Quaestio: To what extent does geography shape human life? Nunc Agenda: Place your World Map...


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Quaestio: To what extent does geography shape human life?

Nunc Agenda: Place your World Map Challenge answer

sheets ONLY on my desk. Keep the map itself, and place it alone on your desks. Everything else

should be on the floor.

What impact does geography have on human

life? For each example, work in pairs to think of two ways the geography would influence human life, either positively or


What impact do humans have on geography?

• Take a look at the following pictures and consider these questions…

• Where in world do you think this is?

• Would you want to live on this island?

Has Manhattan has changed for better

or for worse? Support your argument.

What are some ways that humans modify their

environment to overcome geographic constraints?

Think of at least two examples in pairs.

Pensa: Answer the following questions in the form of a one-

page essay, using specific examples:

“How does geography impact human life, both positively and

negatively? How do humans impact geography, both

positively and negatively?”
