Q9 - Have you noticed any changes in the East Holland River in … · 2014. 7. 23. · Ice Fishing...


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Summary of Results of Neighbourhood Survey of Residents and Business Operators Adjacent to the East Holland River

Upper York Sewage Solutions EA

050278 Page C-4 York Region No. 74270

Q9 - Have you noticed any changes in the East Holland River in terms of water quality or water levels in the past 2 years?

Total Number of Responses Yes No

20 18 2

Q9a - If yes to the previous question, in what way?

Number of Responses

Increase in Water Clarity 4 Decrease in Water Clarity 10 Increase in Water Level 1 Decrease in Water Level 7 Decrease in Aquatic Animals 2 Other 1 Total Responses 25

Q9a – Comments

“(The) water is getting cleaner on its own.”

“Weeds are very high to the point that it will need to be dredged. There are zebra mussels in the river, cleaning the water, resulting in high weeds because the sun is able to penetrate the water. Environment people need to come down here and see what's happening. We need to get a permit if we want to dredge the Bay.”

“On Soldiers Bay, it used to be black water like sludge. Even a couple of years ago the carp had a virus and died. The government didn't do anything. You can now see lily pads; I considered it an improvement. What is going to happen to us on the water with sewage going into the river? (York Region needs to) think of another solution.”

“(The) water is cleaner but likely due to zebra mussels which have now resulted in more plants and algae.”

“After Fairy Lake was dredged the river was cleaner but now it's getting dirtier again.”

“This year (there is) more green algae and weeds in the bay. There hasn't been so much in the past - maybe it’s due to weather.”

“I have noticed a lot more lily pads - Soldiers Bay is full with pads and algae. Previously I thought the river was getting cleaner.”

”Not very clean water.”

“The river quality has gone downhill. There used to be a culvert under the bridge, which would circulate water. The culvert is now blocked with sediment and has resulted in Soldiers Bay being full of weeds and sediment.” “Soldiers Bay is all privately owned.”

“A lot more algae.”

“Weed growth has exploded in Soldiers Bay so bad that you can see the path where a boat goes through the river. Water levels at the end of July used to go down but now the last two years it has stayed up.”

“Due to weather there has been a decrease in water levels and the Bay is full of weeds.”

“The water is dirtier and levels are lower.”

“Hot weather changed the water level.”

“Only during warmer weather have we seen the river down a little bit but still boating (on the river). Seen about 10 years ago in the spring, water was up very high towards the property but this was likely due to the snow.”

“Level of water is down due to weather. The (water) quality improved over past 5 years.”

“(The) water levels change seasonally but other than that, none. A couple years ago there was problem with the carp dying from a fish disease.”

“Spillage from sewers in past years resulted in fish dying and a bad smell in river. Also I used to see turtles in the water but not so much now.”

“We lost 6 feet of property along the river due to erosion from the boat waves.”

Summary of Results of Neighbourhood Survey of Residents and Business Operators Adjacent to the East Holland River

Upper York Sewage Solutions EA

050278 Page C-5 York Region No. 74270

Q10 - How frequently in the past 2 years have you used the East Holland River during the winter months (i.e., November – February)?

Number of Responses

Never 4 Less than once a month 2 Once a month 1 Less than once a week but more than once a month 0 Once a week 4 2-4 times a week 4 Everyday 5 Total Responses 20

Q11 - Please describe the main ways in which you and your family [or your business] uses the East Holland River during the winter months?

Number of Responses

Skating 11 Snowmobiling 11 Walking 9 Cross-country Skiing 4 Ice Fishing 3 Nature Viewing 3 Snowshoeing 3 ATV 2 Total Responses 46

Q11 – Comments

“Others (neighbours) snowmobile and kids play on ice.”

“The river is as busy as 401 with activity.”

“It is a community place”

“I don’t use the river but I clean ice off of river for neighbourhood kids to use (it).”

“Others snowmobile up (the river) to Cook's Bay”

“I used to snowmobile but neighbours use the bay to snowmobile, skate and play hockey.”

“We use it for Pond Hockey - really enjoy it!”

“We have in the past used the river but don’t currently. Previously (beyond 2 years ago) we would skate and walk on the river.”

“We don’t do anything because we can’t get to the river due to the reeds in the river.”

Q12 - Have you noticed any changes in the amount of ice coverage on the East Holland River during the winter months?

Total Number of Responses Yes No

20 16 4

Q12 – If so, how?

“Last winter there was less ice due to the warmer winter.”

“Less (ice) due to weather.”

“Less ice due to the warmer winter.”

“Last year was a warmer winter but normally consistent ice coverage.

Summary of Results of Neighbourhood Survey of Residents and Business Operators Adjacent to the East Holland River

Upper York Sewage Solutions EA

050278 Page C-6 York Region No. 74270

Q12 – If so, how?

“Last year the river didn't freeze thick enough for skating and snowmobiling.”

“Warmer winter this year meant less ice coverage. Besides that, not so much coverage but currently need to wait longer for the ice to get thick enough to use.”

“Less ice due to the weather.”

“There was less ice due to the weather.”

“Not so much a change in the amount of coverage but more in the length of time can use the river when frozen. I think this is weather related.”

“Not as safe due to weather.”

“Ice coverage depends on the weather; if we get a deep freeze at the beginning of the year it is better coverage. Snowmobilers access the lake from Queensville Sideroad and we access the river from our backyard.”

“There is less ice but that is due to the weather:”

“Less ice due to warmer weather”

“Yes, due to the weather; it’s not safe to go out when it’s not frozen”

“The River doesn't freeze up solid. Last year I saw open water. The sediment creates heat and deteriorates the ice.”

“We haven't noticed as we don't go down to river.”

Q13 - Do you expect the change in ice coverage to affect your use or enjoyment of the River during the winter months?

Total Number of Responses Yes No

20 12 8

Q13 – If so, how?

“(The question is not accurate as) the river flows both ways due to wind. They (York Region) tried to put in a lock but couldn't because the flux of water levels.” “It will affect our business.”

“Disaster! We use it all winter; the whole community uses it and then they (York Region) take it away.”

“Will affect hockey and other winter sports played as well as the access for snowmobiles.” “I’m concerned about the water levels and its affect to my property.”

“Will affect the skating rink and other winter activities.”

“Yes, it would take the enjoyment away from using the river. It's used by our extend family and they all enjoy the river.”

“We won't be able to go out fishing and snowmobiling. It would be more of a problem for neighbours who go out more often.”

“Not able to do outdoor activities. We would be really upset. Don't do it!”

“We can't play winter sports and we can't go on the ice especially with children. It will be dangerous for snowmobilers. In the past, we have rescued snowmobilers when they've gone through the ice. The locals know when it is safe to go on the ice.”

“(Will enjoy it less) because the ice won't be safe.” “Marina has lots of snowmobiles and it will be unsafe for them.”

“Not personally but it will effect neighbours who snowmobile. Could be dangerous (for snowmobilers).”

“Personally, probably not but a lot (of people) use the river for other activities.”

“If the river doesn't freeze than we can’t use it. (The) whole neighbourhood use the river; it is a community event. Snowmobiles use marina; you’ll be taking away business from Riversports Recreation marina.”

“Not for us, but for everyone else, for (those) snowmobiling to river and then to lake.”

“Not personally but the neighbours snowmobile and it will affect them.”

“Not so much for me but that is because I’m one mile up river.” “I’m not into snowmobiling but concerned that it would be a hazard for snowmobilers going through ice.”

“It will make the ice unsafe for use. It will also make the River and Bay a breeding ground for plants with the addition of the warmer water.”

“Probably not as long as it is on the bay side.”

“If it will make the ice thin enough so there won't be any snowmobiles, then we will enjoy it more as we don't like the racing they (snowmobilers) do on the Bay.”

Summary of Results of Neighbourhood Survey of Residents and Business Operators Adjacent to the East Holland River

Upper York Sewage Solutions EA

050278 Page C-7 York Region No. 74270

Q14 – What suggestions or ideas can you offer to York Region on ways for you and your neighbours’ continued use and enjoyment of the East Holland River during the wintertime?

“If discharge pipe placed somewhere else, that would help. We have been told we won't be able to use the river in the winter.” “Erosion control is a concern on the river.” “Many people use the river in the winter - real danger with the thin ice.” “Greatly affect our business.”

“Probably put pipe in Lake Simcoe directly and fence off around the melted area like the way it is done at locks - won't affect the lake whereas in the river it (the warmer water) will affect all of the river and it won't freeze.”

“Move outfall somewhere else.”

“Not to have the pipe at that location.”

“Leave it alone! Put the plant somewhere else, go back to the drawing board, do research and put somewhere else!”

“Address the problem of the weeds and clean-up Soldiers Bay. Can hardly get the boat out of the Bay. There used to be a culvert by the Bay that helped with the flow of the water.”

“Soldier’s Bay needs a culvert under Queensville Sideroad to Soldiers Bay. (That wouldn't make it so stagnant. Used to have one before road/bridge was built. Now it is blocked.”

“Correct the temperature of the water before it reaches the outflow pipe. Cleaner water is not the issue; temperature is (the issue).” “If level of water is higher, it will affect the use of the backyard through the year. We have had previous flooding.”

“Nothing really can do if York goes ahead and does it. Again, I’m concerned about water levels affecting their property.”

“No idea. How much is it going to change the ice?” “The neighbours will be bothered.”

“Not a lot I can do.”

“If river doesn't freeze they can't do anything about it. It will be causing a dangerous environment as people out of town won't know about the change in temperature. Also, the Fire Dept. uses the river for winter air boat rescue training – it will affect them as well”

“Don't know; don't do anything to cause less ice on Soldiers Bay and the River.” “The water course has changed at the inlet over the years resulting in the shoreline filling in with weeds and marsh.”

“The biggest impact is the ice not freezing. Impact in spring as well with flooding due to the raised water level because of the additional water added to the river.”

“No idea as it has to go somewhere. As long as it is clean - it will help.”

“Don't know - not a big deal. I will be glad there will be no snowmobiles as last winter they were on the river at 2:00 or 3:00 am waking us up with the noise.”

“If (York Region) arrange to make the ice more thin, than that would be great.”

Q15 - Would you say that your use or enjoyment of the East Holland River changed at all in the past 2 years?

Total Number of Responses Yes No

20 9 11

Q15 – If so, how?

“Only when have a mild winter.”

“If anything, its cleaner.”

“Enjoy it more now because of more water toys like the canoe.”

“Love living here. We considered ourselves blessed because they live at the cottage. We love going out on the boat and seeing wildlife. It is great having family there. Haven't seen turtles in years - used to see them lay their eggs on the property.”

“Love living on the river and if not able to use the river, would move. Activities on water are why we love living where we do.”

“We’ve lost land due to waves.”

Summary of Results of Neighbourhood Survey of Residents and Business Operators Adjacent to the East Holland River

Upper York Sewage Solutions EA

050278 Page C-8 York Region No. 74270

Q15 – If so, how?

“River more silted-in. The river used to be buoyed to Queensville Sideroad but now looks like the river has been abandoned. Silting filling in is noticeable.”

“Not being able to swim (used to swim 30 years ago). Enjoy the river and would like to swim in it again.”

“Enjoy the river even more as now see more wildlife (swans, cranes, more fish and turtles). Changing the environment with sewage water will affect the wildlife.”

“In the winter, there has been a change because we have to wait longer to get out onto the ice.”

“Because of the weeds.”

“Yes, it has gotten better every day. The river is an enjoyment - not a dumping ground. Sewage affects all life. No, No, No!”

“Increased vegetation growth”.

“Drastically - no access onto the river because the Bay is polluted with algae and weeds.”

“The ice is getting worse and the weeds are getting worse that it is hard to get the boat out. This all seemed to start when the carp all died a couple of years ago. The water has become clearer which resulted in more plant life.”

Q16 – Do you have any additional comments regarding your use and enjoyment of the river? If so, please let me know and I can pass them on to York Region.

“We enjoy the river as it is now. It won't be beneficial for us if the river is changed. Also we’re concerned about the environment and the effects on it.”

“I'm concerned about waste water going into the river.”

“Just what I’ve mentioned in previous questions, if it impacts how we use the river then we won't be happy. We enjoy raising the kids on the river.”

“We enjoy the river the way it is; we don't agree with the outfall where it is. Would like to see kids swim in the river but won't be as clean with sewage water in it.” “The weeds in Soldiers Bay are really bad. Would like to have them dredged or raked.”

“This all came through the back door - where did this come from? Why are you picking on East Gwillimbury. We are here to heal the planet and water. Time to stop polluting. We are on a well system and I'm worried about the drinking water as sewage will get into water table.”

“The river has been here forever and it is a great feature of the community. We can't do much about the increase of population but I would like the pipe to go directly into Lake Simcoe instead.”

“It just matters where and when. It would be nice to make the whole river cleaner and dredging the river.”

“Our street is now on septic tanks - are they switching the street over to municipal sewer? Can we keep the septic tank? What cost is it with taxes if we have to switch?”

“None other than please hurry and put sewage treatment in. I would rather taxes going to sewage instead of paying for paying to dump out holding tank.”

“We would like to see the river cleaned up water - it's dirty”

“None other than the main concern about filling in of river.”

“We used to be able to keep 26" boat at end of dock but can't put it in there anymore; we had to sell a boat. We also used to be able to swim in the river at one time too.”

“It would be good if someone from the Region could do something about the garbage in the River and the Bay from the fisherman. There is no extra advantage of the sewer discharge because we are all on septic tanks. There will be a lot of impact with different temperature water entering the river. The discharge pipe will also depreciate property values. It should be noted that there is a lot of history in the whole area dating back to the war of 1812 when there was an ammunition depot at this location.”

“A lot of boats go by at top speed – we thought there was a speed limit. The waves they create affect the shoreline causing erosion and taking away property.”

Summary of Results of Neighbourhood Survey of Residents and Business Operators Adjacent to the East Holland River

Upper York Sewage Solutions EA

050278 Page C-9 York Region No. 74270

Q17 – Would you like to share your postal code?

L9N 0J7 L9N 1A7 L9N 1A7 L9N 1A6 L9N 1A6 L9N 1A6 L9N 1A5 L9N 1A4 L9N 1A4 L9N 1A4 L9N 0J7 L9N 0J7 L9N 0J7 L9N 0J7 6 respondents refused

050278 (115) York Region No. 74270

Supporting Documentation for the Queensville Sideroad WRC Outfall Location

Upper York Sewage Solutions EA

Appendix D

Summaries of Meetings with the Town of East Gwillimbury, the River Drive Park Community Recreation Centre Advisory Committee

and the Holland Landing Snowmobile Club

13-05-03-East Gwillimbury Mtg-Mtg Summary.docx Page 1 of 2

UYSSolutions Project Office 1195 Stellar Drive, Unit 1 Newmarket, ON L3Y 7B8

Tel: (905) 830-5656 Fax: (905) 830-0176



PROJECT: Upper York Sewage Solutions – Environmental Assessment

CLIENT: Regional Municipality of York Project Ref. No.: 050278 070-124.25 Client Ref. No.: 74270

RE: Meeting with East Gwillimbury Staff re Loss of Ice Cover

DATE: May 3, 2013

LOCATION: UYSS Project Office TIME: 9:00 – 11:00 am PARTICIPANTS

Participant's Name (and initials) Representing

Wayne Hunt Town of East Gwillimbury Chris Kalimootoo Town of East Gwillimbury Adrian Coombs York Region Ian Dobrindt Conestoga-Rovers & Associates Katrina McCullough Conestoga-Rovers & Associates DISTRIBUTION

Participants File


Description Action by

Snowmobile Route (see attached): • Would like multi-use trail between 2nd Concession unopened road allowance

and Lake Simcoe, to be part of the Lake-to-Lake trail system. o York Region to discuss internally and CRA to discuss trail further

with Holland Landing Snowmobile Club.

York Region (Adrian)

CRA (Katrina) Skating Rink (see attached):

• Agreed that Parkway Parkette is likely the best location, will take idea back to other staff. Would like to discuss internally and present recommended location at June 10 East Gwillimbury Council meeting.

East Gwillimbury

Requested that York Region give an update to the June 10, 2013 East Gwillimbury Council before PIF (tentatively scheduled for June 19), including location of phosphorus offset ponds

• Adrian to discuss with York Region senior management and get back to East Gwillimbury.

York Region (Adrian)

York Region and CRA will coordinate follow-up meeting on location of phosphorus offset ponds.

CRA (Ian)

13-05-03-East Gwillimbury Mtg-Mtg Summary.docx Page 2 of 2

Attachments: • Holland Landing Snowmobile Club Proposed Snowmobile Route • Proposed Outdoor Skating Rink

Prepared By: Katrina McCullough, CRA Date Issued: May 6, 2013 This confirms and records our interpretation of the discussions which occurred and our understanding reached during this meeting. Unless notified in writing within 7 days of the date issued, we will assume that this recorded interpretation or description is complete and accurate. Upper York Sewage Solutions Individual Environmental Assessment > Shared Documents > A-ADMIN (PROJ MGMT)-MEDIA-MEETINGS > A13-MEETINGS > LAM MEETINGS > 13-05-03-East Gwillimbury Mtg-Mtg Summary
