Psychology Final Review Please take out your study guide, notes, assignments… for the review


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Psychology Final Review

Please take out your study guide, notes, assignments… for the


Psychology Final Exam

• June 4th– EVERYONE (10th, 11th & 12th graders) will take it

on this day

• You may use a note-card (double-sided, handwritten) to assist you as you take the exam.

• Exam Formats:– True/False, Matching, Multiple Choice, Fill in the

Blank, Short Answer.– Daily vocabulary (only from Unit IV) will also be

on the test.

What are the seven perspectives of Psychology?

Discuss with a neighbor…

Biological, sociocultural, evolutionary, humanistic, psychoanalysis, cognitive and


7 Perspectives of Psychology


• Biological processes influence behavior and mental processes.

• Nervous system, glands, hormones and genetic factors.


• Physical traits and social behaviors.

• Adaptive organisms survive and transmit their genes to future generations.

7 Perspectives of Psychology

Humanistic• Self-concept• People make free and

conscious choices based on their unique experiences.

Psychoanalysis• Viewing the individual

as the product of unconscious forces.

7 Perspectives of Psychology

Cognitive• Interpretation of mental

images, thinking and language.

• Perceptions and thoughts influence behavior.

Sociocultural • Behavior viewed as

strongly influenced by the rules and expectations of specific social groups or cultures.

7 Perspectives of Psychology

• Learning/behavioral– Environmental influences, observations and

learning.– Personal experiences and reinforcement guide

individual development.

What multiple intelligence are you strongest in?

Explain to your neighbor…

Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences

• Logical-Mathematical - think conceptually, abstractly and are able to see and explore patterns and relationships.

• Interpersonal - learn through interaction.

• Linguistic - have highly developed auditory skills and often think in words.

Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences

• Intrapersonal - understanding one’s own interests and goals. These learners tend to shy away from others.

• Bodily-Kinesthetic - keen sense of body awareness.

• Musical - shows sensitivity to rhythm and sound. • Visual-Spatial - Think in terms of physical space.

They can be taught through drawings, verbal and physical imagery

Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences

Can you have more than one intelligence?• Yes, many people have a combination of 2 or 3.

What if you think that you have all the intelligences?• Everyone has developed skills in all the different

areas described by the intelligences – the purpose of the intelligences is to understand what you are “naturally” more inclined towards.


• Stored in long-term memory.

• Can recall it perfectly years later.

What have you overlearned?

Parenting Styles

What are your parents like?


• Combine warmth and strictness– Demand responsible behavior but also

provide support.

• Children become:– More independent– Achievement orientated– Feel better about themselves


• Demand obedience

• Strict guidelines that children are expected to follow (without question).

• May be rejecting or cold.

• Children may become:– Distant– Dependent upon others– Less friendly or spontaneous


• Few rules are created and/or enforced.

• Children may become:– Unsure about appropriate behaviors.– Resistant to authority.– Difficult to control.

Freud’s Theories

• Personality set by age 6.

• Forbidden desires are repressed

• Id – basic needs, libido, unconscious.

• Ego – “self”, personality, pays attention to reality and allows Id expression.

• Superego – guilt, pride.

List as many personality disorders as you can.

Personality Disorders

• Paranoid – tend to interpret the actions of others as threatening.

• Distrusts even close relationships

• Schizoid – generally detached from social relationships

• Shows a narrow range of emotional expression.

Personality Disorders

• Antisocial – shows a pervasive disregard for the rights of others.

• Violent• Breaks the law• Steals, cons, lies…

• Narcisstic – tend to have a grandiose view of themselves

• Needs admiration • Lacks empathy.

Abnormal Psychology

What are Somatoform Disorders?

List some Somatoform Disorders

Abnormal Psychology

Conversion Disorder• Trauma is changed into a symbolic physical

dysfunction.– Pain is related to trauma.

Abnormal Psychology

Body Dysmorphic Disorder

• Obsessive interest about a part of your body.– Compares body part to pictures, other people…– Usually obsessed with a facial feature.– May seek out plastic surgery.

Abnormal Psychology

Pain Disorder

• Pain is experienced in some part of the body – Causes distress

• Psychological factors played an important role in the onset– No medical explanation.– Symptoms appeared after person experienced


Anxiety Disorders

Abnormal Psychology


• Overwhelmed by fear / anxiety in the presence of certain objects or events. – May avoid object/situation.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

• Anxious in most settings

Abnormal Psychology

Panic Disorder

• Experiences anxiety– Causes panic attacks

• Increased heart rate, breathes faster…

Abnormal Psychology

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

• Rituals

• Perfectionism

• May not be flexible

• Checking – doors, locks, windows, etc…

• Counting objects

• Inability to delegate tasks

Abnormal Psychology

Bipolar Disorder• Mood swings between extreme ups (mania)

and extreme downs (major depression).• May experience:

– Racing thoughts– Paranoia– Engage in harmful behavior (compulsive gambling,

shopping, sex, etc…)– Difficulty controlling actions.– Irrational thoughts

Dysthmic Disorder

• Mild depression

• Person can still go to work/school

• Chronically sad.

Postpartum Depression

• After a woman gives birth

• Changing hormone levels

• May not bond with baby.

Substance Abuse Mood Disorder

• Side effects from medication / substance abuse.

Daily Vocab. (Unit IV)

• Flight of Ideas• Anxiety• Creativity• Psychosis• Thought Disorder• Mania
