Public – Scientific BIORHYTHM - P ă l t î n e · 6 6 Astronomical...


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Public – Scientific INFORMATION (GB)

” BIORHYTHM - P ă l t î n e a ”( scientific discovery -1983 ) Authorisation: nr.14727 /12/06/1990 / Hall District 2 Bucharest (PFA) ☼ Register: F.40 / nr.1 / 04/01/1991 (PFA) C.U.I.: 19530270 / 01/01/2007 (PF) Abusive rayed from Register to 18/06/2010 (anti-Rumanian conspiracy!) Court dismissed my complaint to 21/09/2012. Eng. Anton-Adrian Păltînea , benefit from the provisions D-L.118/1990. Political persecution (to Poiana Mare) for ,,propaganda invented'' in ,,the golden age'' , and in other forms , till now ! Licensed in Thermo-Power / 1970 , Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest. Information: Monday – Sunday , time: 08.00 - 20.00 Tel / Fax: +40(0)21-653-5977----Bucharest----SMS: +40(0)729-543-793

SMS: +44 (0)779-027-2657 (London) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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LETTERS: Sos. Pantelimon nr.96 bl.210 ap.34 sc.1 et.5 sector 2 cod-021639 Bucharest-39 Rumania. (information)

Free scientific documentation for Calendar Personal – Biorhythm.

The true biological rhythms :

Adevăratele ritmuri biologice: + + ++++ ++++ 0,0- - - - - - -0,5+++++++1,0- - - - - - -0,5+++++++1,0 - - - - - - - - - © 09/2008 -

Warn that the well-known Calculus Method of biorhythms (23-28-33 days) is TOTALY SUBJECTIVE and only by chance,

the calculus -will correspond- with the reality ! This method - is a real danger - for who uses it !


”BIORHYTHM-Păltînea” is a Calculus Method that prognoses the Momentary Yield of the man at the future activities (it doesn’t discover the futur !) with 99% precision (since -1983 !). The prognosis of weack efficiency is always -sure ! The TRUE biological rhythms EXIST !

This scientific discovery -EXIST- only if the MAN is CREATED by GOD ! The verification of precision of my -secret- Calculus Method ” BIORHYTHM - Păltînea ” was made by The National Institute of Researches for Sport-Bucharest , at the

Beijing – 2008 Olympiad.

Anybody can learn (free and easily !) to forecast their and other yield , using my public Method -by comparison (since -1983 !)

with 60-70% precision. FREE , new information about the Yearly and Daily Rhythm. Each participates with ≈ 25% to the Momentary Yield of the man ! With these , you can make a

Calendar Personal - Biorhythm. Who wants to obtain -better results , must use Calendar Personal - Biorhythm for forecast the Momentary Yield

-by comparison , with 80-90% precision.

Verify and tell to your friends ! Thank you.

Eng. Anton-Adrian Păltînea, author B-P. No visits ! ©-02/2015

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Football , Brazil-GERMANY = 1-7 (Tuesday July/8 World Cup Brasil 2014) showed -live- <to all world> that the match result was unfortunate accident , from cause the weak momentary yield of Brazilian sportsmen , momentary yield produced by < the action> of the TRUE human biological rhythms of the man. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

For print uses the function -2- on page A4.

Eng. Anton-Adrian Păltînea, (licensed in thermo-power / 1970) (former inspector at MAGF, Energy Inspection Bucharest) -author of the calculus method- ”BIORHYTHM – Păltînea” -the real human biological rhythms of man- (scientific discovery -1983)

Beneficiary from the provisions D-L.118/1990. Political persecution (to Poiana Mare) for ,,propaganda invented’’ in ,,the golden age’’ and in other forms , till now ! (GB)



DOCUMENTATION---only---English---23--pages. ©-02/2015—Update.

For print uses the function -2- on page A4. (

E-mail :

- INFORMATION - Monday – Sunday , time : 08 – 20

Tel / Fax: +40(0)21-653-5977 -Bucharest- SMS : +40(0)729-543-793 SMS : +44(0)779-027-2657 (London)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

(Only English)- - -Tel: +44(0)20-8592-8318 -London- SMS / mob: +44(0)779-265-2671 E-mail:

>>> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - >>><<< - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -<<<

The TRUE biological rhythms EXIST ! Since 1983 , when I discovered

them , nobody don’t could contest scientifically their existence !

The TRUE biological rhythms EXIST -only if -

the MAN is CREATED by GOD and individually -synchronized- ,

-by the same law- for all people ! Verify (!) and tell to your friends. Thank you !


” BIORHYTHM – Păltînea ” is a calculus Method , personal , scientific , secret (for economic reasons) , 99% precision , which predicts (not reveals the future !) the Momentary Yield of man at future activities , using -the true- biological rhythms of the man (on which only I know them , since -1983 !) , rhythms that together - make- the momentary YIELD of the man !

Yearly rhythm and Daily rhythm are a part from -the true- biological rhythms of the man , each participating with 25 % at the momentary YIELD of the man.

Who wants to have -better- results to his programmable activities , him to do Calendar Personal–Biorhythm with these two public rhythms and then can to predict -by comparison- the momentary YIELD , with 80-90% precision .

>>><<< Biological rhythms are as the WEATHER , that you can not stop , but you can limit some effects of it , if you know a correct weather forecast ...

The knowing of true Personal–Biorhythm is useful to everyone , but especially for: bussines people, sportsmen and coaches, artists (circus), drivers and motorcyclists, pilots and cosmonauts, for the scientific research, medicine, military,…



>>><<< Football match Brazil–GERMANY = 1-7 (Tuesday July/8-World Cup Brasil 2014) was an unfortunate accident , from cause the weak momentary yield of the of Brazilian sportsmen, momentary yield produced by <the action> of the TRUE biological rhythms of the man.

This match was a undeniable demonstration of the existence of the true biological rhythms of the man , demonstration watched -live- on all planet Earth !


page -Law of momentary yield of the man (definition) …………………..……..……….……...………04

-Momentary yield (definition) ..…………...…….…………….…….………..………...………04

-Forecasting momentary yield , -by comparison......………….....…………........….……..04

-Graf of true biological rhythms , with F(x) line .......……..…..................…….…...………..….05 -Astronomical year ……………………..……...………………..…………...…………...……………05 -Personal Yearly rhythm………..….……….…….……..………...……….…………...……………05

-Personal Daily rhythm ………..……..….……...…..…………….…………………….……………05 -Astronomical day………………………………..……….……………………………………………06

-Calculus , Number of days from birth to a -certain- date ; it introduces the concept of :

Reference point , as fixed number of days from birth--to Dec.31 last year and

Summed days from the beginning year , for the current calendar date….....06

-Calculus , Reference point………….………..……..………..…………….….…………..…06

-Table with Summed days by months , from the beginning year…………...…….…..06 -Table with leap years…..…...……......……….……………...…………..……….…………..06 -Calculus , Yearly rhythm and Daily rhythm……….…..…………..….…………………..07

-CALENDAR Personal-Biorhythm with the beginning positive Daily rhythm……...….08 -HISTORY of Method of calculus ” BIORHYTHM – Păltînea ”...…….…...........……….…….09 -Applications of the Method of calculus ” BIORHYTHM – Păltînea ”...…...…..……....…….16

DOCUMENTATION of my old sites : (information recorded in Government)

-Testing Form ”BIORHYTHM - Păltînea”……..………....…….….…..……………………….18

-Warranty ”BIORHYTHM - Păltînea”……..………...……….....………………...…………….19 -News about the Method of calculus ”BIORHYTHM – Păltînea” , with calculus example for the Yearly rhythm and Daily rhythm ; introduce the concepts of :

Reference point as fixed number of days , from birth--to Dec.31 last year and

Summed days from the beginning year , for the current calendar date

(2008, Government-Tăriceanu)......................... 20

-The truth about victory of Rumania against Belarus and then friendly fotbal match

Germany - Rumania (2008, Government-Tăriceanu).............. 22 -Matchs analysis , using well-known Method of Biorhythm (23-28-33 days)................23



Law of -momentary- yield of the man:

"Medical healthy people , which one have

the SAME number of days from birth (as age) , and the SAME hour of birth ,

they have the SAME momentary yield , for the SAME activity ”

If you don’t know the hour of birth , the error can be maximum ± 25 % , given by daily rhythm.

The momentary yield is how we see currently (%) of the value of an sportsman / person.

Prognosis -weak yield - is always -sure !


THIS -law- EXISTS and anybody -can check- its EXISTENCE , -by comparison !


Forecast your yield -by comparison (with 60-70% precision) , observing the momentary yield

of a WITNESS -older as you- with a well-known NUMBER of days. Add this NUMBER of

days at the observation’s DATE and you obtain your prognosed DATA -by comparison ,

when you will have ≈ the SAME yield , as the yield -observed- at WITNESS !

Precision will increase to 80-90% , if you will use Calendar Personal–Biorhythm.

Verify (!) and tell to your friends. Thank you !

If you do not know time of birth,

the exactess of this NUMBER of days can be verified only using the date and hour of a -very weak- yield occurred to WITNESS and then to you !


Warn that the -well-known- Calculus Method of biorhythms

(23-28-33 days) is TOTALY SUBJECTIVE -and only by chance ,

the calculus -will correspond- with reality !

This method - is a real danger - for who uses it !

© 02/2015 Eng. Anton-Adrian Păltînea, (licensed in thermo-power / 1970)



© 02/2015 Scientific news Graph for all true biological rhythms , with F(x) linear ...

© 09/2008 -Yearly rhythm-

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|Autumn : Winter|Spring: Summer| = The seasons of Yearly Rhythm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Football , Brazil-GERMANY = 1-7 (Tuesday July/8 World Cup Brasil 2014) showed -live- <to all world> that the match result was unfortunate accident , from cause the weak momentary yield of Brazilian sportsmen , momentary yield produced by < the action> of the TRUE human biological rhythms of the man. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Biological rhythms -begin- from the birth !

Each man is created by God and individually synchronised at each beginning biological rhythm , all life ,

-by the same law- for all the men ! Astronomical DAY = personal Daily rhythm.


Astronomical YEAR = personal Yearly rhythm , what begins from the birth date , NOT from -01- in January !


Personal Yearly rhythm commands the -beginning- personal Daily rhythm , at each beginning yearly rhythm .

(with ≈ 6 hours in plus to old yearly rhythm).


Yearly rhythm and Daily rhythm , each influences the momentary yield of the man with ≈ 25% !

>>><<< From the book of astronomy or any geographical atlas we find that :

Astronomical YEAR = 365 days + 6 hours – 674 sec {=11 min + 14 sec} >>><<<

I make the convention: Yearly rhythm has - 4 - seasons as the calendar year : Autumn , Winter , Spring , Summer.



Astronomical DAY = 24 hours – 236 sec {=4 min – 4 sec} For this reason , in all the days after birth

HOUR of beginning Daily rhythm decreases in every day with 236 sec.

If we don’t hour correction , at the half of year , the difference

will be approx. 12 hours from the hour of beginning Daily rhythm.

Calculus , Number of days (calculated with the personal method of calculus "BIORHYTHM - Păltînea")


Calculus Number of days , from birth to a certain date , I printed 10,000 copies , in 1998 , as personal method , quick and easy , which introduces the concept of Reference point , as fixed number of days , from birth and to Dec. 31 last year ,

plus the number Summed days from the beginning of current year , for the current calendar day (Table-1). Leap year has February = 29 days.

Table-1 with Summed days by month , from the beginning of year :

01=031 02=059 03=090 04=120 05=151 06=181 07=212 08=243 09=273 10=304 11=334 12=365.

a)--Reference point 1)-we write the birth date as number Summed days ;

2)-we calculate { 365 / 366 days/year – birth date } ;

3)-365 days x { the year of Reference point – birth year } ;

4)-we sum leap years between

birth year and calculation year (without these two !) ; Table-2.

Table -2 (leap years*) : 1904-08-12-16-20-24-28-32-36-40-44-48-52-56-60- 64-68-72-76-80-84-88-92-96-2000-04-08-12-16-20..

5)- we sum results from the points 2), 3), 4) and we obtain Reference point.

b)--Number of days = Reference point + Summed days. (December 31 last year) (date current year)

>>><<< c)--Calculus EXAMPLE: 31/08/ 1989 = 243 / 1989 and 15/01/ 2007 = 015 / 2007. (birth) (summed days) (date current year) (summed days)

Reference point (Dec.31) 2006 = = (365 – 243) + [ (2006 – 1989) x 365 ] + 4 (leap years) = 6331 days

Number of days = 6331 + 015 = 6346 days (31/08/1989…15/01/2007)



Calculus , YEARLY rhythm and DAILY rhythm -all mathematical variants are possible , if they give the same result-

©-02/2015 We make TRANSFORMATION : Astronomical YEAR = 365 days + 6 hours – 674 sec {=11 min + 14 sec} = = 365 days + 6 ore x 3600 sec/hour – 674 sec = = 365 days + 20926 sec = = 365 days + (20926 sec : 86400 sec/day) = = 365 days + 0.242199 days = 365.242199 days/year. For to calculate , the reader will replace painted data with his data , respectively :

-date and hour of birth , city (time zone) , correctly !

-Point reference (pag.6 pct.a+c). -number Yearly rhythm.

1)-Example of calculus for a person born 31/08/1989 / hour 23 ,

Bucharest and the current year 2007 (when turn 18).

Reference point (31/12) / 2006 = 6331 days (pag.6 pct.a+c).

2)-The beginning personal Yearly rhythm--19 (new personal year in 2007).

In 2007 , the person will be 18 years.

18 yeras x 365.242199 days/year = 6574.359582 days – 6331 days = 243.359582 days

from the beginning year 2007 , corresponds to the date 01.09.2007 (Table-1 / pag.6 for 244 days).

0.359582 days< the decimal part) x 24 hours/day = 8,63 hours + 23 (birth hour) =

= 31.63 hours {- 24 hours /day + 1 day} = 7.63 hours + 1 day .

The beginning personal Yearly rhythm--19 = 01/09/2007 + 1 day =

= 02/09/2007 hour 07:38 / 7.63 = 7 hours + 38 min{=0.63 x 60 min/h} which is and the -beginning- new -negative- personal Daily rhythm.

According to the graph F(x) (page 5) , after 12 hours – 2 min

-begins- new -positive- personal Daily rhythm ,

at 02/09/2007 , hour = 07:38 + (12 hours – 2 min) = 19:36 / 19.60

(–2 min = correction for 12 hours , top pag.6) >>><<<

New negative Daily rhythm : 02.09.2007 07:38- - - - -19:36 02.09.2007 New positive Daily rhythm: 02.09.2007 19:36- - - - -07:34 03.09.2007




3)-Correction [-hours] for HOUR of - beginning- of new Daily rhythm =

= -0.0656 hours/day{4 min – 4 sec = 236 sec/day : 3600 sec/hour} x Number of days

between DATE and hour of -beginning- new Yearly rhythm

and -current- DATE and hour in new Yearly rhythm .

For can do easy the subtraction , we shall write DATE as summed days.

>>><<< 4)--Calculus EXAMPLE :

02/09/ 2007 = 244 / 2007 hour 07:38/ 7.63 and 31/12/ 2007 = 365 / 2007. (begins Yearly rhythm) (date current year) (summed days)

Number of days for correction = 365 - 244 = 121 days. Correction = -0.0656 hours/day x 121 days = - 7.94 hours.

Corrected HOUR of -beginning- negative Daily rhythm =

= 07:38/ 7.63 - 7.94 hours = -0.31 hours + {24 hours - 1 day} = 23.69 / 23:42 - 1 day.

We added 24 hours because the result of decreasing was negative and I turned in positive , but with one day ago , respectively 30/12/2007 !

negative Daily rhythm : 30/12/2007 23:42- - - - -11:40 31/12/2007 positive Daily rhythm : 31/12/2007 11:40- - - - -23:38 31/12/2007

CALENDAR Personal-Biorhythm On my site , you can visit , in Rumanian , SUPLIMENT DOCUMENTAŢIE -numai- (RO).

You will find information about formal verification of precision

Calculus -secret- Method ” BIORHYTHM – Păltînea ”, check done of

National Research Institute for Sport – Bucharest , at Beijing Olympics – 2008.


CALENDAR Personal-Biorhythm contains accurate data about the :

--HOUR of beginning -positive Daily rhythm (Sunday , in each week) ; --Yearly rhythm (seasons: autumn , winter , spring , summer) ; --minimum- Yearly rhythm (date and hour). HOUR of beginning Daily rhythm

decreases in each day with ≈ 4 min. (exactly 236 sec = 4 min - 4 sec).


To calculate Personal-Biorhythm you need to know precisely:

-date of birth and -exact- or approximate hour , locality (time zone) . >>><<<



Who -can not- calculate personally

Yearly rhythm and Daily rhythm , using -free- my site , (pag.6-8) , can send to me , for free , an e-mail for help.

Free respond to your request by E-mail...

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Personal – Biorhythm The true biological rhythms Scientifically method of calculus (John) ©-02/2015

HOUR of start -pozitive- Daily rhythm in each Sunday , hour what decreases in every day with ≈ 4 min (4 min – 4 sec = 236 sec).

Yearly rhythm has -4- seasons: Autumn , Winter , Spring , Summer. Birth date: 11/08/1947, Monday ; hour ≈ 18:50-wi [ +1 GMT Germany ] ; Zodiac: Lion ; Chinese-Z: Pork of Fire.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… HOUR of start -positive- Daily rhythm in each Sunday ; HOUR of calendar = +1 GMT Germany / CET

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… MAXIMUM

Yearly rhythm 64 11/08/2011 (223)=06:51su -------------------

Year 2012*(+142) Winter

date hour 03/01 = 08:22 10/01 = 07:54 17/01 = 07:27 24/01 = 06:59 31/01 = 06:32 07/02 = 06:04 minimum Yearly rythm 65

09/02/2012 (040)=16:51-w


14/02 = 05:36 21/02 = 05:09 28/02 = 04:42 06/03 = 04:14 13/03 = 03:46 20/03 = 03:19 27/03 = 02:51 03/04 = 03:24 10/04 = 02:56 17/04 = 02:29 24/04 = 02:01 01/05 = 01:34 08/05 = 01:06 15/05 = 00:38 22/05 = 00:11 28/05 = 23:42

04/06 = 23:16 11/06 = 22:48 18/06 = 22:21 25/06 = 21:53 02/07 = 21:26 09/07 = 20:58

Summer 16/07 = 20:31 23/07 = 20:03 30/07 = 19:36 06/08 = 19:08 MAXIMUM

Yearly rhythm 65 10/08/2012 (223)=12:40su

Autumn 13/08 = 00:26

20/08 = 23:58 27/08 = 23:30 03/09 = 23:03 10/09 = 22:35 17/09 = 22:08 24/09 = 21:40 01/10 = 21:13 08/10 = 20:45 15/10 = 20:18 22/10 = 19:50 29/10 = 18:23 05/11 = 17:55 12/11 = 17:27 19/11 = 17:00 26/11 = 16:32 03/12 = 16:05

10/12 = 15:37 17/12 = 15:10 24/12 = 14:42 31/12 = 14:15 Year 2012*(+142)

Winter date hour 07/01 = 13:47 14/01 = 13:19 21/01 = 12:52 28/01 = 12:24 05/02 = 11:57 minimum Yearly rythm 66

08/02/2013 (040)= 03:34w


2012 : Apr.-01---summer time---Oct.-28. DST 2013 : Mar.-31---summer time---Oct.-27. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


©-12/2007 HISTORY of Method of calculus ” BIORHYTHM - Păltînea ” MODIFICATIONS : ©-10/2009 ; ©-12/2010 ; ©-08/2011 ; ©-02/2012 ; ©-03/2014 ; ©-08/2014 ; ©-02/2015.

Since 1983 , I begun the -unofficial- verification of the Method of calculus ” BIORHYTHM – Păltînea ”, and it coincides with the appointment of Mr. Mircea Lucescu as trainer of the Football National Team of Rumania (after his victory against Italy).

a)-Examples of free tests for FOOTBALL (given officially and in advance to the authorities)

SWEDEN – RUMANIA = 0-1. . . . . . . (09/06/1983). CYPRUS – RUMANIA = 1-1. . . . . . . . . .(12/11/1983).

*DYNAMO – HAMBURGER = 3-0.. . . .(19/10/1983). DYNAMO MINSK – DYNAMO = 1-1. . . (07/03/1984).

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Since 18/12/1984 -I was arrested- for propaganda invented by the occult anti-Rumanian

Conspiracy , because I informed the State authorities about the existence of anti-Rumanian

Conspiracy (proving this with the actions commited !) ; I was and I am still persecuted tacitly

and continuous … and the authorities don’t solve correctly and legally my complaints !

I was -hospitalised- 3 years , illegaly , at POIANA MARE , since 1985 (psychiatry , non-recoverables).

With the help of God and the agreement of the Dictatorship , the Justice declared that I cured at 13/03/1989 , before ”the revolution of December 1989”, undeniable proof of

political persecution , because a psychical sick man - don't heal !

>>> <<<

A HISTORY -pamphlet- OF RUMANIA -in my version- (born -1947)

In 2010 (after 20 years of ,,the revolution’’) , the anti-Rumanian Conspiracy (the masons Jews , Jews-

Hungarians, Gypsies and other minorities) self-denounced in public on TV and through books

written , telling that: "the Dec.1989 revolution" was a military coup , confirming that I was

right in 1984 , when I informed XIII Congress of The Communist Party of the existence of a

Conspiracy... and I arrived in POIANA MARE !

I am defamed everywhere… by my political opponents !

For me , the Conspiracy used and uses witchcraft , to remove me... ecologically.

After Dec.1989 , continued the genocide of Rumanians...

The anti-Rumanian Conspiracy marginalized Rumanian elites and promoted non-values ,

systematically destroyed the Rumanian school , history , culture , justice and legislation , health

system , economy , banks , industry , commercial maritime fleet (300 vessels = $ 3 billions) ,

agriculture and allowed wild deforestation of forests , ... and intensively uses the witchcraft against political opponents , for destroy they ecologically...

Age Traian Basescu (10 years) mugged the budget with much billions euros and Rumania

was forced to take euros 20 billions loan from the IMF for: retrocession overstated--huge ,

overly large contracts for unnecessary works (ex.: modern gyms to isolated villages without water,

etc.) , roads with prices of 10 times higher than in the EU

and executed only in the direction Transylvania - Hungary ...

Rumanians are discriminated in their country by minorities : Jews , Jews-Hungarians ,

Hungarians and Gypsies (activists of Conspiracy anti-Rumanian , tacitly infiltrated in Parliament ,

in Government , secret services ,..)

This situation was favored by the absence of the mention of ethnicity in the Identity card !

Gypsies saied at their ethnicity ROMI (ROMA) and at their language they saied ROMANI

(with EU blessing !) to be confused with ROMANIA , and everyone to believe that

ROMANIA is the country of disabled Gypsy ...



It is clear and logicaljy that such actions could be done only with tacit approval of

some state authorities , occult subjected to a foreign power , that pursues perseveringly the destruction of Rumania !

Who would can be this foreign power , hostile for Rumania ?

1)-It could be Russia ,

who wanted to have gate at the Mediterranean Sea since the time of tsar Peter the Great , idea

resumed of the former Soviet Union , who about the plan Valev divided Rumania in three great

regions (as E.U.) and annex them to the neighboring countries:

Transylvania to Hungary , Moldova to the Soviet Union , Muntenia to Bulgaria. Tanks and the domination desire of Russian in Rumania strengthened anti-Romanian Conspiracy , which was thrilled when he discovered (by Ana Pauker) that the Russians have the same aim !

The first attack was on history , when they were mocked the princes: Mircea the Old , Stephen the Great , Michael the Brave and the national poet Mihai Eminescu.

2)-The fact that Nicolae Ceausescu refused the request of Mrs. premier Gandhi , to send

in India all Gypsies from Rumania (to their people) , confirms my opinion that Ceausescu's

genocide (ethnic gypsy as Gheorghiu-Dej) against Rumanians (by systematic starvation) , he

watched restocking Rumania with Gypsies from country and abroad ,

respective he created a country of Gypsies from everywhere ..

After ,,the revolution of dec.1989'', I seen at TV that all palaces of Ceausescu had a large room with the same number of seats ,

a kind of throne room with the representatives of ethnics ...

3)-It could be Hungary.

After the first World War , at 06/04/1920 , at TRIANON Palace from Versailles--France , concluded peace with Hungary , were established the borders of HUNGARY with RUMANIA and other countries , and recognized the union of Rumanian territories with ROMANIA: Transylvania , Banat East , Crisana and Maramures (information Small Encyclopedic Dictionary , 1978 , pag.1780). - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Anti-Rumanian occult conspiracy appeared in Rumania after the peace of TRIANON ,

had as aim to destabilize the Rumanian national State and union with Hungary -without

fighting with the army- of the lost territories by the TRIANON peace.

For this purpose , a Hungarian party hostile peace of TRIANON engineered and

created this conspiracy before closing the Romanian borders , respective passed the border into

Rumania -600,000- Hungarians activists (Hebrew-Hungarian majority) with purpose to go and

live in Bucharest , with surname changed with Rumanian name , (Georgescu, Ionescu, Andrei, Dumitrescu, Rădulescu, Vasilescu, Ilie, Iliescu, Olaru, Şelaru, Iacob , Olariu , David , Gheorghe , Marian,..)

and then enter in all leading institutions of the State , in secret services and army, education ,

health and justice , Government and Parliament , to promote among them and destabilize inside

Rumanian national state , which was in good-faith towards minorities. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



A Hungarian newspaper of the time

confirmed passing border with Rumania 600,000 Hungarians.

This information from paper was given at TVR of un military history ,

after the visit at Vienna of President Ion Iliescu at a Congress to combat discrimination ,

where the President said that Bucharest is a proof of nondiscrimination, that it is the second

largest Hungarian city after Budapest , that at Bucharest live 600,000 Hungarians (1.6 million

are in Romania) and 600,000 Gypsies (approx. -2- millions in Rumania) ,

Bucharest having 1.8 millions habitants , so ethnic minoritys exceed Rumanians ! ! !

Mihai Răzvan Ungureanu (Hebrew-Hungarian) , former foreign minister of Rumania , he left

Gojdu legacy for Hungary (Gojdu - Rumanian from Hungary, he left by testament his fortune of

over one billion euros to Rumanians) , refusing to claim this legacy for Rumania ,

according to the testament...

The mother of former President Traian Băsescu was Tartar ethnicity.

Elena Udrea , the blonde of Basescu is ethnic gypsy. That said in 2014 at TV Antena-3

the representatives of ethnic Gypsies , in the campaign for the election of the President of Rumania.

Elena Udrea has not contested ... !

Monica Macovei has ethnic Macedonian ...

For the referendum to dismiss President Traian Basescu , E.U. leadership and foreign

press , lied by Basescu and Monica Macovei that in Rumania is a state coup (that fell the

Government of Basescu , by censure motion of opposition and then the Parliament voted

impeachment President Basescu , according to the Constitution , and followed the referendum

for dismissal , considered a state coup by Basescu & Co...) asked insistently to the Government

to introduce in the law of referendum a electoral threshold (½ + 1) with minimum participation

in voting (is illegally and unconstitutionally) and Government executed the political order ,

but without specify how must interpreted the threshold for the referendum validation

(ignorance ???) that can not be ignored people's votes !

Interpretation of referendum validation is elementary mathematics !

If the electoral threshold (½ + 1 of the number of persons registered in the lists)

was accomplished , as to gain the option YES , it is necessary to obtain minimum (½ + 1)

from the electoral threshold , namely (¼ + 1) of the number of persons registered in the lists.

So , even if not come to vote the number of persons from the electoral threshold ,

the referendum is validated if the option YES obtained minimum (¼ + 1) from the number of

persons registered in the lists , because mathematical logic says that if could vote the rest

needed to make the electoral threshold and they voted the option NO ,

this option NO does not win , that lacked one vote !

In this way is respected each citizen's vote , even if not achieved the threshold !

On heat of 40ºC , in July 2012 , came to urns 8,400,000 voters

and voted YES (dismissal !) 7,500,000 !



Traian Băsescu was elected President with 5,200,000 votes !

The permanent electoral lists no updated contained 18,200,000 voters.

The referendum was not validated

because of excessive electoral threshold ,

but and the lack of clarification in the law

about as must applied

the electoral threshold to validate the referendum ... 4)-It could be Germany.

Mrs. Chancellor Merkel suggested at the beginning of the election campaign for President

of Rumania , as well as that Romanians have a German driver ... and went out of the magician's

sleeve Internet ... using the occult experience of the former German communist security...

How obtained the new President Klauss Johannis 1,000,000 votes in addition as against Victor Ponta ??

In the first round had 1,000,000 votes less like Victor Ponta and the press and analysts predicted equality in a second round !

Nobody has a logical explanation credible for 1,000,000 votes in addition obtained by Johannis !

I contested the election legality for the President of Rumania to the Constitutional Court

(nr.5318-21/11/2014) and I asked the cancellation of elections that its are the result of occult

manipulating about one part of the electorate what used the internet as information source about

candidates , respectively the manipulating of the subconcious of the young electorate , by

subliminal information broadcasted on the pictures with fake events, with big emotional impact…

and I asked the verification of this pictures from Internet and TV , by the laboratories of army and

secret services. They did not nothing ! Why ?

In the contest I specified that I consider that Johannis is a screen of Liberal Party ,

what chases return the monarchy Hohenzolern in Rumania , by a state coup !

>>><<< >>><<< In 2007, Pension House Bucharest (CPMB) misinterpreted with intention Romanian

language , in the law of pensions and then said that I did not correctly paid social insurance

contribution (CAS) from 04/2001 , and I have to pay the difference and increases.

I challenged in writing the unlawful decision of the retirement home , showing that

I always paid and on time the pension contribution , according to my contract with the pension

house , so I have no outstanding debts !

The director did not want to answer at complaints , nor in audience did not received

me , but every year I received a new decision , with debt increased ,

but not write concrete any legal justification !



In 2010 , the alleged debt reached cca.10000-lei (2500-euro) and I complained in Court ,

that the administration did not solve anything , although I asked for the support of the National

House of Pensions and Ministry of Labour. The process took three years. (The Tribunal Bucharest, section VIII , file nr.-21077/3/2010)

During the trial (2010) , the debit decision--enforcement order forced me to submit

warranty 10,000-RON (99.5% of the flow alleged) , not to sell my house !

Justice annulled the debit decision on the grounds that there no was written a legal

reasoning of debts , but did not want to investigate the legal basis of the debts and not write

anything about the refund guarantee (10000-RON) , submitted by me in the process (2010).

>>><<< I asked to CPMB to execute the justice judgment , to give a new decision , to find

that the justice had annulled the debit decision , and to modify the wrong writing in my

Labor Book , based on the debit decision canceled by court , wrong writing what will produce

a illegal penalty and bigger , and to return me the guarantee of 10000-RON , submitted by me

forced by the debit decision--enforcement order.

The Director of CPMB refused and refuses to recognize the judgment justice (which

annulled the debit decision) , arguing that the debit decision is legal , that the justice has not

been canceled the debit decision and does not want to make another decision , in finding…

I asked the support of the National Pensions House and the Ministry of Labour , but these hierarchical administrative bodies not helped me ...

Non-execution of decisions of justice is a crime , but the administrative authorities of State

are anarchically (!) , waiting to die (I have 67 years old !) and escape the problem...

I made a criminal complaint to the Prosecutor district 3 (dossier nr.-17685 / P / 2013, December) for non-execution of justice decisions , but Section 11 Police do not have the guts to start researching… Prosecutor no accepted my request to delay inexcusably...

>>><<< In June 2014 I found by chance that solving a debit decision with tax receivables

(my case) be settled only according to the Fiscal Procedure Code !

This legislation must be specified to the parts of the trial judge , at the beginning of

process (the active role of the judge !) , and then give a deadline to CPMB to resolve

administrative the appeal , by a new decision , according to the Fiscal Procedure Code !

If appealed against that decision , the judge resolve this appeal !

According to the Fiscal Procedure Code , the debit decision is null and I have the right to recover my losses

and to modify the wrong writing in my Labor Book , did it according to the debit decision...

I reformatted the request at CPMB , at the National House of Pensions and Labour Ministry and then at the Prosecutor , but nothing , that Rumania has many authorities ,

only on the documents for payment salaries… - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



COPPA DEL MONDO ITALIA’90. Testele mele au fost publicate de FOTBAL / pag.3 (15.06. 1990) şi CUVÂNTUL , în rubrica ” Caseta neagră ” (27.06.1990) ; -antrenor Emeric Ienei. * P. Roman

ROMÂNIA – SAN MARINO = 6-0. . . . (06.12.1990) ROMÂNIA – SCOŢIA = 1-0. . . . . . . . (16.10.1991)

Testul şi istoria metodei de calcul ” BIORITM-Păltînea ” au fost publicate de COTIDIANUL / pag.4 (16 şi 18.10.1991).

ITALY WORLD CUP’90. My tests were published in the newspapers: ”FOTBAL” , pag.3 , 15/06/1990 and ”CUVÂNTUL”, the column ”Caseta neagră” , 27/06/1990 -trainer Emeric Ienei. *premmier P. Roman

RUMANIA - SAN MARINO = 6-0. . . . (06/12/1990) RUMANIA - SCOTLAND = 1- 0 . . . . . (16/10/1991).

The test and history of calculus method ”BIORHYTHM - Păltînea” were published in the newspaper ”COTIDIANUL” , pag. 4 , from 16 and 18/10/1991.

RUMANIA - SWITZERLAND = 1 – 0. . .(13/11/1991).

BULGARIA – RUMANIA = 1 – 1. . . . . .(20/11/1991).

RUMANIA - BELGIUM = 2 – 1. . .. . . . .(13/10/1993). First match of the trainer Anghel Iordănescu. WALES - RUMANIA = 1-2. . . . . . . . . . (16/11/1993) , Players under 21 years. * WALES - RUMANIA = 1-2. . . . . . . . . . . (17/11/1993). Rumania qualified itself for the US WORLD CUP’94.

US WORLD CUP’94 . Rumania obtained the -5th- place. *premmier N.Văcăroiu

HUNGARIA – RUMANIA = 0-2. . . . . (05/09/2001).

Test communicated to the *Government Adrian Năstase , by Registry (nr.17/6491/15/06/2001). I personally

made known the test in Bucharest and in the rest of the country, but Rumania did not qualify for

KOREA/JAPAN WORLD CUP-2002 , because Rumania lost the decisive match against Slovenia.

This was God’s punishment for the authorities and leaders of footbal , which as for occult reasons

they refused and still refuse to inform the world about the existence of the Calculus method

”BIORHYTHM - Păltînea”. *premmier A. Năstase

b)-Examples of FOOTBALL matches - DISGRACEFUL FAILURES (without tests ”BIORHYTHM - Păltînea”)

SCOTLAND – RUMANIA = 2-1. . . . . . .(12/09/1990). SAN MARINO – RUMANIA = 1-3 . . . . .(27/03/1991).

* RUMANIA – BULGARIA = 0-3. . . . (17/10/1990). SWITZERLAND – RUMANIA = 0-0. . . .(03/04/1991).

* CZECHOSLOVAKIA - RUMANIA = 5-2 (02/06/1993).

Match lost at KOSICE with opponent in -9- players ! My test was published -on the match’s

day- in the newspaper ”DIMINEAŢA” and ”ADEVĂRUL”. The trainer Cornel Dinu was replaced

-after this game- by Anghel Iordănescu. *premmier N.Văcăroiu

* EURO’96 (England). Rumania did not win -no match- in his group ! The trainer Anghel Iordănescu did not accomplished anything -without my tests ! I did not give tests because the trainer and the

Rumanian Football Federation refused to say to the press that - my tests- were decisively for the

qualification of Rumania at US WORLD CUP’94 and then at the matches from there ! *premmier N.Văcăroiu

* RUMANIA – DENMARK = 2-5 (29/03/2003) , with trainer Anghel Iordănescu. *premmier A. Năstase

c)-Examples of free tests for OTHER SPORTS (given officially and in advance to the authorities)

ATHLETICS: OLYMPICS SYDNEY-2000. I sponsored with my tests Federation Athletics

Rumania (by contract , to say to the Press , after competitions , as that my tests were correctly) but

I did not recive , not even -thanks- for my very precise prognosis ! *premmier A. Năstase



DAVIS CUP: Cameroon-Rumania = 1-4 (30/04. – 02/05/1993). Rumania-Moroco = 4-1 (24-26/09/1993).

Monaco-Rumania = 0-5 (16 –18/07/1993). *Rumania-Hungaria = 3-2 (07-09/04/2000).

USA - Rumania = 4 -1 (12-14/02/2006). I communicated -the match test- to *Tăriceanu

Government , by government registry (17/872/10/02/2006) and subsequently My conclusions about the match: ” SABOTAGE or CORRUPTION ? ” (17/1019/16/02/2006). The technical department

of Rumanian tennismens -acted unprofessional- when PAVEL was replaced at double , though

PAVEL won at single (excellent match , confirming my test !) versus nr.3 Andy Roddick !

Logically , the match of double is decisively , if the result is 1-1 in first day , because

if won (with Pavel in great shape) , gives the possibility to win in the third day !

PAVEL -could have won- in the third day , because he had a -weaker opponent !

HĂNESCU -lost at single. After the match , he had health problems (as said press).

He replaced PAVEL at -double and he had accident quickly . Rumania lost the match at double !

In the third day , HĂNESCU played first and he lost the match , so Rumania lost the Davis Cup

match ! The trainer Segărceanu declared to the press that he protected Pavel at double , so

he could be rested for the third day (when Pavel played last !).

Logically , Pavel -could not be useful player- for Rumania , in the third day , because Pavel

played last , and in the third day the first match was: Roddick - Hănescu , a sure victory for Roddick !

Rumania lost the DAVIS CUP match !

>>><<< With good faith , the conclusion is sure :

sabotage or corruption ?

XEROX DOCUMENTATION (in English) : 1- ”EURO’96 - ADEVĂRUL”/ the Truth (1996) ; 2-

”THE DICTATORSHIP’S SECRET” (1997) ; 3-”The law of anticipation -by calculus- of the efficiency

of human activity -scientific discovery- explains the realizations and failures to FRANCE WORLD

CUP’98 -football” (1998). 4- ”The efficiency of the future activities ? Calculate it -personally !” (2000).



Calculus method ” BIORHYTHM - Păltînea ” calculates for SPORT:

FOOTBALL: 1)- Calculus team with the best -momentary- yield , with players indicated by trainer.

2)- Calculus of tactical possibilities of play , of the team formed by trainer. 3)- Calculus CORE TEAM.

4)- List of players which shoots-punishment. 5)-ATHLETICS and other sports... 6)-Calculus of yield

of Davis Cup team , indicated by trainer. 7)-From the list of competitions , indicated by sportsman ,

can choose the most favorable. 8)-Calculus CALENDAR Personal-Biorhythm.




My calculus method is only a valuable support for the spotter and one precious indicator for the

trainer , that must choose the necessary tactic to defeat the opponent , but without outrunning

the tactical possibilities -momentary- for the Calculated team with my calculus method.

Weak efficiency ≈ Accident !!!

The trainers can create LISTS (number of days--efficiency) with their own assessment

criterion , noting the sportsmen’s efficiency (from their domain) in competitions. This LISTS are very

useful in sportsmen’s selection for future competitions , and at dosage of intensity of sportsmen’s



My criteria to estimate the YIELD for football / soccer :

-attack:..……… goal / good ; without goal , he shoots: -exactly / satisfactory , -in out / weak.

-half back:…...he run and passes the ball: -exactly / good , -unexactly / satisfactory ; he is slow / weak.

-back:…he attacks and dispossess: -without faul play / good , -with faul play / satisfactory ; he is slow / weak.

-goalkeeper:…….....he catches the ball / good ; he repels the ball / satisfactory ; he is slow / weak.


Using -tacitly- my public method to calculate the yield of sportsmen (-by comparison),

many weak teams in the world have become important !

Same with the trainers !

Mircea Lucescu and other trainers have become famous , using -tacitly- my public method

of computing sportsmen efficiency -by comparison.


Documentation from my old sites:



” BIORITM - Păltînea ” pf (GB) Registrul Comerţului: F.40 / nr.1 / 04.01.1991 E-mail: C.U.I.: 19530270 / 01.01.2007

LETTERS: Sos. Pantelimon nr.96 bl.210 ap.34 sc.1 et.5 ENTRYPHONE–34 sector 2 cod 021639 Bucharest-39 Rumania.

Monday – Sunday , time : 08 – 20

Tel / fax: +40(0)21-653-5977 SMS: +40(0)729-543-793 SMS: +44 (0)779-027-26-57 (London) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

(English) Tel: +44 (0) 20-859-283-18--------SMS / mob: +44 (0)779-265-26-71 E-mail:

TESTING FORM (for -any- order)

Firme ‘’B-P’’ reply FREE to QUESTIONS / ORDERS , by E-mail. Without -pre-pay-order- , no-no obligation between us !

Name & First name………………………………………………………………….....……sex (M / W)…….. Residence/Citizenship…………………………..….………………………………………..…..…………… ……………………………………………........................................................................................... Tel / mobile / Fax / E-mail…………….…………....……………………….…….……..……..……………… School preparation………………………………………………………………………………….………… Profession …………………………… Work place ………....…..………………………………………...… Birth date………..………. Birth hour……….Locality………………………….Country…………..……….… Born on time : YES / NO. BIRTH DATE Father………………......……… (natural parents) Mather…………………......….. Please calculate (my) EFFICIENCY for the Date………………………………………..Hour………………………… locality …………....……….….....………………………………………………...............………….………...……

TESTED ACTIVITY ( with Guarantee: YES / NO )

( VERSO : CONTRACT OF GUARANTEE , signed by ” BIORITM - Păltînea ” pf , if existes Guarantee )







..............................................................…………………………………………………………………. ……………………………..with a PROFIT or a TOTAL COST ACTIVITY : ……………………..……………

I DECLARE THAT I AGREE : 1-I shall receive the test’s conclusions only personally-confidentially at the ”BIORITM - Păltînea”pf residence, at the date and times indicated in the Contract or in Receipt with which I pre-pay-order , if it is not an other written convention. 2-I don’t demand the advanced money , if from my fault I did not receiv -the test’s conclusions.

3-The firm ”BIORITM - Păltînea”pf received -in writing- a legal contest of the test only from the person who paied the Order (bringed by contestaror or by fax) only -7- calendar days after the tested date.

4-The legal contest from point 3 is valid only we have a Contract of guarantee -in writing !

5-The term of -7- days is LIMITATION term , inclusively in law ! Signature, Date…………………......… ©-02/2012



” BIORITM - Păltînea ” pf (GB) Registrul Comerţului: F.40 / nr.1 / 04.01.1991 E-mail: C.U.I.: 19530270 / 01.01.2007

LETTERS: Sos. Pantelimon nr.96 bl.210 ap.34 sc.1 et.5 ENTRYPHONE–34 sector 2 cod 021639 Bucharest-39 Rumania.

Monday – Sunday , time : 08 – 20

Tel / fax: +40(0)21-653-5977 SMS: +40(0)729-543-793 SMS: +44 (0)779-027-26-57 (London) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

(English) Tel: +44 (0) 20-859-283-18--------SMS/mob: +44 (0)779-265-26-71 E-mail:


Annex of the Scientific Research Contract Nr................... -pre-pay- with the receipt Nr.................................

The firm ”BIORITM-Păltînea”pf, legally represented by -independent- Eng. Păltînea Anton Adrian ,

GUARANTEES the test’s conclusions , only if the beneficiary of the test will respect wholly the test’s

conclusions and the mentions of the Scientific Research Contract !

THE LEGAL CONTEST of the test ’’BIORHYTHM-Păltînea’’ must made in maximum 7 calendar

days after the tested date , only about the person who paied the Order , if existes a Contract of

guarantee ! The term of -7- days is LIMITATION term , inclusively in law !

THE CONTESTANT will bring personally the legal contest at the residence of the firm (or by fax), together with all the proofs (inclusively the state of healthy).

Are on the client’s risk : the accidents and eliminations in the match’s time ;

the bad happening. They annul the Contract of guarantee !

The contest and proofs will write only in Rumanian (or English / French for foreigners).

The firm will solve the legal contest -immediately , or in next 7 calendar days.

ONLY the firm’s solution (gived to the legal contest) or his absence , can be contest in law ,

in 7 calendar days , as LIMITATION term !

THE FIRM’S GUARANTEE is materialised in the restoration of a part of the advanced money.

THE NEGOCIATION may go up to -the integral restoration !

BOTH PARTS OBLIGE THEMSELVES TO RESPECT wholly this Contract of guarantee and they

declare that any deviation from the part of trainer or client , will annul the present Contract of

guarantee ! -independent- Client, Eng. Anton-Adrian Păltînea, ………..…………………………….…… CNP ……………………….. …………………………………………… …………………………………………… Date……………………… © 02/2012



” B I O R I T M - P ă l t î n e a ” PF (independent) Autorizaţie: nr.14727 / 12.06.1990 / Primăria sector 2 Bucureşti C.U.I.: 195302 / 01.01.2007 Registrul Comerţului: F.40 / nr.1 / 04.01.1991

Monday – Sunday , 08 – 22 o’clock

TEL / FAX: +40(0)21-653-5977 & SMS: +40(0)729-543-793 LETTERS: Sos. Pantelimon nr.96 bl.210 ap.34 sc.1 et.5 s. 2 INTREFON-34 cod 021639 Bucharest-39 Rumania. E-mail : Free – scientific documentation:

(GB)- - -mobile: +44-779-265-2671 E-mail : (bachelor of thermo-power /1970)

SUMMARY ” BIORHYTHM - Păltînea” is a Calculus method that prognoses the efficiency of the man at the future activities (it doesn’t discover the future !) with 99% precision (since -1983 !). The prog-nosis of -weack efficiency- is -sure ! This scientific discovery EXISTS only if the MAN is CREATED by God ! Anybody can learn (free & easily !) to prognose their & other efficiency , using my public Method -by comparison (since -1983 !) with 60-70% precision. ©-06/2008

--Rhythm B-P-----(4) +++++++++++++++ INFORMATION FOR READER +++++++++++++++ -very important-

0- - - - - -0.5+++++1 0- - - - - - - - - 0- - - - - - - THE RUMANIAN GOVERNMENT Government’s Registry PRIME-MINISTER (2)-Nr.17/6537/30/06/2008 Mr. Călin Popescu-Tăriceanu (4)-Nr.17/8076/21/08/2008 [Nr.17/8901/15/09/2008] ©-09/2008 News [-2- and -4-] about the calculus method ”BIORHYTHM – Păltînea” I have the pleasure to inform you that I decided to better explain my public information from the documentation on my web-site , that teaches the reader to prognose his and others efficiency at the future activities , with 60-70% precision , -by comparison (since -1983 !). The result of the action of the man’s true biological rhythms is the momentary efficiency of the man , which I can prognose with 99% precision , with my secret method (since -1983 !). In my anterior reports , I have explained two important biological rhythms :

the yearly rhythm and daily rhythm . Each rhythm influences the man’s efficiency with ~25%.

A-Regarding the yearly rhythm , I said that it begins from the birth date and not from 1st January, and that it has 365 days and a few hours. 1)-On various occasions , I said the yearly rhythm can be considered as having 4 seasons just as the calendar year (it begins with Autumn , then Winter , Spring and ends with Summer). 2)-From the astronomy book or any geographical atlas we find out the exact length of an year on the planet Earth: 365 days + 6 hours – (11 min – 14 sec = 674 sec) . 3)-The page number -VIII- (Number of days) from the documentation of my web-site , is a calculus example for a person born at 31/08/1989/243 , with the Reference point (12/31) 2006 = = 6,331 days. In 2007 , this person will have 18 years old. 4)-The beginning of new yearly rhythm 19 , or of the new personal year 19. 365 days x 18 years = 6,570 days ; 6 hours x 18 years = 108 hours : 24 = 4.5 days = = 4 days + 12 hours ; –674 sec x 18 years = –12,132 sec : 3,600 sec/hour = –3,37 hours ; 6,570 days + [ 4 days + 12 hours ] –3.37 hours = [6,574 days + 8.63 hours] – 6,331 days (Reference point 2006) = 243 totalized days in 2007 + 8.63 hours , namely the date 31/08/2007 + 8.63 hours added to the birth hour.



-2- B-For the daily rhythm, I said that every beginning of yearly rhythm commands the beginning of daily rhythm , in the new personal year. 1)-In example from [A , 4] , in the personal year 19 , the daily rhythm will begin from a different hour = birth hour + 8.63 hours = astronomical HOUR of birth , in the personal year 19 [see B, 4-d]. 2)-From the astronomy book or any geographical atlas we find out that astronomical DAY of planet Earth has : 24 hours – [ 4 min – 4 sec = 236 sec]. a)-For this reason , HOUR of beginning daily rhythm will decrease -in every day with approx. 4 min., thus at the half of year , will be a difference approx. 12 hours compared to the beginning of daily rhythm. 3)-The HOUR’s correction of beginning daily rhythm is easily to make it , for each day of personal year , by multiplying 236 sec/day with the existent number of days between the DATE of beginning new personal year and a certain date of this personal year. a)-We divide the correction (in seconds) at 3,600 sec/hour , then we substract the result from HOUR of beginning daily rhythm and we find out the corrected hour of beginning daily rhythm. b)-If the result is negative , we add 24 hours. c)-Number of days is calculated by using totalized days number of the date what we are interesting. There are two options : 1)-If the date what we are interesting is smaller or equal with December 31 , we shall substract from the date what we are interesting (as number of totalized days) the DATE of beginning new yearly rhythm (as number of totalized days).

2)-If the date what we are interesting is situated in the next calendar year (the maximum limit is the end of personal year) , we will calculate the number of days as a sum of 2 numbers : a)-fixed number = difference between December 31 and DATE of beginning new personal year; b)-variable number = totalized days number of the date what we are interesting.

4)--APLICATIONS : a)-In the example from point [A , 3] , the fixed number is : 365 – 243 = 122

b)-I choose the date what we are interesting : 31/03/2008/091 (variable number) and hour 12:00 , as birth hour.

Total number of days = 122 + 091 = 213

c)-Correction of HOUR of beginning daily rhythm , for 31/03/2008 is : –236 sec/day x 213 days = –50,268 sec : 3,600 sec/hour = –13.96 hours.

d)-HOUR of beginning yearly rhythm 19 , when the person will have 18 years ,

at 31/08/2007 is: 12:00 + 8.63 [see A , 4] = 20.63 / 20:38 e)-Corrected HOUR of beginning daily rhythm for chosen date 31/03/2008 is :

20:38 / 20.63 –13,96 hours = 06.67 / 06:40

In conclusion , we are talking about easy mathematical calculations , that anyone can make (if he used logic and were not absent from the hours of Geography and Astronomy , at school !). This explanations are a proof that -the secret- Calculus method ”BIORHYTHM - Păltînea” exists !

The yearly and daily rhythm -complete- my public calculus method -by comparison. Thank you for attention. God help us !

14/09/2008 -independent- Ing. Anton-Adrian Păltînea, ©-02/2012



” B I O R I T M - P ă l t î n e a ” PF (independent) Autorizaţie: nr.14727 /12.06.1990/ Primăria sector 2 Bucureşti C.U.I.: 19530270 / 01.01.2007 Registrul Comerţului: F.40 / nr.1 / 04.01.1991 LUNI – DUMINICĂ orele : 08.00 – 22.00

TEL / Fax: (00)40(0)21-653-5977 SMS / mobil: (00)40(0)729-543-793

SCRISORI: Sos. Pantelimon nr.96 bl.210 ap.34 sc.1 et.5 INTERFON-34 s. 2 cod 021639 Bucureşti-39 România. Informaţii - comenzi -numai- prin Telefon , Poştă , Interfon.

Nr. 27112 /17/09/2007 verso-the matches’ analysis INFORMATION FOR READER NOTE : this report I registered it at Government , Nr.11881-17/09/2007 To: THE RUMANIAN GOVERNMENT (5) PRIME-MINISTER Mr. Călin-Popescu-Tăriceanu

THE TRUTH about the victory OF RUMANIA versus BELARUS and the friendly math GERMANY – RUMANIA /(soccer) Congratulations for the trainer Victor Piţurcă and technical staff because they have under-standed that the selection footballers with my calculus method -by comparison , brings much better results than -the trainer’s inspiration- in the sportsmen’s selection. . . It is not fabulation what I say you. It is the result of my strong publicity with my new prospectus - documentation , what convinces the reader that to prognose the efficiency -by comparison it is possibily and easily for anybody ! On verso , I have analysed 22 footballers for the match with Belarus 9/8 (report to Govern-ment No.11346/ 10/09/2007) and the friendly match with Germany 9/12 , with the well-known method of biorhythm (23-28-33) , using the efficiency indicated in the newspaper PRO-SPORT (9/9 and 9/13). With three years ago , I explained the calculus of days number (Nr) from the birth date (it is printed in my new prospectus , too) and the biorhythm (very easily) thus: Nr : 23 (Physique rhythm) ; Nr : 28 (Emotional rhythm) ; Nr : 33 (Intelectual rhythm).

The decimal part - is the biorhythm ! The rhythm have some important points. It begin from 0.00 and untill 0.50 is -positively. From 0.50 and untill 1.00 is -negatively. At each half of domain (positive or negative) is one extreme point: 0.25 = maximum and 0.75 = minimum . The Table (verso) says very clear that the well known biorhythm was not criterion for the players’ selection. They were other criterions... GOIAN , CODREA , NICOLIŢĂ , have all three rhythms negative (with Belarus) but they played good (so says their efficiency /PRO-SPORT). With Germany , are eloquently : D. MUNTEANU (3-rhythm /+ , weak play) and GOIAN (2-rhythm /– , he scores 1 goal from action). I think that Mr.Piţurcă must saied what scientific method utilised for the players’ selection , another than my method -by comparison ! I consider that the Prime-Minister must found the truth… and must gived an urgent law, which taked out the biorhythmology from Low 118/2007 (complementary / alternative medicine) , because it was introduced abusively here by my political enemys , to compromise my discovery ! Now , I must demand the agreement to work at false specialists as: Avram-Nicolae Uşurelu (he created even an association) , Mircea Ifrim (from the Parliament , the Hous of Deputies)… Thanks for your attention. -independent- 17/09/2007 Eng. Anton-Adrian Păltînea, ANNEXE - folder prospectus A5 (08/2007). (bachelor of thermo-power / 1970) ©-02/2012



©-02/2012 (the matches’ analysis) ”BIORITM - Păltînea”pf THE WELL-KNOWN METHOD OF BIORHYTHM ©-09/ 2007 (23-28-33 days)

The Rythm (important points):

0.00… (+) …0.25(maximum)… (+) …0.50… (−) …0.75(minimum)… (−) …1.00 . SPORTSMAN (birth date) ; Nr (days from birth) : { 23(Ph) , 28(E) , 33(I) } = we write only the decimal part . BELARUS - RUMANIA 1-3 EFFICIENCY hour(RO): 19:00 / 08/09/2007 Nr Ph E I PRO-SPORT. GOALKEEPER COMAN (1979.03.28) 10391 − + − reserve

0.78-Ph 0.10-E 0.88-I LOBONŢ (1978.01.18) 10825 − − + xxx 0.63-Ph 0.61-E 0.03-I . BACK CHIVU (1980.10.26) 09813 − + + xx

0.65-Ph 0.46-E 0.36-I CONSTANTIN (1984.10.15) 08363 − − + reserve

0.61-Ph 0.68-E 0.42-I GOIAN (1980.12.12) 09766 − − − xxx

0.61-Ph 0.79-E 0.94-I P.MARIN (1973.09.08) 12418 − − + xx

0.91-Ph 0.50-E 0.30-I MATEI (1981.06.25) 09571 + − + spectator

0.13-Ph 0.82-E 0.03-I Şt.D.RADU (1986.10.22) 07625 − + + reserve

0.57-Ph 0.36-E 0.09-I RAŢ (1981.05.26) 09601 + − − xx

0.43-Ph 0.89-E 0.94-I TAMAŞ (1983.11.05) 08708 − ± − spectator 0.60-Ph 0.00-E 0.88-I . HALF BACK CODREA (1981.04.04) 09653 − − − xxx

0.70-Ph 0.75-E 0.52-I CRISTEA (1983.11.30) 08683 − + + spectator

0.52-Ph 0.11-E 0.12-I DICĂ (1980.05.09) 09983 + − − xxx/1-goal

0.04-Ph 0.54-E 0.52-I MUNTEANU (1968.06.25) 11319 + + ± xxx

0.13-Ph 0.25-E 0.00-I NICOLIŢĂ (1985.01.07) 08279 − − − xx

0.96-Ph 0.68-E 0.88-I F.PETRE (1976.01.15) 11559 − − + xx

0.57-Ph 0.82-E 0.27-I O.PETRE (1982.03.22) 09301 + + − xx

0.39-Ph 0.18-E 0.85-I TRICĂ (1976.08.05) 11356 − − + ? 0.74-Ph 0.57-E 0.12-I (09/15-ANDONE-trainer : xxxx) ATTACK BUCUR (1980.04.08) 10013 + − + reserve

0.34-Ph 0.61-E 0.42-I MARICA (1985.10.02) 08011 + + − spectator

0.30-Ph 0.11-E 0.76-I MUTU (1979.01.08) 10470 + − + xxxx/2-goals

0.22-Ph 0.93-E 0.27-I S.RADU (1977.08.10) 10986 − + − x 0.65-Ph 0.36-E 0.91-I .

GERMANY - RUMANIA 3-1 EFFICIENCY Nr h(RO): 21:30 / 12/09/2007 Ph E I PRO-SPORT 10395 0.96-Ph 0.25-E 0.00-I − + ± xx 10829 0.93-Ph 0.75-E 0.15-I − − + spectator . 09817 0.83-Ph 0.61-E 0.48-I − − + x (accident min.24) 08367 0.78-Ph 0.82-E 0.55-I − − − (’70) x

09770 0.78-Ph 0.93-E 0.06-I − − + xx/1-goal 12422 0.09-Ph 0.64-E 0.42-I + − + x 09575 0.30-Ph 0.96-E 0.15-I + − + reserve

07629 0.70-Ph 0.46-E 0.18-I − + + (’75) x 09605 0.61-Ph 0.04-E 0.06-I − + + xx 08712 0.78-Ph 0.14-E 0.00-I − + ± xx . 09657 0.87-Ph 0.89-E 0.64-I − − − x 08687 0.70-Ph 0.25-E 0.24-I − + + (’86) ? 09987 0.22-Ph 0.68-E 0.64-I + − − 11323 0.30-Ph 0.39-E 0.12-I + + + (’61) x 08283 0.13-Ph 0.82-E 0.00-I + − ± x 11563 0.74-Ph 0.96-E 0.39-I − − + reserve 09305 0.57-Ph 0.32-E 0.97-I − + − (’24) x 11360 0.91-Ph 0.71-E 0.24-I − − + reserve . 10017 0.52-Ph 0.75-E 0.55-I − − − (’73) x 08015 0.48-Ph 0.25-E 0.88-I + + − x 10474 0.39-Ph 0.07-E 0.39-I + + + xx 10990 0.83-Ph 0.50-E 0.03-I − ± + reserve .

