Quiz on Friday, September 11, 2009 Spelling Demons 1-20


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Quiz on Friday, September 11, 2009

Spelling Demons 1-20

The Demons 1. which

Which assignment is due tomorrow?2. their

I want their desks to be near mine.3. there

There are three students in the hall way.4. separate

If you don’t be quiet, I will separate the two of you.

5. don’t (do not)Don’t you know what time it is?

Spelling Demons6. meant

He really meant he wanted to go to the park.7. business

My dad’s business is really making an impression on the city.

8. manyI have many friends in and outside of school.

9. friendMy friend Ben went to school with your mom.

10. someSome of the students were tired before class.

The Demons11. been

I haven’t been to the mall in two weeks.12. since

I haven’t seen my cousin since last July 4.13. making

I will be making cookies for the bizarre.14. dear

I have a dear friend who I miss a great deal.

15. guessI guess I will have to walk home tonight.

The Demons16. says

He says that I will have to eat before I go outside.

17. havingHaving just one minute left, I quickly ran

through the halls.18. just

Just before I left for class, I put on my rain coat.

19. doctorBefore going to sleep, my doctor told me to

elevate my broken leg.20. believe

I would love to believe your story, but I don’t.

Quiz on Thursday, September 17, 2008

Spelling Demons 21-40

The Demons 21. knew

Who knew we would win the race?22. laid

Mom laid the plates on the table.23. tear

I rewrote my essay after noticing a tear in it.24. choose

If you choose that road, I won’t go with you.25. whether

They are wrong whether they realize it or not.

The Demons 26. used

I refuse to buy a car that is used.27. always

I will love you always.28. where

Do you know where the bathroom is?29. women

Most women will enjoy a female vice president.

30. hearDid you hear that Mark quit the team?

The Demons 31. here

I swear I left my notebook right here.32. write

My printer is broken so I have to write out my essay.

33. doesDoes Dad know you were late last night?

34. onceI forgot to wear my shoes to school once.

35. tiredAfter a three-hour practice, I was very tired!

The Demons 36. grammar

We will study grammar frequently in this class.

37. minuteJust give me a minute, and I will do the dishes.

38. muchHow much is that dog in the window?

39. beginningYour homework is due at the beginning of

class.40. blue

Penn State’s colors are blue and white.

Quiz on Friday, October 2, 2009

Spelling Demons 41-60

The Demons 41. though

Though I’m late, I still want to participate.42. coming

Please, wait for me; I’m coming!43. early

School begins too early in the morning. 44. instead

I would rather he comes instead of her.45. easy

These demon tests are very easy.

The Demons 46. through

We went through the mall before leaving.47. done

I’m done doing my homework tonight.48. writing

I don’t love writing, but I do like it.49. right

If you turn right, you will be at my house.50. any

I won’t eat any of the split pea soup.

The Demons 51. would

I would go but, my mom said no.52. can’t

I can’t watch the game because I have homework.

53. sureHe was sure that he aced the exam.

54. looseHe needs a belt because he pants are too loose.

55. loseI would lose my head if it wasn’t attached to my


The Demons 56. Wednesday

We have demon quizzes every Wednesday.57. country

We should always pledge allegiance to our country.

58. FebruaryBuy flowers for your honey on February 14.

59. knowI know you want to pass my class.

60. couldWhat could be better than spelling demons?

Quiz on Thursday, October 8, 2008

Spelling Demons 61-80

The Demons 61. seems

It seems as if I will be late for dinner tonight.62. Tuesday

Tuesday is the day before Wednesday.63. every

Bobby had every student listening to his story. 64. they

I can’t imagine what they will do if the store closes.

65. halfFor the first time, half the class forgot to do the

assigned homework.

The Demons 66. break

Ouch! That purchase will break our bank!67. buy

I can’t afford to buy that new skateboard.68. again

Where again are you going on vacation?69. very

My story is very exciting.70. none

I will have none of this nonsense.

The Demons 71. week

Every week we have a demon quiz.72. often

I often can’t remember my middle name.73. whole

I can’t eat the whole pie, only half.74. won’t

I won’t be needing your help this weekend.75. cough

When I’m sick, I always have a hacking cough.

The Demons 76. wear

I never worry about what I wear to school.77. answer

The answer to your question is “no!”78. to

I don’t know how to fix my car.79. too

His sister is too involved in after school activities.

80. readyWe’re ready for our first marking period

report cards.

Quiz on Thursday, November 5, 2009

Spelling Demons 81-100

The Demons 81. forty

Sam ate forty BigMacs for dinner yesterday.82. hour

It’s only an hour until the game starts!83. trouble

Stop talking or you’re going to get us into trouble.

84. amongAmong the group, three of you are always

late.85. body

After a workout, my body is awake and alert.

The Demons 86. built

We built this city on rock and roll.87. color

English is fun when you get to color with crayons.88. piece

I forgot to buy that extra piece of equipment I need.

89. raiseTo participate, raise your hand; don’t shout out.

90. straightMy house is straight past the gas station.

The Demons 91. sugar

Cinnamon and sugar go great on toast.92. shoes

My shoes are new and very spiffy.93. enough

I can’t get enough of English class.94. truly

I truly believe that we can enjoy this movie.95. ache

In the morning, I have an ache or two in my neck.

The Demons 96. tonight

Make sure you go to the game tonight.97. hoarse

My voice is hoarse after yelling all evening.98. said

Who said a woman can’t be president?99. wrote

When we wrote our essays, we edited them in class.

100. readSally loves to read, but rarely has the free

