Pune, India, 13 – 15 December 2010 ITU-T Kaleidoscope 2010 Beyond the Internet? - Innovations for...


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Pune, India, 13 – 15 December 2010

ITU-T Kaleidoscope 2010Beyond the Internet? - Innovations for

future networks and services

Klemen Peternel Luka Zebec, Andrej Kos

University of LjubljanaFaculty of Electrical Engineering

Laboratory for telecommunications – LTFE

klemen.peternel@ltfe.org, andrej.kos@ltfe.org

Innovative tangible user interface as a mean for interacting telecommunications services


University of Ljubljana, Faculty of EEUniversity of Ljubljana, Faculty of EE

University of Ljubljana founded in 1919 consists of 22 Faculties

& 3 Academies employs approx. 6.000 students approx. 56.000

Faculty of Electrical Engineering students approx. 2.500 employs approx. 300

Laboratory for Telecommunications (LTFE)

Pune, India, 13 – 15 Dec 2010: Pune, India, 13 – 15 Dec 2010: ITU-T Kaleidoscope 2010 ITU-T Kaleidoscope 2010

Laboratory for TelecommunicationsLaboratory for Telecommunications

Extensive partnership with industry, research, educational and governmental environments

Team of 50+ young and motivated people

The biggest and most propulsive lab at Faculty of EE Excellence in innovative telecommunications

Pune, India, 13 – 15 Dec 2010: Pune, India, 13 – 15 Dec 2010: ITU-T Kaleidoscope 2010 ITU-T Kaleidoscope 2010

Laboratory for TelecommunicationsLaboratory for Telecommunications

Fields of Research & Development Telecommunication networks, services

and solutions Multimedia systems and solutions Protocols and applications Testing, measurements and evaluation Research studies and analyses Project cooperation and consulting E-learning, M-learning, Game Based Learning Multimedia e-courses and content development

More on http://www.ltfe.org

Pune, India, 13 – 15 Dec 2010: Pune, India, 13 – 15 Dec 2010: ITU-T Kaleidoscope 2010 ITU-T Kaleidoscope 2010

Innovative TUIInnovative TUI

as a mean for interacting as a mean for interacting telecommunications services telecommunications services

Pune, India, 13 – 15 Dec 2010: Pune, India, 13 – 15 Dec 2010: ITU-T Kaleidoscope 2010 ITU-T Kaleidoscope 2010

Pune, India, 13 – 15 Dec 2010: Pune, India, 13 – 15 Dec 2010: ITU-T Kaleidoscope 2010 ITU-T Kaleidoscope 2010 66

Interaction bandwidthInteraction bandwidth

Network bandwidth is ever greater, but the interaction bandwidth is standing still Keyboard Keypad Button Touchscreen Complex menu structures


How to extend interaction bandwidth? In order to help people who have difficulties with the

usage of communication devices People with special needs (e.g. elderlies)

77Pune, India, 13 – 15 Dec 2010: Pune, India, 13 – 15 Dec 2010: ITU-T Kaleidoscope 2010 ITU-T Kaleidoscope 2010

In the real world we are surrounded by various objects Practical value Informational value Emotional value

Real world objectsReal world objects

88Pune, India, 13 – 15 Dec 2010: Pune, India, 13 – 15 Dec 2010: ITU-T Kaleidoscope 2010 ITU-T Kaleidoscope 2010

We can change what we can touchWe can change what we can touch

Connect real world objects to existing telecommunications systems Physical <–> digital mapping New edge UI

Objects manipulation


Legacy telecommunications systems

Pune, India, 13 – 15 Dec 2010: Pune, India, 13 – 15 Dec 2010: ITU-T Kaleidoscope 2010 ITU-T Kaleidoscope 2010


Build physical “phonebook” Move contacts from digital phonebook to the physical

board strings -> photos (emotional value)

Add NFC tag to each photo/image Use NFC probe to trigger communication event

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Solution architectureSolution architecture

Client side application on the NFC probe NFC mobile phone

Server side communication logic composition Web service

NGN gateway at the north side of the operator’s network Parlay X <-> CSTA

Pune, India, 13 – 15 Dec 2010: Pune, India, 13 – 15 Dec 2010: ITU-T Kaleidoscope 2010 ITU-T Kaleidoscope 2010

NGN gatewayNGN gateway

Gateway enables developers to access call control functions via WS “Keep it simple, stupid”

SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) - North XML Over HTTP Parlay X

ICT protocols – South CSTA, INAP

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NGN Gateway implementationNGN Gateway implementation

Third Party Call, Audio Call Call triggering (user2user, user2vxml)

Call Notification, Call Direction, Call Handling Call notification, call redirection, call forwardings

SMS, MMS Sending and receiving

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SS Communication Logic CompositionSS Communication Logic Composition

Receiving Touch events tag_value

Communicates with NGN Gateway Via Parlay X web services

Keeps user’s communication state Current call status


SMS composition logic Compose SMS Send to various recipients




NFCEvent(String tag_value)

CNChanged(String calling_party)

Pune, India, 13 – 15 Dec 2010: Pune, India, 13 – 15 Dec 2010: ITU-T Kaleidoscope 2010 ITU-T Kaleidoscope 2010

NFC probeNFC probe

In our demo as a NFC enabled mobile phone Acts as a “remote controller” NFC application

Reads and sends (via WS) tag values to the server logic Writes to tag Notifies action completion to the user (sound & vibration


Industrial implementation NFC Probe inside the handset http://www.obelisk.si/phone

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Touch flows (vs. menu structures)Touch flows (vs. menu structures)

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Thank you for the attentionThank you for the attention

Additional information: http://www.ltfe.org http://www.touchtocommunicate.org http://www.obelisk.si/phone Prof. Andrej Kos, Ph. D.:

andrej.kos@fe.uni-lj.si Klemen Peternel, Ph. D. Student:


Pune, India, 13 – 15 Dec 2010: Pune, India, 13 – 15 Dec 2010: ITU-T Kaleidoscope 2010 ITU-T Kaleidoscope 2010