Q1 2015 Newsletter


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Srsfitness E-Newsletter

Post-Christmas is traditionally the time people will look at their lifestyle and re-evaluate where they are versus where they want to be (although this can be done at any time obviously). It’s always good to have some goals in place (and not just health and fitness related) as goals help to keep you focused and motivated. Take some time to think about what your goals were this time last year and how far you’ve come or whether they need to be adjusted to reflect your lifestyle. Split them into short, medium and long-term goals and start working towards them now!

If one of your goals is to improve your health and fitness, give me a call today and see what I can do for you.

Welcome to my latest newsletter and the first one of 2015. I hope you all had a fun-filled Christmas break and are feeling

ready to take on 2015 with gusto! In this issue, I will be talking about why new years’ resolutions

don’t work and looking at some ways to change this. I’ll also be exploring the often overlooked problem of depression and how

exercise can help. This is of course alongside the regular features and goodies. Enjoy!

I will be releasing a newsletter every quarter to share information, tips and ideas so if there is anything you would like to see featured within it or if you have any burning fitness related questions feel free to give me a shout on: sarah@srsfitness.co.uk 07759 436533



youtube “srsfitness”

You can also contact me for PT bookings via any of the above means. Check me out on social media and like/subscribe and tell your friends!

Issue 5

www.srsfitness.co.uk www.facebook.com/srsfitness

Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire.

www.srsfitness.co.uk www.facebook.com/srsfitness www.twitter.com/Yellowpotplant


January 2015

Srsfitness E-Newsletter

Issue 5

January 2015

New Year’s resolutions – why they don’t work

Did you know that up to 92% of all New Year’s resolutions fail? It’s that time of year again where people realise they need to make changes in order to be more successful, happier, or just better in general. It is natural to think of the New Year as a chance to start over and one of the most common New Year’s resolutions involves losing weight, which is why gym memberships swell in January by up to 30%. In fact, for those who recognise the changes that need to be made, you have successfully overcome the first step.

Some reasons why your New Year’s resolutions fail: Making too many at one time

Not doing the hard work to actually achieve them

Failing to get started right away, but instead procrastinating

Adopting someone else's resolutions, not your own

Being unwilling to fail when trying to achieve them

Quitting before you reach the finish line

Tips for succeeding and making healthy changes: Realise that you have the power to change your life by

changing your mind-set

Set attainable goals - What is your vision of the ultimate you?

Take some time to imagine it, break it down, and then WRITE it

down! To make permanent change, you'll need to set short-

term and long-term goals, then create and write down your

action plans to achieve them

Set up a support system (family, friends etc.) Share your goals

and how you're planning to accomplish them

Restock your fridge and cupboards. Since you can't eat what's

not there, dump all the junk foods in your cupboards


Start Moving! Exercise is the BEST way to burn calories and fat

Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire.

www.srsfitness.co.uk www.facebook.com/srsfitness www.twitter.com/Yellowpotplant


Fitness myths busted!

Cellulite – do creams and lotions really work? In our world of “quick fixes” and so-called “miracle cures” you may be sucked in to believing the latest hype surrounding cellulite reducing or “firming” creams. The fact is, cellulite is a matter of age and genetics. No creams, treatments or procedures are proven to work in ridding our bodies of the dreaded “orange peel” effect long-term. Cellulite has everything to do with how your skin lies over the layer of adipose fat underneath it — so your best bet for reducing the appearance of cellulite is simply to lower overall body fat with proper diet and exercise. In addition to reducing body fat, you should work on building the muscles in your problem areas, which can help a bit by creating a firmer surface for the fat to rest on.

“Diet and exercise is the best chance of reducing the appearance of cellulite, and remember, 8 out of 10 women have it!”

Srsfitness E-Newsletter

Issue 5

January 2015

Depression is one of the most common mental illnesses in the Western world, with one out of four women and one out of six men suffering clinical depression at some point in their lives. Depression can come about from a stressful or traumatic experience in someone’s life, such as work troubles, relationship problems, death of a loved one, or bullying and affects people in a multitude of ways, sometimes presenting very differently in each individual. Generally, a person with depression may lack energy and motivation; they may experience feelings of worthlessness, low self-esteem, anxiousness, numbness or become overwhelmed with everyday tasks. Thankfully, exercise can go a long way towards helping alleviate the symptoms of this debilitating illness. Physical activity releases the feel-good hormones serotonin and endorphins while completing physical tasks will give a mental boost and a sense of accomplishment. Ideally, activities should be fun and involve rhythmical breathing, as this can have a meditative effect. Both cardio and weight training have been found to have positive effects for those suffering from depression and other activities that can help include yoga.

SARAH SMITH - PERSONAL TRAINER Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire.

www.srsfitness.co.uk www.facebook.com/srsfitness www.twitter.com/Yellowpotplant

Top tips…….

Protect yourself - Dress in layers of soft, breathable fabrics You'll be able to adjust the layers according to your body heat — remove them as you warm up, and putting them back on as you cool down. Take care to protect your head, hands, and neck with hats, gloves, and scarves, and don't neglect any exposed skin — apply layers of SPF face cream and lip balm as needed.

Stay hydrated - When your body's working hard to stay hydrated out in the cold, dry air, each exhalation can sap your system a little more. People tend to forget that they can get dehydrated as easily by exercising in cold weather as in hot, so it's extremely important to up your water intake. The same goes for fuel: Even if you aren't out to run a marathon, getting a hearty helping of complex carbs an hour or two before vigorous exercise can make all the difference.

Warm up - and stretch and cool down inside, where it's warm. When it comes to the cold weather, it's really important to make sure your muscles aren't stiff, so take the time to warm up slowly to prevent pulling a muscle.

Be smart - Listen to your body — and the weather forecast. Bring it indoors if the weather looks treacherous — freezing temperatures can end up doing more damage than good for even the most ambitious of outdoor enthusiasts.

Fighting depression with exercise

Dijon baked salmon


1 dessert spoon butter, melted

3 tablespoons Dijon mustard

1 1/2 tablespoons honey

1/4 cup dry bread crumbs

1/4 cup finely chopped pecans

4 teaspoons chopped fresh parsley

4 (4 ounce) fillets salmon

Salt and pepper to taste

1 lemon, for garnish Directions

Preheat oven to 200°c

In a small bowl, stir together butter, mustard, and honey. Set aside. In another bowl, mix together bread crumbs, pecans, and parsley

Brush each salmon fillet lightly with honey mustard mixture, and sprinkle the tops of the fillets with the bread crumb mixture

Bake salmon 12 to 15 minutes in the preheated oven, or until it flakes easily with a fork. Season with salt and pepper, and garnish with a wedge of lemon

Serve with new potatoes and steamed green beans

Exercise Corner……… The lunge is a great staple exercise for any program. This functional, multi-joint exercise can be modified to meet your fitness levels and will help to increase strength and muscle tone in the lower body as well as working your core to the max and improving hip mobility.

Step forwards with one foot keeping your feet in line

Keep your back upright as you slowly bend and lower the back knee towards the floor, raising the heel off the floor

At the same time bend the front knee, making sure it doesn't go past your toes

Don't let the back knee touch the floor before returning to the starting position

Variations & progressions

Use a dumbbell in each hand

Use a barbell over the shoulders

Walking lunges - after completing one lunge as above, swing the back leg forwards so that it becomes the front leg and repeat