Quadruple Helix' DNA in Human Cells Discovered and A Relative from the Tianyuan Cave: 40.000...


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'Quadruple Helix' DNA in Human Cells Discovered and A Relative from the Tianyuan Cave: 40.000

Living Years Ago Humans Likely Related to Present-

Day Many Asians and Native Americans


Cristian Calle MenesesMedicine Student

I I I Semester Teacher:

Lina María Martínez SánchezMolecular Biology



Today, molecular biology has taken a

lot of strength in the field of research

especially in the field of DNA, being this

a constant theme in all scientific


DNA has been used for the solution and

understanding of many diseases, as

this is the carrier of genetic information

therefore speak of its structure and its

relation to the other components is

vital and an excellent mechanism to

find new alternatives that reveal a

benefit for people.

Scientific development has shown that

DNA can be a source of information for

morphological comparisons that can

show similarities between human

beings of the past and today. Thus

proving that DNA is the starting point

for the deep understanding of the

human being.

'Quadruple Helix' DNA in Human

Cells Discovered

A group of researchers from the

University of Cambridge's

Department of Chemistry

showed that the four-stranded

"Quadruple Helix" are also

found in the human genome,

especially in the regions of DNA

rich in guanine, was a study

that lasted more than 10 years

in which they worked with

computer models where cancer

cells were identified using

fluorescent biomarkers.


'Quadruple Helix' DNA in Human

Cells Discovered

They also identified that the

concentrations of the four chains

Quadruple have a relationship with DNA

replication. By targeting quadruplexes

with synthetic molecules that trap and

contain these DNA structures they

could prevent replication and at the

same time blocking cell division,

becoming this as a possible solution to

the cancer that is most likely already in

rapidly dividing cells such as those of

this disease.


'Quadruple Helix' DNA in Human

Cells Discovered

Cancers are usually driven by genes called oncogenes that have mutated to increase DNA replication -- causing cell proliferation to spiral out of control, and leading to tumour growth.

The increased DNA replication rate in oncogenes leads to an intensity in the quadruplex structures.

This means that potentially damaging cellular activity can be targeted with synthetic molecules or other forms of treatments.

'Quadruple Helix' DNA in Human

Cells DiscoveredPhysical studies over the last couple of decades had shown that quadruplex DNA can form in vitro -- in the 'test tube', but the structure was considered to be a curiosity rather than a feature found in nature. The researchers now know for the first time that they actually form in the DNA of human cells.

'Quadruple Helix' DNA in Human

Cells Discovered

Personal opinionIt's really amazing how the DNA is

still the basis for many explanations of human functioning, becoming a therapeutic method for a disease as complex as cancer. Although the "Quadruple Helix" still is not really the solution to this disease, is a major step at scientific and medical. 

A Relative from the Tianyuan Cave: 40.000 Living Years Ago Humans Likely Related to Present-Day Many Asians and Native Americans An international team of researchers of

the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany extracted nuclear and mitochondrial DNA of the leg of a corpse from 40,000 years that was found in Tianyuan Cave in Beijing, China in 2003, where they found a home common with present-day Asians and Native Americans. 

Nuclear and mitochondrial DNA of

the leg of a corpse

A Relative from the Tianyuan Cave:

40.000 Living Years Ago Humans

Likely Related to Present-Day Many

Asians and Native Americans

 For Their study using the new techniques researchers were that can identify ancient genetic material from an archaeological find even when large quantities of DNA from soil bacteria are present. 

A Relative from the Tianyuan Cave:

40.000 Living Years Ago Humans

Likely Related to Present-Day Many

Asians and Native Americans


Then they reconstructed a genetic profile of the leg´s owner and saw that had similar characteristics to the genetic profile of the Neanderthals, checking that by DNA is an important method for comparing morphological aspects. 

Characteristics given by DNA

A Relative from the Tianyuan Cave:

40.000 Living Years Ago Humans

Likely Related to Present-Day Many

Asians and Native Americans

 . "More analyses of additional early modern humans across Eurasia will further refine our understanding of when and how modern humans spread across Europe and Asia," says Svante Pääbo.Parts of the work were carried out in a new laboratory jointly run by the Max Planck Society and the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing.

A Relative from the Tianyuan Cave:

40.000 Living Years Ago Humans

Likely Related to Present-Day Many

Asians and Native Americans


Personal opinionIt is very interesting to see how the

DNA can be recovered after long periods of time to make morphological comparisons between living bodies and corpse. Also the scientific breakthrough regarding techniques to eliminate external agents allowing the study of DNA.


Medical utility


It is important for medicine because there is not found a cure for cancer and this discovery (Quadruple Helix) could be a great solution. 



Medical utility

 It is very interesting the Quadruple Helix by new insights into the structure and function of DNA. 


Medical utility

 For medicine is quite useful to find DNA after long periods of time in the corpse that are studied in many universities. 


Medical utility


Being able to compare the genetic profile of people of different ages could give many details of the functioning of the body with respect to past habits


· Martínez S, Lina María. Biología Molecular. 5 ed. Medellín: UPB. Fac Medicina.

· Quadruple Helix' DNA in Human Cells Discovered. Science Daily, January 20, 2013.

· A Relative from the Tianyuan Cave: 40.000 Living Years Ago Humans Likely Related to Present-Day Many Asians and Native Americans, January 20, 2013.


