Psychology & Kabbalah


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Jung, Kabbalah& Tarot:

an integrative approach

TPIG presentation 22 Feb 2013

10 sefiroth (emanations of light)22 pathways32 expressions of creation

The aim of Kabbalah(to receive)

•To awaken, manifest and achieve your destiny via the ordered stations of initiation (life stage challenges). •To become in the image of the creator also with a will of bestowal (to give).

Tree of Life Inventory

Enneagram (Sufism)& the Tree (Etz Chayim) have a lot in common



Contrasting the Enneagram with Kabbalah

The Complete Life Cycle

Contrasting the Enneagram, Kabbalah, Tarot and Integral Psychology

The complexities of being human

Living up here and not down here is Spiritual Bypassing

Which therapy is required for which state or stage of consciousness?

Spiritual bypassing includes• Exaggerated detachment

• Emotional numbing and repression

• overdone niceness V’s emotional depth and authenticity

• Overemphasis on the positive

• Anger-phobia (confusing anger with aggression and ill will)

• Blind or overtly tolerant compassion

• Weak or too porous boundaries

• Lopsided development e.g. Cognitive intelligence too far ahead of emotional and moral intelligence

• Debilitating judgement about ones shadow side

• Devaluing of the personal relative to the spiritual

• Delusions of having arrived at a higher level of being

The complexities of being human

Being stuck on either side of the tree keeps us avoiding intimacy

Which therapy is required for which state or stage of consciousness?

Pathological versions of Gender typeStuck on the left or Right side of the tree

ANIMUS-the female unconsciously seeking more agency – in left hemisphere

ANIMA-the male unconsciously seeking more

communion – in right hemisphere

Stuck in the right brain/column (Chochmah, Chesed & Netzach)

Stuck in the left brain/column(Binah, Gevurah & Hod)

Needs to learn to speak own mind, build autonomy, stand up for self and views

Needs to be a ‘part of’, to connect, to touch, be impacted and influenced by others

Avoiding the middle columnAvoiding intimacy- the invisible divorce

Jung’s personality Types

Perceiving10.Wheel of fortune

Judging 7.The Hangman

Intuiting13. Death15.The Devil

Feeling (endomorph)17.The Star19.The Sun

Thinking (ectomorph)20 Judgement21.The World

Sensing (mesomorph)18.The Moon21.The World Red=Extroversion


Jung's four functions can help enrich our understanding of the Minor Arcana, and conversely the cards can

assist in psychological exploration:

Similarities between Maslow’s hierarchy and Kabbalah

A galacticentric approach to therapy
