Q3 what kind of media institution might


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Q3 - What kind of media institution might distribute

your media product and why?

The name of my music magazine is called “The Beat” there are already many established pop magazines however, I found that it there is a gap in the market for a pop magazine where there are many interviews where the public can relate to. So I decided to make my magazine where there are interviews with everyday struggling artists who want to share their music and they can tell their stories.

My target audience are for mainly teenagers and the price that I have decided to sell the music magazine for is very reasonable for them (£2) and as it is out only once a month will be affordable for them. I think that stores like WHSmithwill be interested to distribute the magazine as many students shop there. Also stores like HMV that specialise in music will be interested in selling them.

There are many ways that I could distribute the magazine I could use technology so people can stay up to date with the magazine. As all young teenagers are so into their technology I think using the internet is very important. I could make a twitter account for them to follow also a Facebook group so they can also socialise with other people. Also there could be an app that allows them to have the magazine on their phone which will be easy for them to access.

On terms of buying the magazine it will be out monthly so this allows the customer time to buy the magazine also adding a subscription allows them to decide when to buy the magazine.

After thinking on who to consider distributing the magazine I decided to choose IPC as they are the world’s biggest music magazine distributor. Also this will be easy as they have good connections with other distributors making it easier for my magazine to me distributed.
