etoxen withdre'"' his application. Irene ~oore applied. Motion by Jec8r Archiouette to~ hire Joycelyn Ninha!Il as the NYC supervi~or. Second by Ira Cornelius. ~otion carried.

Discussed having a Labor Day Celebration

Discussed the persons for the Election ?-card. Oscar Archiouette to phone ~r. Riley for ~ate of Election.

Chrm.- Amelia Cornelius Anders6n Cornelius Josephine Skenandore ?~arlena Smith Abby Skenandore Erne 9 t Smith /J'\"-,,...c_-(.·&,4~·

~~~otion by ')scar Archiauette that bhe~-persons be appointed to the Election -card. Second by Ira 'jornelius. ~otion carried.

:-,roti~n .by. Archi,uet.te to ad_opt a resoluticm authorizing.O Chrm. rorbert;t Hill to sie:n a c~mtract :nade on the 24th of June with ~ond, Schoneck and King. Second by Joycelyn Ninham. ~otion carried.

Motion by Oscar A~chi~uette to adopt the resolut~on for the budget ' of 1968 to be accepte~. Second by Ira 'jorneliu. Yoti~n cBrrie1.

Motion to ?BY bills. Second and car~ie. Norbert Hill (Semi-annual 8nd monthly ms~.) Oscar Archir:1uette 1 1

' '

Ira Cornelius I 1 I I

Joycelyn Ninham 11 '


Mrsira Cornelius (typing tribal reoorts)

Hot ion use of i.'Jot ion :.rot ion Second

by Oscar Archinuette to pRy the Holy Ausostle Church for hall for Inter-Tribal ~eeting. Second by Joycelyn Ninham. carried. by Joycelyn Ninham to re~uest an' Auditor by Aug. 10, .9$7. by Oscar Archi0uette. ~otion carried.

Motion to continue until a later date. becond and carried.

Yf~~ ~Ir~-P. Cornelies

