Question 4


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4.    Who would be the audience for your media product?


The Socio Economic Group

• Before planning my media product I carried out research into the audience of thriller films. I studied the socio-economic group, this is a grouping of the population by occupation and income. The most common group to watch thriller films was D-E.

This is most typically

people who are

students who have a

part time job and

therefore don't have

a big disposable


My Target Audience

• Therefore my audience for my media product will be teenagers and young adults. This is because these are the type of people generally go and see thriller films.  Specifically between the ages of 16 – 24 years old and my target audience couldn’t be any

younger than 15 because

my film will be rated a 15.  


• I feel this group will be easier to target at because from my primary research I found out that they like to keep up with the latest trends and socialising.

The Psychographic Group

• In the psychographic group, my audience will fall under ‘explorer.' I think this group will be able to relate to my film because my film has sense of exploration in it as he goes out to find people and keep himself safe.  I feel we targeted our film well at our audience well and this audience would enjoy my film. 

Am I Achieving This?

• I think I am managing to attract my audience to my opening sequence.

• I know this because I carried out audience feedback. From this I received a lot of positive feedback with small improvements to make like ‘make the titles longer’.

• I think after making these improvements my film will be well targeted at my audience, as in the first audience feedback the audience said they had enjoyed my opening sequence and would be willing to watch the whole film.
