Purchases PO Procedure




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Purchases and PO procedure ChiswickRequests to or 1. Recipient or Office Team - Raise a ticket through facilities help desk if applicable for each purchase/transaction2. No purchase order is communicated or issued until all relevant paperwork and approvals are in place3. Office team will enter the ticket number on all correspondence taken from the facilities help desk to all parties and suppliers4. Office team will enter the ticket number against a PO number, PO number is now reserved against this purchase request5. Office team will complete the PO listings line 6. Once costs are received, the order can be confirmed back with the ticket number to the requester and authorised approver ( 3 x quotes) where possible alternatively the preferred supplier listed at reception7. Once approval is received the purchase can be made and the PO number communicated to the relevant parties.8. All Purchases should have full costs including delivery charges, the approval and purchase details before any purchase is made9. Rejected cost or Non approval will result in the PO being cancelled and the ticket closed10. Delay in approval reflecting a price change will result in the PO being cancelled the ticket closed and a new ticket raised should the request still be active11. Amendments reflecting additional charges will result in an additional ticket followed by the purchase order procedure as above12. Any verbal purchase request should instantly trigger a ticket communication followed by the purchase order procedure as above13. Admin can request a ticket number so as to communicate any travel needs to the Harridge Group. A PO number will be reserved but not communicated until the purchase costs and the approval is submitted to reception A PO number will then be released to The group for purchasing the travel requirements.14. Office Use - Hard copy checks and paperwork: All receipts approvals and Hard copy PO should be filed in PO folders All relevant paperwork should be filed for invoicing Warranties and delivery notes filed in Delivery note folders A description of the goods needs to be entered fully on the hard copy PO with dates if relevant All purchases should be advised as chargeable or not rechargeable by the approver CAPEX or OPEX noted and confirmed All Department codes should be entered Status on PO listings must be relevant at all times i.e. Purchased Pending approval invoiced etc reception should be used in communication on all related POs No approval means no purchase can be made Escalate to next approver if the recipients approver is not available. All receipts should be printed and attached to the PO Invoice numbers should be entered against the PO on the PO listings PO listings should be checked at regular intervals during the day Highlighted items communicated to the team for WIP purposes. IT now has their own PO system but may occasionally come to reception Invoices should be matched to the PO and all relevant paperwork attached, Submit all Invoices to finance Status on PO listings to be updated and correct at all times All approvals should be saved to the PO approvals folder, Tickets updated and closed
