Question 7


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Question 7: Looking back

at your preliminary task,

what do you feel you have

learnt in the progression

from it to the full product?

In my school magazine [preliminary task] I used the most basic

conventions which made the front look plain and simple. During the

process of making my school magazine front cover, I didn’t in

counter my target audience and the formatting, as the formatting

changed as there is three formats just on my front cover. Also, the

colours which was used was also plain and didn’t catch the

audience eyes. Whereas, in my music magazine front cover I

changed all those things which helped enchase and catch the

readers eye. The formatting was kept the same throughout thefront cover and the colour

theme was kept the same

as well. Also the front cover

look more professional than

the preliminary because I

took the photography on a

white background which made it easier to manipulate and

enchase the image also I didn’t have to crop out the background

because the worked well with the image. The colours on the

music magazine are far more eye catching as the colour of her

red lips contrast with the red in the background. Furthermore,

the masthead is more effective and links with the genre of music;

the name of the masthead ‘Clique’ links well with strapline ‘be as

one’ as this conveys that it’s a music magazine. Overall, all the

conventions that I used will attract the R&B audience.

The content is very simple and doesn’t attract the reader

(meaning it is less effective); this is because the background

isn’t that appealing to the audience. The photography’s on the

content page wasn’t my own photography’s which didn’t help

me distribute my photography and editing skills. Also, in my

preliminary you can tell that I didn’t know all the conventions

plus I was new at Photoshop. Whereas, in my music magazine

content page I

followed guidelines of

the music magazine

conventions, as it

improved my skills to

refining and improving

my music magazine to

excellence. From

making a music

magazine I’ve learnt

more technical skills with Photoshop as I was introduced to

new conventions because its appealing to an world wide

audience (had it look more professional). Therefore, there

was more work had to be applied to the music magazine,

because up had to take the photography’s yourself, design a

double page spread and contents; and also the research

involved in doing a music magazine