Pyomyositis 02.03.2014


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  • 8/12/2019 Pyomyositis 02.03.2014


    Daniel Tawfik, MD/PGY-3

  • 8/12/2019 Pyomyositis 02.03.2014


    3 days of right anteromedial thigh pain

    Sudden onset

    Alternating between sharp and aching

    Slightly better with Tylenol

    Worse when moving the leg after sitting or lying down

    Also with fever, headache, and decreased energy 3 days

    ago (now resolved)

  • 8/12/2019 Pyomyositis 02.03.2014


    PMH: previously healthy

    Meds: none

    Allergies: NKDA

    FHx: neg SHx: lives with parents and younger brother in. No known

    sick contacts, no unusual exposures, no recent travel

  • 8/12/2019 Pyomyositis 02.03.2014


    VS: T 37.6, P 108, RR 18, BP 96/56, SpO2 98% RA

    Gen: Well-appearing, pleasant, interactive

    HEENT: 2+ tonsillar enlargement without exudate

    CV: RRR, no murmurs or gallops RESP: clear, good aeration, unlabored breathing

    ABD: soft, NT/ND, NABS, no masses. Liver at RCM.

    NEURO: CN intact, 2+ reflexes throughout

    MSK: antalgic gait, mild tenderness over rightanteromedial thigh. No mass, fluctuance, redness,

    swelling, or effusion.

  • 8/12/2019 Pyomyositis 02.03.2014


    VS: T 39, P 124, RR 18, BP 106/58, SpO2 97% RA

    Gen: In obvious pain, crying

    HEENT: 2+ tonsillar enlargement without exudate

    CV: Tachycardic, regular rhythm, no murmurs or gallops RESP: clear, good aeration, unlabored breathing

    ABD: soft, NT/ND, NABS, no masses. Liver at RCM.

    NEURO: CN intact, 2+ reflexes throughout

    MSK: severe tenderness over right anteromedial thigh.No mass, fluctuance, redness, swelling, or effusion.

  • 8/12/2019 Pyomyositis 02.03.2014


    Infectious Disease Septic arthritis of hip or knee





    Psoas abscess

    Rheumatology Reactive arthritis

    Pauciarticular JIA Rheumatic fever

    Polymyalgia rheumatica

    Heme/Onc Leukemia


    Ewings sarcoma

    Sickle cell crisis


    MSK/traumatic Hematoma


    Muscle sprain SCFE


  • 8/12/2019 Pyomyositis 02.03.2014


  • 8/12/2019 Pyomyositis 02.03.2014


  • 8/12/2019 Pyomyositis 02.03.2014


    Bacterial infection of striated muscle

    Typically with abscess formation

    First described in 1885 as a tropical disease

    Increasing recognition in temperate climates

    Now 1 out of every 1000-2000 pediatric admissions and rising

    Often in setting of immunodeficiency

    HIV/AIDS (more in adults), diabetes, CVID, SCID, CGD, etc.

  • 8/12/2019 Pyomyositis 02.03.2014


    Requires bacteremia + trauma

    Following URI, meningitis, etc

    Known trauma history in only 15-50% of cases

    Locations: Thigh, calf, buttock, arm


    Staphylococcus aureus (80-90%)

    Streptococcus pyogenes

    May occur following primary varicella infection

  • 8/12/2019 Pyomyositis 02.03.2014


    Early stage Mild cramping



    Low-grade fever

    Intermediate stage Increased tenderness





    Underlying abscess

    Late stage Septic shock

    Compartment syndrome


  • 8/12/2019 Pyomyositis 02.03.2014


    Started on Nafcillin and Clindamycin

    Clindamycin discontinued when blood culture showed


    Switched to Augmentin after 2 days Completed 21 days of antibiotics

    No further sequelae

  • 8/12/2019 Pyomyositis 02.03.2014


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