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1 Quilt and Shine: “This little light” - Tutorial and template by Dawn - Honeybee Cloths

Copyright © 2020 – Dawn Lewis All Rights Reserved - www.honeybeecloths.co.uk

Please read through the instructions before you begin x

Colourful little candles twinkle and glow, in Block 9 of Quilt and Shine. Made using a Freezer

Paper Piecing technique, and fussy cut applique. The little candles in this block, give out comfort

and warmth, and remind us to look out, and care for each other’s little lights too.

Block 9 measures 12” square before joining to other blocks.

Quilt and Shine:

This little light…

Tutorial by Dawn - Honeybee Cloths

8 triangle block setting option

4 triangle block setting option

2 Quilt and Shine: “This little light” - Tutorial and template by Dawn - Honeybee Cloths

Copyright © 2020 – Dawn Lewis All Rights Reserved - www.honeybeecloths.co.uk

Materials: the material pictured come from the “Day in Paris” collection by

Brigitte Heitland –(yardage, layer cakes and charms available from Honeybee Cloths.)

For Block 9 you need:

13” square Off –white. Cut into

(1) - 12” x 3 ½” strip

(1) - 12” x 4 ¾” strip

(2) - 2 ½” x 4 ½”strips

( 5) - 5” x 1” strips in pink, sea-glass, teal

Blooms print to fussy cut (1680-15M) for flame

(Or yellow / orange fabrics, glittery or gold fabrics)

Embroidery floss or metallic thread (for flame)

If you’re making the 4 triangle per block quilt “Low cal” option : (4 ) - 8” x 4” rectangles

Or for the 8 triangle per block quilt on Michelle’s blog (CreativeBlonde) 8” x 4” rectangles of the

following: (2) Green, (2) Pink, (2) Navy, and (2) Grey

Thread: Mettler Silk Finish cotton – off white, dark grey, green and teal.

Equipment: Rotary cutter, ruler and cutting mat; Sewing machine; Iron, ironing board and pressing cloth.

Notions: Freezer paper, Clover water erasable pen (or similar), scissors, needle and pins.

So let’s begin … The block is made in 3 steps :

1. Little candles 2. Block and Corners 3. Twinkles and “Shine”

3 Quilt and Shine: “This little light” - Tutorial and template by Dawn - Honeybee Cloths

Copyright © 2020 – Dawn Lewis All Rights Reserved - www.honeybeecloths.co.uk

1. Freezer paper piecing – Candle

Trace template on page 8, onto the matt paper side of freezer paper, using a ruler for precision.

Marking each section with letter - B for Background, and number as on the template.

Slice freezer paper into pieces, using rotary cutter, ruler and mat.

Place the “B” paper pieces glossy side down on

wrong side of off white background fabric.

Leave at least a half inch gap between pieces.

Press for a second or two, using a hot iron till

the Freezer paper sticks to the fabric.

Place the numbered pieces glossy side down on

the wrong side of the colourful candle fabrics.

Making sure there’s ¼” margin around the

freezer paper pieces. Press for a second or two,

using a hot iron till the Freezer paper sticks to

the fabric

Layout the Background and candle pieces

wrong side, up in number order

4 Quilt and Shine: “This little light” - Tutorial and template by Dawn - Honeybee Cloths

Copyright © 2020 – Dawn Lewis All Rights Reserved - www.honeybeecloths.co.uk

Sewing the pieces together - Begin, by joining B1 and 1, pin along freezer paper edge, to line up pieces ready to

sew. (It’s OK for raw edges not to line up – in foundation paper piecing it’s the edges of the freezer paper, which

need to align, this provides the stitching guide.)

Once the pieces have been sewn together, press the seams open and remove the freezer papers.

You can use a light-box or a brightly lit window,

to help align the pieces. Though for this block I

simply inserted a pin at the top and bottom

corners of the freezer paper, checking the pin

came through at the corresponding freezer

paper corner on the other side. Repeat at the

bottom corner too.

Next, over to the sewing machine….

Sew along the edge of the freezer paper (avoid

stitching through the paper)

Working in number order from B1 to B6, sew a

background piece to a candle piece. Till the

pieces are joined in a long strip.

5 Quilt and Shine: “This little light” - Tutorial and template by Dawn - Honeybee Cloths

Copyright © 2020 – Dawn Lewis All Rights Reserved - www.honeybeecloths.co.uk

2. Block and corners

Once the central candle block is sewn, you’re

already to add the sashing.

Sew the side pieces first, then top and bottom


Trim the block to 12” square.

2. Corners - If you’re making the quilt-top, sew

the corners onto the 12” background square,

as for your previous blocks.

For a quick refresher on sewing corners onto

your block please see

“Quilt and Shine - Block 9 corners recap”

The corners form little stars when blocks are

joined together, and provide a handy window

into which the block design fits.

6 Quilt and Shine: “This little light” - Tutorial and template by Dawn - Honeybee Cloths

Copyright © 2020 – Dawn Lewis All Rights Reserved - www.honeybeecloths.co.uk

3. Fussy cut applique twinkles

Select yellow, gold, or orange fabrics, or ones that

have a glow effect, shiny metallic touches, or rays.

Fussy cut 5 circles, similar in size to templates on p.8

Turn under 1/4” and sew 1/8”inside the edge.

Alternatively needleturn - Lightly finger press making a

crease round each unit. While the edge won’t stay

folded down, the crease will make it a bit easier to

tuck under when sewing.

Position and pin the circles above each candle. It’s OK

to overlap them bit. Sew in place.

TIP: If you need a faster finish, trace the circle

templates on onto Bondaweb and use fusible machine


*For tips on both needle-turn and fusible machine applique

please see page 4 of Quilt and Shine - Block 4

Stitch a couple of straight stitches from the top of the

candle to form a wick.

Using a satin stitch, sew a little flame either by hand

or machine (diamond shape motif, if using sewing

machine). Begin the flame from the top of the wick.


7 Quilt and Shine: “This little light” - Tutorial and template by Dawn - Honeybee Cloths

Copyright © 2020 – Dawn Lewis All Rights Reserved - www.honeybeecloths.co.uk

To complete the block, stitch a word or two which inspire - perhaps “Shine” , “Twinkle”, “Glow”, or a

motto that’s close to your heart.

Congratulations – “This little light” is now complete!

We're so looking forward to seeing your quilts grow Please share your blocks using hashtag


Make sure to hop over to Michelle’s blog – CreativeBlonde for Michelle’s beautiful blocks too – Enjoy!

From our little hive to yours,

Dawn x X

Honeybee Cloths


8 Quilt and Shine: “This little light” - Tutorial and template by Dawn - Honeybee Cloths

Copyright © 2020 – Dawn Lewis All Rights Reserved - www.honeybeecloths.co.uk










