Question of the Day. Which of the following helped make Virginia a successful colony in the 17th...


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Daily Warm-Up

(Jamestown to Reconstruction)

Question of the Day

Day 1

Which of the following helped make Virginia a successful colony in the 17th century?

 I. the headright system which increased land ownershipII. allowing for the export of tobacco to EnglandIII. limiting land ownership to members of the Church of

EnglandIV. providing a representative assembly  A) I and II onlyB) II, III, and IV onlyC) I, II, and IV onlyD) all of the aboveE) none of the above

Day 2

2. Which of the following statements about Anne Hutchinson is not true? 

A) she was banished from the Massachusetts Bay Colony

B) she was accused of teaching both men and women in her home

C) when on trial, she admitted to receiving divine revelation from God for herbeliefs

D) she was accused of preaching Quaker doctrines

E) she and most of her family were eventually killed by Indians in 1643

Day 3

3. Which of the following, while searching for the Northwest Passage, was set adrift with his son by mutinous crew members and disappeared without a trace in 1611? 

A) John CabotB) Alexander MackenzieC) William ParryD) John FranklinE) Henry Hudson

Day 4

4. Of the following colonies, which was established by Cecil Calvert and became known as a religious refuge for Roman Catholics? 

(A) Pennsylvania (B) Maryland (C) Rhode Island (D) Georgia (E) Connecticut

Day 5

5. Which of the following statements characterizes both the First and Second Great Awakening? 

A) Enlightenment thinking led to a new appreciation of the natural laws that govern the universe

B) membership in the Anglican Church increased sharply

C) revivals took place exclusively in camp meetings, often in wilderness settings

D) Protestant ministers led religious services that often featured emotional responses from attendees

E) a Calvinist belief in salvation solely through election by God

Day 6

6. “For we must consider that we shall be as a city upon a hill. The eyes of all people are upon us. So that if we shall deal falsely with our God in this work we have undertaken... we shall be made a story and a by-word throughout the world. We shall open the mouths of enemies to speak evil of the ways of God... We shall shame the faces of many of God's worthy servants, and cause their prayers to be turned into curses upon us til we be consumed out of the good land whither we are a-going.”  Which colonial leader made this statement? 

A) William PennB) William BradfordC) Roger WilliamsD) John WinthropE) John Smith

Day 7

7. Which of the following does not involve

relations between Indians and colonists

in New England? 

A)Squanto assisting the Plymouth


B) King Philip's (or Metacom's) War

C) "praying towns“

D) the Powhatan Confederacy

E) Pequot War

Day 8

During the 1692 Salem Witchcraft Crisis,

A.  no ministers were accused of practicing witchcraft

B. authorities carefully protected the legal rights of those accused

C. "spectral evidence" (visions and dreams) was allowed as testimony against the accused

D. only a handful of people were actually accused of witchcraft

E. virtually all of those who went to trial were acquitted

Day 9

One result of the Great Awakening was that it  

A. renewed colonists' respect for authority

B. unified colonial congregations

C. reduced religious enthusiasm in the colonies

D. caused farmers to participate more fully in colonial governmeresul

E. led to a greater awareness of democratic concepts, such as freedom of conscience

Day 10

The 1735 trial of John Peter Zenger provided support for which important American freedom? 

A. freedom of religion

B. right of the people to peaceably assemble

C. freedom of press

D. freedom from self-incrimination

E. freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures

Day 11

Which of the following American colonial cities was the largest seaport in the year 1750? 

A. Philadelphia B. Charleston C. New York City D. Boston E. Baltimore

Day 12

Which of the following would Benjamin Franklin have not been able to include on his resumé by 1776? 

A. successful newspaper publisher and print shop operator

B. inventor of a stove, bifocals, and swim fins

C. charter member, First Presbyterian Church of Philadelphia

D. founder of the first subscription library

E. founding member of the American Philosophical Society

Day 13

Enlightenment thinkers believed strongly in A. the power of human reasonB. the power of supernatural miracles C. divine revelation D. the divine right of royalty to rule E. the ultimate authority of the Bible

Day 14

Which was not an important military problem for the British forces during the Revolutionary War? 

A. the enormous size of America

B. great distance for the transport of troops and supplies

C. poorly disciplined and inadequately trained troops

D. American determination and commitment

E. guerrilla tactics used by colonial troops

Day 15

Which of the following statements about Benedict Arnold is not true? 

A. he led an ill-fated American invasion of Canada in 1776

B. he played an important role in the victory over the British at Saratoga

C. he sought and obtained command of West Point in a plan to turn it over to the British

D. though fellow-conspirator John André was captured and hanged as a spy, Arnold narrowly escaped capture by General Washington's troops

E. following his switch to the British side, he was denied his request for a command in the British army

Day 16

Which early American leader's spouse encouraged her husband: "In the new Code of Laws which I suppose it will be necessary for you to make I desire you would Remember the Ladies and be more generous and favorable to them than your ancestors." 

A. George Washington

B. John Adams

C. Benjamin Franklin

D. Thomas Jefferson

E. Samuel Adams

Day 17

Which of the following is a feature of the 1787 Northwest Ordinance? 

A. slavery was forbidden in the territory north of the Ohio River

B. all state debts were to be assumed by Congress

C. a section of land was to be set aside for education

D. land was to be divided into townships, six miles on a side

E. it authorized the seizure of Indian land by federal land agents without compensation

Day 18

The rebellion led by Daniel Shays 

A. took place in western Pennsylvania and was in response to a tax on whiskey

B. was dismissed by virtually all observers as a minor incident

C. involved debt-ridden farmers seeking relief from their mortgage payments

D. resulted in no actual casualties or deaths

E. greatly concerned Thomas Jefferson, then in France

Day 19

Thomas Jefferson, who would become an opponent of some of the major elements of the Constitution, nevertheless called the 55 delegates to Philadelphia in 1787, "reallyan assembly of demigods." What was the occupation of 31 of the 55 delegates? 

A. merchant

B. printer/publisher

C. lawyer

D. farmer

E. minister

Day 20

The new national government that began operation in 1788 was a result of the Constitution being ratified by 

A. state legislatures

B. state conventions

C. Congress

D. the Supreme Court

E. none of the above

Day 21

Which of the following is not listed as a power reserved to Congress in Article I,Section 8 of the Constitution? 

A. to coin money

B. to borrow money on the credit of the United States

C. to define and punish piracies and felonies committed on

the high sea

D. to tax exports from any state

E. securing for limited times to authors and inventors the

exclusive right to their respective writings and


Day 22

Since the addition of the Bill of Rights in 1791, the U.S. Constitution has been amended 17 times. Which of the following proposed amendments was not approved? 

A. fixed the date for the start of Congress (January 3rd) and the inauguration of the president (January 20th)

B. equal rights for men and women

C. income tax allowed to be collected by national government

D. Washington, D.C. being represented in the Electoral College

E. presidency limited to two terms or a maximum of 10 years

Day 23

Which of the following statements is incorrectly matched with its source document? 

A. "We the people of the United States"—Constitution

B. "Each state retains its sovereignty, freedom, and independence"--Articles of Confederation

C. "All men are created equal"--Declaration of Independence

D. "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."—Constitution

E. "No soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed bylaw."--Bill of Rights

Day 24Which of the following four methods of amending the

Constitution have never been used 

I. Proposal by convention of states, ratification by state conventions

II. II. Proposal by convention of states, ratification by state legislatures

III. III. Proposal by Congress, ratification by state conventions

IV. IV. Proposal by Congress, ratification by state legislatures  

A) I only

B) I and II only

C) II and III only

D) I and III only

E) II only

Day 25

Which of the following statements about the Report on Manufactures is inaccurate? 

A. it was proposed by Alexander Hamilton

B. one of its goals was to raise revenue for the national government

C. it proposed "bounties" or subsidies to American industries

D. it was supported enthusiastically by representatives from both New England and Southern states, including Thomas Jefferson and James Madison

E. it recommended moderate tariffs to spur economic growth in the U.S.

Day 26

The Republicans led by Thomas Jefferson tended to favor 

A. maintenance of the public order, even if that required federal troops

B. strict interpretation of the Constitution to defend states' rights

C. an affiliation with the British in foreign affairs

D. the establishment of a national bank

E. a strong, centralized national government

Day 27

When George Washington decided to not seek a third term as president, he wrote a Farewell Address in 1796 in which he 

A. suggested that the Constitution be changed by acts of Congress as well as amendments

B. urged Americans to support the U.S. Bank

C. warned of the dangers of entangling foreign alliances

D. called for the establishment of a national university

E. made no mention of the impact of partisan politics

Day 28The Federalist Party emerged during the struggle over the adoption

of the Constitution in the late 1780s but had ceased to be a major force in American political life by 1820. From which two of the following groups did the Federalists tend to draw their support? 

I. small farmers from the southern states

II. residents of the northeast

III. bankers and large merchants

IV. those believing in a narrow, or strict, interpretation of the Constitution

V. recent immigrants to the U.S. 

A. I and II

B. II and IV

C. II and III

D. II and VI

E. III and IV

Day 29

The 1798 Alien and Sedition Acts

A. resulted in no actual arrests of newspaper editors

B. made it easier for naturalized citizens to attain voting status

C. decreased the level of partisanship in American politics

D. led to the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions, which established the principle of nullification

E. were supported equally by Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson

Day 30

In the controversial presidential election of 1800 between Thomas Jefferson and JohnAdams, 

A. the U.S. Senate chose Jefferson as president

B. Adams won the popular vote, but Jefferson won the electoral vote

C. both Jefferson and his vice-presidential candidate Aaron Burr ended up with the same number of electoral votes

D. Adams won most of the southern states

E. Alexander Hamilton urged his fellow Federalists to support Adams in the House of Representatives' vote

Day 31

Which of the following statements about the 1803 Marbury v. Madison case are accurate?

I. It established the principle of judicial review, in which the Supreme Court can rule a law unconstitutional

II. It involved federal judges appointed by John Adams prior to his leaving office in 1801

III. It overturned parts of the Judiciary Act of 1789IV. It was a clear and complete victory for the Federalists, as it

made for a more powerful Supreme CourtV. It was a clear and complete victory for the Democrat-

Republicans, as it denied Federalists control of federal judgeships

A) I, II, III, and V only B) I, III, and IV onlyC) I, II, and III onlyD) I, II, and IV onlyE) all of the statements are accurate

Day 32

Which of the following statements about Citizen Genet is not true? 

A. he visited the U.S. in 1793 in an attempt to build support for France's war with England and Spain

B. he asked Pres. Washington to suspend the U.S. position of neutrality

C. in a rare occurrence, Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson agreed on how Washington should treat him

D. he was greeted with enthusiasm by American residents in the South

E. following his mission to the U.S., he returned to France and joined the Jacobins in their attempt to gain political power

Day 33

Which of the following statements about the Louisiana Purchase is accurate?

A. the purchase price demanded by France was seen as excessive by most Americans

B. the constitutionality of the purchase was clear to all observers

C. all Louisiana residents were immediately granted representative government

D. the exact borders for the purchase were not specified

E. a large number of French fur-trappers living in the territory immediately left for Canada  

Day 34

The Lewis and Clark Corps of Discovery 

A. discovered the Pleistocene mammals that President Jefferson felt might still exist in the West

B. had no unfriendly contact with the Indians they met

C. failed to find the source of the Missouri River

D. travelled over 8000 miles in the course of their journey

E. made contact with British traders when they reached the Pacific Ocean

Day 35

Which of the following was not a foreign policy crisis faced by Thomas Jefferson inhis two terms from 1801 to 1809? 

A. conflicts with the Barbary pirates

B. the Leopard-Chesapeake engagement

C. the impressment of American sailors by the British

D. all trade with Europe being outlawed by the

Embargo Act

E. British guns and ammunition discovered at the

Battle of Tippecanoe  

Day 36

Which of the following was not a factor in the

industrialization of New England inthe years

following the War of 1812? 

A. Water power from streams and rivers

B. Capital accumulated by merchants and


C. Plentiful labor supply

D. European banks opening branches in New

England cities

E. the Lowell (or Waltham ) system which

brought girls to factories

Day 37

Which of the following is not true about the Monroe Doctrine? (A)it was a treaty approved by the U.S. Senate(B) it was written by John Quincy Adams'

Secretary of State Henry Clay(C)it had little impact on future American

foreign policy(D)it declared that the western hemisphere was

no longer open to new European colonization(E) it stated that the U.S. was ready to

intervene in internal European affairs to promote democracy

Day 38

Which of the following is/are true of the Missouri Compromise?

A. maintained the balance of slave and free

states in the U.S. Senate

B. admitted Missouri as a slave state

C. admitted Maine as a free state

D. prevented the establishment of any more new slave states north of latitude 36°30‘

E. all of the above

Day 39

In which of the following Supreme Court cases did John Marshall state "The power to tax is the power to destroy?" in an expansion of the implied powers of the federal government? 

A. Gibbons v. Ogden

B. McCulloch v. Maryland

C. Dartmouth College v. Woodward

D. Martin v. Hunter's Lessee

E. Cohens v. Virginia

Day 40

Robert Fulton 

A) developed the first economically successful American railroad

B) financed the construction of the Erie Canal

C) demonstrated the commercial potential of steam navigation

D) established a system of roads connecting eastern cities with western agricultural regions

E) built the Cumberland Road

Day 41

Oliver Evans greatly improved the efficiency of mills in the early 1800s with the

 A) use of female laborers

B) support of federal subsidies to construct new mills

C) construction of dams on fast-flowing New England rivers

D) setting up of mills in the Ohio River Valley

E) virtually total mechanization of mill operation

Day 42

Tariffs became a major issue of contention in American politics during the first half of the 19th century. Which of the following tended to support tariffs? 

I. Southern cotton farmersII. New England textile manufacturersIII. Henry ClayIV. John C. Calhoun 

A) I and IIIB) II and IIIC) I and IVD) II and IVE) all of the choices tended to support tariffs

Day 43

The commercial railroad system that began in the U.S. in the 1830s 

A) always used a standard track width

B) grew much more slowly than European railroads

C) was funded exclusively by federal grants in its early years

D) faced its main competition from canals and steamships

E) made its greatest impact in the southeast section of the U.S.

Day 44

Which of the following was not part of Henry Clay's American System?

A) the building of canals by the national government

B) local or "pet" banks independent from the national bank

C) protective tariffs

D) a national bank

E) the building of roads by the national government

Day 45

Eli Whitney, known best for his patenting of the cotton gin, was also an early proponent of interchangeable parts in the manufacturing of  

A)steam enginesB)gunsC)bicyclesD)shoesE)clocks

Day 46

"Education is a social process. Education is growth. Education is not a preparation for life; education is life itself. " Which American educational reformer insisted on a child-centered, practical curriculum and viewed education as playing a key role in developing citizenship and democracy? 

A) John DeweyB) Horace MannC) James ConantD) Charles EliotE) Henry Adams

Day 47

Which of the following American artists were representatives of the Hudson River School of art that emerged in successive waves in the 19th Century and featured the themes of discovery, exploration, and settlement ?

A) Thomas Eakins and George Caleb BinghamB) Grandma Moses and Jackson PollockC) Thomas Cole and Albert BierstadtD) Georgia O'Keefe and Mark RothkoE) Robert Rauschenberg and Jasper Johns

Day 48

Which of the following statements about the election of

1824 is accurate?  (A)Henry Clay was elected vice-president

(B)Andrew Jackson finished second in the popular vote, but had the most number of electors

(C) John Quincy Adams was elected president though he finished second in both the popular and electoral votes

(D)this was the first time the election decision was made in the House of Representatives

(E) Jackson responded to the final election results with grace and a call for patriotic unity

Day 49

During the 1830s, which of the following would have been most supportive of the re-charter of the Second Bank of the United States? 

(A)Andrew Jackson (B)small farmers needing loans (C)Whig Party members (D)local or pet banks (E)western-state Democratic

Party members

Day 50

Andrew Jackson's policy of appointing friends and supporters to government positions and then rotating them out of office was known as the 

(A)civil service system (B)spoils system(C)the rotation system(D)kitchen cabinet(E)trail of tears

Day 51

In the 1830 Maysville Road dispute, (A)President Andrew Jackson vetoed the bill

authorizing federal financing of the construction(B) the proposed road would have linked Atlanta

with the Ohio River (C)Jackson's decision was completely consistent with

his earlier position on internal improvements((D)all of the road would have been built within the

state of Tennessee(E) canal and road builders in New York were

disappointed in this decision, as they had become dependent on federal subsidies in the building of canals 

Day 52

In the 1832 Worcester v. Georgia decision (A)the Supreme Court supported the state of

Georgia in its claim(B)Samuel Worcester, a missionary, strongly

argued for the removal of the Cherokee Indians

(C)President Andrew Jackson supported the Supreme Court decision

(D)the principle that Indian tribes are nations was articulated by Chief Justice John Marshall

(E)the Treaty of New Echota was ruled null and void

Day 53

Andrew Jackson's popularity can be best attributed to (A)his cerebral and rational approach to policy

decisions(B)his ability to work effectively with other

branches of the government, such asthe Supreme Court

(C)his desire and ability to rise above partisan politics to do what was best forthe country

(D)his determination to appoint the best-qualified candidates to public office

(E)voters characterizing him as a strong-willed man of the people

Day 54

One of the results of the dispute over the re-charter of the U.S. Bank was (A) a stabilizing effect on the U.S. banking

system in the 1830s(B) an authorization to recharter the bank,

which survived Jackson's veto(C) its eventually going bankrupt in 1841(D) a rare uniting of Whig and Democratic

leaders in opposition to the Bank(E) the elimination of "pet" or local banks

as competitors for banking business

Day 55

In the 1832 nullification crisis (A)Andrew Jackson supported the position of

South Carolina(B)Congress temporarily suspended tariffs

throughout the U.S.(C)South Carolina declared the tariffs of 1828 and

1832 to be unconstitutional and "null and void“(D)John C. Calhoun in a famous toast, said "Our

federal Union—it must and shall be preserved.“(E)Calhoun resigned from the U.S. Senate and ran

for vice-president so that he could more vigorously fight for states' rights

Day 56

The Lowell or Waltham System was known for 

A) a revolutionary approach for harnessing rivers to power textile mills

B) luxurious working conditionsC) a socialist approach in which

workers owned shares of factories

D) employing young women who were housed in factory-owned dorms

E) using slave labor in the operation of factories

Day 57

Which of the following was not a feature of the 1836 Texas independence fight? (A) volunteers, including former Congressman Davy

Crockett, defending the Alamo against the Mexican army

(B) an execution by Mexican troops of Texans at Goliad

(C) following it, Texas elected Sam Houston as the president of the Republic of Texas

(D)a speech by Congressman Abraham Lincoln demanding to know the spot of American soil on which American blood was spilt

(E) a surrender of Mexican General Santa Anna at the Battle of San Jacinto

Day 58 Which of the following statements are true of

both the War of 1812 and the Mexican-American War?

I. the war added significant territory to the U.S.

II. significant opposition to the war could be found in New England states

III. naval blockades were a major part of the war

IV. the war ended in a stalemate with the issues causing the war remaining unresolved 

A) I, II, and III onlyB) II and III onlyC) II, III, and IV onlyD) all of the statement are true E) none of the statements are true

Day 59

The Missouri Compromise, in which Congress designated territory north of the 36 30parallel (except for Missouri) to be free of slavery, was altered by the 

A. Freeport Doctrine

B. Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

C. Ostend Manifesto

D. Kansas-Nebraska Act

E. Wilmot Proviso

Day 60

Which of the following explorers is incorrectly matched with the area of his exploration? A) John Wesley Powell--Pacific

NorthwestB) Zebulon Pike--current state of

Colorado C) John C. Frémont--current state of

UtahD) Daniel Boone--current state of

KentuckyE) Jedediah Smith--Rocky Mountains

Day 61

Which of the following 19th century American presidents did not have any military experience prior to assuming duties as Commander-in-Chief? (A) Andrew Jackson(B) Martin Van Buren(C) Zachary Taylor(D) Franklin Pierce(E) James Buchanan

Day 62In addition to religious revivals that developed in the

"Burned Over District" of New York state, Mormonism also emerged as a religious sect in the 1830s in the region near Palmyra, New York. Which of the following statements or claims about Mormon founder Joseph Smith is not accurate? 

(A) as a teenager, he was occasionally hired to search for buried treasure

(B) he used seer stones to translate the plates which he then dictated to scribes

(C) he was directed by an angel to the golden plates on which the Book of Mormon was written

(D) he and his followers were persecuted by neighbors who found Mormon belief so objectionable

(E) after stops in Missouri and Illinois, Smith led his followers to the Great Salt Lake region of Utah

Day 63

All but which of the following were characteristic of the Second Great Awakening? (A)camp meetings lasting several days or

weeks(B) public confessions and emotional outbursts(C) a strengthening of the Calvinist doctrine of

predestination(D)growth in Methodist and Baptist

congregations(E)circuit preachers who traveled by horseback

to remote congregations

Day 64

Which of the following statements is not true of Andrew Jackson and Abraham Lincoln? (A)both moved west after their birth(B)both had a deep and abiding faith in

American democracy(C)both were attorneys who had military

experience in their resumés(D)both were at one time members of the Whig

Party(E)both were activist presidents, using strong

executive action to accomplish their goals

Day 65

One of the most influential of the abolitionist agitators of the antebellum period published a newspaper, The Liberator, and wrote on the issue of slavery "I will beas harsh as truth, and uncompromising as justice... I am in earnest, I will not equivocate, I will not excuse, I will not retreat a single inch, and I will beheard."  

(A)Lewis Tappan(B)John Brown(C)Elijah P. Lovejoy(D)William Lloyd Garrison(E)Frederick Douglass

Day 66

Which of the following female reformers advocated tirelessly for a new and more humane approach to the mentally ill and insane and was the first woman to address Congress? 

(A)Angelina Grimké(B)Sojourner Truth(C)Carrie Nation(D)Susan B. Anthony(E)Dorothea Dix

Day 67

The antebellum period witnessed the emergence of a number of utopian communities. Which of the following, founded by John Humphrey Noyes and established in New York state in 1848, taught that its members could reach a state of perfection, practiced communalism and established a silverware-production operation still in existence today? 

(A)Oneida Community(B)Brook Farm(C) New Harmony(D)Mennonite Brethren(E) Millerites

Day 68

Which of the following statements about manifest destiny are accurate? I. Journalist John O'Sullivan first used the term in an

essay in 1845 in which he encouraged the U.S. to annex Texas.

II. It referred to specific territories that President James K. Polk intended to add to the U.S.

III. Its philosophical base included the concept of American exceptionalism.

IV. It is usually associated with the era from 1865-1900.V. Its concepts were generally opposed by Whigs such as

Henry Clay and Abraham Lincoln who favored development of America's economy.

Day 69

Which of the following statements is accurate about the acquisition of Oregon? 

(A) it was accomplished during the administration of John Tyler

(B) it featured a battle cry of "54 40 or Fight" from members of Parliament

(C) it settled the border between the U.S. and Canada at the 49th parallel in the Oregon Territory

(D)the Oregon Territory had a large number of British fur trappers living and working in its area when the Oregon Treaty was signed

(E) the Oregon Treaty provided for joint control of the land until the year 1900

Day 70

Which explorer aided a revolt of Americans living in northern California in 1846 and took military command of the short-lived Bear Flag Republic? (A)Kit Carson(B)Zebulon Pike(C)John C. Frémont(D)Davy Crockett(E)Jedediah Smith

Day 71

Arrange these events in their proper time order:  

I. Abraham Lincoln introduces the spot resolutions in Congress.

II. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ends the Mexican War.

III. The Oregon Treaty is approved. IV. Texas is annexed by the U.S. 


Day 72

"When a sixth of the population of a nation which has undertaken to be the refuge of liberty are slaves, and a whole country is unjustly overrun and conquered by a foreign army, and subjected to military law, I think that it is not too soon for honest men to rebel and revolutionize. What makes this duty the more urgent is the fact that the country so overrun is not our own, but ours is the invading army...Under a government which imprisons any unjustly, the true place for a just man is also a prison.." Which of the following individuals wrote the quote above in protest of the U.S. involvement in the Mexican-American War? 

(A) Abraham Lincoln(B) Henry Clay(C) William Lloyd Garrison(D) Ralph Waldo Emerson(E) Henry David Thoreau

Day 73

Which of the following political parties of the 1840s and 1850s was strongly anti-immigrant and limited its membership to Anglo-Saxon Protestants?

 (A) Free Soil (B) Whig(C) Republican(D) Know-Nothing(E) Liberty

Day 74Which of the following statements about the American

economy in the 1850s is/are true?I. The market for northeast manufacturers expanded

both domestically and internationally.II. The California gold rush added as much as $50 million

a year in gold to the economy each year.III. As the plantation system spread, the U.S. supplied

most of the world's cotton.IV. Western agriculture experienced growth with the

expansion of railroads and the opening of European markets.

V. Protective tariffs climbed steeply during the decade to reach their highest levels since the nation's founding. 

(A) I, II, and IV only(B) I, II, and III only(C) I, III, IV and V only (D) I, II, III, and IV only(E) all of the statements are true

Day 75

Which of the following statements about the 1854 Kansas-Nebraska Act is not accurate? (A)it repealed the Missouri Compromise's restriction

on slavery north of the 36°30'line(B)it was proposed by Illinois Senator Stephen

Douglas(C)its passage helped reduce tension in the Kansas

region between pro- and anti-slavery forces(D) it was based on the concept of popular

sovereignty, which stated that a territory's voters should decide on slavery's fate

(E)opponents of the bill helped form the Republican Party

Day 76

We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone all over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature. 

In which of the following did Abraham Lincoln make the above statement?

(A) Lincoln-Douglas Debates, 1858(B) Cooper Union Address, 1860(C) First Inaugural Address, 1861(D) Gettysburg Address, 1863(E) Second Inaugural Address, 1865

Day 77

Which controversial antebellum figure was described by Henry David Thoreau as "an angel of light" and by Frederick Douglass as one whose "...zeal in the cause of my race was far greater than mine —it was as the burning sun to my taper light mine was bounded by time, his stretched away to the boundless shores of eternity. I could live for the slave, but he could die for him." 

(A)Abraham Lincoln(B) William Lloyd Garrison(C) John Brown(D) John C. Frémont(E) Stephen Douglas

Day 78

President Lincoln, while wanting to issue the Emancipation Proclamation in the summer of 1862, also wanted it to be issued following a victory so it did not appear to be a move of desperation. While not a clear-cut victory, which of the following particularly brutal 1862 battles provided Lincoln with an opportunity to issue the Proclamation which took effect on January 1, 1863.

A.  Antietam(Sharpsburg)B. AtlantaC. ChattanoogaD. PetersburgE. Second battle of Bull Run (Manassas)

Day 79

The New York City riots in the summer of 1863, which necessitated Union troops to be called out to quell the disturbance, were primarily caused by 

(A)the decision to use African-American troops(B)the Union policy of conscription(C)the issuance of the Emancipation

Proclamation(D)Lincoln's suspension of the writ of habeas

corpus(E)frustration with the slow progress of the

Civil War

Day 80

Which two battles, occurring in the same week of 1863, proved to be significant victories for Union forces in the western and eastern theaters of the Civil War? 

A. Petersburg and AtlantaB. Bull Run and AntietamC. Vicksburg and GettysburgD. Chickamauga and GettysburgE. Ft. Henry and Fredericksburg

Day 81

Which of the following is the most accurate description of General Grant's tactics in his battles against General Lee? 

A. capturing Richmond in a single dramatic strike against Lee's troops

B. keeping steady pressure on Lee even while sustaining huge losses

C. patiently waiting for Gen. Sherman to arrive in Virginia following his victories in Georgia

D. avoiding engagement with Lee's forces whenever possible

E. Grant and Lee never faced each other in battle

Day 82

Abraham Lincoln faced a number of difficult problems during his presidency. Which of the following was not one of them? 

A. criticism from members of his Cabinet B. a commanding general, George McClellan, who

was reluctant to commit large numbers of troops when engaging the enemy

C. an emotionally unstable wife who allowed spiritualists to conduct séances in the White House

D. opposition in Congress to proposed tariff legislation

E. pressure from abolitonist newspaper publishers who criticized his moral and military leadership

Day 83

Which of the following domestic developments in the North did not occur during the Civil War? 

A. the Homestead Act provided 160 acres of land virtually free to any citizen willing to occupy it for five years

B. the Morrill Land Grant Act helped the financing of public colleges

C. the National Bank Act created a national banking system

D. Treasury notes known as greenbacks were issued and fluctuated in value in relation to the success of Union armies

E. the transcontinental railroad was completed at Promontory, Utah

Day 84

In the presidential election of 1864 (A) the Republicans re-nominated the 1860

winning ticket of Lincoln-Hamlin(B) the Democrats nominated George McClellan,

a general Lincoln had relieved of command(C) Lincoln once again won the electoral college

while not receiving a majority of the popular votes

(D)because of war successes, Lincoln was extremely confident of re-election

(E) Radical Republicans supported the candidacy of Horace Greeley, an abolitionist candidate

Day 85

In which of the following speeches did President Lincoln promise "with malice toward none, with charity for all"? 

(A)Cooper Union (B)First Inaugural(C)signing ceremony of the

Emancipation Proclamation(D)Gettysburg Address(E)Second Inaugural

Day 86

The 14th Amendment (A)allowed Southern states to rejoin the

Union after 50% of adult males promised loyalty to the Constitution

(B)eliminated slavery in the United States(C)provided for the right to vote regardless of

race, color, or previous condition of servitude

(D)defined national citizenship and prohibited the states from limiting the constitutional rights of people without due process of law

(E)allowed for literacy tests for voting

Day 87

Which of the following was not a goal of the Radical Republicans during Reconstruction? 

(A)punishment of the South (B)retention of Republican power (C)protection of industrial growth with

high tariffs (D)providing education to former slaves(E)a quick end to military occupation of

the South

Day 88

Carpetbagger was the term used to describe which character during Reconstruction? 

(A)a Northern abolitionist who taught in Freedmen Bureau schools

(B)a corrupt Southern politician who profited from Reconstruction programs

(C)a Northerner who came South during Reconstruction for political or economic gain

(D)a vigilante intent on terrorizing former slaves

(E)an African-American who took a political position in the newly formed Reconstruction Southern state governments

Day 89

Which of the following was not an element of the Compromise of 1877? 

(A) the removal of federal troops from the former Confederate states

(B) the appointment of at least one Southern opposition party member to the new president's cabinet

(C) Congress selected Republican Rutherford B. Hayes as president on there commendation of the electoral commission

(D) 20 disputed electoral votes were awarded to Democrat Samuel Tilden, who had won the popular vote in the 1876 election

(E) federal legislation to help industrialize the South
