Qatar - The Winter World Cup



By Phil Carling, Managing Director Octagon Football

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QATAR – THE WINTER WORLD CUP By Phil Carling, MD Octagon Football

Qatar – The Winter World Cup

FIFA has announced the rescheduled dates for the 2022 World Cup

which, as had been much predicted, will see the final tournament

played across 4 weeks of November and December, with a final on the

18th December. The traditional June slot was deemed unsuitable

because temperatures in the host country routinely reach 50 degrees

Celsius. The consequences of this development will be major disruption

to the International and domestic football calendars throughout the

World and from a commercial and marketing perspective it is also worth

considering some of the issues FIFA’s enforced discussion is likely to have

for sponsors of the sport. | T: 020 7862 0000

2 Waterhouse Square, 140 Holborn London, UK EC1N 2AE


The current arrangements are built on a long and difficult set of

arrangements and compromises between the Federations and the

professional leagues. FIFA’s decision will create 2 to 3 years of disruption

because the qualification tournaments will have to be moved, as will all

professional level Club competitions both domestic and International. In

England this will affect The Premier league, Football league Cup and The

Champion’s league group stages. Federation sponsors should be

mindful of a potential reduction in International match inventory

(particularly friendlies and squad ‘get togethers’. The professional Clubs,

particularly at the elite level, will be seeking compensation in terms of

claw backs, particularly in respect of International demands on their

players and possibly the elimination of FA Cup replays to further free up

the disrupted calendar. | T: 020 7862 0000

2 Waterhouse Square, 140 Holborn London, UK EC1N 2AE

FROM A PURELY UK PERSPECTIVE the Premier league will most

probably seek to extend its season into June of 2023, with a

commencement in July 2022 and cease matches in a 6-8 week window

around the World Cup dates. UEFA will experience least disruption and

will begin their UCL group stages early and recommence in the

traditional late February period. Many European leagues already have

winter breaks so the disruption is likely to be less marked. It is unlikely that

Premier league Clubs will be fielding their International stars if the

League recommences on Boxing day, since the recovery period post a

major tournament is normally anything between 4-6 weeks. This

development will harden the antipathy between professional Clubs and

the federations and the Clubs will seek recompense. | T: 020 7862 0000

2 Waterhouse Square, 140 Holborn London, UK EC1N 2AE

THE OTHER SIGNIFICANT EFFECT WILL BE ON POTENTIAL AUDIENCES FOR THE EVENT, which actually should be mostly beneficial. In England,

World Cups are appointment to view television, however, the addition

of dark, cold nights should build television and media audiences still

further. The time difference with the Middle East is also relatively small so

most significant matches will be broadcast around tea time and early

evening which is good scheduling for optimal audience. The most

disrupted market from a TV perspective will be the USA where the dates

will provide a major clash with climax of the NFL season. In a straight

shoot out for audience there will be only one winner in that battle. | T: 020 7862 0000

2 Waterhouse Square, 140 Holborn London, UK EC1N 2AE


The benefits of taking the tournament to a part of the world which has

never hosted such an event and from a political perspective can be

said to offer a significant humanitarian role to football, comes with

substantial challenges. Football is now obliged to find an

accommodation which has consequences for the status of

International football, the relationship between federations and

Professional leagues and Clubs and potentially on the number of

International match days offered in the International football calendar.

There will inevitably be some redrawing of the relationship between

International and elite Club football and the manoeuvres have already

begun, starting last week with the announcement of a significantly

enhanced compensation package to the Clubs for the involvement of

their contracted players. Expect more developments. | T: 020 7862 0000

2 Waterhouse Square, 140 Holborn London, UK EC1N 2AE
